The Everything Eli Manning Thread - Overrated Edition

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CJ2K doesn't belong on any of my lists because he's a huge overpaid arrogant brainless (BAN ME PLEASE) quitter.

Jesus... Does everyone have their own Michael Vick(tehvalkry doesn't probably)? I just want to point out how i wasn't trying to take anything away from MJD or Mr. 2K when i said "in yards only". I mean i do agree with you in the Foster thing. Specially in relation to MJD. Foster, like you said, has a great OL, above average QB with a top 3 receiver. And i don't want to take anything away from Foster either but MJD was 125% of the Jaguars offense and the other teams weekly game plan was to stuff 11 guys in front of him. Now that Gabert has another year and they got Blackmon, MJD should(in theory) improve as well. Too close to call and i can't for a fact say Foster is any better than MJD.

Oh and my Michael Vick list, since everyone loves lists:

1. Michael Vick
2. Michael Vick
3. Michael Vick
4. Michael Vick
5. Michael Vick
speaking of adrian peterson, he was arrested for resisting arrest (from an off duty cop :l)


CK happy?
Well since their is nothing to talk about, i'll just post predictions for the season. I'll look back at this post to see how right i was. Some of these depend on injuries and i won't be considered wrong if they stack up. Enjoy:

1. Giants will have the number 1 defense.

2. The Giants defense will be better than the 2000 Ravens defense. Including 12 Points Per Game.

3. NFC East record:
- Giants 14-2
- Eagles 8-8
- Cowboys 7-9
- Redskins 2-14

4. Eli Mannings Stats: 38/8 ~4600 65% 106

5. Repeat.

6. JPP stats: 19 Sacks, 98 tackles, 6 FF, 3 INT, 1 TD

7. Tuck Stats: 14 sacks, 60 tackles, 2 FF

8. Osi stats: 18.5 Sacks, 38 tackles, 7 FF

9. Giants end up with 71 sacks.

10. Giants-Patriots SB. Score: 46-6

11. Cruz stats: 1394, 92, ~15 YPC , 7 TD

12. Nicks stats: 1653, 87, 19 YPC, 12 TD

13. Marty B stats: 895, 68, ~ 13 YPC, 8 TD

14. Randle Rookie stats: 678, 45, ~15 YPC, 3 TD

15. Wilson Rookie stats: 450, 4.3, 4 TD

I'm out of kool aid now. Screw Bradshaw.
Does it?? Meh i like hyping rather than bashing. But if you were wondering, i don't mind sharing my thoughts on the other NFC East teams in a new series called some hero: Memoirs of an Eli Manning fan <3 . Today it will be the Cowboys:

Now, the Cowboys in 2011 were very disapointing. I like the Cowboys and would actually want them to win a SB after the Giants and Packers. In 2011 they were given a great opportunity but just failed miserably. The Giants were ravaged by injuries. The Skins remained the Skins. And the Dream Team turned out to be the Day Dream Team. Yet despite the powers that be basically giving the division to the Cowboys, they failed to win it. They failed to beat a group of choking runts or a crippled Giants team even once. In my opinion they were the bigger failures in the East. Even with all the Eagles hype. The Cowboys proved that they are completely outclassed at this point and going 8-8 next season will be overachieving. Tony Romo played out of his mind, yet only 8 wins. To remain at 8 wins he will need to play BETTER. If he falters even one bit this team won't get more than 7 wins.

Don't get your hopes up folks, the Dallas Cowboys aren't winning the East against a healthy Giants team along with the off season on paper champion Eagles.

Next time on part 2 of some hero: Memoirs of an Eli Manning fan <3, i will be sharing my thoughts on the every-off-season-on-paper-champs the Eagles.
Writing off the Cowboys is absolutely absurd, even from a Giants fan.

