New and 'creative' moveset/EV spread thread Mk. 5

Bulky Gaymin @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe
~Leech Seed
~HP fire

This set is designed to annoy the shit outta anything. This set is different from the normal subseed because it doesn't use speed to leech seed. I think this set is more useful. Because it can Subseed and take hits. With protect, Shaymin guareentees a 25% even from a shuckle and recovers hp from most pokemon, something normal subseed can't do. HP fire is chosen because it gets rid of grass types that are immune to leech seed and steel types that resist poison. It is 90% recommended that you have a toxic spiker. Evs are for outrunning jolly t-tar
for the forretress set a few posts back, im a little worried about not being able to spike at all. it seems this forretress is trying to be much more offensive which makes me wonder why i can't just use starmie who can hp ghosts on the switch-in. "lucario" might not be able to set up on you, but stuff like gyarados still is and no spikes really hurts the utility of forry =[

nice, you really didn't read my post then as i told you he was a dedicated spinner. He is also much more reliable and easier to switch in than starmie, and completely not threatened by scarfed rotoms. On many teams that do not need spikes for KOs, this forretress could be not only an extremely reliable spinner, but a good heatran/infernape/zone/ghost killer.

also, if your team fears a +1 gyara, then carry explosion over eq. most teams carry things similar to scarf/bulky rotom or vap/suicune with hp electric that make a gyara at +1 or sometimes even +2 die. Using his normal sets to rapid spin results in this same gyarados buffing problem anyway, however my set also will KO the defensive sleeptalking gyarados with explosion, where the normal set will not.

No spikes doesn't hurt forretress' "utility"... it changes it to a completely different role, one that on many teams could be much more important than spikes (especially for teams that have a roserade lead or maybe a swampert or something for sr and get the KOs they need with just sr). This forretress is an almost 100% spin guarantee, being only stopped by a very specific bulky rotom-h or dusknoir, and only being prevented from spinning twice by them from behind a sub before killing them and being allowed to spin. On teams with ninjask, dragonite, or stall pokemon getting rid of tspikes and SR can be a game changing move, and too important to leave the possibility that you'll guess wrong and be stuck on a magnezone after using payback, or that you'll rapid spin a MYSTICgar that uses your switch out to get a free sub.
Hello! After lead Blastoise, i'm here to bring you a "new" set:

Snorlax@ Leftovers
EVs: 22 HP/ 252 Atk/ 136 Def/ 100 SpD
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick fat/ Immunity
-Focus Punch
-Body Slam/ Return

Quick Summary:
Sub Punch Snorlax. Simple.
So: why Snorlax? Why don't use something with STAB FP (Breloom and Poliwrath comes to mind)?
The answer: Snorlax is very bulky on the special side. Often special attackers can't break Snorlax Subs, thus making Snorlax quite easy to set up. Simple.


Substitute and Focus Punch are obvious.
Body Slam or Return is your choice. Return is stronger but you can often find Body Slam para rate useful to deal with something like Gyarados or Flygon. Since it can sub with little effort, you normally can fire off 2 Body Slams, making the para chance higher.
Crunch hits ghosts (OHKO on Gengar, 2HKO on Rotom, who often can't break your sub)


Thick Fat is the better choice: it lets you to set up on Heatran with ease. Can als take random Fire Blasts like nothing.
Immunity is a good alternative because if you're not behind a Sub, anything can easily Toxic you because of Snorlax lame speed, reducing this set effectiveness by a lot.

EVs: no idea here lol. Max attack is obvious though. I just suck at EV distribution.
This distribution gives Snorlax a good 200 defense, and nice special defense.
Hello! After lead Blastoise, i'm here to bring you a "new" set:

Snorlax@ Leftovers
EVs: 22 HP/ 252 Atk/ 136 Def/ 100 SpD
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick fat/ Immunity
-Focus Punch
-Body Slam/ Return

Quick Summary: Sub Punch Snorlax. Simple.
So: why Snorlax? Why don't use something with STAB FP (Breloom and Poliwrath comes to mind)?
The answer: Snorlax is very bulky on the special side. Often special attackers can't break Snorlax Subs, thus making Snorlax quite easy to set up. Simple.


