Challenge The Scramble Challange

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Scramble Challenge PART 1

Rattata(No nickname, but I'm just gonna call it TopPercent): Solo Brock, solo 1 Pokemon each from Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha and Lance.
Nidoran(M)(No NN): Solo Surge and his Raichu, learn/keep Blizzard to evolve
Bulbasaur(RootOfEvil): Solo 10 for Ivysaur, solo 40 for Venusaur
Charmander(No NN): Solo Erika
Mankey(Anger): Beat 20 mons while confused to evolve. Cannot use status moves.
Tentacool(Squirtle): Cannot use anything that Squirtle can't learn legally. Evolve at LV 36, must change nickname to Blastoise ASAP. Allowed moves are: Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Toxic, Take Down, Double Edge, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rage, Mimic, Reflect, Double Team, Bide, Skull Bash, Rest, Substitute, Surf(without TMs, this guy is limited to only Water Gun and Hydro Pump. Go figure.)

Main points:
Protagonist's name: THEGAME(p.s. yes, you did lose it :P)
ID: 45957
Rival's name: NOOOOOO


1.Got Steroids from my com, uh, I mean, Potion.
2.Got Pikachu
3.Pikachu owned Eevee(well duh I mean, it kept spamming Tail Whip, which failed)
4.Arrived at Viridian City
5.Delivered Oak's Parcel
6.Caught Anger(LV 5 Mankey), SoloKnight(LV 4 Nidoran(M)), TopPercent(LV 3 Rattata)(yes I know the NN for Nidoran sucks, but...) all on Route 22. Go figure.
7.Boxed Pikachu

Current Team:

LV 5 Mankey
19 HP/14 ATK/10 DEF/13 SPE/9 SPC
Confused Solo Count: 0

LV 4 Nidoran-M
18 HP/9 ATK/9 DEF/10 SPE/9 SPC

LV 3 Rattata
14 HP/8 ATK/7 DEF/9 SPE/7 SPC
Tackle/Tail Whip
UPDATE: (With moar Boulderbadge goodness!)

1. Got through Viridian Forest
2. Grinded SoloKnight for Double Kick, grinded TopPercent for Hyper Fang.


TopPercent VS Geodude

Pffft. Easy battle. With the help of 2 Potions, TopPercent Tail Whipped Geodude to -6, then OHKO'd with Hyper Fang.

TopPercent VS Onix

I misclicked on the first turn and used Tackle instead. It did like, 2 damage. Onix used Bide, so I just Tail Whip spammed. I then Tail Whip him 3 more times, but end up at -6 Defense from Screech. I Hyper Fang'd, did like 50% damage, and a Tackle from Onix brought me to yellow, another hit would've killed. I Hyper Fang again, but it missed. I almost got a heart attack, but Onix used Screech. PHEW. I killed Onix, and obtain the Boulder Badge!



Team Stats:

LV 14 Rattata
34 HP/25 ATK/17 DEF/28 SPE/16 SPC
Tackle/Tail Whip/Quick Attack/Hyper Fang
Soloed Brock

LV 12 Nidoran-M
37 HP/20 ATK/19 DEF/21 SPE/18 SPC
Leer/Tackle/Horn Attack/Double Kick

LV 7 Mankey
23 HP/17 ATK/12 DEF/16 SPE/11 SPC
Confuse Solo Count: 0

Comments: While TopPercent has successfully solo'd Brock, he needed Tail Whip to do so. The superior-than-Solo stats are deceptive as he is 2 levels higher. On the other hand, SoloKnight has gained a Fighting move and can look forward to owning the crazy bunch of Normals on Route 3... wait, Anger gets Low Kick in 2 levels, so he's gonna get the grinding whip. *CRACK*

P.S. I know I skipped the Route 22 Rival battle.
'Tis a sad day.

I've found recently that I havent recieved any sort of enjoyment from my Scrambles and so have come to the decision to retire from competitive (lol) Scrambling. Basically what this means is that I am abandoning all current Scrambles bar my Platinum Variable Scramble and the Hardest Scramble Challenge EVER (I will complete this) and will not take any further Scramble Challenges unless I feel a particular itch that needs to be scratched.

Its been fun guys.

P.S. I will still be here in the thread posting from time to time.