I'll jog your memory in case you've forgotten; Romo spent almost two thirds of the season injured after the 49ers game, Miles Austin and Dez Bryant each were injured almost the entire season (with Austin missing 6 complete games and leaving at least one or two), and yet that offense still managed to make over 6000 yards, just barely behind the Giants and not too far off from Detroit/Philly/Green Bay. Tony Romo made thrice-dropped Laurent Robinson a star and threw for 4200 yards and 31 TDs in 14 1/2 games. He is one of the very few quarterbacks that has a legitimate shot at 4500 yards and 35 touchdowns next season, and that's not even his ceiling. Just look at what having both Nicks and Cruz did to Eli from '10-'11: Do you think having a 100% Austin and Bryant won't have any effect on Romo?

Defensively, they were a little banged up last season too, and they drafted the third best player in the draft in Claiborne. With the addition of Carr and no significant losses, they have a legitimate chance to field both a top 10 offense and a top 10 defense.

The NFC this season might finally reclaim the title "The Beast" between the Giants/Cowboys/Eagles, but it's insane to write one of them off when all three should improve going into next season, and when some (all?) of them underachieved last season.

Teams that lose a lot of close games one season are usually the ones that make the leap to the playoffs the next season. A lot of us predicted the '10 Lions to make a leap in '11 after losing a lot of close games that year, and that prediction turned out pretty accurate. Let's view some other teams that made big jumps:

Team; Record : One possession games lost that season; Record next year

2008 Saints; 8-8 : 6; 13-3
2008 Chargers; 8-8 : 7; 13-3
2008 Packers; 6-10 : 7; 11-5

2009 Bears; 7-9: 5; 11-5
2009 Patriots; 10-6: 5; 14-2
2009 Ravens; 9-7: 5; 12-4
2009 Steelers; 9-7: 7; 12-4

2010 Lions; 6-10: 7; 10-6
2010 49ers; 6-10: 5; 13-3
2010 Bengals; 4-12: 8; 9-7
2010 Texans; 6-10: 5; 10-6
2010 Titans; 6-10: 5; 9-7

2011 Eagles; 8-8: 5; ???
2011 Cowboys; 8-8: 5; ???
2011 Panthers; 6-10: 6; ???
2011 Seahawks; 7-9: 5; ???
2011 Cardinals; 8-8: 5; ???
2011 Dolphins; 6-10: 5; ???
2011 Bills; 6-10: 5; ???
2011 Chargers; 8-8: 5; ???
2011 Bengals; 9-7: 6; ???

Obviously there are plenty of exceptions to this trend, especially when a team gets significantly more talented after one offseason (ie 2010 Panthers got blown out most every game, yet tripled their win total in '11). If last year's looks bloated, it's only because I only considered the teams that had large changes in win totals for '08-'10 and skipped those that gained 2-3 wins yet still fit the trend.

It wouldn't exactly be a bold prediction if I said one or two of those '11 teams will make a big leap in production going into this year. The Eagles, Cowboys, Panthers, Chargers, and Bills all have a good chance of reaching 10+ wins just on talent alone. However, if there's going to be a "surprise team" next year, like the Lions/49ers/Bengals this year, it's likely going to be on that list.

Bold Prediction: ALL of these teams improve on their 2011 records. (Gambling on Seattle, Arizona, and Cincinnati? ugh)

For lulz, the teams that won't significantly improve their record next year:

2011 Falcons; 10-6: 3
2011 Giants; 9-7: 3
2011 Jets; 8-8: 2
2011 Raiders; 8-8: 3
2011 Bucs; 4-12: 4
Well since their is nothing to talk about, i'll just post predictions for the season. I'll look back at this post to see how right i was. Some of these depend on injuries and i won't be considered wrong if they stack up. Enjoy:

1. Giants will have the number 1 defense.

2. The Giants defense will be better than the 2000 Ravens defense. Including 12 Points Per Game.

I stopped reading and started laughing hysterically right there. Firstly, you don't give the Ravens enough credit - they only allowed 165 points in 16 games, so the ppg is barely above 10. Secondly, in this passing heavy era, I don't think any team will even sniff what the Ravens defense accomplished.

Did you forget about the 2001 Super Bowl? =D
I was aware of the 10 PPG. That's why i said 12 PPG. As any team that can do that in this age is arguably as good if not better than that 2000 Defense. At least you could make an argument... I don't think 10 PPG is possible anymore, with offense being favored so much and the salary cap.

