Projects National Dex Ubers Teambuilding Competition [ On Haitus until NDFL wraps up]

When should the teambuilding competition return? (unlimited choice)

  • After NDFL starts

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Midway through NDFL

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • After NDPL/NDFL main season

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Congratulations yet again to 09-10A on winning the second teambuilding cycle with their Band Marshadow + LO Ho-oh ! Since we will be using a poll at the top of the thread I'll be posting the options for the next cycle once the current one closes so everyone has more time to vote. This week there is no tie as Rayquaza has won the vote as the mon we will build around!

Rayquaza @ Choice Band
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Flying
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- V-create
- Extreme Speed
- U-turn
Rayquaza @ Life Orb / Heavy Duty Boots / Sharp Beak
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Flying / Fire / Normal
Jolly Nature / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- Extreme Speed
- V-create / Earthquake
We first met Rayquaza after it descended from the sky above Sootopolis City to tell Groudon and Kyogre to knock off the racket as it was trying to get a good nights sleep. Since its introduction Rayquaza's eclectic coverage, high offences, and crucial base 95 speed tier has made it an incredible offensive threat across many ubers tiers. NatdexUbers is no exception. When equipped with a choice band Rayquaza is a nuclear wallbreaker that has no switchins. Its only real concern is running out of Dragon Ascent PP. When it elects to tera fly Dragon Ascent reaches truly mind boggling levels of damage. The only switchin, Necrozma Dusk Mane, is liquified by V-Create. Additionally, it is one of the few mons in the tier that happily runs u-turn, providing a valuable source of momentum which its teammates greatly appreciate. Alternatively, it can very viably run setup sets which very quickly threaten to end the game if given a free turn. Rayquaza is a mon that can fit on a wide array of teams. It will be great to see how y'all fit it into yours. The deadline for submissions is 12 January 05.00 GMT. As always, if you have any suggestions for a mon to build around feel free to message myself, aninjadude, or runo. Hopefully y'all had a good new year and can build some fantastic Rayquaza teams!​

This is one of the more simpler webs teams. Shuckle can ensure getting webs vs Pokémon such as Ho-Oh due to it having access to toxic and being slower than it. This means that Shuckle will always set up sticky webs after Ho-Oh clicks defog. Kyogre appreciates webs a lot as it is now able to throw out max power water spouts without being scared of being outsped, and is able to directly threaten Ho-Oh out if it is left from trying to defog sticky webs away from Shuckle. The rest of the mons are just what you typically see on sticky webs offense. Mewtwo and Zacian absolutely loves not having to lose or speed tie with opposing Zacian respectively, and Arceus Ground is a really unpredictable Pokemon that can win the game in a turn or two if your opponent isn’t cautious, and its speed EVs allows it to outspeed Zacian, the fastest threat in the metagame after sticky webs. Ditto is a huge threat against this team, however, unless you’re trying to build a very optimal hyper offense, 99% of the time, you’ll probably struggle against ditto.

Origins of the Team

From the time I started playing the tier in February until we banned :koraidon: for the most part I used a singular team with little motivation to make another or explore others due to the immense pressure that :koraidon: exerts in the builder and being busy enough with both work and other hobbies. After :koraidon: was banned the NDUbers discord was a flurry of discussion about what mons would rise up in :koraidon:'s wake and Neon in particular brought up :rayquaza: being significantly better and around early november things had simmered down enough irl for me to have some time to build some teams. The previous team I built was a :choice-band::calyrex-ice: balance that is still probably the most fun time I've had playing any tier. If it wins a poll at some point I will post that team if it is not outdated by then. Following that I wondered if :choice-band::Rayquaza: would give similar levels dopeamine. It didn't, but it is still a lot of fun to use and somewhat underrated.

Tanget about ladder balance

Primarily, I am a balance player and builder. I enjoy having a defensive backbone that I can fall back onto that can facilitate my offensive mons. I rarely build other styles nor pilot them, though I do enjoy playing against them. When trying to build balances to test out various mons I frequently find myself gravitating towards the same defensive core :groudon-primal::ho-oh::kyogre-primal: (click for sets). It is hard to go wrong with these 3+ a breaker + a fast offensive mon + a sixth. The defensive core works with enough mons that it doesn't get stale. This probably deserves a metagame discussion post at some point to go into more detail.

252 Atk Choice Band Tera Flying Rayquaza Dragon Ascent vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 284-336 (56.3 - 66.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

This calc is what initially piqued my interest in :choice-band::rayquaza:. Being able to outright 2hko :dondozo: with an unboosted neutral physical feels tantamount to a war crime. If you have rocks up :dondozo: is still cleanly 2hko'd without tera. No need for positioning, managing status, hp thresholds, all of that noise. Just get in there and start blasting. Something about that appeals to the inner child in all of us.

The team

So at this point I get the feeling I'm missing something because of how infrequently I see overheat on :groudon-primal:. I certainly use it more far more frequently than it deserves. Upon checking last months stats it does seem to be picking up steam with 13% usage at high ladder. It doesn't really need any introduction as it is :groudon-primal:. We all know what it does. Overheat 2hkoing :dondozo: after rocks just makes teambuilding so much easier even if you arn't using something like :rayquaza:.
Bog standard :ho-oh:. On this team it can drop whirlwind if it wants thanks to :groudon-primal::necrozma-dusk-mane:, but I've elected to keep it largely due to
:zacian-crowned: becoming much more of a headache. If I were to tinker with this team I'd test thunder wave to support :necrozma-dusk-mane: / :rayquaza: against faster threats. However triple status :ho-oh: does seem a little :worrywhirl:
Fat :kyogre-primal: soft checker of things it really shouldn't check such as :xerneas: and making :changry: that its trainer decided to forgo confide. Rarely a match goes by where it doesn't put in some kind of work even when it shouldn't, partiularly against HO. Being able to live a hit from +1 :salamence-mega: and ohko back is a blessing to a mon which otherwise easily threatens to bowl other the team. I do not know how long i'll be a fat :kyogre-primal: stan but it appears that it will last a while.
If I hadn't originally made this team to give :mewtwo-mega-y: a go it or :necrozma-dusk-mane: would be dropped. This isn't because it is a bad mon, but because of team synergy. The team as a whole is far to weak to :marshadow: and sucker punch :yveltal: it to transition from the usable but fun tier to good tier. Yes the ev spread lets it live a :life-orb: sneak from full but that is rarely going to be a gamestate that actually exists due to hazards and literally any chip damage. It also means that :mewtwo: is forced to mega evolve to outspeed offensive :eternatus: which can be incredibly frustrating at times. Hell :choice-band::marshadow: has been much more common the last two months which renders this moot anyways. I could go on a rant about how frustrating it is that it recieves both a massive attack boost that it cannot effectively use and a defence drop, but that is for another time and place.

