5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

I may have figured out my own problem. I wasn't using chatots as it seems you can only catch them in a hidden grotto. I was walking to advance the frame. It was working to get the right pokemon and nature but was this advancing my IV frame?
Watch out a bit more, for you were short of triple-posting.

Yes, walking increases the IV frames:
  • Move 128 steps with # Pokemon in your party.
    • This will increase your frame by #. For example, if you have 5 Pokemon in your party, the frame will go up by 5 after moving 128 steps.
  • Move a Pokemon from the PC to your party.
    • This will increase your frame by 7.
It is not recommended anyway, unless there is no other option like for ShakingGrass abuse.
I'm sorry, i wasn't sure what you meant by double posting but i am clear on that now. The highest number of steps i have taken is 6 when advancing the frame and i'm gathering that won't be enough to advance the IV frame by itself. Is there anything else i might be missing or should i just try to get a chatot from a grotto before trying again? It doesn't seem like i need one based on the guides i have been reading though.
It is recommended to find Chatots in order to reach high PID frames reliably and in order to determine the current frame and seed. It saves us a lot of time in the long run. Other means to advance the PID frame are saving, which may screw you up in areas with moving NPCs.

One weird thing is that the PID frame is not supposed to advance by moving in an area where you do not encounter wild Pokemon. You still somehow got your Dratini right, did you?
It is recommended to find Chatots in order to reach high PID frames reliably and in order to determine the current frame and seed. It saves us a lot of time in the long run. Other means to advance the PID frame are saving, which may screw you up in areas with moving NPCs.

One weird thing is that the PID frame is not supposed to advance by moving in an area where you do not encounter wild Pokemon. You still somehow got your Dratini right, did you?

It was Benga's Dratini. I just had to save in front of him and hit the seed. I just kept trying until i got the right nature. In case you have tried this before, i am outside Reversal Mountain trying to get a trapinch. There are two trainers outside on bikes that ride on definite paths. Unless you sprint, they just keep riding in the same predictable pattern. The trainers are off-screen, however. When i advance the frame, it is in the patch of grass right next to the city but there are no npcs on screen.
It was Benga's Dratini. I just had to save in front of him and hit the seed. I just kept trying until i got the right nature.
That should not happen. The only other possibility we see is that you have got the wrong seed and thus the wrong IVs - possible, because you couldn't confirm your seed back then without Chatots. If that Dratini actually is perfect, then you have managed to pull off the quasi impossible.

In case you have tried this before, i am outside Reversal Mountain trying to get a trapinch. There are two trainers outside on bikes that ride on definite paths. Unless you sprint, they just keep riding in the same predictable pattern.
You will not forget that a sandstorm increases the PID frame very fast, therefore you should find a date in winter.
I have been reading a little more into this problem and have found that people have problems with the PID frame when RNGing Kyurem in BW2. My most recent calibrations were when i was capturing Kyurem. Could this explain the issue with Benga's Dratini and why i am having trouble with this problem? P.s.: The dratini wasn't "perfect" but it was the best i could find on frame 1 in April.
Benga's Dratini is not much of a big deal. If the PID has to be forced somehow, for example because of shininess, the PID frame is advanced by 1 when you talk to Benga. It just means we need to aim for the PID frame before the actual target.
Your problem is probably something entirely different; you may get another seed as a result despite of timing your press down the second, especially in BW2 compared to BW1. When you have calibrated, you probably have got one or many different result under Timer0. That is partly responsible for you getting inconsistent result. There is not much you can do for now but to have a good timing and a bit luck. It also makes having Chatots much more important in BW2 because they allow you to determine if you have got the correct seed immediately.
Now that you mention it, when i rng'd reshiram, my timer0 was 10f4 or something but for kyurem and dratini, 10f2 worked. Should i recalibrate with cobalion or another stationary? At any rate, thank you for your input. Thumbs up to you. I'll do some more playing around with the RNG Reporter.
Does anyone have a guide to RNGing the Roamers in BW? I remember reading a post about it on Serebii, but I found it a bit too difficult to understand.

Dunno about roamer guides, but you can use the info I have from my experience:

For Tornadus, the SSF is around 600-620s, and 1750s if there's rain.
For Thundurus, SSF is around 445-460s, and 1680s if there's rain.

Also try to avoid as much as you can using RNG times that falls on the mid-night hours, especially 12 midnight-5 am, because you're forced to check the roamers on areas with wild mons with levels above 40.
Summer's night is shorter BTW, as they end on 4 am, but Winter's longer (around 6 am)
When RNG'ing for Kyurem on Black 2, is the easiest thing just to abuse the IV and use Synchronise for nature instead of playing with the PID? I'm using a 3DS btw.
Normally you will get the same nature over and over again - it may be the synch nature, it may be not. However, there is something in that cave that advances the PID frame, so you may get lucky through waiting. We cannot recommend that, of course. It is much more difficult to actually get the correct seed in BW2, so you should try to verify the seed and generate the correct Kyurem the first time.
When RNG'ing for Kyurem on Black 2, is the easiest thing just to abuse the IV and use Synchronise for nature instead of playing with the PID? I'm using a 3DS btw.