P.P.S. i should really find the OP's of my HSCE and Plat variable challenge.
Scramble Challenge Part 3

p.s. I just realised that Anger doesn't need to solo, he just needs to land the finishing blow. win.

Rattata(No nickname, but I'm just gonna call it TopPercent): Solo Brock, solo 1 Pokemon each from Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha and Lance.
Nidoran(M)(No NN): Solo Surge and his Raichu, learn/keep Blizzard to evolve to Nidoking
Bulbasaur(RootOfEvil): Solo 10 for Ivysaur, solo 40 for Venusaur
Charmander(No NN): Solo Erika
Mankey(Anger): Beat 20 mons while confused to evolve. Cannot use status moves.
Tentacool(Squirtle): Cannot use anything that Squirtle can't learn legally. Evolve at LV 36, must change nickname to Blastoise ASAP. Allowed moves are: Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Toxic, Take Down, Double Edge, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rage, Mimic, Reflect, Double Team, Bide, Skull Bash, Rest, Substitute, Surf(without TMs, this guy is limited to only Water Gun and Hydro Pump. Go figure.)

Main points:
1. Anger beat all 20 mons while confused(all Zubats lolol)
2. SoloKnight evolved into Nidorino!
3. TopPercent evolved into Raticate!
4. Got Helix Fossil!
5. Owned Jessie and James
6. Arrived at Cerulean City!
7. Got RootOfEvil the Bulbasaur!
8. RootOfEvil solo'd 10 Pokemon!
9. Done Gary 3. ROE also owned his Sandshrew(included in solo count)
10. Saved before Nugget Bridge.

Team Stats:

LV 14 Bulbasaur
38 HP/19 ATK/21 DEF/18 SPE/27 SPC
Tackle/Growl/Leech Seed/Vine Whip
Ivysaur Solo count: 10
Venusaur solo count: 0

Goddamnit. Vine Whip=Fucking win. Owns Sandshrew like no other. :D Most likely MVP for Misty.

LV 19 Nidorino
59 HP/36 ATK/34 DEF/37 SPE/32 SPC
Leer/Poison Sting/Horn Attack/Double Kick

With those balanced stats, it's no wonder why Nidoking is quite literally, the king of RBY solos.

LV 20 Raticate
55 HP/44 ATK/33 DEF/49 SPE/32 SPC
Tackle/Tail Whip/Quick Attack/Hyper Fang

Hyper Fang is a fucking god. Really. I'd be sad to see it leave, but Super Fang is way more badass.

LV 19 Mankey
48 HP/41 ATK/26 DEF/38 SPE/24 SPC
Scratch/Leer(BANNED)/Low Kick/Karate Chop
Confused Kill Count: 20

Damned Zubats and their 55% accurate Supersonics. Damn Mankey's shit defense. Without fast forwarding it'd be hell getting that kill count. >_>
Might as well try this. I'm playing white. Have a few points:
-have access to black
-mono-type challenge (someone choose a hard type for me)
-No extremely hard challenges
-I will be using oshawott as a wildcard on my team
Ready, set, challenge!
If you dont mind a not full team go with Ghost and take a Glourk which can only use punching moves.

Otherwise use Psychic and take a Muuna that must have Lucky Chant up to attack.
EDIT: Fuuuuuuuuuu ninja'd. WELP, your call on who to go with, Snivy.

A guy named Snivy is demanding an Oshawott? Hah.

When you say access to Black, does that mean you're playing Black, or that you're playing White an have the ability to trade?

And I'll just stick with stuff you can easily catch in-game.

Go get yourself a Sewaddle. Name it Grumpy. Grumpy must learn Struggle Bug to evolve, but cannot learn it via TM.

When it evolves to Swadloon, Grumpy gets extra pissed about life, since he got fat. While he's busy trying to lose the weight, he can't get too happy, or he might fall off the wagon.

To evolve, Grumpy must know Frustration and can ONLY evolve when he hits level 29. If he tries to evolve prior to level 29, you must cancel the evolution and he can never evolve. If he evolves at level 30 or later, he must learn Flash and can never delete it, along with Struggle Bug and Frustration.

Assuming he evolves right at level 29, his moveset must have Slash/Cut, Leaf Blade, and X-Scissor, to celebrate cutting all the fat, and the last moveslot is your choice. And rename Grumpy to anything else, obviously.

