Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - VGC edition

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I'm running a Metagross as my fourth VGC Pokemon with the other three being Mewtwo, Weavile and Palkia.

[FONT=Arial, serif]Metagross [/FONT][FONT=Arial, serif]@ Leftovers[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]Ability: Clear Body[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]Nature: Impish[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]Evs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Sp. Def[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]-Meteor Mash[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]-Earthquake[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]-Protect[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]-Rock Slide[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, serif]My issue is whether or not I should stick with Impish or go with Adamant. Thoughts? Or a better nature than those two altogether?[/FONT]

EDIT: Sorry about the weird coding stuff, but I'm posting this quickly and don't have time to delete it all.
Any help on this?
I have a question. Alright, I have this Timid Latias that I got from a trade a long time ago. It says it was the 10th anniversary Pokémon (OT is 10ANNIV; ID is 00010) and it works on PBR WiFi. Is there any other way I can check to see if this was not Pokésavd so that I can use it in this year's VGC?

I wouldn't risk it. You can find a Latias (with better IVs) just asking in the Simple Questions\Simple Requests thread in the WiFi forum.

Any help on this?

You have your EVs in Attack, you'll get the most out of your stats with an Adamant nature.

If your EVs were more evenly distributed between Attack and Defense, then you could consider an Impish nature.
I have a quick question. What would be better to use, Stone Edge or Rock Slide? I know that Rock Slide hits both opponents and has a higher accuracy, but would the power on Stone Edge make up for its weaknesses?

Absolutely not. Go with Rock Slide. Stone Edge is the worst move in the game.
(Sorry, I just hate Stone Edge so much because missing with it cost me a match at worlds last year.)
I know what you mean. It is easy to see someone older than you and think that they're somehow more experienced. But as I said before, you just have to keep in mind that a greater age doesn't neccesarily mean a greater level of experience.

I'm a tad late on this conversation, but yeah, age doesn't make a difference. Apparently gender does, though. One dude I faced for fun last year came up to me with his buddies and asked for a match. I heard them talking before about girls not being good at pokemon or something stupid like that, whatever.

So we start the battle, and I ended it 2 turns later. Never even had to set up my TR.

If you know what you're doing, age doesn't make a difference. I'm 16, and I consider myself to have a fairly good knowledge of the VGC meta, enough to make it to the top 16 almost certainly. I guess I'll be seeing you at Seattle then.
If opponents assume that you'll be easy to beat just because of your gender, that could be to your advantage. Were you in Seattle last year, by any chance? I thought I saw only one or two girls in the entire tournament.
If opponents assume that you'll be easy to beat just because of your gender, that could be to your advantage. Were you in Seattle last year, by any chance? I thought I saw only one or two girls in the entire tournament.

Yup. I was 15 at the time. Really short with long blond hair. I think I was wearing a pink space invaders shirt? I had a stuffed Glaceon with me as well.
Yup. I was 15 at the time. Really short with long blond hair. I think I was wearing a pink space invaders shirt? I had a stuffed Glaceon with me as well.
Ah, I guess I don't remember you then. The one that stood out to me was dressed like a "Goth," with all black clothes.
Why? I need reasoning

Besides the fact that both are STAB, spacial rend has 10% more power to it, and only 5% less accuracy (it rarely ever misses) besides that, spacial rend has a high critical hit ration while dragon pulse has no added effect.
Why? I need reasoning

Between Dragon Pulse and Spacial Rend? No, no you do not. Spacial Rend is just better.

Ah, I guess I don't remember you then. The one that stood out to me was dressed like a "Goth," with all black clothes.

Nope, that wouldn't be me. xD
I think I talked to one smogoner right before my 3rd match. He asked if I EV trained, to which I said "yup". Any chance that was you? xD
I have one question, this kinda ties in to the experience thing. I do not know how to RNG and honestly do not want to touch it with a 40 foot pole unless I have a physical teacher by my side helping me lol. Anyway how much of a difference does RNG make. I breed my pokemon for natures and for IV's in the stats I want (I have a max iv adamant ditto that really helps me lol) and ev train them. I also spend a lot of time strategizing and figuring out my weaknesses and how to counter them. Does RNGing effect a team enough to make it a lot better than anyone who didn't RNG? I don't think it would but I would like to know for my own interest.
I have one question, this kinda ties in to the experience thing. I do not know how to RNG and honestly do not want to touch it with a 40 foot pole unless I have a physical teacher by my side helping me lol. Anyway how much of a difference does RNG make. I breed my pokemon for natures and for IV's in the stats I want (I have a max iv adamant ditto that really helps me lol) and ev train them. I also spend a lot of time strategizing and figuring out my weaknesses and how to counter them. Does RNGing effect a team enough to make it a lot better than anyone who didn't RNG? I don't think it would but I would like to know for my own interest.

