Challenge The Scramble Challange

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Thanks for the review, you make my heart feel SUPER happy! (my internet is working again, but it's still a little bit, like, bad).

Anyway, I'm doing a ruby challenge and I need a challenge for a pokemon that can learn surf, I want it to be a water type and please NO normal types. Also no level restrictions please. Anybody wanna give me a challenge?
I guess I can't give you my slaking challenge then. :( Anyways you get Franklin, the sexually confused Ralts. It must be the first Male Ralts you find. He is Confused as to why he's wering a dress, so he must learn and keep Confusion. He's annoyed by being called girly, but can live with it until it evolves into Kirlia. When it does, it's excited about becoming a Galade... until he realizes it's third gen. Expressing his rage, he must replace every move he has that's stonger than confusion, and may not learn a move stronger again. In hope that he will eventually become a manly Gallade, he constantly holds a stone. Finally, he must never, never evolve into a Gardevoir, in hopes that he will one day become a Gallade.

P.S. If you transfer it to 4th gen and use a dawn stone on it, it will love you forever.
Not a challenge post or anything, but I have updated the OP with the upcoming Scramble Premier League season, & I've also added Tynamo to the list of no-evolution Pokemon you cannot give in the unbreakable, must be followed rules, since Tynamo, well, can't take a hit or learn a TM.

I'd like to take a soul silver challange, no trading.

I'm more interested in fun and variety than difficulty. Unique and interesting sets and pokemon are fine, but try to avoid anything too impossible to use.

Thanks in advance =]


Cyndaquil the Vulpix: Thanks go to auramaster
-Can only learn moves that Cyndaquil and evos can learn.

Terrier the Snubbull: Thanks go to Its_A_Random
-All attacking moves of different types
-Must solo 30 trained pokemon to evolve

Minesweep the Koffing: Thanks go to ironman
-If move deals > half hp: Explode
-Else if move deals < 1/3 hp: thunder/fire blast/gyro ball
-Else poison attack or Destiny Bond
-Solo 10 rocket grunts to evolve.

StatUS the Hoppip: Thanks go to pimpgangster
-Must have all 3 status powders
-To evolve, powders must be used in special ways.
- - Stall out opponent with poison
- - Stun an opponent so slowest poke on team can outspeed and kill
- - Put opponent to sleep so team mate can set up on it.

starwarrior the Ledyba: Thanks go to Bob_Squob
-Can't be lowest or highest level in party
-Must know Comet Punch(To punch asteroids), Bug Buzz Lightyear, Aerial Space Ace and light screen(to defend against incoming laser beams)

RageGuy the Totodile: Thanks go to Newby N0Ob
-Must know rage or thrash
-Must solo a poke with rage to evolve into Croconaw
-Must learn Thrash to evolve into Feraligatr
-I must yell "FFFFUUUUUUU-" whenever it dies.


StarPwr the Solrock: Thanks go to Sharpedo
-Must know Cosmic Power, Fire spin, Overheat and a Rock move.
-Must start trainer battles with Cosmic Power, Followed by fire spin, followed by Overheat
@ SB. Catch a Seedot named Nuzlocke. Yep, I'm giving you a Nuzlocke challenge in a Scramble, if this is somehow not allowed please tell me. It must follow all Nuzlocke rules, meaning that you must catch the first one you find and never let it faint, ever, or else it will be dead and you cannot use it again. No fair reseting to prevent your Seedot from dying, so be careful. If you choose, you may revive it one time with a rare candy, but then you may not use any items to heal it afterwards, only pokemon center visits.

@ Pikapu
Catch a Spinarak, name it Interwebz. Interwebs gets all of it's battling information from Bulbapedia, so to battle it must be holding a Wiki Berry. (to get one, give a blue shard to the Juggler in Violet City, you cannot use the Spinarak before then). If it ever loses it, it cannot battle and must switch out. Once it can learn Spider Web, it must keep it and use it to start battles. It may never be the lowest leveled member of your party, but does not have to be the highest.
@Pikapu, after you and your rival pick your starters, one starter is left alone, lonely without his friends. You saw it when you picked your first Pokemon, and knew it was strong AND cool, so ever since you wanted a Pokemon like it. Thus, you decide to catch a Krabby/Sunkern/Vulpix, whichever your starter is strong against, and name it Totodile/Chikorita/Cyndaquil, whichever has the same type. Your Pokemon can only know moves that can also be learned by the starter Pokemon its named after, including the starter Pokemon's evolutions.
@ Pikapu
Catch a Spinarak, name it Interwebz. Interwebs gets all of it's battling information from Bulbapedia, so to battle it must be holding a Wiki Berry. (to get one, give a blue shard to the Juggler in Violet City, you cannot use the Spinarak before then). If it ever loses it, it cannot battle and must switch out. Once it can learn Spider Web, it must keep it and use it to start battles. It may never be the lowest leveled member of your party, but does not have to be the highest.
Berry Holding Pokemon like this one to me is what Mono Type Pokemon are to Treadshot: It is my intellectual property, no stealing! Besides, the fact that it activates at 50% makes this challenge ridiculous...