Also, I picked a Grass/Bug deliberately. Subsequent posters can decide which type to go with. But there's a good amount of both types in-game.
I will continue the Psychic thread, so you must use "Happy" the Gothita. It is the only goth that is happy and thus can never use any dark or ghost type moves. It must also know Tickle at all times because that is what it does to cheer up its goth friends. She can evolve the first time when she Tickles 5 trainer pokemon and then defeats them with a physical move. But once it evolves into Gothorita, it all changes, she becomes goth like every other one in her species. She must change her name to "Sad". She must know at all times 1 dark type move, must relearn Fake Tears and keep it. She can only evolve when you give her the "drugs" or giving it 3 rare candies. Finally you have Gothorita, who is once again happy. It must know Charm and Flatter at all times and must be renamed Happy again.
Good Luck
Take a Sigilyph, first you see. Whichever stat the nature benefits, you must have at least 100 EVs in that stat by the end of the game. If it is a neutral nature, you must have 24 EVs in every stat. You cannot get an EV for whatever stat is hinders. If it is a neutral nature, then ignore that part.
Hmmm, you get a sigilyph. Since Xatu mocks it for being an unoriginal totem bird, it may not use any moves that Xatu can also learn, out of spite. Remember to include gen exclusive TM moves/ move tutors and stuff, name it UTFO (Unidentified Totem flying object)


Fine, You know what, You're getting another psychic type. His name is Bob and he will be your best friend, or else. keeping with the alien theme, Bob is an elgyem. He must solo 10 pokemon his own level using only return. Since he is also your best friend, he must be kept at the front of the party until he faints (unless it's a solo) and be given all in game berries you acquire. Finally, he knows how difficult Ghetsis is for trainers, and has seen many a nuzlocke friend die because of him. Because of this, he must solo Ghetsis' hydreigon.
alright, to make things interesting get a Darmanitan and name it Schizo. As you know, it has two personalities, however, the Psychic personality is the dominant one while the pure Fire one is a lazy bastard. Because of this, he can NEVER use any attacks with a higher BP than 70 unless he is in his Daruma Mode. Furthermore, he also cannot KO any pokes when not in Daruma mode. His movepool MUST as soon as possible include Psychic, one fire attack of less than 70 BP, Confusion (because he is confused about his identity) and a final filler of your choice. He must solo Caitlyn as well as 10 Psychic Trainers and 10 Fire-based Trainers in order to overcome his personality disorder (at which point you can do whatever you want with him)
Snivy take a Sigilyph with Inner Focus. this Sigilyph thinks that it has Magic Guard and so has to be out at all times when there is a damaging hazard and must get statused as often as possible. it must solo 10 pokemon in the desert in a row without healing to be able to use moves above 80BP


@texas you can get RCB in iccirus city in winter
Not true. Quoting from Bulbapedia:

"The RageCandyBar makes its return as a regular usable item, first obtainable in the house in the southeast corner of Icirrus City during the winter, where the former Team Rocket Grunt's wife gives it as a gift saying that RageCandyBars hold the family together.Another can be obtained after defeating the Elite Four. It is given by Professor Juniper when the player returns to the Relic Castle. Others can be obtained by beating all the trainers on the Royal Unova on a Saturday."
Pwnage the Duosion. Different from before that you must catch it as a Duosion!

It must evolve at LV 45. Moveset as a Duosion should consist of Recover, Light Screen, Reflect and one attacking move. Upon evolution, replace one of the status moves with an attacking move.
Sorry to anyone who got ninja'd
alright, to make things interesting get a Darmanitan and name it Schizo. As you know, it has two personalities, however, the Psychic personality is the dominant one while the pure Fire one is a lazy bastard. Because of this, he can NEVER use any attacks with a higher BP than 70 unless he is in his Daruma Mode. Furthermore, he also cannot KO any pokes when not in Daruma mode. His movepool MUST as soon as possible include Psychic, one fire attack of less than 70 BP, Confusion (because he is confused about his identity) and a final filler of your choice. He must solo Caitlyn as well as 10 Psychic Trainers and 10 Fire-based Trainers in order to overcome his personality disorder (at which point you can do whatever you want with him)
I can get him from black. No worries.

Otherwise use Psychic and take a Muuna that must have Lucky Chant up to attack.