Still, i contend that this Giant defense has a shot at 12 PPG. It will require the offense to get a early lead and rely on the pass rush combined with a very underrated secondary... In my opinion the Giants have the best secondary/pass rush combination.

@killah, i never said anything bad about Romo. Saying that don't give me that crap that "he was injured". He was injured the year before... Basically every year and it is safe to assume he will get injured this year as well. He is not as bad as Vick, but he is in the same level as Schaub in terms of health. Romo is not the problem. And don't give me that ESPN crap that Clairborne will magically fix their secondary. Even the great Revis struggled early. I expect the Cowboys secondary to remain the same if not worse considering Carr is in a different team. And you called the Cowboys talented? Lol by what standards? By SB contending teams, .500 teams or 6-10 teams? They are as talented as most .500 teams, and that's being generous..... And most of that talent comes from 2 players.
I'm getting even more excited about the Falcons season. Dunta Robinson, Brent Grimes and Asante Samuel will make this secondary one of the speediest and most dangerous in the league. Ray Edwards should be better this year since he has had time to recover from his knee injury. Mike Nolan will hopefully help to develop Kroy Biermann into a star. Julio Jones + HD + Roddy White is gonna give defenses headaches. Matt Ryan has 7 more pounds of muscle (or so I've read) which he is gonna need because the LT position is questionable.... And we got the next John Kuhn in the draft :3.
The Ravens allowed 9.4 points per game all season and postseason (23 points allowed in 4 playoff games and people are leaving this out why exactly???), and if you take out the first three games which includes a fucking shutout, they allowed 7.8 points per game afterward. Anyone who thinks heading into a season that their team is about to rival this is a dumb fucking homer who should shut the fuck up forever and leave everybody alone.
Sorry ytp, the Falcons are not part of the NFC bEast(i don't believe that) so they don't matter. Anyways, it's time for part 2 of my new series called some hero: Memoirs of an Eli Manning fan <3 . Today i will be sharing my thoughts on the on paper champions, the Dream Team the Eagles:

Ugh, unlike the Cowboys i can't stand the Eagles. The most hyped up team in the past decade(or it feels like it). Their trophy case is filled to the brim with paper championships and off season awards. Anyways as expected, the Eagles are supposdly the 3rd best team in the NFL going into next season. Why? Because they crushed the powerhouses Jets, Dolphins, Cowboys and Redskins(yes the Redskins!) one after the other to end the season. Which clearly is enough to prove that they are position by position the best team in the NFL. Well the reason for all this hype is because of how overrated the players in the team are. The Eagles, player for player, are the most overrated team in the NFL. Including the most overrated QB, WR and LT along with several other in the top 5 in the overrated chart. Including Nnamdi "i played in the AFC West my whole career which is proof that i am a beast" Asomugha, Jason "this is a passing league. The running back position is extinct" Babin and Jeremy "ill have a breakout season THIS year" Maclin. Vick as a passer is good in his best day while average as a whole. The fact that the dude can't play a full season also keeps him in the average category. He stops running? Well guess what? He becomes a joke to stop and even the undersized Eagles DEs would be able to have a party slapping his passes down. Had 1 good year and is considered a beast for some reason. Easily the most overrated QB. Desean Jackson is one of the most average WRs in the league while getting as much praise if not more praise than guys who make him look like a joke. Had a couple of great games and suddenly turned great. Not even a top 15 receiver and i would take Cruz or Dez "i have lots of POTENTIAL" Bryant over the Eagles receivers. Since he is injured i'll just leave Jason "lol i'm a RT" Peters alone. However, their failure has to be because of the coaching right? While their coaching is far from the best, their failure had more to do with the fact that most of their players are vastly overrated and their best players are made out of glass.

The Eagles best player offensively is McCoy. Let that sink in. Their best player is going to be a back up for Jacksonville in 4 years. Great, that's how you build a dynasty! Defensively, their best player is The Cole Train. Got nothing but respect for him though. Both of them are injury prone. Mostly because the Eagles front office has a love affair with runts that are a bad hit away from derailing their "SB aspirations". Vick, McCoy and Desean are supposed to last 20 games? In what world?

