Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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The problem with that is that the only way to beat a high-leveled boss is by grinding your way up to them or grinding until you get a lot of money and buy Hyper Potion x 99 and Revive x 99. The battle system in Pokemon (especially in-game) is currently so simple that you can't really use any other special tactics to defeat the AI.
The problem with that is that the only way to beat a high-leveled boss is by grinding your way up to them or grinding until you get a lot of money and buy Hyper Potion x 99 and Revive x 99. The battle system in Pokemon (especially in-game) is currently so simple that you can't really use any other special tactics to defeat the AI.

Agreed, theirs not much strategy when all the legendary is doing is attacking.
Yeah, a battle against one pokemon could never be epic because he's either just attacking or he stat ups and then attacks. If he stat ups lead with an Aerodactyl/Azelf Taunt. If he just attacks lead with a Memento user. Honestly, the best lead for any single pokemon battle like that would just be Focus Sash'd Breloom's Spore. And if Breloom doesn't need the Focus Sash to survive than he can probably win single-handedly.
You could also always use some variant of FEAR, Scarf+Destiny Bond or stall it to death with something faster (status+Protect+Sub) since the enemy AI isn't too smart.
Bit of a change of subject here, but I'd love to see party Pokemon have more uses outside of battle than just HM's. Say I have a Rapidash or Dodrio. Instead of (or in addition to) the bicycle, how about an option to ride your Pokemon? Can you imagine how awesome that'd be? As well as non-HM moves seeing field use: douse a fire with Water Gun/whatever water move. Don't have anything with Cut in your party? That's all right, just use Flamethrower (and get your assed kicked by Smokey the Bear). Use Vine Whip to rappel a ledge. Just a few ideas.
Yeah, FEAR would work against pretty much anything. Even against a ghost you could always just use a low level Kanga/Miltank and finish it off with a second mon with a priority move. There's pretty much nothing the "boss" mon could do to prevent a cheap win with one or two mons with the right move sets.

There needs to be an epic final battle against Red or someone. They should have 6 level 100's with good movesets and a good AI.
So, what are the odds that they'll have the starters be Dark/Fighting/Psychic rather than Fire/Water/Grass?

Absolute zero. Actually, it might even be less. In that list, Dark has an unfair advantage (an immunity).

The only type combo that even had the slight CHANCE of working that isn't Fire/Grass/Water (read: it won't happen) is Rock/Flying/Fighting, but again, it won't happen.
Yeah, not to mention that Water pokemon _always_ learn Ice moves. The main thing that makes the Grass > Water > Fire cycle not balanced is that Grass pokemon (my favorite type) suck. Note that this gen has the most powerful starters yet, but the grass is still not OU.
This gen was kind of wonky because empoleon can ohko torterra with ice beam, torterra can ohko infernape with earthquake, and infernape can ohko empoleon with close combat.

All three of them can get ohko'd by swampert though, who is probably the strongest starter overall. Dragon/grass for sceptile would have been awesome since it is in the monster egg group..
I don't think that's a problem, because if people want to grind to make the game piss easy then that's their own fault x) The game protects against this somewhat, though, because of the 'Pokémon won't obey you' limitation.

Something odd; I always found that the pokemon I hatched from Eggs, and the first pokemon I caught in a pokeball, and the Starters ALWAYS obeyed me, even when levelled up way above my current controllable level.
Something odd; I always found that the pokemon I hatched from Eggs, and the first pokemon I caught in a pokeball, and the Starters ALWAYS obeyed me, even when levelled up way above my current controllable level.
Only Pokemon that are traded from other players disobey you when they exceed the controllable level.
I hope there are none or few event legendary Pokemon in the next games. Gamefreak went overboard making event legends and legends in general during Gen IV, making each legendary Pokemon seem less special. Also, few players could actually get all the event legendary Pokemon.

Instead of event legendaries, there could be an extremely difficult dungeon with a legendary Pokemon at the end of it. The dungeon would be so hard that a regular player could not get to the end, except with all level 100s. Such a dungeon might, for example, require all the HMs, have wild Pokemon with levels in the 80s and 90s, contain trainers with level 100s, and be very long. Having a dungeon like this would make it so the secret legendary Pokemon would still be hard to get, but any player with enough knowledge of and interest in the game could get it.
I like the idea of the dungeon, but having a readily available supply of items would still make it pretty easy, even if you're not packing Lv.100's (battle items).
I hope there are none or few event legendary Pokemon in the next games. Gamefreak went overboard making event legends and legends in general during Gen IV, making each legendary Pokemon seem less special. Also, few players could actually get all the event legendary Pokemon.

