On chance, banning moves and the Garchomp problem

There is nothing wrong with adjusting the game mechanics in order to truly find out who is the best. It is competitive pokemon after all.

However, there are plenty of things in pokemon that are about luck. If you score a critical hit, that is luck. If you freeze the opponent with a non Serene Grace Ice Beam, that is luck. These are all about numbers and percentages, but you are still unlucky if you get critical hitted because the odds that were on your side have jumped over to the other side.
Then you would leave the result of the match, or at least a good portion of it, up to luck if you face an OHKOer that you were not expecting to face.

It isn't as simple as that, most of the "other" OHKO users are not as bulky and will find difficulty switching in and getting the OHKO move off. For example, Medicham has the potential to "OHKO" almost anything in the game with a CB without being hindered by 30% accuracy, but it isn't used very much because it is very difficult to switch in and get the moves off without mispredicting or dying. The same is true with OHKO users that aren't bulky and the bulky ones can be countered by a simple forretress, among other things.

No, a match between two good players rarely comes down to what teams they have (it can, but that is rarely the case); it usually comes down to either one good play or one bad play by one side that allows the other to get, and hopefully keep, the advantage.
I can't really say anything against this, because it is based off of what we have experienced, but from what I have seen/experienced, it is not rare at all for battles between skilled players to be decided by A) who had something the other oculd counter (teambuilding) or B) luck.

There is nothing wrong with adjusting the game mechanics in order to truly find out who is the best. It is competitive pokemon after all.
fixed, you have to realize that we are still playing pokemon

However, there are plenty of things in pokemon that are about luck. If you score a critical hit, that is luck. If you freeze the opponent with a non Serene Grace Ice Beam, that is luck. These are all about numbers and percentages, but you are still unlucky if you get critical hitted because the odds that were on your side have jumped over to the other side.
Just because you are using serene grace to manipulate luck does not make ice beam freezing "skill," as opposed to luck.
OHKOers are not simply countered by a Forretress or other Sturdy pokemon. None of the 3 viable Sturdy users could stand up to a Walrein firing off STAB Surfs, but if you switch something else in you risk getting hit by Sheer Cold.
if i wanted to play a game where i would win 30% of the time i would play yahtzee with 2 other people (33% to be exact). Pokemon is fine the way it is. We have 3 tiers that each play completely differently, and are all entertaining in their own special ways. If you don't like OU, play Ubers or UU etc.
It isn't as simple as that, most of the "other" OHKO users are not as bulky and will find difficulty switching in and getting the OHKO move off. For example, Medicham has the potential to "OHKO" almost anything in the game with a CB without being hindered by 30% accuracy, but it isn't used very much because it is very difficult to switch in and get the moves off without mispredicting or dying. The same is true with OHKO users that aren't bulky and the bulky ones can be countered by a simple forretress, among other things.
Medicham requires perfect prediction to "OHKO" anything in the game (which is not true, as there are many physical walls (Dusknoir and Cresselia come to mind instantly) which can live any of its assaults, including CB, thanks to the loss of physical Shadow Ball. Any user of actual OHKO moves doesn't have to predict, and is not locked into a single move if they guess wrong, or simply don't get lucky.

I can't really say anything against this, because it is based off of what we have experienced, but from what I have seen/experienced, it is not rare at all for battles between skilled players to be decided by A) who had something the other oculd counter (teambuilding) or B) luck.
Then either one player or the other had a bad team, or else one player was probably using a home-grown, novelty, or otherwise non-standard poke that the caught the other off guard. Even the former involves at least a little bit of skill, where in your situation, you're either going to have to guess which kind of OHKOer the opponent will bring and select the proper counter, or bring several OHKO counters, or else just play the odds. None of these presents a favorable situation.

Just because you are using serene grace to manipulate luck does not make ice beam freezing "skill," as opposed to luck.
Serene Grace freeze hax is, imo, just as bad as OHKO moves. However, the key difference lies in the fact that you cannot just reasonably Serene Grace from the game without changing game mechanics through any other method than just banning Blissey outright. OHKOs can be removed quite easily, because while a pokemon's moveset is a dynamic entity that can be changed by the player quite easily, its ability is static, and not meant to be changed or removed.
OHKOers are not simply countered by a Forretress or other Sturdy pokemon. None of the 3 viable Sturdy users could stand up to a Walrein firing off STAB Surfs, but if you switch something else in you risk getting hit by Sheer Cold.

Walrein's surf only does 27-32% to forretress unless it runs special attack EVS and I would definitely call that "standing up to it." Also, if you predict it will surf, send in a faster pokemon that can take the surf and do damage to walrein.

if i wanted to play a game where i would win 30% of the time i would play yahtzee with 2 other people (33% to be exact). Pokemon is fine the way it is. We have 3 tiers that each play completely differently, and are all entertaining in their own special ways. If you don't like OU, play Ubers or UU etc.
I honestly don't see what this has to do with double team or OHKOs, or anything we are debating about.