The Eagles are just hype. Nothing more. An average team with several talented players that are not only vastly overrated but are bound to get injured sometime throughout the season. I dare anyone to find another team that is this hyped up even when they have proven for almost a decade that what they are doing doesn't work.

So don't get your hopes up folks, Vick/Desean/McCoy/Cole WILL get hurt this season and they will lose several games because of it. This is an overrated 8-8 team that at best will pull a 9-7 depending on the injury combination of their players. They are as likely if not moreso to go 7-9 or 6-10. All it takes is Vick thinking he is Newtons size.

That's it for day two of my new series. Tommorow i will share my opinion on the Skins.

The Ravens allowed 9.4 points per game all season and postseason (23 points allowed in 4 playoff games and people are leaving this out why exactly???), and if you take out the first three games which includes a fucking shutout, they allowed 7.8 points per game afterward. Anyone who thinks heading into a season that their team is about to rival this is a dumb fucking homer who should shut the fuck up forever and leave everybody alone

Awww!!! You read my posts!!! I'm about to cry! Everything i say is to try and please you! Now i know you are always thinking of me! Let's make up. All you have to do is admit you are a Cowboys homer and hate Eli because he is a Giant.
I read your post because it was actually affecting the thread (people were actually responding seriously to a troll for once). I just wanted to go ahead and shut that down. You are on my ignore list now and forever and beneath MY notice, worry not.
So a troll, by your definition, is someone that hypes up his team? I'm guessing it's the fact that you are a Cowboy lover and i just happen to be always be hyping up Eli and the Giants. If i was a troll i would say stuff to anger people.. I don't. I just hype Eli, whom you hate. Then you assume i'm trolling. I'm sure no one else minds my constant hype. I have many times admitted when i'm wrong too. Specially to the great and objective Tehvalkry.

Anyways, i have butterflies in my stomach! We are actually having a conversation!

P.S. i am an Eli Manning fan first. Packers fan second and Giants fan third. But by the time Eli retires i'm sure i will be a true Giant fan for life. Since i will have been forced to watch all their games.

P.S.S. I forgot to mention Andy Reid and the Eagles scouts/front office. They, like their team, are vastly overrated. All they do is sign big names and hope for the best. These are the same morons who, in need of a DE, moved up in the 2010 draft ahead of the Giants... To then draft another runt by the name of Brandon Graham(lol who?) and passing on the best defensive player of that draft class in JPP(JPP is better than Suh, even without being a scumbag that will be out of football in a couple years). The only reason these "football experts" have kept their job is because the Eagles main priority each season is to beat the divisional rivals... Or it seems like it as that's all Reid has been able to do.

P.S.S.S. I know hindsight is 20/20 but the Giants front office(whom by the way are top 3 in the league) were dying of laughter when JPP fell to them. They obviously knew how good he was going to be. Either that or were laughing at Philly's stupidity.
Well today i conclude my series some hero: Memoirs of an Eli Manning fan <3 with part 4. The New York Giants:

*Cowboys/Eagles homers beware!*

The Giants.. what more can i say? Let's start with how great the coach, GM, owner and the whole damn organization is. I won't bore you with how Coughlin is the best coach in the NFL or how Mr. Mara is the perfect owmer blah blah blah. I will praise Jerry Reese and his staff. JR is one of the best GMs in the league. Evidenced by the fact that his first round picks are always hits. Prince Amukamara is the only one even remotely close to a bust.. and only because he was injured his rookie year which shows the kind of standard JR has set for himself. The Giants have an incredible eye for talent, which was on clear display in 2011. Most teams would be lucky to go 4-12 after how gutted the Giants defense was. Yet the Giants front office turned that nightmare into a SB. That alone places them in an elite class with few equals.

Now the players. A group that defines the word underrated(not by me ;) ). A group led by the most underrated quaterback in the league(not by me). A guy(and group) whose every major win is due to luck... Or so they say. A guy who gets no credit. He really defines the Giants. Underrated, tough and inconsistent. Though the reason for the Giants inconsistencies are mostly due to injury. Mostly in 2011 though.