Anyways, Pikapu, your challenge. Take a Snubbull, name it Terrier. It must know all attacking moves of different types. To evolve, it must solo 30 trained Pokemon.

Have fun.
Yeah, things like Flapper the Cheri Berry Zubat and other random berry holding crap are property of RandomCorp. It's in the official OP.

Just change it to another item and Random won't be able to touch ya. ;)

catch a Koffing named Minesweeper or if this is too big just(I think it is, it can only be minesweepe) name it Mineswpr...

This koffing thinks that it is mine in the famous game so every time you get hit by an attack yougive your opponent a specific number from 1-3...

-If the attack deals more than half hp then your opponent gets a 3 and so it is more likely to get exploded in the face so your answer to it is selfdestruct/explosion...
-If the attack deals less than half hp your opponent gets a 2 your opponent just becomes curious of when the mine will explode so you use a poison attack or destiny bond...
-If the attack barely scratches you(less than 1/3 damage) your opponent gets a 1 and becomes overconfident...So he must get hit by one of its other moves which can be two of the following:
gyro ball, thunder, fire blast in order to realize that it is still likely to hit a mine...

Solo 10 team rocket grunts to evolve...
Pikabu you get StatUS the Hoppip. This Hoppip must learn and keep the three powders and use them in a different way to evolve.

  • Sleep - Must put a poke to sleep so that a team mate can get it to -3 in a stat or itself to +3 in a stat
  • Stun - Must use it so that the slowest poke on your team can come in and kill it while being faster than it
  • Poison - must be used to stall out a pokemon's health. this can be done with items

To evolve again it must use an upgraded version of these

  • Sleep - -6 or +6 instead of -3,+3
  • Stun - Only pokemon with Base 100 speed or higher
  • Poison - NO ITEMS
When it becomes a jumpluff the move restrictions are removed
@Nightmare: Snag the Shadow Beedril from the Cipher Key Lair. You must purify it completely without using the Purification Chamber (yes, you must carry it around in your party and then use the Celebi shrine). It must keep its moveset when it is purified forever: Swords Dance, Twineedle, Sludge Bomb, and Baton Pass. Its only restriction outside of those is that it must at some point use the following moves in order:

Swords Dance -> Twineedle -> Swords Dance -> Sludge Bomb -> Swords Dance -> Baton Pass

Name it YeloJacket.

Forgot about this one. Accepted.

Also bumping my Pokemon XD Scramble, need one more mon.
I'm not entirely sure if you people are kidding about prosecuting me for stealing. I knew that the Cheri berry challenge was a signature, but I just wanted to use the wiki pun, so I figured it would be fine if I used another berry.
Well, Jiggly, I'll give you your last 'mon. I bequeath unto thee Prissy the Delcatty! It must be the first one you snag from Lovrina. Before purifying it, you must use Incense (or whatever it's called) on it three times. It must also be out for at least 2 turns in every following Admin battle. (No need to send it in on Greevil; that would be mean XD)

I hope it's not too difficult. If you feel it is, I would be more than happy to remove the Admin rule.
Hey I'm looking for a challenge on soul silver
a few rules:
- no trading
- no rude pokemon names
- one pokemon must be a starter

Thanks :)

EDIT: Adding team here:

- Courage the totodile - can only use moves that would be boosted by sheer force and must solo the fighting type elite four member

- Dwyane the machop - must always know focus energy and a move that boosts his attack, can't evolve until he solos a gym leader while holding an amulet coin (can never evolve to machamp)

- RudyGay the vulpix - must win on one track three times in a row in the pokeathlon before evolving. Must beat Will to prove himself and also must solo any teddiursa and ursaring encountered.

