The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

mattj, i have like 9001 sources for getting things from japan, if you want i can let you know when i find somewhere to get the historia? i am getting it in japanese, not sure if you want to wait or not. nobody seems to know exactly where or how many will be sold though, or if anywhere will take preorders for it.

EDIT: found a place updating when they find these. i bought the last one from someone but if anyone wants to know just drop me a PM. better than checking ebay every day xD
Just finished talking to the Water Dragon and I'm in this Buddhist looking temple.

Oh and 500 Rupees for the Sacred Shield? C'moooooon -_-.
Anyone know how to get the fun pinwheel thingy for that clown guy that lost it in the desert?
Oh and 500 Rupees for the Sacred Shield? C'moooooon -_-.
That's 5 blue bird feathers, which is about 7 minutes of work.
Anyone know how to get the fun pinwheel thingy for that clown guy that lost it in the desert?
When you get to the point where you need the pinwheel Gondo will repair that robot he's been working on. His name is Scrapper. Whenever you find various items that have been dropped below Phi will call for him and he'll be able to carry them to the surface for you.
If you can't find an anniversary edition perhaps you could find a copy of red steel 2. I've seen many new copies that come with a motion plus for $20. Its a good deal if you need a motion plus.
Hmm I might do this. I really can't find another copy. I really wanted that gold remote but o well. Thanks mattj for the tip.
finally beat Skyward Sword! Warning: right before facing the final boss, copy your current save file, because at the end of the game, the game will overwrite your current save file for Hero Mode aka a Second Quest where the enemies deal double damage. your bugs and treasures do in fact transfer over from your previous save file to Hero Mode.
Finally finished the game earlier today. I sort of rushed and didn't do too many sidequests. Usually just went from objective to objective. Still took me a good 33 hours. Longest game I've played this year for sure and don't think I would have for anything but something this good!

Definitely not my favourite in the series, a few obvious flaws that I can't believe EAD didn't catch during development as well as some annoying decisions with the design... The art style is absolutely beautiful though. Perfect in-between point from Wind Waker's hyper-stylized cel-shading and the super-realistic Twilight Princess.
Definitely not my favourite in the series, a few obvious flaws that I can't believe EAD didn't catch during development as well as some annoying decisions with the design... The art style is absolutely beautiful though. Perfect in-between point from Wind Waker's hyper-stylized cel-shading and the super-realistic Twilight Princess.

Your thoughts on the game sound very similar to mine. I'd be interested to know what obvious flaws and annoying decisions you're referring to. Some I can think of:

- Parts of the game that seem redundant, e.g. that annoying mission where you have to guard Scrapper just because he messed up.
- The usual problem of Zelda bosses being too easy even on the harder mode.
- Although it was nice to have much more interesting overworld sections, this made the dungeons feel unusually simple compared to the rest of the series.
- The usual issue of villain stupidity, e.g. they always create bosses to 'test' you at first, rather than fighting you while you're weak at the start of the game. The way Scaldera appeared before entering the boss room was cool, though.
- Fi's boring 'personality' compared to characters like Midna. I conjecture that 80% of gamers would find her boring/annoying.
- Many more...

It's also not my favourite in the series, but I'm not sure why. Possibly because I've played most of the series and the formula is now very familiar. For some reason Twilight Princess is still my favourite - perhaps due to the complex, diverse dungeons, the dark atmosphere, and more memorable cutscenes than in any other title I've played. Somehow TP felt like a bigger game to me, even though my recent play-throughs have been 18 hours at most, compared to Skyward Sword taking well over 30 even without sidequests. My second favourite is Majora's Mask, so it seems I have a preference for the darker storylines.

