Wi-Fi Blacklist: as of January 30th, 2014

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Hey um I don't really know if this should go here but I would like to say Nes hosted a Scizor giveaway like a week back and it ended quickly and still hasn't distributed the prizes to my knowledge. I sent him 2 PMs about it (not on the same day) and have not received any responses. Can something be done about this?

^That's the URL for the giveaway.

If he made a giveaway and wasn't going to distribute his Pokemon why did he make one in the first place?

Again I apologize if this is out of place.

He answered you in the thread.

Besides, there are still two winners to be had and I wanna conduct all my trades at once.
I have a question, if im not supposed to post here, delete it or something.

If you have someone's pokemon UT and you want to get it EVd but you dont have rights to it, BUT YOU TELL THE PERSON NOT TO KEEP A COPY, would that be okay? I just want to make sure.
I have a question, if im not supposed to post here, delete it or something.

If you have someone's pokemon UT and you want to get it EVd but you dont have rights to it, BUT YOU TELL THE PERSON NOT TO KEEP A COPY, would that be okay? I just want to make sure.

No, it's not fine.

Exception granted if you ask the OT and get permission.
Here to report Afrikio

He tried to offer an almost perfect XD Zapdos and Collos (or was it FR? I don't know) Suicune.

Even though he pulled them off his thread, the response of me, Pokeguy, and DragonFE remain. He never tried to cover for himself, and he claims it has been hack checked. However, GCN Pokemon could not be hack checked since they algorithm has yet been cracked.

Our responses are on Page 3:

This comment however, baffles me to believe that his Suicune is in fact from FR, although it is not clear enough:

Suicune isnt hacked, why? i transferred it from my kanto game to my sinnoh (it has been a while ago since i had that game about 2 years i think but i sold it) its 100% safe

I'll leave it to you guys now.
In this case Afriko stated that his suicune was from Kanto and from his game. So he's either being dishonest about where got it from or the IVs since we know they can't be what is stated.

So blacklisting. His thread has an icon that matches that of the blacklist thread, as an added bonus.

Also, blacklisting Lizard. Should have used "run" instead of disconnecting.
i want to report that "ditto the best" disconnected 2 turns into the game after i killed one of his guys and did not respond to my attempts to re battle using same moves up till that point.
Im here to blacklist Zsolstice3- for disconnecting as soon as i finished his blissey off with my salamence ( it was his last poke ) And his scizor was caught in a master ball so thats a little suspicous
The user "FC: 0603 4602 7138" uses legit hacks without informing his opponents. He claims to have gotten his Weavile from a trade, but either way it's still in a cherish ball.

ZeusJuice said:
FC: 0603 4602 7138 said:
ZeusJuice said:
FC: 0603 4602 7138 said:
ZeusJuice said:
FC: 0603 4602 7138 said:
that was fun and i got lucky with that crit on magnezone

And with the iron head on Gengar not flinching. If you use legitly hacked pokes(your weavile was in a cherish ball) please say you do in your signature.

ya i did!! and a lot of your pokes came out in chreish balls too and your sig doesnt say anything but it would be our little secret? (btw got weaville in trade)

One of mine was in a cherish ball and he's an event pokemon.

Learn 2 pokemon.

what do you mean by learn 2 pokemon and which one was an event?


As you can see, he thought I had Pokemon that were hacked, and he tries to cut me a deal by saying "it would be our little secret"
I'm here to blacklist SilverTheBest. During our battle, he used a Tyranitar without sand stream. He didn't say anything about using legal hacks, (not that that is legal, it probobly had wonder guard or some cheap ability like that) and after the battle was over, I asked him why he used a hacked T-tar. He hasn't responded to the three pms that I sent saying that if he didn't respond, that I would blacklist him.

This was within his first 10 posts on smogon, so I don't really want to blacklist him, so would you send him a pm asking why he used hacked pokemon (because he isn't responding to any of mine)?

Thanks for your time
Added Zsolstice3- to the disconnector list.

Let this be a harsh lesson to you would-be disconnectors: we do not tolerate such childish behavior nor lame excuses.

Good day!
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to post the Disconnector/Hacker Blacklist at the top of each page in the Battle Me thread so that people can automatically see who's on it? Kind of like a default 1st post on every page or a sticky or something. Because I know that many people don't read the OP of this thread before they go looking for battles. This could also decrease the amount of would-be disconnectors since their names are always in everyone's face on the thread so not many people will be willing to battle them. This is just an idea since it seems that many newcomers are being retarded, so if it's impractical just disregard it.
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to post the Disconnector/Hacker Blacklist at the top of each page in the Battle Me thread so that people can automatically see who's on it? Kind of like a default 1st post on every page or a sticky or something. Because I know that many people don't read the OP of this thread before they go looking for battles. This could also decrease the amount of would-be disconnectors since their names are always in everyone's face on the thread so not many people will be willing to battle them. This is just an idea since it seems that many newcomers are being retarded, so if it's impractical just disregard it.

I think this is a grand idea as well. I hope it will be considered.
I'd like to report Cybertron.

Reason, I gave him one poke for an ev training job and we agreed that he should be done the same day that we traded (Sunday). In fact he was done the same day and he told me that we were going to trade that night.
We didnt complete the trade that day cause he wasn't able, though he told me that he was ready with the job...
I was like ok, we will trade the monday.
Monday arrived and the same thing happened, he pm'd me/post in my thread that we were going to trade that day and again when i replyed to him he just saw the PM/post and nothing.
Tuesday the same history, he set an hour for trade, I replyed, he checked my multiples PM's but he didn't reply and again nothing xD
Wednesday, the same thing, he tell me that we are going to trade, I replyed to him, he checked my PM and get offline one hour after xD

So, this must be a joke seriously -_-

TBH, i don't care if i get it "X" day or "Y" day, but that guy has been playing with my time since the sunday =/... I have been waiting for him with the hope that we are going to trade...
So, i just want a serious and responsable reply from him and he need to stop playing with my time.
Okay I'm really sorry Dark-Ryu... I honestly don't want to make it seem like I'm coming up with excuses. If you're on today, we'll trade immediately. If there's anyway I can make it up for you, let me know. I'm not here to steal Pokemon, life has just been really busy (I'm not here from 8-5 EST because I have classes all day and then I have finals today so I really had to study yesterday). I sincerely apologize.
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