It doesn't really make a big difference at Regionals or possibly Nationals, provided you can get good IVs by Soft-resetting. However, if you don't RNG, there's little chance of you winning Worlds. Of course, I AM surprised at Grace's Top 4 at worlds. I mean, c'mon Halordain, you gave your cousin pokemon caught in the wild before RNG was discovered!
I have one question, this kinda ties in to the experience thing. I do not know how to RNG and honestly do not want to touch it with a 40 foot pole unless I have a physical teacher by my side helping me lol. Anyway how much of a difference does RNG make. I breed my pokemon for natures and for IV's in the stats I want (I have a max iv adamant ditto that really helps me lol) and ev train them. I also spend a lot of time strategizing and figuring out my weaknesses and how to counter them. Does RNGing effect a team enough to make it a lot better than anyone who didn't RNG? I don't think it would but I would like to know for my own interest.

I hope your Ditto doesn't have flawless IVs, because a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Adamant Ditto is impossible.

Hm, so long as you breed/soft reset for the important ones it probably shouldn't make too much difference; but, losing, say, some speed IVs could hurt your chances.
Do they sell merchandise there? And should I run Dragon Pulse or Spacial Rend on Palkia?

Spacial Rend. No buts, it's just really better. 10%+ power for the minor 5% decrease in accuracy is worth it. It's the difference between a OHKO and 2KO and could cost you a match in some situations. That's what made me switch to Spacial Rend, anyway.

I hope your Ditto doesn't have flawless IVs, because a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Adamant Ditto is impossible.

Hm, so long as you breed/soft reset for the important ones it probably shouldn't make too much difference; but, losing, say, some speed IVs could hurt your chances.

That's really cheap how the game's RNG doesn't allow certain natures (apart from Modest, Timid, Impish, etc) to have perfect IV's. Oh well.
what moves would be good on mixed scarfed palkia in VGC I think something like
-spacial rend
-blizzard (hail team)
-thunder (maybe rain is just too common)
-dunno some kind of powerfull physical move XD any suggestions?
what moves would be good on mixed scarfed palkia in VGC I think something like
-spacial rend
-blizzard (hail team)
-thunder (maybe rain is just too common)
-dunno some kind of powerfull physical move XD any suggestions?

You have Aqua Tail or Outrage as the most viable options. Earthquake can be used if you protect on team-mates . Not sure how effective these would be at VGC though
It doesn't really make a big difference at Regionals or possibly Nationals, provided you can get good IVs by Soft-resetting. However, if you don't RNG, there's little chance of you winning Worlds. Of course, I AM surprised at Grace's Top 4 at worlds. I mean, c'mon Halordain, you gave your cousin pokemon caught in the wild before RNG was discovered!
You're overestimating the power of IVs. Manipulating the game's RNG is to give you a better chance of getting high IVs. That's all. IVs make a one stat point difference. You'll want 31 Speed obviously, but there are few times when you'll be one stat point away from a KO methinks. Definitely more common with some Pokemon than others, but it should definitely be possible to win without delving into that stuff.

You can also look for reputable WiFi traders here if you want to take no chances.
Alright everybody - i have an update on the $300 allowance for getting 2nd-4th
The point at which they collect the stipend is what matters. The goal is to help minors and their parent/guardian to the event. If you're 18, you're an adult, and therefore don't need a parent/guardian to travel with you.

So, if you are 17 when you win - but 18 come nationals, you will NOT receive the extra $300 for your parent/legal gaurdian.
Alright everybody - i have an update on the $300 allowance for getting 2nd-4th

So, if you are 17 when you win - but 18 come nationals, you will NOT receive the extra $300 for your parent/legal gaurdian.

Does this apply to my question as well? I will be 17 at nationals but 18 by worlds, so do I get a legal guardian to come with me if I win a trip or not?
TAD - same thing applys. If you win at nationals at 17, and are legaly able to go to worlds without having to hold your mommys hand (18) - then only you will get the travel award.
ultimatedra: so what about 1st place at regionals if you're above 18? I'm 19 and for example, and if I win, do I get the free travel to Nationals?
ultimatedra: so what about 1st place at regionals if you're above 18? I'm 19 and for example, and if I win, do I get the free travel to Nationals?

If you win - you get a free trip. Period. BUT if you are under 17, your parent also gets to go since you cannot legally fly w/o parents consent.
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