SPOILERS! Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Discussion

*innocently playing demo*
What?! I can't sit down?! But... But... I've always made my player sit before saving and turning off... it's been that way for 2 years
RIP sitting down
I've been doing this for I don't know how long. Even on the previous games when you couldn't sit, there was a way to "sit", meaning being over the place to sit, and I used to believe I was sitting there. It's so sad we can't sit anymore, really. If we can't sit, than we can't lie down in beds. How will I pretend to be sleeping?
I've been doing this for I don't know how long. Even on the previous games when you couldn't sit, there was a way to "sit", meaning being over the place to sit, and I used to believe I was sitting there. It's so sad we can't sit anymore, really. If we can't sit, than we can't lie down in beds. How will I pretend to be sleeping?
I thought I was the only one lol. Glad to be a part of the club!
Well... We can clip through walls in the demo if we abuse Tauros mount and b charge...

Found out in VP and tried it, I managed to get stuck inside of the fence close to the police department.

Any possible implications of this or people think this is a demo only bug?
Saw the post you are referring to,
the spot near the tourist office which the op broke into is normally accessible on foot and if there is anything glitchy about it, it's only that you can mount tauros there but can't in other similarly narrow places.
Saw the post you are referring to,
the spot near the tourist office which the op broke into is normally accessible on foot and if there is anything glitchy about it, it's only that you can mount tauros there but can't in other similarly narrow places.

You expected me to take a pic out of it? I have seen dogs crossing a suspended bridge while people below are dodging cars simply because they didn't want to climb a bridge an I didn't took a picture out of it, I played skyrim and saw models twist and turn in the most retarded ways and I didn't screen cap...I'm not the kind of man that takes pictures.

I have been trying to replicate this bug on places that seem to hold more, yet I only managed to get stuck once with the machamps and once in the fence of the police station, I could attempt one more time and take a picture of it but with my stick damaged from playing Atlus games I doubt I'll be able to do much or have the ability to replicate it. Heck it's hard to pull the ballerina spin already!
There are 324 possible type combinations in the game. Which is still a lot considering some type combinations of Pokemon are not obvious, most unlike the Pokemon of the games many of us grew up with.
I doubt it's 324, we can't have water/water, and water/ground or ground water are basically the same, the number with permutations might actually be close to 120 or something. Then the abilities.
Unrelated to the current discussion, but since this was brought up:
There are 18 single types, and a Pokémon can have up to 2 different types. Since Water/Water = Water, and Water/Ground = Ground/Water, we have 18 [single types] +18*17/2 [double types] = 171 different typing combinations. (Incidentally, this is the 18th triangle number, which isn't a coincidence.)
They are trying to emulate the mobile games of early 2k interfaces, in the West most where small and hard to click... But in Japan they made them big an festive to estimulate the brain reward response, they also tied them to the right with options to the left to make them easier to read and catch the japanese reading eye faster.

It was until 2010 that we actually got better models for mobile gaming with big centric action button with options to the left in order to emulate consoles and give small bits of info like in console gaming.

Pokémon is going for the full circle for going for the mid 2k net design early Mobile design instead of realizing that the western center option is actually more popular for convenience over reward stimulus on a broader market.

That isn't convenient, check other mobile games on top charts on worldwide market, then check Japan only net and mobile, the mobile market actually copied the western recently to have a better display.

I think you're reading into this too much. They've been moved over to the sides 1) to allow for more room on the bottom screen so we get that area with the mini sprites and stat changes, and 2) so we can press the buttons with our thumbs easily, instead of having to move your entire hand to go back and forth between the "pressing the physical buttons" position and "using the touchscreen" position.
There are 324 possible type combinations in the game. Which is still a lot considering some type combinations of Pokemon are not obvious, most unlike the Pokemon of the games many of us grew up with.

I doubt it's 324, we can't have water/water, and water/ground or ground water are basically the same, the number with permutations might actually be close to 120 or something. Then the abilities.