Also, I wouldn't call TP's graphics 'super-realistic' - more like 'a somewhat realistic style, limited by the hardware'. When we finally see a HD Zelda game, hopefully it will be deserving of that description.
Your thoughts on the game sound very similar to mine. I'd be interested to know what obvious flaws and annoying decisions you're referring to. Some I can think of:

- Parts of the game that seem redundant, e.g. that annoying mission where you have to guard Scrapper just because he messed up.
- The usual problem of Zelda bosses being too easy even on the harder mode.
- Although it was nice to have much more interesting overworld sections, this made the dungeons feel unusually simple compared to the rest of the series.
- The usual issue of villain stupidity, e.g. they always create bosses to 'test' you at first, rather than fighting you while you're weak at the start of the game. The way Scaldera appeared before entering the boss room was cool, though.
- Fi's boring 'personality' compared to characters like Midna. I conjecture that 80% of gamers would find her boring/annoying.
- Many more...

It's also not my favourite in the series, but I'm not sure why. Possibly because I've played most of the series and the formula is now very familiar. For some reason Twilight Princess is still my favourite - perhaps due to the complex, diverse dungeons, the dark atmosphere, and more memorable cutscenes than in any other title I've played. Somehow TP felt like a bigger game to me, even though my recent play-throughs have been 18 hours at most, compared to Skyward Sword taking well over 30 even without sidequests. My second favourite is Majora's Mask, so it seems I have a preference for the darker storylines.

Also, I wouldn't call TP's graphics 'super-realistic' - more like 'a somewhat realistic style, limited by the hardware'. When we finally see a HD Zelda game, hopefully it will be deserving of that description.

the dungeons did feel much easier compared to the rest of the series. None of them came even close to how horrendously difficult Stone Tower Temple from Majora's Mask was for me.

I really enjoyed the sidequests in the game though. They were enjoyable, and I feel that people who rushed through the game without even doing them literally missed like half the game (it took me 71 hours to beat the game) that gave the game some more depth, if that makes sense.

also, being able to upgrade almost all your weapons/items is such a wonderful addition to the series. I also loved how the game actually had some hilarious moments (Groose, anyone?). Speaking of Groose, the game really had some memorable characters that played a major role in the story who were not named Link or Zelda.

but yeah, I found the guarding Scrapper mission incredibly annoying. and fighting (I won't say which boss) the same boss three times was annoying too.

I thought part of what made this game my favorite Zelda game was that because of the new controls, the enemies were harder to kill than in previous games, including the regular enemies.

Fi took some getting used to after Midna but she grew on me as time went on. It's pretty interesting to see her comments on anything you Z-target. Fun fact: she talks a lot like one of my friends. Maybe that's why I liked her lol.

One thing though: the overworld is much richer than in previous games. Also, this goes back to the sidequests thing but people really need to slow down and take a look around, do sidequests and stop and think of what you're doing, and even if what you're doing is somewhat simple, it's really freaking cool. Gah, I wish I could give examples but that would involve spoilers. Bottom line, if you want to enjoy the game, don't rush!
This guy sums up skyward sword pretty well, he;s called zeropunctuation, you may or may not have seen it already but it's worth a look

I finished the game last night (on regular mode) and i'll just put some spoilers in hide tags.

-Fi is god damn annoying, captain obvious is what she is, you're literally told to do stuff and 5 seconds later Fi says 'Master theres 1 70% chance that you should do what he said' wouldnt be so bad but you cant skip the goddamn text

- The harp, you just wave it back and fortha coupel of times and bingo you're done, at least with the ocarina and baton thing in windwaker you actually MADE music that a 5 year old couldnt.

-Repetitive gameplay is repetitive. go to woods, go to volcano, go to desert, then go back to woods, go back to volcano, go back to desert @_@

Girahim.... yeah what the hell does he do again? you seem him like 4 times in the whole game, he;s not so much evil as completely crazy? he drones on and on and more looks like lady gaga than lady gaga does, repeatedly fighting him got old fast, more of a challenge please?

The final boss, although hard, was short. Very, very short. 2 rounds? I mean come on, its not like girahim was a big challenge, ok he kicked my ass the first time but after that it was pretty standard, needed a much stronger boss battle I just shield bashed his attacks, rinsed and repeated for 4 minutes and BAM done.