I will continue the Psychic thread, so you must use "Happy" the Gothita. It is the only goth that is happy and thus can never use any dark or ghost type moves. It must also know Tickle at all times because that is what it does to cheer up its goth friends. She can evolve the first time when she Tickles 5 trainer pokemon and then defeats them with a physical move. But once it evolves into Gothorita, it all changes, she becomes goth like every other one in her species. She must change her name to "Sad". She must know at all times 1 dark type move, must relearn Fake Tears and keep it. She can only evolve when you give her the "drugs" or giving it 3 rare candies. Finally you have Gothorita, who is once again happy. It must know Charm and Flatter at all times and must be renamed Happy again.

Fine, You know what, You're getting another psychic type. His name is Bob and he will be your best friend, or else. keeping with the alien theme, Bob is an elgyem. He must solo 10 pokemon his own level using only return. Since he is also your best friend, he must be kept at the front of the party until he faints (unless it's a solo) and be given all in game berries you acquire. Finally, he knows how difficult Ghetsis is for trainers, and has seen many a nuzlocke friend die because of him. Because of this, he must solo Ghetsis' hydreigon

Pwnage the Duosion. Different from before that you must catch it as a Duosion!It must evolve at LV 45. Moveset as a Duosion should consist of Recover, Light Screen, Reflect and one attacking move. Upon evolution, replace one of the status moves with an attacking move.

alright, to make things interesting get a Darmanitan and name it Schizo. As you know, it has two personalities, however, the Psychic personality is the dominant one while the pure Fire one is a lazy bastard. Because of this, he can NEVER use any attacks with a higher BP than 70 unless he is in his Daruma Mode. Furthermore, he also cannot KO any pokes when not in Daruma mode. His movepool MUST as soon as possible include Psychic, one fire attack of less than 70 BP, Confusion (because he is confused about his identity) and a final filler of your choice. He must solo Caitlyn as well as 10 Psychic Trainers and 10 Fire-based Trainers in order to overcome his personality disorder (at which point you can do whatever you want with him)

And oshawott
First mono-type scramble here I come. Thanks guys for the pokémon.
Random MASS Update Part 4

A lot of stuff has happened. Whee.

Rattata(No nickname, but I'm just gonna call it TopPercent): Solo Brock, solo 1 Pokemon each from Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha and Lance.
Nidoran(M)(No NN): Solo Surge and his Raichu, learn/keep Blizzard to evolve to Nidoking
Bulbasaur(RootOfEvil): Solo 10 for Ivysaur, solo 40 for Venusaur
Charmander(No NN): Solo Erika
Mankey(Anger): Beat 20 mons while confused to evolve. Cannot use status moves.
Tentacool(Squirtle): Cannot use anything that Squirtle can't learn legally. Evolve at LV 36, must change nickname to Blastoise ASAP. Allowed moves are: Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Toxic, Take Down, Double Edge, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rage, Mimic, Reflect, Double Team, Bide, Skull Bash, Rest, Substitute, Surf(without TMs, this guy is limited to only Water Gun and Hydro Pump. Go figure.)

1. Got Past Nugget Bridge
2. Got Charcoal, the Charmander
3. Steamroll'd the Route 25 trainers, RootOfEvil evolving in the process
4. After having sex with Clefairy!Bill helping out Bill he gives me a S.S. Ticket.
5. Ran back to Cerulean
6. RootOfEvil tentacle raped thrashed Misty. Cascade Badge GET.
7. Owned random Rocket Grunt
8. Gone down to SS Anne
9. Owned the ship.
10. Charcoal evolved.
12. Nothing spectacular, just Solo owning the Spearow, Root owning Sandshrew, and Anger handled the rest.
13. Got HM01
14. Taught Cut to Root
15. After a ridiculously tough battle, SoloKnight proved victorious over Surge's Raichu!
16. Solo learned BubbleBeam and Thunderbolt.
17. Went through Rock Tunnel. Which Solo handily destroyed 90% of it.
18. Root finished the 40-solo requirement for Venusaur
19. Arrived at Lavender Town.
20. Skipped a bunch of trainers at Route 8 and arrived at Celadon. Saved game.

Whoosh. A whole lot.