When you're RNG on a game with so many variables, you want to control the most you can. So is always recommended to have a synchronise pokemon with the desired nature.

About the PIDRNG advances, on my case the starting frame was off by 2 advances (Reporter said my starting frame was 48 but in reallity was 50), this may be not the case with you. The possibles ways to track your advances is with the chatot's, but if you want (and like i did), you can cacht it see it nature, and made the required changes on your starting frame.
So I'm still a bit confused about what to do. I'm only trying to RNG IVs. I've used the 5th Gen Time finder and have got a seed with the required IVs. It is using what I THINK is the correct Timer0 value. I've used Min/Max frame of 1 so this seed is on Frame 1. I want a Lonely nature, and have a Lonely Munna with synchronise at the head of my party. Do I need to then put this seed into the main RNG reporter itself?

I did that (Gen 5 IVs standard seed, stationary pokemon) and hit Generate. Up comes a list and frame 3 has the IVs I want. Why isn't it in frame 1? I'm not using PIDRNG. Please help, I'm very new to this :( Oh, I have to press B and Y, is that why the frame is advanced by 2?

details: I'm using an English version of Black 2, on a 3DS. My MAC is E00C7F20F9B2. Timer0 is 167C.
Keypresses have nothing to do with IV frame advancements.

Instead of using Gen 5 IV standard seed, stationary Pokmon, select Gen 5 PIDRNG.

This would be your Time Finder window, just with your own parameters, and IV search


And this would be the main window.

If I select Gen 5 PIDRNG, then surely I lose control of the IVs? Or is that why I found the seed first using time finder?

That's why you find a seed with the time finder. PIDRNG is what controls the nature/gender/ability/shininess. The IVs are determined by the seed itself (and the IV frame, but it should be 1 if that's what you searched for).

I added a couple screenshots in my first post to give you an idea of what it should look like.
Okey, for better understanding let's break your post in parts:

So I'm still a bit confused about what to do. I'm only trying to RNG IVs. I've used the 5th Gen Time finder and have got a seed with the required IVs.

This is solved with the post from The Agonist.

It is using what I THINK is the correct Timer0 value.

How many time's did you calibrated your game? BW2 games have a lot of Timer0's, so is heavely recommended to calibrated at least 30 times (yes 30 times) to get a good chunk of Timer0's. To search for seeds you have to use your most common timer0.

I've used Min/Max frame of 1 so this seed is on Frame 1.
Oh, I have to press B and Y, is that why the frame is advanced by 2?

If you set the min/max frames on the Time Finder to 1, there's no way Reporter will give you a seed on frame 2, re-check this information.

I want a Lonely nature, and have a Lonely Munna with synchronise at the head of my party. Do I need to then put this seed into the main RNG reporter itself?

You said you only wanted to abuse IV's..... anyway. Having a synchronise pokemon does not guaranteed the wild pokemon will have the same nature. Here is where the main window of Reporter comes into play.
On main window, the method you need to choose is Gen5 PIDRNG, input the nature of your synchronizer and remember to select to boxes "memory link" and "BW2" if they apply to you. Now copy/paste your seed and hit "calculate starting frame" and then click generate.

The bolded frames are synchronizable frames, thus they will always have the nature of your synchronise pokemon, but the only way to know if the frame you choosed is synchronizable is using Reporter.
Oh my it worked! And I wasn't sure what I was even doing lol. Now to recatch it using a Pokeball, hopefully everything stays the same.

Hmm, I forgot to tick BW2 and Memory Link, but it still worked. Yeah Reporter gave me a frame 3 entry because I selected Gen 5 IVs, not PIDRNG. When I said I only wanted to abuse IVs, I meant I wanted to leave the nature up to using Synchronise and not try to get it using PIDRNG. It's my lack of understanding there that I thought the two were completely independent.


v. happy, thanks :)
What determines what Timer0 RNGreporter uses for when looking for seeds? I do believe that the timer0 I don't use (123D) is more common then the timer0 I do use (123C). It could just be hardcore timer0 trolling though.
In RNG Reporter, how accurate are the characteristics when doing Entralink PID abuse, is it worth following them?
The PIDs in the main window aren't calculated properly, thus the characteristics will be wrong.
What determines what Timer0 RNGreporter uses for when looking for seeds? I do believe that the timer0 I don't use (123D) is more common then the timer0 I do use (123C). It could just be hardcore timer0 trolling though.
RNG Reporter searches all possible date/times with each Timer0 value that is specified in the profile.