Substitute and Focus Punch are obvious.
Body Slam or Return is your choice. Return is stronger but you can often find Body Slam para rate useful to deal with something like Gyarados or Flygon. Since it can sub with little effort, you normally can fire off 2 Body Slams, making the para chance higher.
Crunch hits ghosts (OHKO on Gengar, 2HKO on Rotom, who often can't break your sub)


Thick Fat is the better choice: it lets you to set up on Heatran with ease. Can als take random Fire Blasts like nothing.
Immunity is a good alternative because if you're not behind a Sub, anything can easily Toxic you because of Snorlax lame speed, reducing this set effectiveness by a lot.

EVs: no idea here lol. Max attack is obvious though. I just suck at EV distribution.
This distribution gives Snorlax a good 200 defense, and nice special defense.
Snorlax needs all the special defense it can get. Put 252 EVs in it, because right now I think Gengar can 2HKO you easily with Focus Blast and you'll be taking a lot more then you'd like from strong special attackers like Jolteon and LO Starmie. The defensive EVs is not needed because you won't be bothering to set up on physical attackers anyway.

EDIT: Yeah Gengar does a fuckton with life orb Focus Blast. (61.4% - 72.5%). Unfortunatly even with maxed SpD he still 2HKO's you lol (54.5% - 64.5%). I'd still put 252 EVs in SpD anyways for other Special Attackers.
Hey if you are 100% sure you are using max Attack, 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 SpD is probably the way to go unless you want to specialize to survive a physical attack. 16 HP gives a Leftovers number, the rest is given. I'm going to try out that set and get back to you. Maybe try Fire Punch > Crunch as well, since Rotom-A can't break your Sub and Gengar is weak enough to be 2HKOed by Fire Punch.
Hello! After lead Blastoise, i'm here to bring you a "new" set:

Snorlax@ Leftovers
EVs: 22 HP/ 252 Atk/ 136 Def/ 100 SpD
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick fat/ Immunity
-Focus Punch
-Body Slam/ Return

Quick Summary:
Sub Punch Snorlax. Simple.
So: why Snorlax? Why don't use something with STAB FP (Breloom and Poliwrath comes to mind)?
The answer: Snorlax is very bulky on the special side. Often special attackers can't break Snorlax Subs, thus making Snorlax quite easy to set up. Simple.


Substitute and Focus Punch are obvious.
Body Slam or Return is your choice. Return is stronger but you can often find Body Slam para rate useful to deal with something like Gyarados or Flygon. Since it can sub with little effort, you normally can fire off 2 Body Slams, making the para chance higher.
Crunch hits ghosts (OHKO on Gengar, 2HKO on Rotom, who often can't break your sub)


Thick Fat is the better choice: it lets you to set up on Heatran with ease. Can als take random Fire Blasts like nothing.
Immunity is a good alternative because if you're not behind a Sub, anything can easily Toxic you because of Snorlax lame speed, reducing this set effectiveness by a lot.

EVs: no idea here lol. Max attack is obvious though. I just suck at EV distribution.
This distribution gives Snorlax a good 200 defense, and nice special defense.

It looks like a okay set to me, I like how it's not conventional. As far as the Evs go, Metanite's spread would probably be the best spread because then Special sweepers can't break your Sub easily, and you get maximum power, a alternative spread would be 252 Hp/252 Atk/6 Def, for good overall bulk and maximum power. The moveset is pretty good. Selfdestruct could be mentioned because Snorlax could bait out it's counters and destroy them. Zen headbutt deserves a mention, because you do a little more damage to fighting types. Overall, it looks like a decent set to me, but it's outclassed by Hariyama.
Hey if you are 100% sure you are using max Attack, 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 SpD is probably the way to go unless you want to specialize to survive a physical attack. 16 HP gives a Leftovers number, the rest is given. I'm going to try out that set and get back to you. Maybe try Fire Punch > Crunch as well, since Rotom-A can't break your Sub and Gengar is weak enough to be 2HKOed by Fire Punch.

i think crunch would still be the better option everything that would be hit hard by fire punch is hit harder by focus punch except for forretress, who cant break your sub except with earthquake wich isnt that common, and scizor who takes 69-82% damage from focus punch which means if its weakend it will be koed and since scizor scouts alot it will most likely have taken some sr damage.

