What are your favorite UU Pokémon’s that do really well in OU?
I’ve been experimenting a lot with about 8 different “UU All-stars” teams in OU. Where the common theme is all Pokémon’s have to be legal in UU, and the overall team needs to be optimised for OU.
after this experimentation on the ladder.. peaking at about 1980, with various teams averaging from 1600s to 1850s (no team so far averaged higher than 1900s in ELO)… need to make the following comments:
1. The best all stars team used



Mandibuzz and

Bulu. This core is shockingly proficient both offensively and defensively. And this is with only Mandibuzz running pure defensive EV spreads! It caused a strong zapdos weakness, hippodown + your choice of rotom could deal with it.

Rotom-H is
really good in OU right now.. it harasses common cores and can switch into melmetal, as well as most fliers and even
defensive Garchomp, Garchomp is supposed to be a check for it!Just hit 219 speed, 252 HP, invest in your choice of SpD or Def, and use nasty plot + thunderbolt + overheat + pain split
3. running a “breedable” UU all-stars team in OU is really hard.. you basically need a super strong wall breaker like Crawdaunt, and outside of the rotoms, slowking and maybe slowbro-g, good pivots or Pokémon that can be both defensive/offensive are hard to find.
4. No matter the UU all stars team you build, urshifu, dragapult, kartana, heatran, garchomp and the rest of the hard hitting gang will all be a nightmare to deal with. You can probably see why

Mandibuzz is essential!

is disgustingly good when the opponent doesn’t have a Blissey, chansey, glowking or Ferrothorn. It’s always a fun time when
toxapex isn’t packing an offensive poison move.
6. UU Allstars rain teams
aren’t too bad. Who woulda thunk

moltres could be a rain threat?
7. Speaking of rain teams..

Politoed isn’t too bad, it has 1x unique niche over pelliper, that is access to encore and perish song. It can come in surprisingly handy!

is really fun to use
when it works. Unfortunately it’s just the 1000th reason landorus-t is the best Pokémon in OU.

it’s shocking this isn’t OU. The main set I used after some experimentation:
- shadow ball
- shadow sneak
- kings shield
- close combat
item is leftovers. Nature and EVs can be flexible, I used 252+ SpA, and alternated between more bulk, or more speed.Your choice of speed EVs depends on the benchmark you wanna hit:
• 0 Spe and negative nature gives max bulk, making you a super reliable lele check, but Aegislash will be weak against stall or very bulky teams.
• between 0 Spe- and 100 Spe, there’s benchmarks like clefable, Blissey, etc. if you’re picking a spot between the two, just benchmark against those switch ins
• 100 Spe and neutral nature puts you in a nice middle ground of bulky Pokémon, where you outspeed switch ins like corviknight, to make it harder to roost stall on you, whilst under speeding Mandibuzz, Incase you can sneak in a close combat on her in the end game.
why is this Aegislash set so good?
it’s because a Pokémon is only as good as it’s ability to either 1. Switch into a challenging threat or 2. Deal with repeated switch ins from Pokémon that check it.
defensively, aegislash is a rare find that can switch into top threats like lele, combo threats like screens + Cloyster, mediocre threats like Hawlucha, out of favour threats like zapdos-g, and fringe threats like Bulu.
kings shield can scout choice moves. It can also be used to recover hp, so for example, when you switch in on a lele, you can actually recover 18.75% before you switch out again (boosted with grassy terrain support)
you can switch into common predicted soft moves, like a toxic, or strong ones like close combat for the quick 6.25% or 12.5% recovery. (Boosted by terrain).
Aegislash shadow ball conveniently 3hkos its most common check: SpD landorus.. so it puts good pressure on it. It also forces out slower switch ins like toxapex or clefable if it is lucky to get a SpD drop or crit (24.8% chance). Shadow sneak is a really cool tool because you’ll notice 2 shadow balls pits most Pokémon into 0-20% HP range, whilst most other Pokémon get into that range from 3 shadow balls.
some examples replays:
Aegislash handles screen supported cloyster quite reliably. Coming in numerous times over a match.
sometimes choiced Pokémon can be a liability, such as when you’re against an Aegislash.
Here’s a really fun 2000s ELO matchup with Aegislash vs Aegislash. You’ll see the opponents Aegislash walls my Bulu, whilst my aegislash tries it’s best to shield against the extremely strong onslaught. Ultimately I lost due to losing momentum far too early against extreme offense.
Aegislash best counter (to the set I mentioned) by far is Mandibuzz. Here’s a match where I get completely walled, almost effortlessly, due to a very difficult to break defensive backbone.
Sometimes Aegislash will win in matchups you don’t expect.. like against a magnezone