LV 23 Mankey
57 HP/49 ATK/31 DEF/45 SPE/29 SPC
Fury Swipes/Leer(still banned)/Karate Chop/Low Kick

Fuck STAB, Karate Chop is still badass, even though it's Normal type in Gen 1. Mankey usually OHKOs the target most of the time, but if he doesn't, that shit bulk will kill him, period. >_>

LV 29 Ivysaur
79 HP/45 ATK/51 DEF/45 SPE/63 SPC
Cut/PoisonPowder/Leech Seed/Vine Whip
Venusaur solo count: 40

Vine Whip is gonna go soon after Erika, and in goes Mega Drain. The main Geodude-killer.

LV 29 Nidorino
88 HP/54 ATK/51 DEF/55 SPE/48 SPC
Thunderbolt/BubbleBeam/Poison Sting/Double Kick


Yeah, SoloKnight is officially a broken pile of shit. Thunderbolt rapes those Pidgeys, Bubblebeam rapes Geodudes, Double Kick rapes Meowths, and Poison Sting is Blizzard-fodder. Also, BoltBeam coverage. *shiver* The fact that he is getting out of Celadon a Nidoking is even worse, since I finally get Blizzard. Watch out game, this guy will rape you.

LV 25 Raticate
67 HP/55 ATK/41 DEF/61 SPE/39 SPC
Body Slam/Tail Whip/Quick Attack/Hyper Fang

Quite good, but lagging behind already. Damned normal coverage. He's gotta buck up.

LV 22 Charmeleon
61 HP/41 ATK/32 DEF/45 SPE/39 SPC

RIP Erika. RIP Celadon Gym. That is, if Charcoal can even do decent amounts of damage. Fuck RBY Growth being a Calm Mind. Urgh.

EDIT: Derp. Never mind. I just found out that TM14 is in Cinnabar. Not Celadon. Gah.
Part 2
-Enters Rock Tunnel
-Leaves Rock Tunnel
-Catchs Drought the lvl20 Vulpix(finally i can get to the scramblemons)
-Got Moira the lvl25 Evee
-Evolved Moira into Vaporeon
-Got attacker the lvl18 Pinsir
-Battle some trainers to train up my weaker scramble pokes
-Teachs Attacker-Thief and Brick Break and Attacker learns Revenge.
-Teachs Moira-Dig and Water Pulse
-Drought learns Confuse Ray and Flamethrower
-Beats Team Rocket
-Beats Gym
-Beats Rival
-MGC is caught
-Beats Team Rocket
Small because i havent been doing much because of school work.
Alright, why the fuck is this on page 2? This pisses me off only slightly less than detroitlolcat not doing our match when we're both on. Anyways, to prevent this from being a useless bump, I'm doing an emerald scramble. HOWEVER, there are a couple of rules for this.
1) I want challenges with story. What does this mean? It has to have some background. I also reserve the right to not accept any challenge that I deem has little to no story (Maxie)
2) I'm fine with difficulty, but I don't like supreme impracticability. What does this mean? It means that pokemon like MustEat the Bulbasuar can't be used.
Kingofkongs, you get a Bulbasaur named MustEat. It may only use damaging moves if they absorb the opponent's health.
Why is this impossible? It means that Bulbasaur can't use any attacking moves until after the 4th gym, and it only has 5 pp. So yeah, nothing like that.
3) All pokemon should have some challenge that lasts the entire game. This is so I don't get overpowered at the end. Examples of challenges that don't fit the criteria: Challenges that only include solos, Challenges that it can't evolve until blahblahblah. If you have a restriction, make at least part of it permanant.
4) I once again reserve the right to not use any pokemon that don't fit the above criteria. I will not deny challenges because I don't like them however. (maxie)
Alright, give me some challenges!
@kingofkongs, you get a Zangoose named SteveIrwin (note: this is politically correct, but I thought it might be interesting). Like the real Steve Irwin, Zangoose likes testing the line between risk and stupidity. First and simplest, Zangoose must solo all Sevipers in the game and cannot use healing items during that battle. Second, Zangoose must solo all Poison-Types and reptilian pokemon and if poisoned (by any pokemon, not just poison types) cannot have an antidote used on him. He must be taken to a Pokemon center, regardless of distance. Thirdly, Zangoose may only use Physical and status moves (only if they affect Zangoose, not the opponent, as Zangoose believes in honor and will not use what he considers "cheating tactics" on his opponents), no special moves whatsoever.
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