With that dogpiling out of the way :mewtwo-mega-y: is a fantastic balance breaker. At absolute worst a well played :mewtwo-mega-y: is the third scariest balancebreaker for me to load into (:palkia-origin: and :arceus::earth-plate: are the other two). It is one of those mons mons that for the most part decides what actually beats it thanks to its combination of nasty plot and coverage. Nasty plot and psystrike are obviously undroppable. As shown above in weirdhamsters team, fire blast is droppable, but should be done with heavy consideration as OHKOing :necrozma-dusk-mane: at +2 and smacking :zacian-crowned: is the type of compression that can't be understated.

The last moveslot is incredibly flexible. Focus blast beats :arceus::dread-plate: (foul play doesn't ohko if you hold off on mega evolving). Ice beam hits :yveltal: on the switch and ohkos :arceus::earth-plate: at +2. Though team specific it can dip into its deep support movepool with taunt and thunder wave. Overall a great mon, just not on this team x.D)
Our Mon of the week and the unexpected star of the team. Initially it was just thrown on because it sounded fun and it has exceeded my expectations in every way imaginable. If the VR was updated today it deserves a rise to A- in my opinion.

It is as close to a perfect breaker in this tier as you are going to get. It outspeeds the incredibly crowded base 90s and the :arceus: that speedcreep those. Unlike :life-orb::yeveltal: it hits so hard that that chosing a + speed nature doesn't leave you wanting for more. It doesn't really want for more than the four moves it already runs. Dragon ascent absolutely nukes the entire tier barring :necrozma-dusk-mane:. V create spitroasts defensive :necrozma-dusk-mane:. Extreme speed lets it revenge some scary boosted threats. Lastly it is the only mon in the tier that viably runs uturn without any drawbacks giving you a valuable source of momentum that is quite rare in the tier. This also lets it work well as a lead into a lot of teams.

I've seen a lot of people run waterfall/surf for :groudon-primal: but it is usually a waste of a slot in my experience. Defensive :groudon-primal: is likely going to be 2hko'd anyways and that is guarenteed with even the smallest amount of chip. Offensive variants obviously don't take it, but don't actually OHKO with stone miss unless 252+.

Lastly for a rocks weaks mon :rayquaza: doesn't hate rocks as much as you'd think because it isn't often taking attacks in the first place. This is pretty huge as it means you arn't as pressured to defog as often compared to running other rocks weak mons such as :calyrex-ice: which is pretty noticeable. 105/90/90 bulk isn't amazing, but it is enough when combined with its typing to take a hit when it needs to. Sure it doesn't really have much defensive utility, but it so offensively threatening that this is not a huge issue, similar to :salamence-mega:.

:choice-band: :rayquaza: is not something i'd call splashable, but it really doesn't need much support either so it isn't far off. It wants a defogger and teamates to deal with the strong scary mons that outspeed it which any balance/bulky offence/fat balance is going to have anyways.
I've become incredibly fond of Defensive DD :necrozma-dusk-mane: in the post :koraidon: era. It retains most of the defensive utility of the defensive sets while not being nearly as passive. Initially this was an offensive DD set, but I changed to defensive DD because retaining the defensive utility :necrozma-dusk-mane: is known for allowed it more opportunities to set up and run away with games. I'm not entirely sure what the optimal speed really is. 398 speed at +2 is great, but it really does not have the spare evs to outspeed :zacian-crowned or even :mewtwo-mega-y: without really comprising itself defensively. At that point you might as well go for an offensive variant. It isn't really going to tera often, with
mostly popped to absorb a :necrozma-ultra: earthquake that would KO to get +2. Ocassionally it does the same v :groudon-primal: but this tends to be more because it can and the game would be won at that point regardless. Sometimes it will be used late game to deal with a weakened :kyogre-primal:

Major Threats
  • :marshadow: Not really a shocker here and the largest reason to drop one of the psychics. I don't think a team being a little weak to :marshadow: is a dealbreaker but this one is a little to weak to it for my liking
  • + speed :life-orb::yveltal: If it is modest :rayquaza: deals with it well enough to play around but when it is max speed it becomes a lot harder to deal with as :rayquaza: really doesn't want to take a knock off and the team being slow and dark weak makes dealing with its teamates quite difficult
  • :necrozma-ultra: +
    :zacian-crowned: Dealing with either of these is fine but together they exert enough offensive pressure that finding the right turns to break through what they need to for the teammates isn't too hard.
Minor Threats
  • :arceus::dread-plate: It is a better matchup than :yveltal: but yeah a slow dark weak team does not like loading into it. If you get a burn with :ho-oh: it becomes significantly easier to deal with
  • Well played
    :zygarde:. Another case of not the mon itself as much as its teamates.
    :ho-oh: + :kyogre-primal: deals with it fine but full paras on whirlwind and sometimes being pressured to
    :ho-oh: earlier than it would otherwise want to can makes the team susceptable to :zygarde:'s teamates.
  • :arceus::earth-plate: :kyogre-primal: obviously deals with it well but
    DD is :worrycargo:.

  • :mewtwo-mega-y: or :necrozma-dusk-mane: are the two mons that can most easily be replaced, particularly the former. What they are replaced with depends on whether you want a more offensive or fatter balance.
  • If replacing :mewtwo-mega-y: with something like :power-herb::eternatus: and offensive DD :necrozma-dusk-mane: works quite well though I'm not a fan of the dex spread. 136 HP / 252+ Attack / 120 speed is my preferred spread with only the speed being non negtionable. 120 speed outspeeds :deoxys-attack: at +2 and i don't see a reason to go higher while outspeeding uninvested base 90s without a boost. Defensive/attack investment can be whatever as I'm sure this spread can be heavily optimized. If adamant :marshadow: was the standard 180 speed would be fine but given that it isn't close to a majority of :marshadow: at 1760+ last month it feels far too fishy to rely on.
  • :marshadow: itself works in place of :mewtwo-mega-y:

Alternate Rayquaza Ideas

Rayquaza @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Air Lock
Tera Type: Dragon
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- V-create
- Extreme Speed

I havn't built a team with it yet and won't have time to before the end of the week but the other day I was fiddling around in the teambuilder and found that
:sharp-beak: still 2hko's :dondozo: without dealing w/ the :life-orb: chip which I think could lead to some very interesting teams. Primarily on paraspam BO/Balance or Webs. If someone wants to build a team with this I'll probably vote for it.


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so firstly, if you're wondering why weirdhamster built this team, its because he helped me so props to them. anyway, onto the team, i mainly noticed rayquaza was quite slow without a ddance, and even then was outsped most of the time, so i chose webs as the playstyle. i originally ran smeargle, but hamster changed it to shuckle, but the rest is pretty self-explanatory, not much to say
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After a horrible losing streak, tilts, and other sussiness, I finally managed to get it done. Yare yare.