One more thing I want to know is what defines something as luck? Zap cannon is a pure coin flip, but nobody complains about that being luck. The ability serene grace is completely about increasing the odds of "luck," but people often see that as "skill." In advance, I can't count the number of times I have had MoPcross set up to sweep an entire team only to have megahorn miss and I lose. Was this luck or should I have not used an attack with a chance to miss? Another interesting note for people that think megahorn misses too much is that if you use a OHKO move five times, you still have ~15% chance that it won't hit att all in five turns, the same as megahorn in one.
I think one thing to look at when discussing these things is that most people on the Smogon boards don't play Pokemon they play Shoddy Battle.

The difference is in Shoddy Battle everything is neat, easy and all of the pokemon are built from the ground up to perfection. It is the ideal battlers world where the community has decided that "skill" is being able to build a better team than the other guy.

If people here played Pokemon then there would be no ARs ( including the allowable Duplication Code ) and everything would have to be earned through blood, sweat and soft resets till the perfect pokemon was found.

Game Freak created Pokemon where OHKO and Double-Team is allowed.
This gaming community and others have created Shoddy Battle ( or the meta-game ) where those moves are not allowed. Shoddy Battle is not under any circumstances Pokemon only modeled after such . . . and like any good model it has lost some dead weight along the way.
Medicham requires perfect prediction to "OHKO" anything in the game (which is not true, as there are many physical walls (Dusknoir and Cresselia come to mind instantly) which can live any of its assaults, including CB, thanks to the loss of physical Shadow Ball. Any user of actual OHKO moves doesn't have to predict, and is not locked into a single move if they guess wrong, or simply don't get lucky.

Medicham was just an arbitrary example of something that could OHKO many things.

OHKO useres do have to predict though and can easily be out-predicted. If you think they will use a OHKO move, you can usually just blindly send in a sturdy ability pokemon (or ghost if not sheer cold) and even if you predict incorrectly it should stay alive because most sturdy pokemon are bulky. You will at least force a switch and it is hard to switch in ice types with the common stealth rock on the field. Most of the "non-bulky" OHKO users can have speicific attacks for sturdy pokemon, but almost all of them are completely beaten by dugtrio, greatly hampering their impact. Also, since they are frail, they can hardly afford for an attack to miss, which a OHKO will 70% of the time, or else they will die without accomplishing anything.

Then either one player or the other had a bad team, or else one player was probably using a home-grown, novelty, or otherwise non-standard poke that the caught the other off guard. Even the former involves at least a little bit of skill, where in your situation, you're either going to have to guess which kind of OHKOer the opponent will bring and select the proper counter, or bring several OHKO counters, or else just play the odds. None of these presents a favorable situation.
In bold is usually a good way to win.
For the second part, you don't need more than one bulky OHKO counter to stop OHKOers. One counter + prediction is very sufficient.

Serene Grace freeze hax is, imo, just as bad as OHKO moves. However, the key difference lies in the fact that you cannot just reasonably Serene Grace from the game without changing game mechanics through any other method than just banning Blissey outright. OHKOs can be removed quite easily, because while a pokemon's moveset is a dynamic entity that can be changed by the player quite easily, its ability is static, and not meant to be changed or removed.
Theoretically, you could just ban serene grace on blissey the same way you ban sheer cold on lapras. Both are altering the game in the same way.
OHKO useres do have to predict though and can easily be out-predicted. If you think they will use a OHKO move, you can usually just blindly send in a sturdy ability pokemon (or ghost if not sheer cold) and even if you predict incorrectly it should stay alive because most sturdy pokemon are bulky. You will at least force a switch and it is hard to switch in ice types with the common stealth rock on the field. Most of the "non-bulky" OHKO users can have speicific attacks for sturdy pokemon, but almost all of them are completely beaten by dugtrio, greatly hampering their impact. Also, since they are frail, they can hardly afford for an attack to miss, which a OHKO will 70% of the time, or else they will die without accomplishing anything.

In bold is usually a good way to win.
For the second part, you don't need more than one bulky OHKO counter to stop OHKOers. One counter + prediction is very sufficient.

forcing the player to "predict" (codeword for guess) when they will or will not use an OHKO move is asinine. Turning the entire match into a guessing game makes it depend entirely on luck and would remove any semblance of skill from it. If "you should just guess when OHKO moves will be used" is the best argument for allowing them, I don't see how you can possibly justify wanting them.

How are Lapras and Walrein beaten by Dugtrio? lol.

30% is a lot more than you think it is. 3 out of every 10 tries, you will lose no matter how well prepared you are and you will lose no matter how well you have been playing. Do you want to send your Starmie in to counter my Guillotine Gliscor? Go ahead. I dare you.