€dit: the damage on scizor is after a defense drop from super power wich would be a common move thrown at snorlax
Hello! After lead Blastoise, i'm here to bring you a "new" set:

Snorlax@ Leftovers
EVs: 22 HP/ 252 Atk/ 136 Def/ 100 SpD
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick fat/ Immunity
-Focus Punch
-Body Slam/ Return

Quick Summary: Sub Punch Snorlax. Simple.
So: why Snorlax? Why don't use something with STAB FP (Breloom and Poliwrath comes to mind)?
The answer: Snorlax is very bulky on the special side. Often special attackers can't break Snorlax Subs, thus making Snorlax quite easy to set up. Simple.


Substitute and Focus Punch are obvious.
Body Slam or Return is your choice. Return is stronger but you can often find Body Slam para rate useful to deal with something like Gyarados or Flygon. Since it can sub with little effort, you normally can fire off 2 Body Slams, making the para chance higher.
Crunch hits ghosts (OHKO on Gengar, 2HKO on Rotom, who often can't break your sub)


Thick Fat is the better choice: it lets you to set up on Heatran with ease. Can als take random Fire Blasts like nothing.
Immunity is a good alternative because if you're not behind a Sub, anything can easily Toxic you because of Snorlax lame speed, reducing this set effectiveness by a lot.

EVs: no idea here lol. Max attack is obvious though. I just suck at EV distribution.
This distribution gives Snorlax a good 200 defense, and nice special defense.

Tell me what exactly focus punch does, be specific. Return does as much damage. Earthquake beats FP against Heatran but focus punch is good against T-tar. Skarmory easily beats this set. It can set up 3 layers of spikes and die. Trick owns this set. Rachi can wish off any damage. Scizor and Forretress can take hits. Machamp and Heracross can fuck snorlax as well.
Tell me what exactly focus punch does, be specific. Return does as much damage. Earthquake beats FP against Heatran but focus punch is good against T-tar. Skarmory easily beats this set. It can set up 3 layers of spikes and die. Trick owns this set. Rachi can wish off any damage. Scizor and Forretress can take hits. Machamp and Heracross can fuck snorlax as well.

Focus punch actually allows it to beat skarmory since if it tries to roost it will be hit super effectively. But i agree this looses to too many common things most notably scizor and jirachi. Also bulky pokemon like hippowodon and gyrados still beat you.
I've been using this set for a while now, and mostly it works well. Somehow, it's an extremely good Swampert killer.


Crobat @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Mean Look
- Toxic
- Confuse Ray
- Fly

It works well as a revenge killer, not as a switch in, unless you predict a ground type attack.
Confuse on the first turn. Most people don't switch out then. If you know Crobat can take hits from the opposing Pokémon well, trap them with Mean Look, otherwise just poison them, and trap them in the next turn. Than spam Fly, while lefties recover the token hits. It the opponent snaps out of it's confusion, confuse again, and wait for the toxic to do its work while it misses its attacks or hurts itself.
Steel steel and more steel. Swampert has Ice Beam, which IIRC is 2HKO. Is 252 Atk really needed, as I believe Fly is there to stall, not to deal damage. And seriously Adamant nature? If anything, the set would be better with a build like this.

Crobat @ Leftovers

EVs: 168 HP / 88 Def / 252 Spe
~Super Fang
~Taunt / Mean Look
~Fly / U-Turn

Haven't tested it or anything, but it would probably work better.

you are rarely ever going to want fly on this set. if something needs one extra turn to die of poison, it would just be koed by brave bird anyway. u-turn or bb would be much better in those last slots. fly lets too many pokemon get a free turn to come in, like rotom, zapdos, etc. if they can predict well, it really can hurt you fairly bad.

as for the mean look trapper, you might as well run roost over fly. crobat wants survivability, especially if its mean look toxic/confuse trapping. i don't think the set is really worth it, but roost is certainly an improvement over fly.
Thanks for the replies. I'm not convinced to throw away Confuse Ray though. I'll try a few battles with this set and see what it gives.