Unrelated to the current discussion, but since this was brought up:
There are 18 single types, and a Pokémon can have up to 2 different types. Since Water/Water = Water, and Water/Ground = Ground/Water, we have 18 [single types] +18*17/2 [double types] = 171 different typing combinations. (Incidentally, this is the 18th triangle number, which isn't a coincidence.)

There are 18C2 = 18!/((16!)(2!)) = 153 possible combinations of dual types.

Total number of types is 153+18 = 171


The notation 18C2 means how many ways you can combine 2 elements from a set of 18 elements. The general expression for this is nCr; how many ways can you combine r number of elements from a set of n size. The general formula is:

nCr = n!/[(n-r)!(r!)]

where n! is n*(n-1)(n-2)...(1)
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Got the demo a few days ago but haven't really touched on it much (haven't seen the Dugtrio event) but the thing that has me excited the most is the return of the "Free Space" feature in the bag from BW2! Honestly, I am mainly disappointed the Totem Battle was more or less a gloried horde battle than anything since you could simply just wail on the thing (I was expecting the minions to block your attempts). On the upside, I am really appreciative how improved the graphics are in regards to the NPCs feeling way more dynamic than in the past since they aren't awkward chibis now.

Embarrassingly, I cannot seem to pull off the pirouette thing.
Some things I remembered wanting to bring up:

1. I like how trainers and Pokemon will face your character when they're near/bump into them. Gives it some realism, like you do have a presence in this world.

2. A question about the catching contest: Will you keep all the Pokemon you catch? Will it work like it does in the demo where release the Pokemon after your done with the catching challenge? I sort of see problems with both:
  • Keep What You Catch: In addition to not wanting that many extra Pokemon that could fill up your PC pretty fast.
  • Release All At End: What if there's one you caught that you wanted to keep?
Obviously the best solution would be after the contest letting us choose any we want to keep, but would they do that?
Some things I remembered wanting to bring up:

1. I like how trainers and Pokemon will face your character when they're near/bump into them. Gives it some realism, like you do have a presence in this world.

2. A question about the catching contest: Will you keep all the Pokemon you catch? Will it work like it does in the demo where release the Pokemon after your done with the catching challenge? I sort of see problems with both:
  • Keep What You Catch: In addition to not wanting that many extra Pokemon that could fill up your PC pretty fast.
  • Release All At End: What if there's one you caught that you wanted to keep?
Obviously the best solution would be after the contest letting us choose any we want to keep, but would they do that?

I'm like 99% sure this event won't even exist in the actual game. I'm not even sure the area with the Mysterious Man will either. I don't think the maps from the ORAS demo ended up in the final game (apart from maybe for a Mirage Island?).

I think it's just a cool little thing to show you how Pokeballs work/different effects of Pokeballs (which I don't think are ever described to the player in detail apart from their summaries). Also to let you practice catching Pokemon (which given Greninja's power is surprisingly difficult). So I don't think it will exist, that area where you go will just be patches of grass imo. It certainly won;t be where the catching tutorial proper is etc.
I'm like 99% sure this event won't even exist in the actual game. I'm not even sure the area with the Mysterious Man will either. I don't think the maps from the ORAS demo ended up in the final game (apart from maybe for a Mirage Island?).

I think it's just a cool little thing to show you how Pokeballs work/different effects of Pokeballs (which I don't think are ever described to the player in detail apart from their summaries). Also to let you practice catching Pokemon (which given Greninja's power is surprisingly difficult). So I don't think it will exist, that area where you go will just be patches of grass imo. It certainly won;t be where the catching tutorial proper is etc.

They confirmed there were going to be Capture Challenges in the game.
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The maps from the ORAS demo were Mossdeep City with several areas (aka the buildings) blocked off and you did the fetch quests on the mirage areas. So no, I think most/all areas in the S/M demo will exist in the full game, but perhaps with a different purpose. If the catching contest comes back, maybe there'll be a more unique area for it, the catches could have different difficulties and there might be something like a time limit. And you might be allowed to keep what you get.

The area with the mysterious man looks like you'll fight a Totem Pokémon at the end in the full game.