Lumpy pumpkin side mission spoiler

screw that one where you have too play your harp when kira is singing, F8** it too hell, I sat there liek an idiot trying 15 times too do it and my 11 year old sister did it first time AND she got the 2nd best comment, all I got was the 'you played like utter crap, but you passed, well done'

first time using hide tags 8)
- The harp, you just wave it back and fortha coupel of times and bingo you're done, at least with the ocarina and baton thing in windwaker you actually MADE music that a 5 year old couldnt.

screw that one where you have too play your harp when kira is singing, F8** it too hell, I sat there liek an idiot trying 15 times too do it and my 11 year old sister did it first time AND she got the 2nd best comment, all I got was the 'you played like utter crap, but you passed, well done'

i just wanted to highlight these
About people and the "guard Scrapper mission"
...what am i missing. That took me like 3 tries. Which equals like, 15 minutes I guess? After you realize "ok, take out the archers when you see them" you win. Except for that one goddamn fatass bokoblin with the iron shield (is there any way to take those away?).

And Nintendo released the timeline? Strange, the universe is still intact. It should have imploded already.
About people and the "guard Scrapper mission"
...what am i missing. That took me like 3 tries. Which equals like, 15 minutes I guess? After you realize "ok, take out the archers when you see them" you win. Except for that one goddamn fatass bokoblin with the iron shield (is there any way to take those away?).

And Nintendo released the timeline? Strange, the universe is still intact. It should have imploded already.

If you Z target those iron shield goblins and whack down on the D pad Fi will tell you how too beat them. Incase of spoilers I'll just put how too beat them in hide tags

sprint up too them, link will run up and over there shield then you can hit them in the back repeatedly to kill them
CrazyBacon said:
If you Z target those iron shield goblins and whack down on the D pad Fi will tell you how too beat them. Incase of spoilers I'll just put how too beat them in hide tags

sprint up too them, link will run up and over there shield then you can hit them in the back repeatedly to kill them

alternatively toss bombs behind them over their heads
Zeropunctuation's criticisms of the game were some of the same ones I had, that is, the sometimes shoddy motion controls, the dodgy flight mechanics, the limited worldmap and some of the tacked-on bits of side gameplay.

Seriously, the whole surface world just becomes a bunch of levels. You know how to resolve that issue? Put a fucking Hyrule Field in the middle to connect everything. Or some giant expanse in the middle to roam around in to get from point A to point B. It doesn't even have to have much in the way of noteworthy plot points. I don't even want a goddamn horse. It would simply make the game feel bigger, because the map would have more exploration to it, even if there isn't anything there. Just work with me, Legend of Zelda, give me something to make the game seem more expansive. While I'm demanding things, another village to explore would have been nice too so that the only civilization in existence isn't limited to the pelicanmen in the sky. I mean come on, there's a bloody Goron walking around on the surface, just give him a home.

And at a stretch, I can't believe I'm saying this, but an ice dungeon would have been nice for a contrast instead of walking into the same volcano area twice.
I understand that zeropunctuation's shtick is to be critical of games. That's what people watch him for, and he does it very well. But to criticize the entire Zelda series for being too similar, and then criticize Skyward Sword for not being similar seems a tad ridiculous to me. As does criticizing the game for using motion plus after announcing that he hates motion plus. The game does have its flaws, and that video was entertaining though.
Zeropunctuation is also known for taking things way too far. In a nutshell, he makes every game he finds a fault with sound like the worst game ever. And that's why I like him. Every enemy has a defense of some sorts, that's why it's bad? Mashing the B button to defeat a Stalfos isn't exactly hard. It also boils down to "oh, i have to swing left. Ok" 99% of the time. WiiMotionPlus may get out of hand, but is pressing the down button on the dpad really THAT much of a chore?
Zeropunctuation's criticisms of the game were some of the same ones I had, that is, the sometimes shoddy motion controls, the dodgy flight mechanics, the limited worldmap and some of the tacked-on bits of side gameplay.

