Pokemon Legends - Arceus - 28th Jan 2022 *Official Content Only*

Unless this game is really fun to play I seriously doubt I'm going to buy it with the current frame issues. Graphical quality and artstyle are subjective anyhow but game performance is the most important thing you need to do, and all the trailer told me is that Game Freak either don't know or don't care how they can make their games run better; if they can't do that then I don't know why I should put any faith in how the rest of the game will fare.
Unfortunately for you and your enjoyable direct attacks to me and others, I am not

Both the wild area and the in-battle look comparably if not worse to the Wild area in SwSh.

I sincerely hope the game gets more polish by the time it's released, because yes, while some panoramas looked amazing, the actual gameplay sections looked featuring both low quality textures, bad FPS, and even jagged borders (something not even SwSh had).
SwSh could soooorta get away with it because the poor texturing and FPS drops were limited to the Wild Area while in-battle and in the cities route the graphic was more or less gorgeous (minus some render distance popups... looking at you Onix). However, if the entire game is a "wild area", it gets eye hurting pretty quickly.

I'd still very likely be getting the game, even with a graphic this bad, but I'd also really enjoy it more if it gets improved.
First off, I'm really sorry for insulting you. I genuinely didn't mean that as an attack towards you or anyone else. I'll try to word my posts better in the future.

But also... I honestly don't get where you're coming from. Just looking at those screenshots and the SWSH screenshots that R_N posted, Legends already looks better than SWSH by a long shot. The rocks in Legends, for example, look a lot more like rocks than the rocks in SWSH. You can actually see the roughened textures on them, whereas in SWSH they are completely smooth and kind of blend into the background. Same goes for the grass: the grass in Legends actually gives the impression of walking through fields full of tall grass, while the SWSH grass looks more like someone flattened a bunch of bushes together with an iron. I don't know, maybe my expectations were so drastically lowered by the BDSP graphics that even the Sonic 06 graphics look better in comparison, but I seriously don't see where you're coming from.

But still, Legends is only going to come out in early 2022. That's a whole year from now. They have plenty of time to improve on the graphics. It's definitely going to look even better at release.

I will say that I do get the problems about frame rate, but I think that's more of the Switch's fault than the game's fault. We really need a Switch Pro.
I'm kind of interested in this game, the open-world aspect has me intrigued, at least. Sinnoh was also the perfect region for this because of how rooted in the past it is. It's still the region with the most lore we have!

Although like others have pointed out, the game's gonna need a fair share of polish before being good enough...
I must say like the others that I disagree with you here. Perhaps you would like to post a few comparison pictures and point out where and how you think the SwSh Wild Area looks better?
I will say "better" is mostly just me exagerating the issue, but I do see comparable graphic artifacts in both.
For example, look at the grass on the sides here:

that's same or very slightly better than the grass textures in SwSh.
The shadow also don't make any sense, either.

For most of the footage, they have made much more clever use of 3d grass and similar elements to hide the textures, but in the few areas where the 3d elements arent, it's evident.
I also have no idea what's going on with the lighting on the ground here, and the grass on the right looks like a single-piece mass rather than have anyrealism. The trees look awfully jagged, as well, and the player(?)'s scarf has some evidente palette issues in the shading.

As for the FPS, this is the official trailer:
the FPS drops noticeably when the player is moving, also wtf is happening to that chingling basically teleporting up and down while floating? I also sure hope the Riolu (quick?) attack animation is intended to look like that cause otherwise that's a frame skip if i've seen one.

Now, I'm not saying that I do expect, or even demand, high quality graphic, I've been very adamant in saying I never cared of SwSh graphic issues either, but some parts of the trailer were really hard to watch for me.
Will they ruin the enjoyment of the game for me when I get it? Unlikely, but honestly, if they aren't capable of doing proper 3d ""realistic"" texturing, I'd rather have them stick with the easier to execute cartoony look that Let's Go had, instead of trying to force too much their hand.

That said, this is indeed very early footage, and there's a chance that by the time this game actually comes out, those artifacts are gone. At least, I hope.
I guess they want to have representation by all the "eras" of Pokémon without being inundated with complaints about Kanto pandering.

Typhlosion is also the only Fire-type starter not to be anthropomorphic or Charizard.

To be honest, I feel, in a way, it was to represent medieval classes of sorts. Rowlet obviously evolves into Decidueye--an archer. Oshawott into a knight/samurai--Samurott. Though, what kind of breaks this theory to me is Cyndaquil. You'd think if they went fully in on this concept they would use something like Fennekin, which evolves into a mage in Delphox; honestly Typhlosion kind of eludes me here. Maybe it's supposed to represent artillery warfare? Not sure;;

Though, logistically, I think you're right; it's most probable they went with these 3 for representation's sake, while having some extra convenient flavor in Rowlet and Oshawott's origins.