Theoretically, you could just ban serene grace on blissey the same way you ban sheer cold on lapras. Both are altering the game in the same way.

Except they are both altering the game in ways that would completely deviate from game mechanics. If you take away Serene Grace Blissey, you are not playing pokemon anymore.
Except they are both altering the game in ways that would completely deviate from game mechanics. If you take away Serene Grace Blissey, you are not playing pokemon anymore.
How does banning Sheer Cold mean you are no longer playing pokemon? I fail to see how they're the same thng. When we play shoddy under the current ruleset, we are not playing pokemon?
We can't eliminate all aspects of luck from the game, secondary effects, critical hits, move accuracy, hell the damage calculation itself has some randomness in it. However, by eliminating things like OHKO moves and Evasion boosting moves, we are trying to reach a goal in minimizing luck.

By preventing moves that would reduce the game to a roulette spin, the game's more skill-based. You can say Sturdy and Haze eliminate those two major issues, but you've still centralized the metagame to luck based tactics and the direct counter to those tactics.

And my point with Walrein was that pokemon have 4 move slots, and Sturdy pokemon being able to stop 1 doesn't mean they are a counter.
How does banning Sheer Cold mean you are no longer playing pokemon? I fail to see how they're the same thng. When we play shoddy under the current ruleset, we are not playing pokemon?

I meant banning Sheer Cold from individual Pokemon, as he seemed to be advocating when he said "you could just ban serene grace on blissey the same way you ban sheer cold on lapras". Banning one move/item/trait from only one Pokemon is both absurd and unprecedented. It's the same reason why Soul Dew would be outright banned if Lati@s were to ever see competitive light instead of just on Lati@s.
what about focus sash? ohko moves don't bypass it, so that's another way to prevent dying from them. (I'm don't really want them unbanned, just throwing that out there).
forcing the player to "predict" (codeword for guess) when they will or will not use an OHKO move is asinine. Turning the entire match into a guessing game makes it depend entirely on luck and would remove any semblance of skill from it. If "you should just guess when OHKO moves will be used" is the best argument for allowing them, I don't see how you can possibly justify wanting them.
First of all prediction =/= random guessing. Should "you just guess" when CB garchomp uses outrage or lose anything that isn't a steel? If so, does that mean it should be banned? You have to predict around it. Secondly this is a huge overexaggeration of what OHKO moves do. They are not "turning the entire match into a guessing game" any more than choice users already do, if you refer to prediction as "guessing." They are just adding an element to the game.

Also for the record my main reason for wanting to allow OHKO moves is not "you should just guess when OHKO moves will be used." It is that A) nothing extremely defensively sound gets them (if cresselia got sheer cold, my opinion would be completely different), B) they are all extremely counterable with any sturdy user, and in addition a ghost (for horn drill/guillotine), or any levitator (for fissure), and can be predicted around, C) they would increase variety and give previously unused pokemon a use, D) They are not any more luck-based than many other moves/items that are currently allowed in the metagame.

How are Lapras and Walrein beaten by Dugtrio? lol.
I was referring to the less-bulky OHKO users that Syberia was talking about, which lapras and walrein would obviously not be a part of.

30% is a lot more than you think it is. 3 out of every 10 tries, you will lose no matter how well prepared you are and you will lose no matter how well you have been playing. Do you want to send your Starmie in to counter my Guillotine Gliscor? Go ahead. I dare you.
I'll just send in my genagr, forretress or magnezone (and use magnet rise). If I must send in starmie, I'll do it. I'd rather go with the 70% odds than the 30%. The majority of the time, I will be thinking that I am glad you didn't earthquake starmie.

Except they are both altering the game in ways that would completely deviate from game mechanics. If you take away Serene Grace Blissey, you are not playing pokemon anymore.
That is no different from saying "if you take away certain moves, you are not playing pokemon anymore." Again, for the record, I do not support banning of OHKO moves in any way, I just said lapras in that post to clarify my point.

We can't eliminate all aspects of luck from the game, secondary effects, critical hits, move accuracy, hell the damage calculation itself has some randomness in it. However, by eliminating things like OHKO moves and Evasion boosting moves, we are trying to reach a goal in minimizing luck.
All those thing could be eliminated but aren't because we want to still be playing pokemon. This is no different.

By preventing moves that would reduce the game to a roulette spin, the game's more skill-based. You can say Sturdy and Haze eliminate those two major issues, but you've still centralized the metagame to luck based tactics and the direct counter to those tactics.
I said I am against (or at least neutral) allowed double team, and there are enough viable sturdy pokemon that it isn't overcentralizing.

