NU Discussion Thread (Mark II)

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A bulky water is barely going to do anything to Sharpedo to stop it's plan if it has nothing neutral. Politoed is completely useless and will die sooner than Sharpedo for instance...

Adamant or Jolly on CBDodrio?
How about Megganium? It's bulky on both sides, resists one of it's STABS and can KO back with STAB Grass moves. Moreover, it can also heal the damage through Synthesis and set up screens to reduce Sharpedo's damage output.
Yeah, Meganium is a great counter to Sharpedo. The only problem is that Fire Pokemon are extremely dominant, making it slightly less viable in a team. 252 HP/252+ Def takes laughably little from all of Sharpedo's attacks, and the maximum Sharpedo can muster up is about 30% with Ice Beam (Assuming 252 Atk/4 SpA/252 Spe Naive).
CB Dodrio should probably be Jolly, as there's a huge amount of stuff to tie with and you still 2HKO physical walls. Adamant is cool for a stronger Quick Attack, though.
How about Megganium? It's bulky on both sides, resists one of it's STABS and can KO back with STAB Grass moves. Moreover, it can also heal the damage through Synthesis and set up screens to reduce Sharpedo's damage output.

Yeah, Meganium is a great counter to Sharpedo. The only problem is that Fire Pokemon are extremely dominant, making it slightly less viable in a team. 252 HP/252+ Def takes laughably little from all of Sharpedo's attacks, and the maximum Sharpedo can muster up is about 30% with Ice Beam (Assuming 252 Atk/4 SpA/252 Spe Naive).

Conveniently, Meganium was a pokemon I was looking to experiment with at the minute anyway! But thanks for the input, I'll try max def on it.

If I'd known it didn't run Ice Beam as standard in NU I might've been able to theorymon a little better about it though lol. The lack of a database of common NU sets, outside the in depth server stats, makes it pretty hard to keep track of every alteration from the smogon UU ones. Especially if you're newish, like I am :\.
Meganium is a amazing counter, except it's sad how fires are so dominate it's hard to use meganium.

Has anyone tried the G/F/W core in NU. I mean I theorymoned a team featuring it and it seemed pretty good. The point is to have a bulky grass, bulky water and 2 offensive fires. You use the grass to eliminate the opponents bulky water. Use the water to not get owned by fires and use the fires as fire power (lol). Of course you throw in a spin blocker, lead and rapid spinner and you got yourself a team.
Meganium is a amazing counter, except it's sad how fires are so dominate it's hard to use meganium.

Has anyone tried the G/F/W core in NU. I mean I theorymoned a team featuring it and it seemed pretty good. The point is to have a bulky grass, bulky water and 2 offensive fires. You use the grass to eliminate the opponents bulky water. Use the water to not get owned by fires and use the fires as fire power (lol). Of course you throw in a spin blocker, lead and rapid spinner and you got yourself a team.

Flareon/Wailord/Meganium was really cool defensive core that I used for about an hour last round, with SR and Spikes and yeah. Glalie sucks though.
Exeggutor @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Psychic
- Energy Ball/Grass Knot (can't decide)
- Hidden Power Fire/Ice (can't decide, which would help more in NU?)
- Explosion

This is the Exeggutor set I want to run on my team. How it's look? I'm lacking specially defensive Pokemon though, two of my team have 65 base Special Defense...
I think playing too defensively in NU often comes back to bite you. Trying to counter everything is pretty hard because the tier is huge and some stuff is just crazy powerful. That being said, I like to have a core of some kind on every team. Usually this just means Primeape + Skuntank or Dusclops + Lickilicky for more defensive teams.

For F / W / G (defensivly), I think Meganium and Flareon are shoo ins, but Vileplume should be considered for its ability to annoy (Try Leech Seed / Substitute / Sludge Bomb / Stun Spore, so annoying), while still being bulky. Camerupt could a good Fire choice for SR and the lack of SR weakness. Mantine is probably the best defensive water available, though it falls to Tbolts from Magmortar / random HP Electrics (also SR weak). Gastrodon / Quagsire are cool also.
Meganium @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 216 HP / 144 SpA / 148 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Energy Ball
- Aromatherapy
- Synthesis
- Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice

I saw Meganium and was like, "holy jeez, this guy makes a great special tank with it's valuable resistances, would really help Relicanth" and picked him over Exeggutor. Any opinions on this set?
Has anyone abused offense Vileplume?


