Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Bit of a change of subject here, but I'd love to see party Pokemon have more uses outside of battle than just HM's. Say I have a Rapidash or Dodrio. Instead of (or in addition to) the bicycle, how about an option to ride your Pokemon? Can you imagine how awesome that'd be? As well as non-HM moves seeing field use: douse a fire with Water Gun/whatever water move. Don't have anything with Cut in your party? That's all right, just use Flamethrower (and get your assed kicked by Smokey the Bear). Use Vine Whip to rappel a ledge. Just a few ideas.

Have you played pokemon ranger recently? Thats sounds exactly like my bro's description
EDIT: beaten

And for everyone who wants multiple save files, look at the number of blocks XD needs on gamecube (46) compared to any other game (1-10), which means that with all the items and pokemon and subquests, there just wouldn't be room for more than one save file
Nah, I'm pretty sure a DS game card can easily store multiple saves. The reason that Game Freak don't do this is that people buying multiple Pokémon games is a significant contributor to sales.

Technically, the Pokemon carts DO have multiple saves. The main one and the backup one that only gets loaded if the main one gets corrupted somehow (like turning off the power in the middle of saving).

Of course, perhaps that's the reason they only allow one main save file. If they were to have multiple save files, what happens if you save a game on one file (thus creating a backup for that file), then try to load up another file and it's corrupted? The backup file contains the data for the first main file, so you've essentially lost the second file and have to restart it. You could say to just have a backup for each main file, but I don't know how large the save files are or can get, so perhaps it's just not feasible.
If you play with the R4, you know the .sav files are pretty small (~500 kb), at least that seems small to me compared to the 200 mb or so of the rom itself (I buy the carts too, but storing pokemon/sav files on the computer just seems more secure).

I think it would be more than possible for them to have multiple main sav files.

Also an interesting note, for most of the roms, the .sav files are transferable. You can open a diamond .sav file with pearl, and you can open japanese .sav files of the same game with english versions.
Fun Fact: HGSS uses ~half the total possible memory in a DS cart, for EVERYTHING in total.

They have room for multiple save files and the programming of how they work, and THEN SOME, trust me.
I've just registered as I was reading this thread. I found it interesting lol but um..yea.

I agree that if whenever this '5th gen' does happen to appear maybe they should incorporate better Grass/Electric types..at least grass types with a bit more Diverse movepools and maybe more dual typed Electrics.

Also..I was thinking though..Sure the latest in legendaries/Ubers are looked upon as such high deitys (time/space/etc.)..so it's a mystery as to what could top that. My opinion or idea would be like..what if they had it to where the next legendaries represented Life and Death? If anything..since kids do play as well, maybe find a..um 'cleaner' way of representing Pokemon like this.

I think something that deals with life in general could be greater than just space/time..

As for Arceus? I wouldn't know what could top Arceus..lol

someone mentioned earlier about a Mewthree in this thread as well..and I was thinking too that if anything, another legendary could be formed this way to.by this way I mean 'Humans messing with things they shouldn't be messing with just to create ultimate pokemon'

Speaking of which, aside from Mewtwo..wasn't Grimer created by Humans? Also Porygon o_o

Anywho alot of what I said is just opinions and such..but who knows :P
the creators don't have to top the current legendaries, they just have to be different.
as i said few pages back, in an interview somewhere a while back (when they visited Korea), the creators said they don't have to make stronger legendaries and aren't too sure what can top the arceus+dragon trio. heck, i won't care even if the upcoming legendaries are the exact same thme as the bird trio as long as they bring something new to the game. :D

but legendary on life and death is pretty cool, not too sure if it's really as strong as arceus and the dragon trio since arceus did (according tot he legends) create a region and maybe even the whole poke world. well anyways, not im more excited for teh starters :D
Speaking of which, aside from Mewtwo..wasn't Grimer created by Humans? Also Porygon o_o
The Porygon line and Mewtwo are the only Pokemon definitely actually created by humans. It's suspected the Legendary Golems were also. The Grimer line, Voltorb line, and Rotom line are all connected with human made things - toxic sludge, poke balls, and electrical appliances respectively - and may only exist because those things exist, but they were not actually created by humans.

As for the idea that the next legendaries would have to top the DPPt ones, I guess that's just based on precedent. Gen 2 were about equal to gen 1 in the games, maybe a little more powerful (Entei cause volcanic eruptions). Gen 3 really ramped it up with Groudon and Kyogre, then Gen 4 went out of hand really.

That's going mainly by the Pokedex entries. In the anime things are different, and I reckon Mewtwo's actually shown the most power.

I'm still hoping for a Fighting - Bug - Poison legendary trio. The last three types to get one. An extremely powerful Bug type might be a force to reckon with in Ubers, what with all the psychic types there.
I wonder if they will continue the theme on non-pure starters. I mean sure, even in 1st gen Charizard was a flying type and Venusaur was poison, but flying/anything isn't exactly innovative, and almost all the grass types of 1st gen were also poisons.