Instead of event legendaries, there could be an extremely difficult dungeon with a legendary Pokemon at the end of it. The dungeon would be so hard that a regular player could not get to the end, except with all level 100s. Such a dungeon might, for example, require all the HMs, have wild Pokemon with levels in the 80s and 90s, contain trainers with level 100s, and be very long. Having a dungeon like this would make it so the secret legendary Pokemon would still be hard to get, but any player with enough knowledge of and interest in the game could get it.
They could stick level 100 Wobbuffets so that the trainer can't run without having a Pokemon faint (hopefully). And yes, I do agree about reducing the amount of event Pokemon, though I doubt that this would happen because it's essential to Nintendo's money-making scheme.
I like the idea of a dungeon as well; maybe replace the Underground with a massive Dungeon underneath the region, where you and you're friends can team up on wi-fi to take it down. Make it so that each time you leave the dungeon, it resets, and add a bunch of super-rare pokemon, if not a few legendaries, below, and this could easily be the most used feature of a new game.
Only Pokemon that are traded from other players disobey you when they exceed the controllable level.
Actually, in Gen 1 at least, there was in fact a limit.

You know the Dugtrio you could catch in Diglett's Cave? Pretty sure that until I beat Erika, it started to disobey past level 30... but that was back then. Maybe it's different now... but I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it won't let you grind more than 10 levels above your strongest badge.

I hope there are none or few event legendary Pokemon in the next games. Gamefreak went overboard making event legends and legends in general during Gen IV, making each legendary Pokemon seem less special. Also, few players could actually get all the event legendary Pokemon.

Instead of event legendaries, there could be an extremely difficult dungeon with a legendary Pokemon at the end of it. The dungeon would be so hard that a regular player could not get to the end, except with all level 100s. Such a dungeon might, for example, require all the HMs, have wild Pokemon with levels in the 80s and 90s, contain trainers with level 100s, and be very long. Having a dungeon like this would make it so the secret legendary Pokemon would still be hard to get, but any player with enough knowledge of and interest in the game could get it.
It's pointless to continue battling in-game once you reach level 100, though. Waste of experience for your less fortunate monsters, I say.

edit: Sorry about the double post, I didn't even notice at first. Too used to hanging around forums with lax standards, heh.
I like the sound of the dungeon idea, and I hate the event pokemon thing. I live in australia, but never once managed to get to an event.
You know what would make the game more fun and challenging? If say during some part of the story your bag gets lost/stolen/you aren't allowed to use it, and you go through a section of the game without your bag for a period of time. Maybe for instance they could disallow items during gym or elite 4 battles (on like a hard mode or something). Not gonna happen I know, but people were talking about ways to make the game challenging...
You know what would make the game more fun and challenging? If say during some part of the story your bag gets lost/stolen/you aren't allowed to use it, and you go through a section of the game without your bag for a period of time.

Reminds me a bit of the Battle Pyramid, though in reality, you just had the leisure of using items.
Bit of a change of subject here, but I'd love to see party Pokemon have more uses outside of battle than just HM's. Say I have a Rapidash or Dodrio. Instead of (or in addition to) the bicycle, how about an option to ride your Pokemon? Can you imagine how awesome that'd be? As well as non-HM moves seeing field use: douse a fire with Water Gun/whatever water move. Don't have anything with Cut in your party? That's all right, just use Flamethrower (and get your assed kicked by Smokey the Bear). Use Vine Whip to rappel a ledge. Just a few ideas.

Hmm, Pokemon Ranger influence a bit? Yes, that would be very cool. In Pokemon Ranger (can't remember which, possibly both) you could ride around on a Doduo, and you could get past obstacles using moves (nothing like Water Gun, more like Water X1, X2, or X3). That would be a nice addition if Gamefreak included some puzzles like that.

