ORAS General Discussion - Mark 2 - Spoilers Inside

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Oh come on, don't you want to see Castform improve (even though you're probably right. Weather Ball would probably also just double in Power but not change type like it does in fog)?
Um... I guess I do, sure? But I don't see why they wouldn't draw attention to it with the weathers if that's what they were planning to do... meh, oh well.
No. Rayquaza will have access to it. The same way Kyogre and Groudon will have access to their signature moves even if they don't Megavolve, because Megavolution doesn't change moves as ,unlike those two, aren't forme changes that can happen outside of battle.

Fair enough. Have they ever added new Moves and Abilities within a new generation after that gen's initial games? I don't think they have.

And I hope Air Lock will be able nullify Desolate Land, Primordial Sea and Delta Stream but Cloud Nine won't. I'd be really happy if nullifying Primal Groudon's/Primal Kyogre's ability becomes a role only Rayquaza can fill and not the kind of thing any Psyduck from the pond in your backyard can do.


Um... I guess I do, sure? But I don't see why they wouldn't draw attention to it with the weathers if that's what they were planning to do... meh, oh well.

Well not know, right now they want to give the spotlight to Mega Rayquaza. I'm either talking about later down the line, like they tell us about Castform and give a quick "Oh yeah, Castform has new forms" or maybe even keep it a secret to be discovered.
Mega Rayquaza, eh? Looks awesome! Sadly, its wrath will have to be mostly restricted to at least Elite Four rematches, whether or not they have improved teams from the first time they're faced in the game. I kind of hope the next issue of CoroCoro will give some insight on some stuff that hasn't been covered yet, like the PokeNav. It had the ability to give rematches with certain trainers in the original games, so will trainer rematches make a return for OR/AS or not? Some other things would be nice, too.
Isnt it kinda wierd that rayquaza got a MEGA, and not a primal?I mean, it is as ancient as Kyogre and Groundon...
I find it intriguing, if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Isnt it kinda wierd that rayquaza got a MEGA, and not a primal?I mean, it is as ancient as Kyogre and Groundon...
I find it intriguing, if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I know what you mean but the theme is most likely like this:
Primal: Regaining power after aweakening of a centuries long slumber which weakens a lot.
Mega: Emotional links of friendship make your partner get acces to the Peak performance (Prays of salvation for Rayquaza when at the same time a flying rock smashed its head)

For all we know Rayquaza didn't take a slumber, it was just flying around until it's luck run out and got captured by a noob trainer with a master ball and made it its flying slave when it went to roost at the tower.
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Mega evolutions are often characterized by the strong bond of people and their Pokemon. What I'm seeing here is that:

Kyogre and Groudon gain tremendous power from the sea and land, respectively. Because of the weather they cause, they also take some power from the sky, leaving Rayquaza a little starved. Kyogre and Groudon's designs suggest that, as implied by the term "Primal", they've gone 'blind' with their power (just look at their eyes) and want more of it for themselves (according to the lore on the official site, and also due to the more selfish mechanic of the primal weathers).

Rayquaza, on the other hand, gained power from the pitiful cries of the terrorized people and their pleas for help. Because of the strong bond, Rayquaza was able to Mega Evolve. In contrast to Kyogre and Groudon's "power hungry, steroid-filled, blind with fury" designs, Rayquaza's design is sleek and modern. It's a way of saying that Rayquaza is looking into the present situation and how it can stop the feud, whereas Kyogre and Groudon look into the past to gain more power for themselves

Of course, there could be an alternate universe where Rayquaza gets power hungry and regular groudon and kyogre must work together to stop it...
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Mega evolutions are often characterized by the strong bond of people and their Pokemon. What I'm seeing here is that:

Kyogre and Groudon gain tremendous power from the sea and land, respectively. Because of the weather they cause, they also take some power from the sky, leaving Rayquaza a little starved. Kyogre and Groudon's designs suggest that, as implied by the term "Primal", they've gone 'blind' with their power (just look at their eyes) and want more of it for themselves (according to the lore on the official site, and also due to the more selfish mechanic of the primal weathers).

Rayquaza, on the other hand, gained power from the pitiful cries of the terrorized people and their pleas for help. Because of the strong bond, Rayquaza was able to Mega Evolve. In contrast to Kyogre and Groudon's "power hungry, steroid-filled, blind with fury" designs, Rayquaza's design is sleek and modern. It's a way of saying that Rayquaza is looking into the present situation and how it can stop the feud, whereas Kyogre and Groudon look into the past to gain more power for themselves

Of course, there could be an alternate universe where Rayquaza gets power hungry and regular groudon and kyogre must work together to stop it...

Not to mention Groudon and Kyogre were literally causing the end of the world absorbing the primal energy and fighting over it. Rayquaza couldn't very well have saved everyone if it joined in on the primal energy consumption and helped further tear the planet apart, even if its purpose was to end the fighting. In addition Groudon and Kyogre probably absorbed the majority of the energy thus there was little if any at all left.

Rayquaza turned to the people and used a mysterious rainbow stone to hone their prayers to defeat Giygas Mega Evolve so that it didn't need to take from the planet and cause anymore harm in order to stop Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre.

