
He's not the best sun sweeper, and certainly not anymore since Power Whip/Giga Drain are illegal, but he's still damn good. Sludge Bomb is still very powerful and it is your reliable STAB, so your other STAB can be Petal Dance. Everything but Heatran that resists Grass is smashed by a +2 HP Fire or Sludge Bomb, so sweeping with Petal Dance is very possible. Though now it has competition with Victreebel, who has more physical attack, Leaf Blade/Power Whip/Giga Drain, Weather Ball, Sucker Punch, and Encore. The bulk Venusaur has is great though.

Problem with PD is that you often absolutely need Venu to be able to hit something like Politoed with a Grass move, without locking itself in and letting a Nattorei get a few free layers. Steel/Bug or Grasses are so common that it really is detrimental.

I haven't seen myself, but I have heard that the starters aren't found randomly, but are released as (male-only) events.

Yeah I thought that this was the case with exclusively code released DW pokes.
I've found giga drain to be a good option, as it offsets LO, doesn't lock you in, and can help get another +2/+2.

As just posted above its illegal with Chlorophyll at the moment - just like Baton pass isn't legal with Blaziken - due to fixed genders of event give away DW Pokemon. My guess is it may take a LONG while or perhaps even never for female versions to be released given that you generally have to shell out some cash so far to get the passwords that give you access to the said DW pokemon. Helps to rake in profit and attendance at promotion - or just a good way to rake in cash through advertising tie ups.
It's far too early to say that until the metagame settles down a bit. Obviously the biggest factor will be whether or not Drought stays in OU, since there has been talk of testing it once we're done with rain.
Venusaur is probably the most popular Chlorophyll abuser due to its acceptable bulk, good speed, nice movepool and decent offensive stats, so it'd be the most likely one to be OU if Drought also is. Lack of Giga Drain may hurt it though, as this is still legal on PO (or was last I checked). Others are excellent too, but Venu's balance means it can be slapped on as a chlorophyller to most Sun teams with ease.
We'll just have to use energy ball over our loss of giga drain. Leaf Storm is counter productive and I'm beginning to garner a some real dislike for petal dance.Do you have any idea how annoying it is when Nattorei is setting up on pokemon that carry HP Fire?
so do you think a non growth venu is effective at all??

Absolutely. It is still the fastest Leech Seeder (under sun) and it could do a Growth Sub Sludge Bomb Leeech Seed set (walled by Heatran and Nattorei but you can't get everything and Nattorei doesn't really want to risk Venasaur's carrying Hp Fire so that leaves Heatran who has always been a pain for Venasaur) or just a very bulky special defensive Sub Leech Seed set. It can still pull off the mixed variant or special variant without Giga Drain (although the all special isn't as great without Giga Drain anymore to offset Life Orb recoil but it is still very vicious).

And again, without Growth it still has Sub/Leech Seed/Sludge Bomb/Giga Drain (with Over Grow) and bulky Venasaur could be a surprise since most Venasaur's nowadays will try to be Growthers and Venasaur does have strong defenses and a useful Fighting resist. Earthquake is an option to punish Heatran (without Balloon) or Hp Fire for Nattorei. You won't be hitting as hard but you could use this Venasaur in other weathers besides Sun with water/grass/electric/fighting resists.
It is still the fastest Leech Seeder (under sun)

Jumpluff will beat you up for saying such a thing.

But in all seriousness, Venu has the better defenses and much more in the attacking department.

Also HP Fighting hits both Heatran and Nattorei and usually what I run if I'm not running EQ/HP Fire/Giga Drain Growth.
Venusaur is tied with Shiftry and Skiploom.
Venusaur is slower than Jumpluff and Mebukijika.
Venusaur is trolled Monmen and Erufuun.

edit: ninja'ed by a lot

Lol, oops. I like totally forgot a lot of those. Still, Venasaur is probably better than Jumpluff, Shiftry and the Deer don't waste time with Leech Seed and Erufuun can't really do much to Venasaur (except Paralyze and annoy with Encore) but will fear Sludge Bombs and Hp Fire.
Has no one mentioned the obligatory Chlorophyll-growth set?

Vernusaur@Life Orb/Leftovers
-Leaf Storm/Power Whip/Solar Beam
-HP Fire

In sun, Growth boosts Venusaur's already potent mixed stats two levels each. At +2, Leaf Storm, Power Whip and Solar Beam all become extremely powerful STABs. However, Solar Beam will not be fun to use outside of Sun, so be weary. Earthquake is the great move that it is, being able to hit lots for a good amount of damage with no drawbacks. HP Fire is to stop being walled by Scizor and Skarmory.

This set seems able to defeat a Nattorei/Burungeru duo with some prediction. HP Fire roasts Nattorei, especially in the sun. Any STAB Grass move will kill Burungeru, and Earthquake hits both neatrally. Furthermore, Venusaur is immune to Leech Seed and Toxic, the bane of stalling with that duo. He also 4x resists Power Whip from Nattorei and 2x resists Boiling Water (Beware of burn!).
What about non-Chlorophyll Venusaur? What can they do to stand out in this metagame? Access to Power Whip is nice, for sure, but do the old Gen IV sets still apply to Gen V? Or will Overgrow Venusaur have to think more creatively in order to stand out?
What about non-Chlorophyll Venusaur? What can they do to stand out in this metagame? Access to Power Whip is nice, for sure, but do the old Gen IV sets still apply to Gen V? Or will Overgrow Venusaur have to think more creatively in order to stand out?

I guess everything still apply's . Though regardless of power whip he is being outshone by Chlorophyll.

So we can most likely expect to see more creative sets when it comes to Overgrow Venusaur, which is quite exciting.

[This is of course if anybody still opts to use overgrow over chlorophyll, which I'm sure people will]
I must say after much though and test Venusaur is what Kingdra is to SwSw Rain or what Thundrus or Tornadus is to Non SwSw Rain. Its basicaly my favorite abuser.
I just want to reiterate how crippling the loss of Giga Drain is to Venusaur, more so this suspect period. With the loss of Blaziken, two things happened relating to this - Blissey resurged since one of her key threats is now banned, and Sun lost one of their best ways to deal with Blissey. Since much of Sun is specially based and cannot get past her, she has become a colossal obstacle, and Venu not being able to GD past her makes this even worse.

Also, there's being able to stall out LO damage as opposed to GD being able to suck it back, with clever switching, but this is less of a problem.
I will never stop complaining about how bad it is that chlorophyll venusaur cannot use giga drain. Losing out on power whip kind of sucks too since then he'd actually have a reason to run a physical set. But no giga drain just...ugh. Without it he falls much faster in battle than he normally would. He actually ends up getting revenged by stuff since opponents can stall out LO damage until you get put into KO range. Energy ball just

The day a legitimate female venusaur is released, Flint will no longer be my avatar. My new set will be venusaur in all his glory.

I don't think he has to worry too much about Blissey though. While she does get in the way and can cripple you with paralysis, she isn't going to be taking +4/+6 sludge bombs all that well. Most sun teams these days should probably carry a fighting type pokemon anyway (I use Mixnape now...) as a partner to venusaur.