DD Ray + LO Etern Balance

Team Breakdown:
:Splash-Plate: :Arceus: I was an avid Generation 8 NDAG player back in the day, and this is a staple on all of my balance teams. Unfortunately, it is stuck with running Ice Beam which is a great momentum sink without something like a :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: to take advantage of a burned :Zacian-Crowned: or :Arceus: and the like. But not anymore! Thank you, Foul Play! The spread is standard and it creeps :Yveltal: and other key threats like :Rayquaza:. Dual status lets you spread an awful lot of passive damage and lure in most Pokemon once you revealed the other. Nothing like burning a :Zacian-Crowned: thinking it is safe from Toxic. Tera Grass to stonewall any Dragon Dance + Dragon Tail :Zygarde: without Coil. This thing resists Behemoth Blade and doesn't care much about Eruption :Groudon-Primal: or random Ice Beam/Punch and helps stave off :Kyogre-Primal:, a perfect attribute to have for this team.
Have you ever felt annoyed by that 56.3% chance (100% for you LOL) for +2 252+ Hidden Power [Rock] :Xerneas: to OHKO :Ho-Oh:? Well, not anymore! Heh. The spread will ALWAYS live one from full. :Xerneas: is more important for this team than :Zacian-Crowned: especially since we have :Splash-Plate: :Arceus: with Will-O-Wisp. Thunder Wave is chosen over Defog to lure and cripple :Eternatus:, one of the most annoying threat for this team. Tera Poison to act as an emergency check to boosted :Zacian-Crowned: Tera Rock/Electric :Xerneas: while not being :Eternatus: fodder. It still does its job of sponging the most ludicrous hits known to mankind, if you're wondering.
Nothing to explain here. Does :Groudon-Primal: stuff. Designed to underspeed :Giratina: so you get to keep rocks.
The star of the show. Sky Plate bluffs a Choice Band since it still hits pretty hard in conjunction with Tera Flying while maintaining move flexibility to snipe unsuspecting :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: or :Zacian-Crowned:thinking they're safe. Dragon Dance for lategame since you can fodder on the threats crippled by the team's :Splash-Plate: :Arceus: and :Ho-Oh:. This can break stall cores even without a Choice Band as long as you have Rocks and proper positioning.
Nothing to explain here. The spread always lives a +2 252+ Life Orb Tera Normal Extreme Speed from :Arceus: with the rest in SpDef to take hits from :Life-Orb: :Yveltal: :Mewtwo-Mega-Y: :Deoxys-Attack: Special :Necrozma-Ultra: and others better. 18 Spe IVs hits 221 to outspeed 16 Spe :Groudon-Primal: :Kyogre-Primal: while having a slow U-Turn vs opposing support :Yveltal:. Defogs and pivots. Tera Dark boosts Foul Play, sheds the Flying-laden weakness while still maintaining the Dark typing for :Necrozma-Ultra:.
If :Rayquaza: is the star, then :Eternatus: is the moon. The dwindled usage of support :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: and most teams' reliance on :Ho-Oh: to stomach its attacks all works in its favor. :Life-Orb: :Eternatus: in conjunction with Tera Dragon can rip apart any teams without a :Chansey: :Blissey: while pressuring :Arceus: formes, out-offensing :Marshadow: hard, switching in on :Ho-Oh: and its Toxic, and most importantly, absorbs Toxic Spikes, one of the things this team truly hates. It also breaks the common :Zygarde-Complete: + :Ho-Oh: + :Groudon-Primal: + :Dread-Plate: :Arceus: core which is pretty nice for :Rayquaza:.

Alternate sets/spreads:

8 Spe on :Ho-Oh: creeps paralyzed :Zacian-Crowned:.

128 HP / 244 Def / 4 SpD / 132+ Spe for :Splash-Plate: :Arceus: is an option to creep adamant :Arceus: but it loses a noticeable amount of bulk.

+Atk over +Spe is an option for :Rayquaza: but the security of always outspeeding :Kyogre-Primal: :Groudon-Primal: +SpA :Yveltal: and others below are often game-changing.

Toxic over Dragon Tail on :Groudon-Primal: is an option but it will make :Groudon-Primal: setup fodder for a variety of threats who don't mind getting poisoned.

Ice Beam over Foul Play for :Splash-Plate: :Arceus:is an option for :Zygarde: but it makes you so passive vs those who couldn't care less about Ice Beam. And :Zygarde: will probably just tera anyway.
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Thanks to everyone who posted teams for our inaugural teambuilding competiton. We have three teams to vote on. If you plan to vote remember that we are employing a ranked voting format.

Our teams are:

Voting will be open until 05.00 GMT 14 Jan. Upon accouncing this weeks winner the next mon that we will build around will be announced. In the meantime please vote via the poll at the top of the thread so we can decide what next weeks mon will be. If you think a mon would be fun to build around just check the box. Feel free to pick as many or as little options as you'd like as there is no limit. Whichever mon receives the most votes will be what we build around next week!

  1. SD Groundceus Webs by WeirdHamster
  2. Rayquaza Balance by Bumboclaat
  3. Unfinished Webs by LordFernando
  4. DD Ray Balance by 09-10a

In the meantime if you are interested in more discussion regarding the tier please join NatDexUbers discord! Although we do currently have a list of about 20 mons we are always looking for suggestions. If you have a mon you'd like to be considered for the teambuilding competition do not hesistate to reach out to bumboclaat , ANinjaDude, or Runo.
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Thanks to everyone who posted teams for our inaugural teambuilding competiton. We have three teams to vote on. If you plan to vote remember that we are employing a ranked voting format.

Our teams are:

Voting will be open until 05.00 GMT 14 Jan. Upon accouncing this weeks winner the next mon that we will build around will be announced. In the meantime please vote via the poll at the top of the thread so we can decide what next weeks mon will be. If you think a mon would be fun to build around just check the box. Feel free to pick as many or as little options as you'd like as there is no limit. Whichever mon receives the most votes will be what we build around next week!

  1. SD Groundceus Webs by WeirdHamster
  2. Rayquaza Balance by Bumboclaat
  3. Unfinished Webs by LordFernando
  4. DD Ray Balance by 09-10a

In the meantime if you are interested in more discussion regarding the tier please join NatDexUbers discord! Although we do currently have a list of about 20 mons we are always looking for suggestions. If you have a mon you'd like to be considered for the teambuilding competition do not hesistate to reach out to bumboclaat , ANinjaDude, or Runo.
my team is not the right one, plz change
Congratulations to Weirdhamster for winning cycle 3 with their SD Groundceus Webs team! Three teams from three different builders is lovely to see! This week there is a four way tie between four different mons (CB Caly I, MMence, Specs Eternatus, and Lando I). This week we will be building around Choice Band Calyrex Ice! The other three top picks will have a poll to themselves this week to determine which of them will be the fifth mon we build around

Calyrex-Ice @ Choice Band
Ability: As One (Glastrier)
Tera Type: Steel/Ice/Dragon/Fire/Whatever works
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Glacial Lance
- High Horsepower
- Trick / Leech Seed / Seed Bomb / Close Combat / Tera Blast / Encore
- Aromatherapy / Leech Seed / Encore / Seed Bomb

In the last few days the current snowstorm battering central North America has dominated the news cycle in that part of the world. However, those pale in comparison to being on the recieving side of a banded glacial lance. There are only two mons in the tier which can comfortably switch in glacial lance: Necrozma Dusk Mane and Dondozo. The former is crumpled by high horsepower while the game can functionally end on the spot if the latter is tricked. Being able to fit all the offensive coverage it needs into two slots leaves Calyrex Ice with two free spots to fill. Trick and Aromatherapy allow Calyrex Ice allow Calyrex Ice to put in overtime against bulkier teams. Tough these four moves provide Calyrex Ice with everything it wants, it does have some other options in its arsenal.