Crobat @ Leftovers

EVs: 168 HP / 88 Def / 252 Spe
~Confuse Ray
~Mean Look

I did a few battles with the set above, and to my surprise it works quite well, actually even better than the first set I used. The only problem is that it almost can't outstall a steel or poison type. Crobat was once my last Pokémon, and my opponent's was a Tentacruel. The match kept going on 'till Crobat ran out of PP. I could drop Mean Look for something like Brave Bird, but I think that will throw away the concept of this moveset.
I just managed to outstall a Blissey and a Swampert with the above set, wich wouldn't be possible if I didn't trap them. Now they can't switch away their confusion, and they stay in play as they slowly see the poison killing them.
Maybe I just need better poison and steel counters in my team.
If you are running a Toxistaller set like that, you of course want some firepower, something like Heatran or Infernape to clear out steel types >.>, its a given.
I've got a new jirachi set that i've been using on shoddy for a while now. It works wonders and i've decided to register just to post this set.


Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Jolly nature(+Spe, -SpA)
-Thunder Wave
-Dynamic Punch/Drain Punch
-Ice Punch

What you do is bluff a choice set and force a switch. Then you can either use substitute or thunder wave. Heatran being jirachi's most common switch in is now either crippled with tw or severely damaged with dp and confused, i know its 50/50 so it's a bit risky but the payoff is huge. There is practically no safe switch-in to this set as tw cripples most and ice punch deals with the rest i.e gliscor and flygon(if you have sub) this set is relatively new and not many people have seen it so against players unaware it leaves gaping holes in the team. It's also an OHKO on tyranitar be it DDtar or scarftar, again providing DP hits.

This set aims to paralyze and confuse the opponents, making it almost impossible to hit jirachi and if you manage to get sub up then they will definitely lose a few members.

This set can be incredibly annoying and often provokes remarks so use it with caution. But i believe this is also part of strategy as it may force the opponent to make wrong moves and such, especially when faced with an unknown set. I believe this jirachi has the most potential since it's old counters no longer work as well and i can safely say it will always net you a kill; and paralyze a few others if you're lucky. The moves listed provide awesome coverage and is resisted only by starmie and slowbro i believe. The ev's are obviously put into attack to hit as hard as possible with dp and max speed is vital, i have seen some flygon that try to bluff a scarf and ragequit when they get OHKO'd by ice punch!

That's pretty much it, please feel free to comment etc..
This set isn't perfect, espescially the EV's, but it works.

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock/Crunch/Earthquake/Toxic
- Roar/Crunch/Earthquake/Toxic
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge

Rather than playing offensively like most other Tyranitar, this Tyranitar is defensive and attempts to support the team. The first two slots support the team, with Stealth Rock and/or Roar. If the team contains either of those moves already, they may be replaced with another attacking moves. Stone Edge is powerful STAB.

Pursuit, and possibly it's ability, is it's main appeal from other Stealth Rock/Phazers like Swampert, Hippowdon and Skarmorywhich allows it to trap Psychics, Ghosts, and other frail sweepers. The EV's I've chosen maximise attack, and then make Tyranitar as defensive as possible, mximising HP and increasing Defensive.
is that set meant to be used as a lead? i think maximizing spdef. is more important since tyrannitar will die to fighting attacks anyways i.e. machamps dynamic punch, infernapes close combat and scizors bullet punch. Also, most of the things you want to trap with pursuit are special based like starmie and celebi.
Umm, it's more of a "lead support" Pokemon, my case for Machamp. It's used in an RMT from about a week ago- - As someone suggested, I added Specs Starmie, but Tyranitar was really useful for Dark typing, Pursuit, Stone Edge and sand Stream, so I removed Pert and changed BandTar to the one I use now.

As I said, I'm unsure about the EV's, but I was thinking that Tar's Sp. Def is already more than high enough with Sandstorm, so I would just increase HP and put that last point in Def. But I see your logic, I'll probably try that...
now that i think about it the extra hit points might prove more useful when going against gyarados so i think your first ev spread is good enough
Why would you use DP on Jirachi when with iron head and thunder wave you can achieve pretty much the same results but without the 50% chance of missing? Other than Heatran, you'll still be able to hit the vast majority of the metagame with iron head+fire punch so I really see no reason to use that set.
i totally agree with everything you've just said but this jirachi was meant to cripple the opponents team and not actually meant to sweep. heatran is actually your friend since kingdra and gyarados likes switching in on it and setting up. you could also try to dp instead of tw behind a sub, if it misses then i immediately switch to suicune and bait explosions.

