Official NBA 2011-12 Season Thread

haslem is a massive (BAN ME PLEASE)

granger noooooooo

(i really like danny granger because NM represent but actually he's kind of a dick)

ok cool
lakers n kobe bryant 42points 0assists lmfao, whens the last time someone has 40+ points and 0 assist? that play at the end of the half was the only time he passed the ball i think. LOL
lakers n kobe bryant 42points 0assists lmfao, whens the last time someone has 40+ points and 0 assist? that play at the end of the half was the only time he passed the ball i think. LOL
The Thunder defense obviously let him do that by not double teaming.. Of course, him being Kobe and others being suckers didn't help.

DerrickRose, what you're saying about Thunder's crunchtime is what I've been noticing all season (having watched them all 66 games plus this playoffs). Those weren't pure luck at all, it's talent and focus at those minutes.

Just can't wait for Spurs-Thunder.

EDIT: It just feels odd for me. The Thunder swept the defending champion Mavs, then just spanked the mighty proud Lakers' butts, but then they're still the underdog in WCF. Spurs are just that great. (and boring)
It did not fail last year...I do not know why people are so intent on not believing playoff results can be rather random. The Spurs are 6-2 against the Grizzlies regular season the last two seasons, they lost because they expected an easy set of games and were not close to prepared for a dogfight. They also had less time playing together (the new young guys and team), so they were not going to run to the title almost no matter what. They also added Stephen Jackson and Boris Diaw just as luxuries for this postseason run. That is a team that is headed to the finals.

The Spurs were the #1 seed last year...the system never failed, random things happen in sports!! The #1 seed lost something like 2 times ever and then another 3 times in the last 5 years!
They lost because of size, but that doesn't mean the system "failed".

The system has been proven to win titles time in and time out.

Edit: Even if you attribute it purely to coaching, that's an even worse match-up for the Thunder anyway. >_>
Heat are fucked for getting even. Gonna lol if they lose this series. Haslem suspended for game 6 (which is huge imo) and Pittman for 3 games.
Not that Pittman is a useful player but how was his elbow less then half as bad as MWP's? Pittman was actually directly looking at Stephenson as he lead with the elbow, NBA - where double standards happen.

Also lol at how low scoring the Celtics game is!
Not that Pittman is a useful player but how was his elbow less then half as bad as MWP's? Pittman was actually directly looking at Stephenson as he lead with the elbow, NBA - where double standards happen.

Also lol at how low scoring the Celtics game is!

MWP's suspension was based on his prior history as well, whereas Pittman is a first time offender.

Looks like the Heat will have to dust off ol' man Jawan Howard. It would be awesome to see him come up big tomorrow. Eddy Curry will probably see minutes too. I'm not really that concerned overall, although I think Hansborough deserves a suspension too.
It still won them three championships and made the Spurs one of the most dominating teams in the last decade.
Popovich admitted it. His championship teams were more focused on defense. They have changed the last couple of years focusing more on offense knowing that they have younger legs and worse defenders.

My point is the system is not proven yet due to last year's failure. Last year isn't only about their inability to defend Randolph and Gasol, but their shooters were also missing their shots (esp. Bonner) when it matters the most, forcing Manu and Parker play by themselves in offense.

But I'm not saying the system is not effective. They've been effective this year, the only question is, will it last deeper in the playoffs when they'll meet better defense than Clips/Jazz? I'm leaning on they'll still win, but still have doubts.

darkie, as I've said, there are two Popovich systems: the champiosnhip teams and this current team. Both plays in contrast; the first one has mighty defense and slow offense (focused on Duncan), while the current team has average defense and free-flowing offense.

CK, proving something is about having the end result but you need to go there step by step and systematically. You know your math. Sports teams are winning for many reasons but not luck. Same as losing.
I do not know what you were addressing me for...I never said they lost to "luck" that series. Random things happen in sports. The Giants were terrible and just won a Super Bowl. The Mavericks and Heat both won "the wrong time" as the on paper inferior team (not that the Heat really won the first one....). The Spurs have destroyed the Grizzlies over and over but lost a series to them. It is not like a result is necessarily random just because the result disagrees with the regular season, some teams (particularly due to coaching) can get it up more for the postseason. Since the Spurs are one of these teams and the Grizzlies are not, my simple decision is to treat the result as random and meaningless. The Spurs system was working in 2011 and is working better in 2012 ONLY due to an extra year for the young guys to work together, not because anything special changed...the only change was nice additions to the team late in the season.

Also I love how the Patriots and Spurs both changed from defense to offense and kept being nearly unbeatable...sports is fun for things like that. A team is about the quality you bring to it, not the way it plays (although in the NBA defense is just so much easier to push to high efficiency).