Seriously, the whole surface world just becomes a bunch of levels. You know how to resolve that issue? Put a fucking Hyrule Field in the middle to connect everything. Or some giant expanse in the middle to roam around in to get from point A to point B. It doesn't even have to have much in the way of noteworthy plot points. I don't even want a goddamn horse. It would simply make the game feel bigger, because the map would have more exploration to it, even if there isn't anything there. Just work with me, Legend of Zelda, give me something to make the game seem more expansive. While I'm demanding things, another village to explore would have been nice too so that the only civilization in existence isn't limited to the pelicanmen in the sky. I mean come on, there's a bloody Goron walking around on the surface, just give him a home.

And at a stretch, I can't believe I'm saying this, but an ice dungeon would have been nice for a contrast instead of walking into the same volcano area twice.

^first thing that would've made the game much better. and, well, less repetition (especially with the 2nd and 6th dungeons/areas). and more meaningful cutscenes would've been nice too.

seriously, if Twilight Princess was made with these new controls and weapon upgrades, it would've been the best game ever made.
did you actually play it or are you just saying that

i cant imagine that anybody who played it and didn't just flail their arms around had any problem with the motion controls, which basically worked perfectly
did you actually play it or are you just saying that

i cant imagine that anybody who played it and didn't just flail their arms around had any problem with the motion controls, which basically worked perfectly

I must have spent at least an 30 minutes altogether getting shocked by the electric-prod Bokoblins when the Wii Motion Plus would repeatedly bug up on me and Link would swing in a direction completely opposite or even 90 degrees from the swing I made, ie, slashing to the left when I slashed downward. That was quite frustrating to deal with because it takes quick movements to get around the Bokoblin's weapon, and moving the wii remote into the correct position often gets translated into a slash in the wrong direction. And no, just flicking the remote in whatever direction regardless of where my sword was positioned didn't fix the issue, it sort of just randomized the swing entirely for me.

I think the electric Bokoblins are Miyamoto's way of punishing me for not liking the Wii Motion Plus. :(

edit: hide tags in case certain common enemies are considered spoilers (?)
Oh, I'll admit that I nearly couldn't get past the very first Skultulla. I freaking stood there and waited for it to turn like the prior games. Then I tried randomly slashing at it. Yeah it didn't like that and I nearly died. Finally, however, when I realized that a horizontal slash turned it around and then a jab actually hurt it I realized that I needed to stop running up and flailing around like in Twilight Princess, take a deep breath, look at the enemy and actually THINK about how I was going to approach it. As soon as I realized this every enemy in the game was a breeze, once I figured out how each one had to be approached. There were several times when i WOULD get overwhelmed or whatever and would find myself instinctively flailing around which mucked up the motion plus like sonickid01 describes:

... the Wii Motion Plus would repeatedly bug up on me and Link would swing in a direction completely opposite or even 90 degrees from the swing I made, ie, slashing to the left when I slashed downward. That was quite frustrating to deal with because it takes quick movements to get around the _______'s weapon, and moving the wii remote into the correct position often gets translated into a slash in the wrong direction. And no, just flicking the remote in whatever direction regardless of where my sword was positioned didn't fix the issue, it sort of just randomized the swing entirely for me.

But I soon figured out that all you have to do is quickly look around and press down to reset the motion plus. It works perfectly as long as you don't accidentally, or out of frustration or whatever, flail the wiimote around. And if you do, just quickly reset it and move on.

I can totally see how, if you don't know this, and you accidentally muck up the motion plus, the game could be overwhelmingly frustrating. Just don't ever flail around.
The motion control is fun as hell. I agree with ZeroPunctuation that's it's a little screwy sometimes, but it obviously wasn't going to be perfect. If I hate anything about the motion control aspect of the game it's flying the goddamn bird and traveling through the sky in general.

Everything is soooooooooooo faaaaaaaaaar awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

But over all, I like it alot more than Twilight Princess. Alot more.

And yeah the ZP video was pretty funny, but it's like he completely forgot what happens when Zelda games are made to be less similar than all the others.