4th gen was the first that all 3 starters had a secondary type, and all 3 of them brought something unique and innovative to the battle scene (sorry Blaziken, but Infernape really was the poke to unlock the fruit of Fighting-Fire).

It would be nice to see them continue this trend, though for nostalgia's sake it is a bit sad to see the pure-type starters disappear. Then again, of those 3, only pure water is competitively viable so if we want starters that actually have OU meaning it can't be helped (though grass is a lost cause almost no matter what you pair it with).
The Porygon line and Mewtwo are the only Pokemon definitely actually created by humans. It's suspected the Legendary Golems were also. The Grimer line, Voltorb line, and Rotom line are all connected with human made things - toxic sludge, poke balls, and electrical appliances respectively - and may only exist because those things exist, but they were not actually created by humans.

As for the idea that the next legendaries would have to top the DPPt ones, I guess that's just based on precedent. Gen 2 were about equal to gen 1 in the games, maybe a little more powerful (Entei cause volcanic eruptions). Gen 3 really ramped it up with Groudon and Kyogre, then Gen 4 went out of hand really.

That's going mainly by the Pokedex entries. In the anime things are different, and I reckon Mewtwo's actually shown the most power.

I'm still hoping for a Fighting - Bug - Poison legendary trio. The last three types to get one. An extremely powerful Bug type might be a force to reckon with in Ubers, what with all the psychic types there.

yep, fighting, bug, poison legendaries would be nice as they are yet to have been done before. furthermore, i'd love to have pokemons that are good to go in OU to have control over tr and gravity. oh and bug type legendary would fit nicely in UBERs, I agree.

however, as for mewtwo and the legendaries in the anime...i would have to say arceus and teh dragon trios have been the most powerful by far. arceus with all plates, would've been...a god really (even without some, he was...mmmmmm well from the movie) and the dragon trio's fights were deadly. but yes, they still remind me of digimon way too much, which is...well imho not a good thing but oh well.
Pokémon Sunday will be on shortly; if you'd like to tune in, I wrote a guide, though I'll be recording the pertinent Junichi Masuda appearance for YouTube anyway. :) Keep in mind the first half of the episode is an anime segment, followed by skits!
I don't know if this idea has been mentioned before because I didn't read all of the 30 pages in the thread, but I was thinking of something innovative: Pseudo-STAB

Some pokes really seem to have another type, I mean if you look them the first time, you'd think charizard is part dragon, blaziken is part flying, sudowoodo part grass, dragonite (or at least its pre-evos) part water, etc.

so why not giving a 1.2 (or something similar) boost to those attacks, just imagine gyara with a boosted outrage, it would be interesting, just an idea...
I wonder if we'll have a new field condition? Not sure what it could be mind. Maybe firestorm? Something like hurts all non fire types, heals fire types, gives fire a 50% boost and water, grass, and ice all a 50% drop. Maybe a bit similar to sun, but fire types sure could do with something to make them better.

Also maybe change fog a bit and make a move to induce it. Possible fog effects might be an accuracy reduction to single-target moves - but not spread moves like surf and earthquake. (A fog team would thus carry mainly spread moves, being able to hit while a regular team would be missing). Or maybe 50% more entry hazard damage (but hazards are powerful in singles as it is).

Or for a really ersatz effect - how about something that messes with the type chart? Say swaps weaknesses and resistances, so suddenly ice isn't very effective against dragons, but fire and water are, and the same for all the matchups. (I wonder what the equivalent of Boltbeam, ie a pair of types that hits everything, is in the reversed type chart).

EDIT: Fly-gon reminded me of something. Give legendaries alternate, unique abilities, instead of them all having boring old pressure. Lugia could have a pseudo-STAB for water. Ho-oh could get Stealth Rock immunity. Mewtwo could have a damage reduction from contact moves. Regice could get a fire immunity (so cold even fire can't melt it). Etc etc.
They could make these abilities only on event legends, or those got in spin-off games, which would help their business, and mean they wouldn't have to do so many event exclusive species.
I don't know if this idea has been mentioned before because I didn't read all of the 30 pages in the thread, but I was thinking of something innovative: Pseudo-STAB

Some pokes really seem to have another type, I mean if you look them the first time, you'd think charizard is part dragon, blaziken is part flying, sudowoodo part grass, dragonite (or at least its pre-evos) part water, etc.

so why not giving a 1.2 (or something similar) boost to those attacks, just imagine gyara with a boosted outrage, it would be interesting, just an idea...

Because that's based on a completely subjective idea. "I think this Pokémon looks like..."

Your Blaziken example shows why this is flawed: why would someone think something with no wings was part flying?
Your Blaziken example shows why this is flawed: why would someone think something with no wings was part flying?
It's a bird?

IRT cantab: If by reverse the type chart you mean that resistances become weaknesses and weaknesses become resistances, Grass/Poison would be the best combination, I think. (Grass is resisted by almost everything and Poison is resisted by the few things Grass hits SE barring Water. They also don't hit any of the same types SE.)

It's actually a pretty interesting concept. Depending on how immunities would work in the reversed scenario, Poison would be a pretty good attacking type since it would only be resisted by Grass. Dragon would be pretty much the same except it would hit Steels for SE but be resisted by other Dragons.