Calyrex Ice's obscene bulk allows it to trade even in matches where it looks like a wasted slot on preview. It will live hits that make you forget it is straddled with Ice/Psychic typing. It is also a great abuser of defensive tera which allows it to trade with some incredibly scary threats in a pinch if the situation calls for it. That being said, rocks do heavily impact its ability to soak said hits. As such, Calyrex Ice appreciates a defogger as a teammate.

How will you support one of it not the scariest wallbreakers in the tier? Calyrex Ice provides heavily sought after qualities needed on HO, BO, and Balance teams so I am excited to see how you build with it. As mentioned in the poll, FULL TRICK ROOM IS BANNED, and said teams will be disqualified. The deadline for submissions is 19 January 05.00 GMT. As always, if you have any suggestions for a mon to build around feel free to message myself, aninjadude, or runo.​
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Mr Boombastic the Hooftastic
:groudon-primal::ho-oh::kyogre::zacian-crowned::eternatus::calyrex-ice: (click for paste)

Origins of the team

Similar to the :rayquaza: team someone in the NDUbers discord was talking about how :calyrex-ice: had no switchins. I thought that sounded like a fun time and...well yes it was. :choice-band::calyrex-ice: is probably the most fun time I've had with any mon in any tier to date. It is incredibly rare that it isn't giving you something of value. Even in games where on preview it looks like a waste of a slot you can just lead with it and claim a KO. :calyrex-ice: will very rarely sweep but the carnage it leaves in its wake makes it very easy for :zacian-crowned:/:eternatus: to clean up most games. This is my favourite team that I have made recently and the nicknames are only half the reason.

The Squad

Ol' Reliable about sums it up, it is :groudon-primal: after all. It sets rocks, spreads toxic, eats the hits it needs to, and 2HKO's :dondozo: after rocks. I still have a bit of a chuckle when I click overheat to end a game because it is the most accurate move. There isn't any tech or uncommon move that requires an explanation. I don't see much of a need for stone edge / rock tomb given how easily the rest of the team deals with :ho-oh:.
Generic nickname for a generic bird. Similar to :groudon-primal: it is the bog standard set. We all know what :ho-oh: does so there is little point in expanding further.
After overwintering in the Gulf of Mexico :kyogre-primal: has moved inland to San Antonio for a summer feast of churros. The resulting blubber allows :kyogre-primal: takes hits that 100/90 defences really should not be taking. It also loves the cleric support that :calyrex-ice: provides which allows it a lot more breathing room against both offensive and defensive teams due to not having to spend two turns waking up. :kyogre-primal: and :calyrex-ice: team up together to overwhelm a lot of defensive teams. Against offence it crucially eats a hit from :salamence-mega: and OHKO's back whilst dissuading :necrozma-ultra: and :zacian-crowned: from switching in. It also keeps rock polish :groudon-primal: from sweeping which is one of the biggest threats to this team.
This was the last mon added to the team as it provides some speed control and more crucially a
resist. The rest of the team absolutely hates playing around :life-orb::yveltal: and this provides an actual switchin that scares it out. The moveset is quite flexible due to nothing on this team needing to tera so it can easily fit tera blast
if it wants. Play rough is also a good option due to this team really not liking +1:necrozma-ultra:. It will sometimes tera and if it does that means the game is usually over
This is the mon that will usually be ending games, though meteor beam will rudely remind you at times that it is not 100% accurate.
really is a double edged sword at times due to retaining its ground weakness on a team that is quite ground weak to begin with. However, it ends up helping more than hurting primarily due being able to trade with :zacian-crowned:/defensive :necrozma-dusk-mane: without the need to burn :power-herb:. Outside of :chansey: there arn't really switchins to invested +1
coverage. That being said, :eternatus: doesn't really like switchin on much of anything itself outside of stall baring the ocassional :ho-oh:. Against stall soaking up seismic toss / confide pp allows :kyogre-primal: to eventually muscle past :chansey:.
The Greeks needed the trojan horse as a decoy to take Troy. :choice-band::calyrex-ice: needs no such deception and just starts blasting. As mentioned in the blurb, switching into this is nothing short of a nightmare. Excluding tera, there are a grand total of 3 mons which avoid a 2HKO: defensive:necrozma-dusk-mane:,:dondozo:, and defensive :kyogre-primal:. :kyogre-primal: is a check by only the loosest of definitions as it is fishing for a scald burn and loses outright if :calyrex-ice: is at +1. :calyrex-ice: runs high horsepower mostly for :necrozma-dusk-mane: though it will click it sometimes to save lance pp. Additionally, :necrozma-dusk-mane: must be defensive to actually check it as :necrozma-ultra: is 2KO'd after rocks even in the base form. :dondozo: is the only mon that :calyrex-ice: is never getting past through sheer power. However, it switches in because it is forced to, not because it wants to. :calyrex-ice: will likely OHKO every other mon on the stall teams :dondozo: finds itself on which makes trick an easy click. Once it gets that off the game likely over with the remaining turns being more of a formality.

This is a huge part of the reason :calyrex-ice: is currently my favourite mon in the tier. It is a button masher which has the ability to put in work even when it isn't mashing buttons thanks to trick and aromatherapy. There are other options listed in the slashes above, but I am of the belief that you need a good reason to deviate from these four moves. Winning the hazard war v stall becomes significantly easier when :groudon-primal: isn't taking two turns of toxic damage to put them up. It also has lots of applications v offensive teams whether that be a late game aromatherapy to keep :groudon-primal:/:ho-oh: out of range of key attacks after toxic chip or to give :kyogre-primal: a full restore while saccing :calyrex-ice:.

Having an offensive cleric is a literal gamechanger in how it allows balance to gameplan. :calyrex-ice: really doesn't require as much support as you'd think on a first glance. Really just a good fogger which as anyone who plays the tier knows, is not hard to come by. 100/150/130 defences allow :calyrex-ice: to live some astonishing hits provided rocks arn't up despite its horseshit defensive typing (pun intended). The only neutral hit in the tier that knocks it out from full is a full powered water spout. Even super effective hits need to be incredibly powerful to actually scare it. For example, 156 :groudon-primal: heat crash is a 3ko. Frequently I'll lead it, :groudon-primal: comes out and trades its life for rocks which are easily defogged away later and half of :calyrex-ice:'s health. It is very easy to capitalize on that.