- Parasite the Paras - Must keep spore, cannot evolve until it solos 10 pokemon within 5 levels after putting them to sleep and not gaining a level (if it gains a level must start again)

- Woods the weedle (male) - before evolving kakuna must harden and then poison 18 female pokemon. Beedrill must solo karen and infect 3 of her pokemon with twinneedle

- Scavenger the aipom - Can only use items that it picked up. (can use PC and only have to use the picked up items on Aipom). Must know and keep fling. Can evolve when it picked up 3 rare candies.
(once evolved) Can get rid of fling if solo 10 trained fighting types with Scavenger. If you are going to solo Chuck with it, then change the number to 7. If you lose the solo to Chuck then change the number to 15. (has to replace fling woth a hand or tail attack)

choose as a starter Courage the totodile...

can use only sheer force boosted moves...

solo the fighting type e4(bruno?-too bored to look right now)...
@king of kongs and auramaster, I asked for a pokemon that can learn SURF and um, those two can't. I wonder if I should go with Texas or Random. Hmmm....

choose as a starter Courage the totodile...

can use only sheer force boosted moves...

solo the fighting type e4(bruno?-too bored to look right now)...

Isn't sheer force a Black and White ability?

EDIT: Ah I see thanks Vratix (p.s. I like the story behind your scramble challenge, they always make challenges more entertaining.)
@Lebron James

The heat are 2-0 against the Celtics right now. That gets your teammates PUMPED.
Since then Dwyane (Wade) the Machop has been working out like crazy so every game he can get as many points as possible. To make up for getting 10 less points in game 2 than in game 1 he must always know Focus Energy. To evolve to Machoke he must solo a gym leader while holding an amulet coin (to get that money) and know a move that boost his attack. He may not delete those moves. To avoid drugs, he may not evolve into machamp, 4 arms? Definitely juicing.

Isn't sheer force a Black and White ability?
It is. I was assuming he knew that and simply was making you use moves that would get that boost without the added benefit of the boost itself.
Okay Lebron, I'll give you another basketball-themed challenge.

RudyGay the Vulpix really wanted to lead the Grizzlies to their first NBA title this year, but he got kicked off the team because he's a fox, not a bear. To prove himself, he takes on the Pokeathlon. He must win on one track three times in a row to evolve. As Ninetales, he takes on Will to prove once and for all that he deserves a championship.

Oh, and he's still resentful toward the Grizzlies, so have him solo any Teddiursa/Ursaring you see.

You get a Meowth named iCnHazRaiz. It can never evolve. Until it learns Pay Day, it must hold an Amulet Coin. When it learns Pay Day, it must keep it and use it once every battle. The last part depends on its ability:

If it has Pickup, there are no further restrictions.

If it has Technician, it must use Fake Out at the start of every turn and can only know moves of base 60 or lower.
I'm not entirely sure if you people are kidding about prosecuting me for stealing. I knew that the Cheri berry challenge was a signature, but I just wanted to use the wiki pun, so I figured it would be fine if I used another berry.
Berry Holding Pokemon in general is a signature, the Cheri Berry one is the most notorious of them.

EDIT: LeBron James, take a Paras, name it Parasite. It must know & keep Spore. To evolve, it must solo 10 Pokemon within 5 levels of it after putting them to sleep with Spore...Without gaining a level. If it does, the counter resets.

Have fun.
All right, let's catch this before it passes me by;
@Lebron James take a male Weedle, name it Woods.
Woods isn't quite right in the head. He thinks he's Arceus' gift to females, and they just don't know it. So, he just has to share it with all of them.
-As a Kakuna, Woods must Violate and Infect 18 assorted females (Harden, then Poison Sting until they catch his disease) before it can evolve.
-On evolution, it must continue it's... ways and solo Karen. With Twinneedle infecting 3 of her pokemon.

Enjoy, and don't get too carried away. =]
I just checked and Spinarak is heartgold exclusive anyway.

If you have another suggestion, Bob_Squob, I'm open to it =]

After the spinarak replacement I'll need only one more team member.

Thanks everyone.
Huh, I thought it was the other way around. Well, you get a Ledyba named starwarrior. It's moveset must be thus;
• comet punch (to punch asteroids)
• bug buzz (bug buzzlightyear)
• aerial ace (he's a space ace)
• light screen (shields up!)
It may only use these moves. It must never be the lowest or highest member of your party.

You get a Totodile named RageGuy. It must keep Rage and solo a trained Poké with it before evolving into Croconaw. It can only evolve again when it learns Thrash, with which you can replace Rage.

Oh, and when it dies, you have to yell, "FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." (just that; you don't have to say the whole word)
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