And my point with Walrein was that pokemon have 4 move slots, and Sturdy pokemon being able to stop 1 doesn't mean they are a counter.
So what can OHKO walrein do to forretress or magnezone (among others including probopass, etc.) then? Hp Fire? Then you still can't do anything to probopass. Anyway, forcing a walrein to use hp fire is enough to call something a counter.

what about focus sash? ohko moves don't bypass it, so that's another way to prevent dying from them. (I'm don't really want them unbanned, just throwing that out there).

There you go, thats another counter, along with substitute, which is even better.
That is no different from saying "if you take away certain moves, you are not playing pokemon anymore." Again, for the record, I do not support banning of OHKO moves in any way, I just said lapras in that post to clarify my point.
There's a difference between a blanket ban on a move because it is uncompetative and banning a single move/item/ability on one pokemon only.
There's a difference between a blanket ban on a move because it is uncompetative and banning a single move/item/ability on one pokemon only.
Ok, so say you ban serene grace on all pokemon, not just blissey, because it isn't competitive. How is that different?
Like I said. There is a precedent within the game for changing movesets and deleting and replacing moves at will. You cannot do the same for abilities.
NC said:
Ok, so say you ban serene grace on all pokemon, not just blissey, because it isn't competitive. How is that different?

Because then we'd be playing a game where Jirachi has no ability, which is not Pokemon. We can ban OHKO moves in competitive matches and still be playing Pokemon.

There are a lot more than 24 different attacks in the game and if certain attacks (OHKO moves or anything else) aren't on any of the Pokemon in play, then we're still playing Pokemon. We're still playing Pokemon even if none of my Pokemon have Sheer Cold. We're still playing Pokemon even if none of my Pokemon have Stone Edge, or Confusion, or Thunder Wave.

We're not playing Pokemon when Jirachi is ability-less.
Even after Serene Grace, you still have Super Luck Wide Lens +crit moves, focus energy, and 30% chances all over. Pokemon is a gambler's game first and foremost, and there really isn't anything to argue there. You can't take the luck out without totally remaking the game in a new way.
So what can OHKO walrein do to forretress or magnezone (among others including probopass, etc.) then? Hp Fire? Then you still can't do anything to probopass. Anyway, forcing a walrein to use hp fire is enough to call something a counter.

Surf does more than HP Fire. 140 base power vs 142.5 . Not to mention Surf does 283 to Probopass compared to 70 from Hidden Power.

Lets do some calcs:

Surf vs 252 HP Manezone: 31-36% (this is absolutely retarded considering Magnet Pull is the one reason to use Magnezone in the first place, and Walrien should probably run if Magnezone gets in safely)

Surf vs 252 HP Forretress: 41-49% (and forretress does what, Gyro Ball? Doesn't even break the sub)

Surf vs 252 HP Skarmory: 39-46% (and skarmory is doing what?)

Surf vs 252/170 Calm Probopass: 34-40% (again, Probopass should have Magnet Pull, but like magnezone it can threaten Walrein if it gets in thanks to HP Rock)

As you can see, a Walrein with 0 SpA EVs can deal respectable damage to all these usable Sturdy pokemon. Walrein doesn't need Hidden Power Fire to hurt them. And again, this is with 0 SpA, if it had more, it could probably 2HKO Skarmory, Forry and Probopass.
First of all prediction =/= random guessing. Should "you just guess" when CB garchomp uses outrage or lose anything that isn't a steel? If so, does that mean it should be banned? You have to predict around it. Secondly this is a huge overexaggeration of what OHKO moves do. They are not "turning the entire match into a guessing game" any more than choice users already do, if you refer to prediction as "guessing." They are just adding an element to the game.

Actually, there is no guessing with OHKO moves, unless you do have a Sturdy user. You just have a 30% chance of ALWAYS losing regardless of how you predict.
Actually no, there's a 30% per turn of losing, so it's not -always- losing. You guys are being overdramatic with the percentage thing. You can possibly survive and have all 8 OHKOs miss, or get hit by all 8. Stop being drama queens.
It's just plain silly to think that banning a move or pokemon somehow makes it so that you aren't playing pokemon anymore. Hell, Pokemon Stadium had clauses, Mewtwo was banned. In the wifi tower you can't have multiple items, and some pokemon are banned from there.

If you look at those facts, it means that Nintendo realizes that this isnt' a perfectly balanced game, and introduced some measures to bring a bit of balance to some areas. We are completely allowed to ban things in order to make the game more balanced, which is all clauses are meant to do.

We only stop playing pokemon when we change the fundamental mechanics. If Shoddy suddenly put SpDef and SpAtk back together in 4th gen play, I'd say they weren't playing pokemon. Not allowing players to use Horn Drill or Minimize doesn't change the game we're playing, just the metagame.

Purists annoy me a bit sometimes. Nintendo doesn't care about competitive play, and nintendo can't take my game cartridge away because I battle on wifi with evasion, ohko, sleep, and self ko clauses on. So as far as I'm concerned, since I can do all that without an external device, I'm playing pokemon.