Steels would _SUCK_ under reversed conditions.
Because that's based on a completely subjective idea. "I think this Pokémon looks like..."

Your Blaziken example shows why this is flawed: why would someone think something with no wings was part flying?

Well, sorry for that, I thought of flying-type since there isn't a bird-type, just look at doduo/dodrio. and isn't all subjective, charizard and gyara were part of lance dragon team and are part of the dragon breeding group, dragonite is of the water breeding group and its pre-evos lived in the sea, sudowoodo is supposed to be ressemble a tree, and torchic seems like a chick, in fact the serebii pokedex classification says it is a chick-pkmn. I know I stated wrong my idea, sorry, but I think this is based on something
I wonder if we'll have a new field condition? Not sure what it could be mind. Maybe firestorm? Something like hurts all non fire types, heals fire types, gives fire a 50% boost and water, grass, and ice all a 50% drop. Maybe a bit similar to sun, but fire types sure could do with something to make them better.

I think that something like Darkness is more likely. I know we have Shadow Sky in XD, but that's unnatural, unlike Darkness, which just happens during the night. I'd like something that can induce a Darkness field effect, since it doesn't make sense that Moonlight is boosted in Sunny Day/Clear Skies since the animation of that move is clearly sunny.

As for special effects of Darkness, it would probably boost Dark moves (since it's a lot easier to perform mischief in the dark), and possibly give them a 20% evasion boost or 50% raise in special defense (or possibly special attack).

Another field effect I'd like to see is Gas Cloud. It would basically be Sandstorm but for Poison-types (Steel types wouldn't be affected either). It could also raise the Special Defense of Poison types by 50% when it's in action.

And I agree with Fog getting an actual move to induce it, I don't see why they didn't put a move to induce their new status effect in DP.
I was thinking recently about what causes the difficulty and easiness of pokemon. It stems mostly from the fact that opponents are overlevelled but easy to kill and counter if you have the right pokemon, since they NEVER switch out (excepting cynthia and some of the elite four I believe).

So maybe there could be like a... paranoia meter with CPU opponents (so to speak). It would be a settable meter (from 0-100) that could control how often the computer switches. A paranoia meter at 0 would leave it so that the computer would never switch, no matter what, like ingame. However, if the meter is above that, then the computer will begin to predict your moves. I'd think an optimal (hardest difficulty) meter would be somewhere around 60-75%; 100 would mean that it would switch way too much and would always incorrectly predict (thus making the game extremely easy).

It takes for granted that every pokemon will use some sort of stab (and what stab they will use is predetermined; the computer will expect thunder/bolt from manectric (not thundershock), meteor mash from metagross, etc.) most of the time, excepting normal types (from whom the computer will expect the occasional return or hyper voice, as well as the slew of high-power special moves like ice beam and thunderbolt they learn) and also expects attacks from the pokemon's highest attack stat. Essentially, this means that if the computer has a gyarados (and you have a jolteon), the computer will switch out to say... hippowdon in anticipation of a t-bolt/thunder. Additionally, as the computer learns of your moves (I.E. jolteon uses HP grass), it will try to avoid them as well as its stabs. now the computer will switch out to a grass type like... celebi or something

Basically, what I'm saying is that the computer could have a crude notion of prediction with this, and it would make the game a lot less of a cakewalk. At the very least it could be incorporated into the battle tower to make it hell xD

On the topic of ingame stuff, there need to be more type combos that haven't been tried or have been seldom done (that need to be exhibited by viable pokemon; I want a new bug water that's fully evolved and can be used at least in UU)

-More ghost types (with 6 unique pairings, not counting giratina)
-More fire types (fire grass and fire water at least, but that's about it; again though there are only 6 unique pairings)
-Many more electric types (with 4 unique pairings, maybe grass/elec or elec/bug)
-the bug type should have more viable pokemon; not so much new type combos but less crappy pokemon. They should go the way they did with bibarel and make the first few bug pokemon that you find actually... good. Maybe it's a bug/poison, but it's an extremely defensive one that has like... 100's in both defences and 80 in HP... a decent UU wall.
-the bug type should have more viable pokemon; not so much new type combos but less crappy pokemon. They should go the way they did with bibarel and make the first few bug pokemon that you find actually... good. Maybe it's a bug/poison, but it's an extremely defensive one that has like... 100's in both defences and 80 in HP... a decent UU wall.

Almost like Vespiquen? :/
Almost like Vespiquen? :/

Preferably where its type combo doesn't drag it down to vespquen's point... think how good it could be if vespiquen was bug poison and had levitate/pressure; it wouldn't be dragged down so much by SR and would lack the ice/electric weakness, also would be resistant to toxic
Currently watching Tokyo TV, and there was a commercial for a game called Pokepark Wii. As expected for a Wii title, all the graphics were in 3D. Could this possibly be the reason Nintendo hired a 3D graphics artist? I've never heard of the game before so I don't know how long ago it was announced, but the position Nintendo was hiring for was back in August, I believe.
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