Vilepume @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Sludge Bomb
- Energy Ball
- Synthesis
- Sleep Powder

It plays like NU version of LO Special Venusaur. I know that Exeggutor currently outclasses the set, but with it's imminent move to UU, I just had to give this set a try. It's fast enough to outspace most NU's walls, and pokemon have trouble switching due to the dual threat of Sleep Powder and Sludge Bomb.

(It's too bad it doesn't get Leaf Storm)
Even if Eggy leaves, Victreebel makes a better job at that Vileplume set, although, you'd probobly drop Synthisis for another attacking move, probobly HP Fire or Sucker Punch.

Thing is, Vileplume is offensivly outclassed by Victreebel, Support by Jumpluff and Meganium, and defensivly Meganium gives it a run for it's money as well.

Yeah, been too busy recently to ladder on PO. I need to get safely in the 1100's at least, maybe aim for 1200.
I'm completely new to NU. Can someone tell me how common entry hazards are in this tier? (I mean, I can assume that SR is a must for most teams, but what about spikes/t-spikes?)

Also, does anyone know a NU mixed Trick Room sweeper? The only mon that comes to my mind is Regigigas.
I'm completely new to NU. Can someone tell me how common entry hazards are in this tier? (I mean, I can assume that SR is a must for most teams, but what about spikes/t-spikes?)

Also, does anyone know a NU mixed Trick Room sweeper? The only mon that comes to my mind is Regigigas.

I'm completely new to NU. Can someone tell me how common entry hazards are in this tier? (I mean, I can assume that SR is a must for most teams, but what about spikes/t-spikes?)

SR is really important, especially with all the powerful Fire-types. Spikes aren't really that common since there's only one really viable Spiker (Qwilfish) and the Ghosts are either too frail (Haunter), useless (Dusclops) or unsuited to the spinblocking role (Drifblim).

There are too many poison-types around for Toxic Spikes to really be viable.
I've been trying this Relicanth for a while on CAP. He nets like 2 kills per match, which is awesome, and pretty much always gets a SR up.

Relicanth@ Life Orb (Jolly, Rock Head)
252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 HP.
-Stealth Rock
-Head Smash
Pretty much any relicanth works lol because it doesnt really have counters outside of Quagsire.

I know that that particular set works pretty well with a Lum Berry is the lead position, you might try that.
Has anyone thought of Nasty Plot/Hynosis Mr. Mime?

Mr. Mime @ Wide Lens
Timid 252 Spe/252 SpA

Nasty Plot

After one Nasty Plot, Mr. Mime has almost 600 SpA, and STAB Psychic hurts a lot. Plus 306 speed isn't horrendous
Has anyone thought of Nasty Plot/Hynosis Mr. Mime?

Mr. Mime @ Wide Lens
Timid 252 Spe/252 SpA

Nasty Plot

After one Nasty Plot, Mr. Mime has almost 600 SpA, and STAB Psychic hurts a lot. Plus 306 speed isn't horrendous

Nah, Hypnosis is way too unreliable, as even with Wide Lens Hypnosis will only have 66% accuracy (change item to LO, Mime needs the power). You can't afford to miss, as Mime is OHKO'd by next to every physical move. 90 base speed isn't that good either and it's really easy to revenge kill (hi Skuntank) or force out.


use Ninetales (bonus: Flash Fire) or Jynx (stab ice and lovely kiss)
Has anyone thought of Nasty Plot/Hynosis Mr. Mime?

Mr. Mime @ Wide Lens
Timid 252 Spe/252 SpA

Nasty Plot

After one Nasty Plot, Mr. Mime has almost 600 SpA, and STAB Psychic hurts a lot. Plus 306 speed isn't horrendous

it is 99% outclassed by NP jynx who is faster, has dual stab, and has access to lovely kiss.
I've been testing this moveset for i while and its proved to be quite efficient for me

Regice @ Leftovers
Calm (+spd, -atk)
Evs - 252hp/4def/252sdef (you can really Evs it how you want)

Ice Beam
Seismic toss

Thing this is a beast at spread paralysis, you an bring him against just about any non-fire type special attacker and force it out, use substitute on the switch. This thing makes incredibly sturdy substitutes. so depending on what switches in you take your next line of action. Hit it with paralysis unless its a ground type, which you can just hit with STAB ice beam. Seismic toss just gives consistant damage

This set is best paired with slow, powerful sweepers (marowak) or dunsparce, who loves to hax the opponent.

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