I've always thought the pinnacle of RPGs was co-op (many don't have it, but the ones that do are great), and it would be interesting if Gamefreak could use the wireless network to track other players movements / pokemon / badges / etc, so that you could play with each other in the same vain as the Union Room. You could trade each other items, pokemon, etc, all in the middle of the game, as well as tag battle or challenge each other.

@ Staraptor Call: Event legends are a way to keep the community interested. You may set your game down for a few months, but when you hear of an event legend you go out to Toys R' Us with your DS and download it. I don't like it either, but it's their only form of DLC.

@ Jonathan: That might be neat, but frustrating for casual players, hence why the Battle Pyramid was optional. I would just carry a level 100 Blissey around anyways
I think there should be no Pokemon that aren't at least available by global WiFi though. Now they can do that, they should.
I hope this will be the first Pokemon game to have multiple save files and a difficulty setting. Small changes, like being able to create a custom trainer would be cool, eapecially if the game's 3D, and frankly, the D/P/Pt male trainer's a dick.
I also really hope Gyarados gets Crunch. Look at its checks. Starmie, Latias, Rotom-A... see a familiar weakness? Bite just doesn't cut it, but with Crunch I think Gyarados could become the terror of OU.
Yeah, a battle against one pokemon could never be epic because he's either just attacking or he stat ups and then attacks. If he stat ups lead with an Aerodactyl/Azelf Taunt. If he just attacks lead with a Memento user. Honestly, the best lead for any single pokemon battle like that would just be Focus Sash'd Breloom's Spore. And if Breloom doesn't need the Focus Sash to survive than he can probably win single-handedly.

I actually implemented a single-Pokémon boss battle into a game I was working on (Pokémon Raptor EX; an expansion to the original Pokémon Raptor akin to how Platinum was for D/P). Originally, it was an ordinary battle against a level 80 Arceus; not very interesting, and rather easy. For example, you could just throw a Master Ball at it to finish it straight away. Its attacks all had low PP, so it wouldn't take long before it started Struggling, ruining the 'epic' feel.
I added some extra mechanics for that battle to make it more challenging. It has a shield to protect it from effects (making Taunt and Memento useless); this lasts until you land a hit on it. However, breaking the shield also increases its power (the shield is two-way), so it must be done at an appropriate time. This is made harder by the presence of its Plates; an attack aimed at Arceus while a plate is in front of it hits the Plate instead. Also, as in 'Arceus and the Jewel of Life', each Plate grants it an immunity to one type. The Plates must be broken strategically in order to minimise the damage Arceus can deal to your team; if you don't have any Fire-type moves, attacking the Flame Plate just gives Arceus more time to attack your team. Arceus has infinite PP, meaning you can't just PP stall it. Finally, if you're aiming to catch it, you need to destroy the Plates first; each Plate remaining makes it harder to catch. The Master Ball doesn't work on it (somewhat explained during the story).
I tried to make it reminiscent of final boss battles in other games, where the boss isn't just a tougher normal enemy and actually requires some thought to defeat it.

If Game Freak actually put their mind to it, a similar battle could work very well in their next game. Not just a battle against a tougher, uncatchable Pokémon using the exact same mechanics as a normal battle; that wouldn't be difficult. If they tweaked the mechanics for that one battle so they made it harder without making it too different to an ordinary battle (i.e. not something crazy, e.g. the final battle in Mother 3), it would be a great addition to the in-game experience.
That, and:
This new Pokémon software will become the first brand new Pokémon title in 4 years since Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, which sold more than 5.8 million units in Japan, was launched.

Of course, this totally new Pokémon title will include new fields of adventure and a number of new Pokémons living there. As a totally new version, it will contain various unprecedented experiences.
First they state that there hasn't been a brand new Pokemon title in four years, indicating that they do NOT consider remakes new titles (Plat/HG/SS), then describe this upcoming game as a "totally new Pokemon title". Therefore it is not a Crystal or any other type of remake.

Then we have the new Pokemon bit. At first I thought "well it has to be Gen 5 if they're introducing new Pokemon", but then I remembered XD: Gale of Darkness and the Munclax and Bonsly that were in that game. They did say a number of new Pokemon though. I would interpret that as more than a few. Is there a possibility they are making a Colosseum/XD type game for the DS?
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