Initially I ran
and really didn't like it. When I switched to
the team clicked. :calyrex-ice: hits hard enough that outside of TR I believe that it is often better off running a defensive tera.
is my preference on this team, but really any defensive tera that resists threats to your team will work.
lets :calyrex-ice: eat essentially any hit from :zacian-crowned::xerneas::necrozma-ultra: and ko them back while eating the hit or as they set up. :calyrex-ice: doesn't often want or need to tera but it comes into play against offensive teams where the defensive backbone is strong enough to deal with the rest of the team. Really the only downside of
is still being weak to :ho-oh:, but being able to rather freely pivot in and out as it does frequently against fatter teams due to the rocks resistance puts it firmly above
to me.
also means :calyrex-ice: can no longer act as an emergency check to :necrozma-ultra: which this team is rather weak to.


  • :necrozma-ultra: - The biggest threat to the team if it gets a +1. :groudon-primal: lives an earthquake from full, but other than that it is going to come down teraing to revenge. :calyrex-ice: and :zacian-crowned: will generally be the go to after it claims a victim.
  • Rock Polish :groudon-primal: - This team is quite ground weak and if it is just rock polish it will clean the team late game if it hits all its moves. Double dance isn't as scary, but :kyogre-primal: is the initial switchin if healthy.
  • :life-orb::yveltal: - Nothing on the team really likes it. :zacian-crowned: scares it out, but until the set is revealed it is scary. :ho-oh: hates knock and :eternatus: is revenged by sucker punch.
  • Wisp :arceus::dread-plate: - :zacian-crowned: being the dark type switchin means you probably want to scout for wisp as letting it get burnt means that it is very exploitable by :arceus::dread-plate:'s teamates. If it is toxic it can be dealth with. Somewhat surprisingly, foul play is a very low roll to OHKO :calyrex-ice:.
  • :ditto: - This team is fairly well improofed with the minor exception of :eternatus:. If there is a :ditto: on the other side of the field keep :ho-oh: healthy and :zacian-crowned: alive. Be very careful about when meteor beam is pressed.
  • :arceus::earth-plate: - Largely for the same reasons as RP:groudon-primal:. The team is ground weak and :arceus::earth-plate: has the bulk/speedto exploit that. Physical variants are scarier than special due to boosting speed.
  • :arceus::splash-plate: - It isn't so much revenging it as positioning yourself to do so. :zacian-crowned: is a guessing game on whether it will
    or not and it will boost past the point where :eternatus: can revenge it.
    :ho-oh: phases non taunt variants but most often is not going to want to pop tera on :arceus::splash-plate:
  • :palkia-origin: - It shouldn't be shock that a balance breaker is good at breaking balance. Fortunately :palkia-origin: is nowhere to be seen these days and even then it still has to click the right move and actually land it. It is likely claiming a KO when it hits the field but not more than that.
RNG has redeemed me. Now I know how it feels to troll... lol
Although I was trolled a lot myself. And it made me tilt hard. Nonetheless...

Sup lads! What if I tell you that Ice Rider is not just meant for Trick Room nor is it bound to just run Max HP Adamant?
Got that right. :Calyrex-Ice: breezes past almost the entire unboosted metagame when given the right support!

Caly-I + Arceus-Flying Paraspam

Let's break it down:

So I was trolling in ladder when I encountered someone using Flyinium Z :Arceus::Sky-PLATE:. I knew I just have to use it one of my teams. As it turns out, this thing learns Air Slash, and when combined with Paralysis... Well, you get the idea. It certainly ain't Togekiss or Jirachi levels of annoying but when push comes to shove, it can paraflinch everything to great effect. The spread is mainly just for striking a balance between power and bulk. Ironically, this will live a +1 252+ MMence Double-Edge from full. 96 to hit 300 which is a good benchmark. Taunt is the upgraded version of Refresh with the added benefit of disrupting :Ho-Oh: and :Chansey: as well as Toxic :Arceus:. Flyinium Z allows for a one-time nuke vs :Ho-Oh: and other threats that won't care much about taking even a +1 Air Slash.

Nothing much to say here. Swords Dance is used to capitalize on the paralysis thrown here and there. Standard SpDef Pdon to answer :Kyogre-Primal: better. Also has the added benefit of forcing rocks in the face of Defog :Giratina:. 16 hits 220, enough to outspeed everything up to paralyzed :Deoxys-Attack:.

This one sacrifices the annoyance of Toxic to spread paralysis on everything that isn't a Ground type. Most notably, it lures :Eternatus:, one of the most annoying threats for this team especially the offensive variant. 240/56+ lives a +2 252+ :Xerneas: Hidden Power [Rock] from full guaranteed. 16 hits 220. Tera Poison to ease the matchup vs Toxic Spikes and still check what it is supposed to.

Seriously, what's a paraspam without this monstrosity? Sits on nearly every physical attacker, Glares, Coils, and annoys. 56 hits 220 after transformation while 204 maximizes leftovers recovery. Tera Water to mess with :Zacian-Crowned: as well as the occasional :Calyrex-Ice: in a pinch else everything aside from the team's own :Calyrex-Ice: dies.

Surprisingly, 252+ Jolly :Calyrex-Ice: hits 218, 1 point faster than a paralyzed :Zacian-Crowned:. This is HUGE. As such, this takes advantage of the paralysis spread by teammates to dominate the speed war and threaten most of the metagame with its Glacial Lance. Even if not adamant, it still stings. It also outpaces uninvest base 90's. 64 minimizes Stealth Rock damage while Tera Steel to serve as an emergency check to :Arceus:, :Necrozma-Ultra:, :Zacian-Crowned:, and :Xerneas: in a pinch.

Standard spread. Helps in checking :Arceus:, :Necrozma-Ultra:, :Yveltal:, :Salamence-Mega:, :Mewtwo-Mega-Y:, :Deoxys-Attack: and others while having the ability to pivot with U-Turn. 18 Spe hits 221, creeping 16 Spe base 90's.

One must be proactive when playing with this team. As you can see, its defensive backbone is not that great, and speed control is lacking, as such, making sure that threats like :Mewtwo-Mega-Y: and the like never sets up for free is key. Make sure to not be passive either. and manage :Groudon-Primal: HP before anything else especially vs teams with :Kyogre-Primal:. Furthermore, playing around Wild Charge is highly recommended.

With that said, do you know what's more annoying than a boosted :Calyrex-Ice: under Trick Room? Well, boosted :Calyrex-Ice: facing down a paralyzed team! Even more so if you're staring down a +2 :Arceus: :Sky-Plate: spamming Air Slash and flinching everything! Troll them, peeps!
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i was told full trick room is banned, so i cooked up this fun semi-room.

i won't go into details because i think most of this team is self-explanatory, but in brief:
:lunala: is the main trick room setter thanks to its access to trick room+teleport as well as good util moves in roost and defog. tera fairy is for dark (or even ghost) type moves
:calyrex-ice: nuke. tera dark is for like necro cuz fuck necro, and maybe yveltal and stuff. also no longer weak to fire etc.
:groudon-primal: slow sd set for trick room
:eternatus: :arceus-ground: :yveltal: mostly defensive stuff, groundy can be a wincon too if caly is dead i suppose.

tips: don't sack lun unnecessarily. its not necessary to lead with lun. dont lead and waste tera if u see like marshadow (i.e if youre fighting opponents at a higher level, say, top ladder/tours. feel free to do shit if you like farming low ladder :evil:)
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First of all I wanted to thank bumboclaat for this thread.