As someone said before, it looks like they're trying to show that Primal Devolution is actually a bad thing, like the Pokemon is selfishly taking the limited energy from the world in order to empower itself but this hurts the world. Mega Evolutions on the other hand is created by bonds between people and Pokemon thus is limitless as long as you have people and Pokemon living peacefully and coinciding with one another.
Another interesting point. The official lore states that the world was almost thrown out of balance until Rayquaza intervened, restoring the natural order.

I'm wondering if the super ancient trio have some connection to Kalos' mortality trio. XY already imply their involvement in the Kalos' regions mega evolution, and Zygarde is always watching to preserve the world's balance. Z could be a very interesting game.
If Primal Devolution is more of a "Dark Side" of Mega Evolution then the creators could have a lot of fun with some of the more "Chaotic" legends like Darkrai or Genosect. Which the former causes nightmares and feeds off of small children and the latter did exist in another forme at some point in time before team plasma pulled a mewtwo on it.
Another interesting point. The official lore states that the world was almost thrown out of balance until Rayquaza intervened, restoring the natural order.

I'm wondering if the super ancient trio have some connection to Kalos' mortality trio. XY already imply their involvement in the Kalos' regions mega evolution, and Zygarde is always watching to preserve the world's balance. Z could be a very interesting game.

Zygarde and Rayquaza... best pals ever
I'm guessing Mixed would work best as Mega.

Tho it would be more hit and run.

Draco Meteor
Dragon Ascent
Earthquake / V-Create (hoping for tutor move)
Extreme Speed

DD and SD will still be a thing tho.
I doubt V-Create and Dragon Ascent will be legal together.

I think M-Sableye is the most likely for the double treatment, with one where the gem is a sapphire or something.
...I don't think it'll be given access to Dragon Ascent unless its Mega Evolved (like Rotom or Cosplay Pikachu).
I disagree. Unlike Rotom or the Cosplay Pikachu, this transformation occurs in battle, meaning that the moveset shouldn't change.

On the whole "unique way of Mega Evolving" may not actually have an effect on how it is used. It may simply be a story thing, such as getting another special Key Stone for Rayquazite to work.
I disagree. Unlike Rotom or the Cosplay Pikachu, this transformation occurs in battle, meaning that the moveset shouldn't change.

On the whole "unique way of Mega Evolving" may not actually have an effect on how it is used. It may simply be a story thing, such as getting another special Key Stone for Rayquazite to work.

Would be surprised if the Jade Orb wasn't tied into it as well
And we thought Primal Groudon was broken... (though we don't know what Precipice Blade does yet)
Wait, from the moment it was shown all I ever saw was people making fun of it. What did we learn/think about that changed that perception because all I saw was hype for Primal Kyogre.
"This move is said to be the most powerful Flying-type move. It lowers the user's Defense and Special Defense stats when used"

So 145 minimum close combat stab? From the most spammable type arguably. Good lord.
It's hilarious on how people are complaining about the Legendary Megas/Primals being broken. Captain Obvious much?

Anyway, I'm really digging Mega Rayquaza's design. The arrow on its face and the yellow wire thingies look pretty cool, and "Dragon Ascent" looks amazing on top of being a kickass name.

JebusChrist, the Jade Orb was an invention of the Adventures/Special manga so I doubt it'll be connected to Mega Ray.

EDIT: Nevermind about the Jade Orb.
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Ah, so Rayquaza's Mega Evolution has been revealed at last. I think we have all been expecting something like this, but it still surprised me. The design is top-notch; it gives me the feeling that most of normal Rayquaza's power is sealed inside it, and when it goes Mega, that power is released from its yellow circles. (Incedentally, the first indication of this for me is when I saw someone had posted in this thread, meaning that it wasn't locked, meaning that there's been news. Go figure.)

Dragon Ascent will be interesting. First of all, I would like to reinforce the point that the website called it "one of the strongest Flying moves", not "the strongest Flying move". I'd estimate it to be around 130 BP; it seems right that it should be more powerful than the move almost every Flying mon gets (Brave Bird), while still weaker than Sky Attack. I think it'll be weaker than Sky Attack for two reasons. One, Sky Attack's Japanese translation is "God Bird", while Dragon Ascent's is "Finishing Touch". "God Bird" just sounds stronger. (Interesting how the Japanese name doesn't reference flying at all, but there you go.) Two, if it was stronger, the website would probably say that is indeed the strongest. But maybe that's just TrollFreak.
As for Delta Stream, aside from removing Flying weaknesses, I'm dubious as to how its weather-cancelling effect is better than Air Lock. Since I believe Air Lock basically renders weather useless as long as Ray is in battle (correct me if I'm wrong), Delta Stream seams to be the same thing with a (really cool, admittedly) flavour and the Flying buff. (Please, GF, make Tailwind longer/infinite if it's used in Strong Winds!)

But the thing I'm most interested in is the lore. Especially after how it just stops with "and then...". This implies that it will be very different from the version of the story we already know from RSE (mostly Emerald); I'm willing to bet that the rest of the story will detail how Rayquaza's Mega Evolution will be different from everyone else's.
Interesting to note, but I believe this is the only OR/AS Mega Pokemon trailer where the trainer isn't seen activating their Key Stone.

Perhaps that's not a requirement and thus being the unique way of Mega Evolving that was mentioned.
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