other things like occa berry can be used if you really fear heatran providing jirachi hasn't accumulated too much damage - fire blast does 74.8-88% with occa. also i think people overexaggerate the 50 acc thing, of course it will miss when you need it most but that's where team building becomes neccesarry, i don't think a single sweeper can sweep a whole team by itself without proper team support.

this jirachi wasn't meant to counter heatran, only if you must. against gyarados and others this jirachi usually comes out on top. i think dp is better than iron head in terms of coverage and potential payoff. i don't think iron head jirachi can 2HKO heatran.

Why would you use DP on Jirachi when with iron head and thunder wave you can achieve pretty much the same results but without the 50% chance of missing? Other than Heatran, you'll still be able to hit the vast majority of the metagame with iron head+fire punch so I really see no reason to use that set.

that's my point exactly, fire punch and iron head gets walled by heatran and tw and ice punch provides great coverage. this sets trades off killing scizor with fire punch for kills on gliscors and flygon who like to switch in on jirachi and cripple everyone else with tw.
There's a Lanturn set I've been using for a while and it's made him my team MVP.


Lanturn @ Shuca Berry
Def 156 / SpAtk 108 / SpDef 244
-Confuse Ray
-Thunder Wave
-Ice Beam

With his unique typing he can switch into a lot of Pokes and spread paralysis and confusion once ground types (who fear Surf/Ice Beam) and other Volt Absorbers are dealt with. The Shuca Berry weakens his one glaring weakness (grass is rare and even then it's mostly Grass Knot) and allows him to switch in on DDGyara with ease since a +1 Life Orb Earthquake won't OHKO and he can T-bolt back for his own OHKO. He can also stay in on Flygon switch ins, take the EQ and OHKO back with Ice Beam. Also, if he still has the Shuca, he can paralyze the most common Scarfers of Ttar and Heatran, basically ruining their one big advantage.

Now, obviously the Shuca Berry has to be used wisely, but as long as you're smart and use it wisely. I personally keep a Donphan to counter Flygon and ScarTar and a Gyara/Flygon for Heatran so that I don't have to use Lanturn- only when I need/want to.

The EVs are set up so that he at most takes 77% from a +1 Life Orb Gyarados' Earthquake and leaves you leeway for Entry Hazard damage or previous damage. The 108 SPATK allows you OHKO both Gyardos and Flygon with T-bolt and Ice Beam respectively while also allowing you do plenty of damage to others (MixNite takes 85.4-101.5%). The rest are dumped into SPDEF so that he can double as a special wall.
^ Maybe Rest over Confuse Ray? I can see the point of Thunder Wave, but as far as haxing the opponent goes, Lanturn is outclassed by others with Serene Grace/recovery. Rest would give it potential to counter more than one threat, as it can't recover.

Also, it would sacrifice his special bulk, but throwing speed on there could enable Lanturn to rest up after getting a kill (bit of a stretch, considering his base 67 speed), or outspeed things like SD Scizor (240 EVs).
@The King of Harts

To me that looks like an inferior porygon-2 who does exactly what that set does except porygpn-2 has a reliable recovery move and dosen't have to rely on shuca berry to defeat Gyrados and Flygon. I'm not sure if Lanturn can live a +1 outrage from Dragonite.
If you want to go for a ShucaLanturn then you should probably use something like this:


Lanturn @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Volt Absorb
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 HP / 24 Def / 234 SAtk
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power Fire / Thunder Wave / Rest

With this EV spread Lanturn is never KO'd by a +1 LO EQ from Gyarados and a layer of Stealth Rock, while having great bulk anyway. The rest of the EVs are dumped into SAtk to power up its moves. Hydro Pump is a very powerful attack, with the last three slots being dedicated to killing certain mons. Thunderbolt is a clean OHKO on Gyarados, Ice Beam does 81.9% - 96.4% [OHKO after SR] while a +1 EQ only does 52.2% - 61.5%. HP Fire brutally murders Scizor, though U-turn is an OHKO.
@The King of Harts

To me that looks like an inferior porygon-2 who does exactly what that set does except porygpn-2 has a reliable recovery move and dosen't have to rely on shuca berry to defeat Gyrados and Flygon. I'm not sure if Lanturn can live a +1 outrage from Dragonite.
His DEF and SPATK might not be as good, but I wouldn't say he's inferior when it comes to parafusing. Lanturn resists water, ice, steel, fire, and has a useful immunity to electricity. Porygon2 resists nothing and has an immunity to ghost. Porygon2 is obviously more offensive, but to me, parafusing isn't about dealing a bunch a damage, it's about ruining strategies with paralysis, and thanks to his many resistances, he can do it with relative ease.