I wanted to build for the previous rounds but didn't have much time to test the teams, and when I had more time for the Rayquaza submission I wasn't satisfied at all with my teams. Basically I focused on Rayquaza + Paraspam to mitigate Rayquaza's awful speed tier for an offensive pokemon, but the team was too fragile against the metagame.

I wanted to apply the same concept for Calyrex-I, but when testing the team it was actually much more self-sufficient than Rayquaza, and this thing can actually take hits, sometimes two, while retaliate with a devastating attack that only Necrozma-DM, Arceus-Water, defensive Kyogre and Dondozo can stomach (actually bumboclaat Arceus-Water is the best check among all of them, as Seed Bomb is unseen and it is actually immune to Trick). However, not having access to a strong priority move is definitely detrimental, especially against the likes of Yveltal, Marshadow or Arceus-Ground. Here's my take on Calyrex-I, I tried the team up to 1750's but it can still be improved.

:calyrex-ice: :ho-oh: :groudon-primal: :zacian-crowned: :arceus: :zygarde-complete:

So this team is a balanced team with a strong defensive backbone consisting of Ho-Oh, Groudon and Zygarde-C, while matching-up decently against HO with Arceus and Zacian-C while Calyrex-I takes care of stall (but still does work against offensive teams).

So I believe Trick and Aromatherapy are the best moves for Calyrex, even though 90% of the time I end up clicking Glacial Lance even against resists. Aromatherapy is for Rest Zygarde-C and poisoned PDon. Tera Steel works well but Tera Dark is also an option, especially against LO Knock Off Yveltal, as nothing aside from Zacian can switch into it. Nothing much to say except Calyrex can lead against HO to nab that +1 right off the bat.
Standard Ho-Oh, most reliable defogger otherwise this team is hazard-weak. Thunder Wave is for Eternatus or Primal Kyogre.
Standard defensive Groudon, with a Heat Crash to heavily chip its switch-ins. I prefer Heat Crash over Overheat but the latter is an option. Rock Tomb is to prevent Mega Salamence from boosting its speed while hitting both Yveltal and Ho-Oh. A more offensive EV spread can be optional and this team can afford it.
Speed control, especially useful against Yveltal and Marshadow. Behemoth Blade can be used over Play Rough but the Zygarde matchup becomes rough and you will need your own Zygarde to set-up alongside it.
This team still lacked something against boosted threats and here comes Extremekiller. Taunt is mostly for Zygarde, you can 1v1 as long as you SD when it switches in. Earthquake is for defensive Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C. A faster spread makes Taunt even more useful but the loss of bulk is detrimental, and there's the option of running Lum Berry at the cost of extra power from Silk Scarf. Helps a ton versus offensive Eternatus as this team is kinda weak against it.
Absorb almost all physical hits, my switch-in against Ho-Oh, Mega Salamence (I ran into Dragon Claw variants, and this set prevails thanks to Dragon Tail), Arceus-Ground (be careful of CM variants), opposing Zygarde-C. Beats the latter with Dragon Tail, unless it's Tera Fairy. A pain for stall as well. I never had to tera this thing once during the playtesting.

EDIT: Lol I don't know how I managed to link the wrong team, but now it should be good
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First of all I wanted to thank bumboclaat for this thread.

I wanted to build for the previous rounds but didn't have much time to test the teams, and when I had more time for the Rayquaza submission I wasn't satisfied at all with my teams. Basically I focused on Rayquaza + Paraspam to mitigate Rayquaza's awful speed tier for an offensive pokemon, but the team was too fragile against the metagame.

I wanted to apply the same concept for Calyrex-I, but when testing the team it was actually much more self-sufficient than Rayquaza, and this thing can actually take hits, sometimes two, while retaliate with a devastating attack that only Necrozma-DM, Arceus-Water, defensive Kyogre and Dondozo can stomach (actually bumboclaat Arceus-Water is the best check among all of them, as Seed Bomb is unseen and it is actually immune to Trick). However, not having access to a strong priority move is definitely detrimental, especially against the likes of Yveltal, Marshadow or Arceus-Ground. Here's my take on Calyrex-I, I tried the team up to 1750's but it can still be improved.

:calyrex-ice: :ho-oh: :groudon-primal: :zacian-crowned: :arceus: :zygarde-complete:

So this team is a balanced team with a strong defensive backbone consisting of Ho-Oh, Groudon and Zygarde-C, while matching-up decently against HO with Arceus and Zacian-C while Calyrex-I takes care of stall (but still does work against offensive teams).

So I believe Trick and Aromatherapy are the best moves for Calyrex, even though 90% of the time I end up clicking Glacial Lance even against resists. Aromatherapy is for Rest Zygarde-C and poisoned PDon. Tera Steel works well but Tera Dark is also an option, especially against LO Knock Off Yveltal. Nothing much to say except Calyrex can lead against HO to nab that +1 right off the bat.
Standard Ho-Oh, most reliable defogger otherwise this team is hazard-weak.
Standard defensive Groudon, with a Heat Crash to heavily chip its switch-ins. I prefer Heat Crash over Overheat but the latter is an option. Rock Tomb is to prevent Mega Salamence from boosting its speed while hitting both Yveltal and Ho-Oh. A more offensive EV spread can be optional and this team can afford it.
Speed control, especially useful against Yveltal and Marshadow. Behemoth Blade can be used over Play Rough but the Zygarde matchup becomes rough and you will need your own Zygarde to set-up alongside it.
This team still lacked something against boosted threats and here comes Extremekiller. Taunt is mostly for Zygarde, you can 1v1 as long as you SD when it switches in. Earthquake is for defensive Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C. A faster spread makes Taunt even more useful but the loss of bulk is detrimental, and there's the option of running Lum Berry at the cost of extra power from Silk Scarf. Helps a ton versus offensive Eternatus as this team is kinda weak against it.
Absorb almost all physical hits, my switch-in against Ho-Oh, Mega Salamence (I ran into Dragon Claw variants, and this set prevails thanks to Dragon Tail), Arceus-Ground (be careful of CM variants), opposing Zygarde-C. Beats the latter with Dragon Tail, unless it's Tera Fairy. A pain for stall as well. I never had to tera this thing once during the playtesting.