Regardless I think this entire thing is incredibly intuitive, one of a kind, and really cool. It takes a super unique approach that I feel the series has been aching for since it went 3D, and frankly exploring Sinnoh's super fascinating lore (with fucking ARCEUS no less) is such an amazing approach. Super excited for this; I just hope they're careful about the execution!
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To be honest, I honestly feel, in a way, it was to represent medieval classes of sorts. Rowlet obviously evolves into Decidueye--an archer. Oshawott into a Knight/Samurai; Samurott. Though, what kind of breaks this theory to me is Cyndaquil. You'd think if they went fully in on this concept they would use something like Fennekin, which evolves into a mage in Delphox; Typhlosion kind of eludes me here. Maybe it's supposed to represent artillery warfare? Not sure;;

Since Chimchar isn't an option (as they are specifically stated to be obtained from abroad)... there isn't a single Fire-type starter that can really fit with a medieval Japan style aesthetic. Charmander, Fennekin and Scorbunny are too european, Torchic might be too modern, and so are Tepig and Litten, so Cyndaquil wins by the fact nothing else fits.
I'm interested to see what they do from a lore perspective and how much the actual lore component plays into the game, especially since we didn't really see any in the trailer. Right now all I'm seeing is "You’ll need to catch, survey, and research wild Pokémon in a long-gone era of the Sinnoh region to create and complete the region’s first Pokédex." via the pokemon website, but I presume that we'll get a good chunk of story-driven adventure and questing in addition to just completing the pokedex. Obviously we barely have any info on the game, but based on the trailer I'm a tiiiiny bit concerned it'll end up closer to a walking simulator than a full on open world RPG, especially since there is only one town? This is just conjecture and I'm sure we'll get more details sprinkled along the way in the next year, but hopefully there is more to this game than just filling the pokedex.
This game looks promising, but I'm not completely sold on it yet. I haven't played many real open world games, the main (and probably only) one is BOTW which I really liked, but I'm unsure if the open world concept can work for a Pokémon game. My main concern is how they will handle the levels, will they scale according to your progress or not? And I honestly don't mind linearity in Pokémon (or video games in general) as long as it is well done. The wild area in S/S was decent but there's a lot of room for improvements there. I'm unsure if it has been confirmed whether this game will be full open world or not, it looks like that from the trailer at least.

Apart from that, the game is interesting. I never expected them to make a precursor game like this. I have had some ideas for a "BW0" as a future Gen 5 title. Previously, it was never more than a dream which I never thought would be true. But now, who knows? I never thought they would make a Sinnoh game which takes place before the Sinnoh games we had previously played. I really like the concept of a game set in the distant past in a familiar region and if this one turns out to be good, I hope they can continue with more games like this in the future.

I wonder how the gameplay will be though, both the capture and battle system seems to be a bit different from the standard. I also wonder which Pokémon will be available on the whole. I guess they will have all Sinnoh Pokémon and their evolutionairy relatives at least. But apart from that? Will they have all, or will they have a limit of some kind? And will it be possible to transfer/trade between other games/Home? Many questions remain. It seems like they will at least feature some Pokémon from most/all regions based on the three starters (which I think are really cool choices). I guess and hope that the Sinnoh Pokémon will still get the main focus though. The graphics seem fine to me, not as good as BOTW but still acceptable.

Overall, I'm a bit more interested in this than BD/SP, but we'll have to see if I end up getting it. I'll wait for more information before making a decision. I'm also happy about the release date, it will be released early in the year for once and not towards the end, which is great.
I don't know about y'all, but this excites me. They're actually trying to do something new for the series.
Obviously execution could use a bit of help (graphics aren't perfect and that Chingling is definitely a WIP) but that's always been GF's main problem. They're just not at the same level of programming talent as Nintendo or other developers.
But the new ideas this game puts forward for Pokemon... I think that this could be a trial run for a new branch of Pokemon. A bit of a less-graphically-impressive BOTW/Link's Awakening DX.