As to how each fairs against the top threats in OU:
-Lanturn walls all Starmie, even those with Grass Knot. Specs Starmie does 65-77% and LO Starmie does 47-56% with Surf against P2. P2 only dishes out 65-77% with Tbolt, not enough to OHKO, even with LO recoil; barely enough with Stealth Rock.
-Porygon2 needs Stealth Rock to guarantee a OHKO against Gyarados with T-bolt, Lanturn just needs the 108 EVs.
-CB Scizors Bullet Punch does 18-29% to Lanturn, 35-41% against P2.
-ScarfTran's Fire Blast does 22-26% on Lanturn, 55-65% against P2.

So Lanturn fairs better against the top threats in OU than P2 does. And, like I said before, P2 is more offensive, but Lanturn is still a better parafuser thanks to his resistances to the most common attacks in OU. As for the +1 Outrage from Dragonite, it does 90-106%, so it's not always a OHKO if you exclude entry hazard damage.

Jah.Anon said:
^ Maybe Rest over Confuse Ray? I can see the point of Thunder Wave, but as far as haxing the opponent goes, Lanturn is outclassed by others with Serene Grace/recovery. Rest would give it potential to counter more than one threat, as it can't recover.
I keep Confuse Ray since it makes switching in counters more safe. If anything, Surf's the better deal for the double STAB and great coverage it gets with T-bolt and Ice Beam.
I've got a new jirachi set that i've been using on shoddy for a while now. It works wonders and i've decided to register just to post this set.


Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Jolly nature(+Spe, -SpA)
-Thunder Wave
-Dynamic Punch/Drain Punch
-Ice Punch

What you do is bluff a choice set and force a switch. Then you can either use substitute or thunder wave. Heatran being jirachi's most common switch in is now either crippled with tw or severely damaged with dp and confused, i know its 50/50 so it's a bit risky but the payoff is huge. There is practically no safe switch-in to this set as tw cripples most and ice punch deals with the rest i.e gliscor and flygon(if you have sub) this set is relatively new and not many people have seen it so against players unaware it leaves gaping holes in the team. It's also an OHKO on tyranitar be it DDtar or scarftar, again providing DP hits.

This set aims to paralyze and confuse the opponents, making it almost impossible to hit jirachi and if you manage to get sub up then they will definitely lose a few members.

This set can be incredibly annoying and often provokes remarks so use it with caution. But i believe this is also part of strategy as it may force the opponent to make wrong moves and such, especially when faced with an unknown set. I believe this jirachi has the most potential since it's old counters no longer work as well and i can safely say it will always net you a kill; and paralyze a few others if you're lucky. The moves listed provide awesome coverage and is resisted only by starmie and slowbro i believe. The ev's are obviously put into attack to hit as hard as possible with dp and max speed is vital, i have seen some flygon that try to bluff a scarf and ragequit when they get OHKO'd by ice punch!

That's pretty much it, please feel free to comment etc..

The ONLY thing that you're hitting with Dynamicpunch is Heatran, as Tyranitar fears Iron Head, especially if it's paralyzed. Also, paralysis + confusion makes the opponent have a 37.5% chance of attacking, while paralysis + Iron Head flinch makes the opponent have a 30% chance of attacking.

As for Ice Punch vs Fire Punch, you sacrifice coverage vs Steels to hit Gliscor and Flygon, as Hippowdon can tank whatever you throw at it. You might say "Oh well Dynamicpunch hits Steel-types also", but I'd rather have a 150 SE move with 100% accuracy (Fire Punch) than to try and hit with a 200 SE move with 50% accuracy (DynamicPunch).

Additionally, DynamicPunch has 8 PP compared to Iron Head's 24.