You've linked 09-10a's by the way
'Tis Time for "Flinch," Princess
:ho-oh: :groudon: :arceus-dark: :zygarde: :toxapex: :calyrex-ice:

Concept: :zygarde: Glare+ :calyrex-ice: Zen Headbutt paraflinch for slow Pokémon

Ho-Oh (Grass) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Impish / Regenerator
415 (248) - 296 - 294 (208) - x - 257 (52) - 216
Sacred Fire / Defog / Whirlwind / Toxic

>Survives +2 252 SpA :xerneas:’s Hidden Power Rock
>Survives +2 252+ SpA :xerneas:’s Thunder

Groudon (Ground) @ Red Orb
Jolly / Drought
341 - 399 (252) - 317 (4) - x - 212 - 306 (252)
Earthquake / Heat Crash / Rock Tomb / Swords Dance

Arceus-Dark (Poison) @ Dread Plate
Bold / Multitype
407 (104) - x - 358 (200) - 276 - 276 - 327 (204)
Foul Play / Whirlpool / Perish Song / Recover

> Outspeeds 252+ Spe :yveltal: by 1

Zygarde (Water) @ Leftovers
Impish / Power Construct
:zygarde: 409 (208) - 236 - 374 (248) - x - 234 (32) - 231 (20)
:zygarde-complete: 625 (208) - 236 - 374 (248) - x - 234 (32) - 211 (20)
Thousand Arrows / Glare / Coil / Rest

> :zygarde: outspeeds 0 Spe :lunala: by 1
> :zygarde-complete: outspeeds paralyzed 252+ Spe :mewtwo-mega-y:

Toxapex (Fairy) @ Sitrus Berry
Careful / Regenerator
304 (252) - x - 344 (16) - 127 - 418 (240) - 106
Toxic / Toxic Spikes / Haze / Recover

Calyrex-Ice (Fighting) @ Choice Band
Adamant / As One (Glastrier)
401 (240) - 471 (252) - 336 - x - 296 - 140 (16)
Glacial Lance / Zen Headbutt / Close Combat / Trick

> Outspeeds paralyzed 252 Spe :groudon-primal: :kyogre-primal: by 1
> Outspeeds paralyzed 252+ Spe :necrozma-dusk-mane:
RNG has redeemed me. Now I know how it feels to troll... lol
Although I was trolled a lot myself. And it made me tilt hard. Nonetheless...

Sup lads! What if I tell you that Ice Rider is not just meant for Trick Room nor is it bound to just run Max HP Adamant?
Got that right. :Calyrex-Ice: breezes past almost the entire unboosted metagame when given the right support!

Caly-I + Arceus-Flying Paraspam

Let's break it down:

So I was trolling in ladder when I encountered someone using Flyinium Z :Arceus::Sky-PLATE:. I knew I just have to use it one of my teams. As it turns out, this thing learns Air Slash, and when combined with Paralysis... Well, you get the idea. It certainly ain't Togekiss or Jirachi levels of annoying but when push comes to shove, it can paraflinch everything to great effect. The spread is mainly just for striking a balance between power and bulk. Ironically, this will live a +1 252+ MMence Double-Edge from full. 96 to hit 300 which is a good benchmark. Taunt is the upgraded version of Refresh with the added benefit of disrupting :Ho-Oh: and :Chansey: as well as Toxic :Arceus:. Flyinium Z allows for a one-time nuke vs :Ho-Oh: and other threats that won't care much about taking even a +1 Air Slash.

Nothing much to say here. Swords Dance is used to capitalize on the paralysis thrown here and there. Standard SpDef Pdon to answer :Kyogre-Primal: better. Also has the added benefit of forcing rocks in the face of Defog :Giratina:. 16 hits 220, enough to outspeed everything up to paralyzed :Deoxys-Attack:.

This one sacrifices the annoyance of Toxic to spread paralysis on everything that isn't a Ground type. Most notably, it lures :Eternatus:, one of the most annoying threats for this team especially the offensive variant. 240/56+ lives a +2 252+ :Xerneas: Hidden Power [Rock] from full guaranteed. 16 hits 220. Tera Poison to ease the matchup vs Toxic Spikes and still check what it is supposed to.

Seriously, what's a paraspam without this monstrosity? Sits on nearly every physical attacker, Glares, Coils, and annoys. 56 hits 220 after transformation while 204 maximizes leftovers recovery. Tera Water to mess with :Zacian-Crowned: as well as the occasional :Calyrex-Ice: in a pinch else everything aside from the team's own :Calyrex-Ice: dies.

Surprisingly, 252+ Jolly :Calyrex-Ice: hits 218, 1 point faster than a paralyzed :Zacian-Crowned:. This is HUGE. As such, this takes advantage of the paralysis spread by teammates to dominate the speed war and threaten most of the metagame with its Glacial Lance. Even if not adamant, it still stings. It also outpaces uninvest base 90's. 64 minimizes Stealth Rock damage while Tera Steel to serve as an emergency check to :Arceus:, :Necrozma-Ultra:, :Zacian-Crowned:, and :Xerneas: in a pinch.

Standard spread. Helps in checking :Arceus:, :Necrozma-Ultra:, :Yveltal:, :Salamence-Mega:, :Mewtwo-Mega-Y:, :Deoxys-Attack: and others while having the ability to pivot with U-Turn. 18 Spe hits 221, creeping 16 Spe base 90's.

One must be proactive when playing with this team. As you can see, its defensive backbone is not that great, and speed control is lacking, as such, making sure that threats like :Mewtwo-Mega-Y: and the like never sets up for free is key. Make sure to not be passive either. and manage :Groudon-Primal: HP before anything else especially vs teams with :Kyogre-Primal:. Furthermore, playing around Wild Charge is highly recommended.

With that said, do you know what's more annoying than a boosted :Calyrex-Ice: under Trick Room? Well, boosted :Calyrex-Ice: facing down a paralyzed team! Even more so if you're staring down a +2 :Arceus: :Sky-Plate: spamming Air Slash and flinching everything! Troll them, peeps!
Cool team , i always feel hype when someone uses Band Calyrex Ice instead of Trick Room one .
Thanks to everyone who posted teams this cycle! This week has by far the most entries and I hope you all have had lots of fun clicking buttons with Calyrex Ice. Aslo I'd like to thank cfdu1202 for pointing out that Arceus Water is a switchin and arguably the best which I entirely forgot about.

Our teams are:

  1. Band Caly I + Power Herb Eternatus Balance by Bumboclaat
  2. Caly I + Arc Flying Paraspam by 09-10a
  3. Caly I Semi Room by Zastra
  4. Caly I + D Tail Zygarde BO by CFDU1202
  5. Paraspam Caly I fat balance by Kanato

Voting will be open until 05.00 GMT 21 Jan. Upon accouncing this weeks winner the next mon that we will build around will be announced. In the meantime please vote via the poll at the top of the thread so we can decide what next weeks mon will be. If you think a mon would be fun to build around just check the box. Feel free to pick as many or as little options as you'd like as there is no limit. Whichever mon receives the most votes will be what we build around next week!

In the meantime if you are interested in more discussion regarding the tier please join NatDexUbers discord! Although we do currently have a list of about 20 mons we are always looking for suggestions. If you have a mon you'd like to be considered for the teambuilding competition do not hesistate to reach out to bumboclaat , ANinjaDude, or Runo.
This cycle has had the most teams submitted yet which is great to see! The winner is Caly I + Power Herb Etern Balance by Bumboclaat. Edging out the competition our mon for Cycle 5 is Landorus I! As a small spoiler since this post will most likely go up before the poll for our Cycle 6 mon, our options will mostly be geared towards mons and sets which find their homes on bulkier teams.