But remember a few things here.
1. Criticism, no matter how minute, can still be valid, and skepticism can be healthy. It's important to want a series to be better, and it's perfectly realistic to be wary if you felt the last few games didn't meet the standards you expected.
2. It's important to acknowledge the good bits, the improvements, and to find stuff to be legitimately excited about, as well. Being entirely doom-and-gloom helps nobody.
3. These two things can and very much do coexist.
I'm interested to see what they do from a lore perspective and how much the actual lore component plays into the game, especially since we didn't really see any in the trailer. Right now all I'm seeing is "You’ll need to catch, survey, and research wild Pokémon in a long-gone era of the Sinnoh region to create and complete the region’s first Pokédex." via the pokemon website, but I presume that we'll get a good chunk of story-driven adventure and questing in addition to just completing the pokedex. Obviously we barely have any info on the game, but based on the trailer I'm a tiiiiny bit concerned it'll end up closer to a walking simulator than a full on open world RPG, especially since there is only one town? This is just conjecture and I'm sure we'll get more details sprinkled along the way in the next year, but hopefully there is more to this game than just filling the pokedex.
Wild guess, but I bet we’ll learn about legends in the Pokémon universe. I’m going into speculative territory here, but maybe even legends about Arceus?
Wild guess, but I bet we’ll learn about legends in the Pokémon universe. I’m going into speculative territory here, but maybe even legends about Arceus?
Haha, I would hope so. I'm just curious how significant of a portion of the game this will be though, seeing as the trailer didn't reveal anything in regards to how we will explore the lore etc.
To be honest, I feel, in a way, it was to represent medieval classes of sorts. Rowlet obviously evolves into Decidueye--an archer. Oshawott into a knight/samurai--Samurott. Though, what kind of breaks this theory to me is Cyndaquil. You'd think if they went fully in on this concept they would use something like Fennekin, which evolves into a mage in Delphox; honestly Typhlosion kind of eludes me here. Maybe it's supposed to represent artillery warfare? Not sure;;
A battering ram, to break open wooden town doors.
...What? Pokémon ethics didn't exist at that time, right?

Something that struck me during the presentation was that they said you could explore and battle with your Pokémon partner.
Partner. Not partners, mind you.
I wonder if the concept of team will be thrown out in favor of 1 singular allied Pokémon, but in that case:
a) this will severely hamper Pokémon with poor movepools, as coverage would prove crucial to not get blocked by a specific type or Pokémon
b) will we be able to change Pokémon on the fly?

All in all I wouldn't mind a more survivalist/bonding approach to the human/Pokémon relationship.
A battering ram, to break open wooden town doors.
...What? Pokémon ethics didn't exist at that time, right?

Something that struck me during the presentation was that they said you could explore and battle with your Pokémon partner.
Partner. Not partners, mind you.
I wonder if the concept of team will be thrown out in favor of 1 singular allied Pokémon, but in that case:
a) this will severely hamper Pokémon with poor movepools, as coverage would prove crucial to not get blocked by a specific type or Pokémon
b) will we be able to change Pokémon on the fly?

All in all I wouldn't mind a more survivalist/bonding approach to the human/Pokémon relationship.
We’ve already seen a screenshot of the player having 6 poke balls on their side of battle. I assume by single partner they’re just referring to your starter
Since Chimchar isn't an option (as they are specifically stated to be obtained from abroad)... there isn't a single Fire-type starter that can really fit with a medieval Japan style aesthetic. Charmander, Fennekin and Scorbunny are too european, Torchic might be too modern, and so are Tepig and Litten, so Cyndaquil wins by the fact nothing else fits.
Talking about the period aesthetic raises an interesting train of thought. If I'm not mistaken, Bronzong is clearly based on something that significantly predates the time period in question. As such, it's reasonable to guess that the oldest ruins would have already have been built by the time this game takes place. If we then assume that this isn't going to be revealed early, it might lead into having the player start on the west side of the region so they would need to be able to cross Mt. Coronet before seeing Celestic and Solaceon.
Performance is another issue, however. Boy...those....frames of animation......
Well, at least on one thing we do agree.

Personally, I think SwSh does look more polished in anything that doesnt feature 3d elements, but I can just agree to disagree on that.
I wonder: Since the game is named Pokémon legends: Arceus, does that mean theres a potential of having more games with the same "Pokémon legends" banner? Honestly since the gameplay and region design is so different, I wouldn't mind going back to Hoenn in a Pokémon legends: Rayquaza or something
I wonder: Since the game is named Pokémon legends: Arceus, does that mean theres a potential of having more games with the same "Pokémon legends" banner? Honestly since the gameplay and region design is so different, I wouldn't mind going back to Hoenn in a Pokémon legends: Rayquaza or something
Possibly, I mean if this one ends up selling, they could consider doing more of the same genre.
I’m kinda wondering if we’ll see fossil Pokémon or not? It’s way too early to restore fossils, but it’s probably after they died out? Still though, it seems weird to toss out the sinnoh fossil mons that could potentially work in the setting, unlike porygon-z and stuff, but it also seems like it would be weird to include them, since they’re probably dead?
While not fully the same, it is potentially worth noting that Conquest included Anorith, with one of the characters lampshading that it's strange when a bunch of them show up in the wild since they're normally fossil-only. On the other hand we haven't yet anything resembling the magitech Conquest got up to (or the fact that Conquest includes Mewtwo).
Surprised nobody has brought up this part of the reveal trailer
Screenshot (99).png

That right there is the Spheal family, a line that was not present in either the OG DP or Platinum dexes. The starter selection isn't just a one-off, these games are gonna have an expanded Pokedex compared to Platinum.