What do i expect in 2012? Only the greatest season by a team in NFL history. Which includes the best defense of all time and a 19-0 record. This however is mostly assuming the Giants defense remains reasonably intact, otherwise we should expect a 12-4 season. Now, if healthy, i think this could be the greatest team post cap... Which would then make them the best team in NFL history as anything post-cap gets more credit than pre-cap in the dynasty era. Anyways, i think this is the best defense of all time(remembering this is post-cap). The Giants defense is loaded to an insane level. The weakness last year, LB(ILB specifically), has turned into one of it's strongest parts. CB, a major, major weakness last year has turned into one of the deepest position. Including two great CB and a 2nd year rookie that might have the same explosion JPP had(knowing Reese, he is sure to be good at the least). In the front four, the Giants have the best group of DEs in the league. In DT, the Giants have two quality starters with another 2nd round 2nd year player who again is poised to have an incredible season. Safety is the only position where the Giants defense doesn't have depth at an elite level. However, the starters include a great player(Phillips) and another extremely underrated player who played out of position in 2011. This Giants defense currently is unmatched in terms of quality and depth at every position.

The other side of the 19-0 team is the offense. The offense had 1 major problem last year: health along the OL. That's it. If the OL gets healthy and remains healthy the running game improves which then improves the passing game. That's the only question mark.... Last year i saw something that made me believe in(Eli) the possability of a 19-0 season. Eli Manning's 4th quater heroics. The defense had as much credit as Eli does in all those games, however 1 thing stood out. Eli's 2 minute drill. Which was incredible. It got to the point where he looked unstoppable at times. And that's what i believe makes the perfect season possible, his 2 minute drill and how much he relied on it. How much it worked. Which means that by the end of the season his entire offense started believing that they could score in those final minutes at will. Which is extremely important! They need to believe that they will score and then win, as Eli did. With the 2 minute drill perfected, and with this amazing defense(which will keep games close when Eli is having a bad day) i think 19-0 is possible.

Though the final game of the regular season might ruin that, as Coughlin is the opposite of Bilichick and might bench the entire team. Other than that, get ready to see the Giants dominate the league.

That's it. That concludes my series. If you guys get anything out of this post, it is that i'm excited to see the Giants play. Is anyone else that hopeful?
one out of three posts on this page are either ridiculous obviously-trolling rants from some hero or him trying to convince everyone that he's not a troll. Can something please happen in the nfl?
one out of three posts on this page are either ridiculous obviously-trolling rants from some hero or him trying to convince everyone that he's not a troll. Can something please happen in the nfl?

This. So much of this.
one out of three posts on this page are either ridiculous obviously-trolling rants from some hero or him trying to convince everyone that he's not a troll. Can something please happen in the nfl?

Wait, why do you consider those rants "troll rants"? Their all just my opinion and if i said anything clearly wrong and you got proof you could easily say something. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't automatically make the other person a troll. I really do believe the Giants can go 19-0, is that me being a troll? No, it's me having really high expectations from the team. Hell i even explained why i think it could happen. You disagree with me? Fine say so. But don't go calling me a troll just because i see stuff differently than you.

I do believe the Giants can allow just 12 PPG and go 19-0. Eli turned me into a believer and showed me it was possible in 2011.
That always irritated me too lol
now i remember how that season went. that was the most painful 5-game losing stretch i have ever seen. blew 4th quarter leads in every single game, 3 of those games were division rivals, the other two were against losing teams... ugh
now i remember how that season went. that was the most painful 5-game losing stretch i have ever seen. blew 4th quarter leads in every single game, 3 of those games were division rivals, the other two were against losing teams... ugh

I vividly remember a frigid debacle against Cleveland late that year, where we somehow managed to blow the game like 9-7 against one of the most pathetic Browns squads I've ever seen. That day I was ashamed to be a Steelers fan =/.

In other news WHO'S READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!?! A few questions to consider so we can diversify the discussion:

How likely are Cam Newton, Calvin Johnson, and Drew Brees to repeat their otherworldly feats from last season? Where do we project their numbers will be this time around?

Which team will be the biggest surprise this season? The biggest disappointment?

What impact will Luck and Griffin III have on their teams? Which other rookies will stand out?
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