Since retiring from the agency Landorus has been in a fierce competiton with its fellow generation 5 legendary Genesect as the poster mon of horrifically broken in OU but unviable in Ubers. However, unlike Genesect it is a viable pokemon in NatDexUbers, albeit a rare one. It is most commonly seen as a stealth rock lead which maintains a threatening offensive presence. However, Landorus is thoroughly underexplored as a balance breaker. Its 101 speed tier though not blazing fast does outspeed the congested base 90s and those mons that speedcreep them. Ground is a fantastic STAB as some of our most threatening offensive mons such as Primal Groudon, Arceus Ground, and Zacian Crowned demonstrate on a regular basis. Landorus however is not a one trick pony as it possesses a colourful array of coverage to hit what earth power doesn't. Additionally it has access to a wide selection of utlity moves to help support its teamates such as taunt, u-turn, and knock off. Though it has a movepool most mons would be jealous of, picking which 4 it wants to run often leaves it wanting more slots. I am looking forward to seeing how you choose to use Landorus as there will be no restrictions in how you do so! The deadline for submissions is 26 January 05.00 GMT. As always, if you have any suggestions for a mon to build around feel free to message myself, aninjadude, or runo.​
F my luck in this game, lol. -_-

:Landorus: The thing that was once renowned is now forgotten. The once-feared Landorus is now trampled on the wayside, treated as if its sole reason for existence is only to be a fast Stealth Rock suicide lead that sets rocks and dies. Or is it? Remember when I said that even tanks have cannons? Well, not every cannon comes from a tank!

Landorus-Incarnate's Hidden Power!

Before I begin, let me just clarify. The nicknames are a tribute to the most successful Gen 8 NDAG HO team I ever made, which became the skeleton and foundation of this one. If you recognize it, you a homie. Anyway, onto the topic.

Quoting the Rampardos Theorem, what use is your power if you're just going to be KO'ed first. The moment I saw :Landorus:, I knew from the entirety of my being that this lad right here is HO material. Sheer force and life-orb-boosted Earth Powers are a sight for sore eyes. And it has colorful coverage too, the majority of which is Sheer force-boosted. And it's pretty fast too. Base 101 notably creeps :Yveltal: and the flooded base 90's. But that's... about it. It's frail and slow as hell and dies to everything except the things it is immune to. Thus, this HO is born. With Webs and Screens support, this bad boy can end games on the spot when given the chance.

This particular moveset is not something you might expect. And I don't blame you, but for this particular team, this one works the best. Nasty Plot in conjunction with Stealth Rock turns Earth Power into an OHKO button that deletes everything that is not a fat:Kyogre-Primal: or a Ground-immune foe like :Yveltal:. Taunt denies Defog from support :Yveltal: and :Ho-Oh: and allows :Landorus: to foil status attempts from support :Arceus: formes and :Zygarde:, turning them into a complete setup fodder. Hidden Power [Rock] is a pretty ambiguous option, but it is chosen over the "superior" Rock Slide for a variety of reasons, but probably the most notable one is that it ensures :Landorus: deals with Flying types even if :Ho-Oh: burns it with Sacred Fire, which it probably will, whether it likes or not due to the necessity of taunting it. Rock Slide won't OHKO anyway, so it is not missed. Tera Rock grants STAB on its Hidden Power and lets it resist Extreme Speed, dominating Extreme Killer :Arceus:.

The rest of the team are pretty self-explanatory. :Shuckle: avoids the 2HKO from LO :Yveltal:+252 Dark Pulse. Tera Ghost allows it to spinblock versus :Excadrill: and other spinners. :Deoxys-Speed: creeps everything up to Scarf :Yveltal:. Tera Steel lets it resist Extreme Speed while being neutral to Shadow Sneak. Also useful vs impostered :Zacian-Crowned: if it is healthy. This team's :Ditto: mu is pretty shaky, but more than manageable. Never Swords Dance :Zacian-Crowned: if :Ditto: is alive. Always make sure Webs is the priority whenever :Zacian-Crowned:, :Marshadow:, :Eternatus:, and other fast threats are present, else :Landorus: won't be able to do anything in the long run. When facing :Glimmora:, be careful of switching in :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:, else it can and will be predicted, greatly weakening to the point that it won't be able to do much in answering impostered :Zacian-Crowned: more. If :Ditto: is not on the opposition, ride the risk!

Alternate Spreads/Sets:
88 HP / 248 +Def / 172 Spe on :Deoxys-Speed: creeps everything up to :Deoxys-Attack:. This spread ensures +1 252+ :Zacian-Crowned: Behemoth Blade only has a 25% chance to OHKO. But this is already a gamble in and of itself, unless your luck is insane. Not to mention that the rare :Pheromosa: outspeeds you. Subtracting any EVs from bulk makes the OHKO chance go from 25% to 31%, and a good rule of thumb is that if the probability is greater than or equal to a Scald burn, you're better off not running it.

Spikes or Magic Coat for :Deoxys-Speed: is an option but Teleport ensures you get the most out of the screen turns.

Tera Ghost is an option for :Deoxys-Speed: to ensure Extreme Speed bounces right off, but :Marshadow: will make your life a bit difficult.

Dragon Dance over Swords Dance on :Rayquaza: and :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:is an option, but unless you worry about :Heavy-Duty-Boots: :Eternatus: that much, just go with SD.

Play Rough over Behemoth Blade on :Zacian-Crowned: is an option, but you lose the ability to almost always guarantee an OHKO on a predicted Tera :Ho-Oh: that isn't Fire.

Sludge Wave over Hidden Power [Rock] is an option on :Landorus: to snipe Tera Grass :Ho-Oh:. It 2HKO'es and outdamages Hidden Power [Rock] vs :Yveltal: but you have no way of dealing with Flying Steels, albeit niche. And also, Tera-boosted +2 Hidden Power scores an OHKO on any :Ho-Oh:, something Sludge Wave can't do. Tera Rock is mandatory nonetheless.

This team struggles a lot vs opposing Screens and Trick Room teams, as such, precise play is necessary. This team has no :Marshadow:, so play with intricate caution versus lead Extreme Killer, else the game ends in less than 5 turns if it leads. If no fast threats are present on the opposition, there is no need to trouble yourself in setting webs. Versus :Glimmora:, unless it has fast teammates, lead with something else. Remember that only :Deoxys-Speed: is affected by Toxic Spikes.
Tera :Ho-Oh: should be predicted 101% of the time if :Zacian-Crowned: is boosted. Have fun, peeps. And while you're at it, let me steal all your luck :p
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With the benefit of hindsight I'd like to apologize for including such a horrible teambuilding option in the poll and will do my best not to do so in the future. With that being said congratulations to 09-10a for winning with their HP Landorus Team. That 09-10a felt that Landorus required the support of two suicide leads says enough. The poll for the next cycle will close in a few hours and it is close. If you havn't voted yet please do so as it may decide which mon we build around!