CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 11 (Name Discussion)

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I still stand by my Carboneous entry, but to be honest I don't care which name is given to this thing, as long as it's not horribly-sounding.
Vulcgrove or Volcglade.
"Vulc" is an alternative to "Volc" as a Latin prefix.

( Hi, just some creepy lurker who's been following this process for whoknowshowlong. Thought I'd actually contribute in some way for once. (: )
Cannire... (cannon+fire) xD

Doesn't really say much about its grass element though. It just sounds cool. Still, I'm backing Pyroak all the way. By the way, this thing is a carnivore right? Just curious.
Oh by the way, any name that is longer than 10 characters long should be automatically banned from consideration, as 10 characters is the maximum limit of any Pokemon name.

Might want to put this in the original post, GT.
Not too good with names, so the best I could come up with was:

Skinklast: combination of skink and clast as in pyroclastic flow. Though clast means break and doesn't necessarily apply to anything fire-related, pyroclastic flows are the most destructive force of a volcano eruption.

Skorchoak: Scorch and oak mixed together. :/

Also, I think herp might be introduced somehow into a name, as that's a term used to describe reptiles and amphibians.
Aww, some wkd names have been submitted.


My top names in no particular order:
Valcanus (but it might be better as Vulcanus)
Barkano (alteration of Sarenji's Barkcano)
To quote what I said earlier for name, and explanation...


This mangle comes from HEMp, MAil, SQUamata(the family of lizards), and fERN.

Mail is the major form of armour, Ferns are plants(resembling the head bit) and you all know which drug comes from the Hemp plant.
To quote what I said earlier for name, and explanation...


This mangle comes from HEMp, MAil, SQUamata(the family of lizards), and fERN.

Mail is the major form of armour, Ferns are plants(resembling the head bit) and you all know which drug comes from the Hemp plant.
lol i like that
Hmmm Raverist good name in principle but Squamata is the Order (not Family) that includes snakes and I personally think the SQU sounds alot more snaky than lizard-like. Also Hema is reminiscent of blood (i.e. hematology) not hemp.

How about Pyracantho or Pyracano? A portmanteau of Pyracantha and Volcano. Pyracantha is a genus of trees with orange berries and thorns; the latin name translates as firethorn.

Not that we need any more names. Pyroak might be catchier or simpler than Pyracantho.
Hemptile, simple and easy to say lol. Ignore the fact it may look like Sceptile.

Mariguanid - Marijuana + Iguanid, another version of Mariguana.

Basilit - Basilisk + Lit

Flamastyx - Flame + Uromastyx
No matter what happens i'm sure we'll be seeing many of these with the nickname Mariguana. Well, i'll have a stab at it:

Flamon- (Flame + dragon)
Carrizan- (Cannon + bartizan)
Barrizon- (Barrage + dragon)
Yay there are better komodo related names of what i could think of! ok what about ...stuff it the other names are way to good :toast:. Komandre ftw who came up with that btw?
Well, I always had an affinity to Fernace

as in Fern + Furnace.

It sounds a bit gimmicky (?) but heh, I like it. Simple and pokemony.

Other then that, Pyroak is going for me most, simply because I don't think we should give pokemon Japanese sounding names, no matter how cool they are.

EDIT: Charbre also sounds good, but sounds more like a Pre-Evo's name.
Flacerlemn (fla-cker-lemn)- Loosely translates to "Flaming Wood" in Romanian. Not hard to say. Exactly 10 characters, phew:p.
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