AbNormal {Community Project} [Voting Phase]

Oh hey, I didn't see it was voting period... Goddamnit. :(
Oh well, we all make mistakes.

+Dazzling Gleam, +Play Rough

Castform is in the fairy egg group, for one thing, and is cute-ish looking. It doesn't look like it can HARNESS THE POWER OF THE MOON so I didn't give it Moonblast. Also various folklore states that some Fairies can control weather.

Extreme Speed

Dex-wise, the fastest Pokemon are part or pure flying type. If you gather enough speed you can fly into the air .(Missing a few details but that's what basically can happen). Also STAB Extreme Speed Dragonite reks.

EDIT: Seems broken now that I think about it. It's quite late at night, but I doubt this would win the votes. For now I might as well keep it to show what stuff I do when I try to do smogon late at night.


There's not much to base Linoone on that hasn't been said. Linoone is primarily brown, and brown is often associated with Ground. He isn't too dark-looking to be dark type imo, and I don't see much other flavor.
EDIT: It already knows Rototiller, which is interesting, as well as other Ground type moves. Also, I know it loses STAB Extreme Speed, but atm, it's still not that good of a Pokemon.

+Psychic, +Zen Headbutt, +Skill Swap, +Dazzling Gleam

Delcatty is purple which is either associated with Poison (nope) or Psychic. There are other things that can make it seem Psychic type, but O can't remember them off the top of my head, other than the Moon also relates to Magic and thus Psychic.
EDIT: It already knows Zen Headbutt, Calm Mind and Cosmic Power too.

+Razor Shell, +Aqua Jet, +Extreme Speed

Honestly, I'm just adding filler for Swellow entries. I must say however that Swellow is mostly dark blue, and that every route you find it in (Route 115, Route 213, Route 13) is coastal. Razor Shell's Japanese name is Water Blade, and makes more sense as a physical water move for Swellow than waterfall or crabhammer. Aqua Jet and Extreme Speed are there as Swellow was/is the fastest error: type missing type, and so learning priority moves would work.

EDIT: When the voting phase will begin, Regigigas will now be Ground type, and Judgement by default will now be Fairy type.
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Also STAB Extreme Speed Dragonite.

I would like to point out that was too broken for both Almost Any Ability and Metagamiate, and in the former it had to give up Multiscale to achieve the effect and there were actual counters like Refrigerated Extreme Speed available. In both cases there's also a 30% power increase, but the core problem was really that Flying STAB Extreme Speed off Dragonite was just ridiculous.

The "you go fast enough and you take flight" thing is also kind of silly -you need to have a minimum amount of aerodynamism so that your speed produces lift or all you're going to do by going really really fast is go really really fast -and possibly set yourself on fire from the friction.

Belly Drum - FightingDragon
I was ninja'd, so let me change this.
No real fighter actually does this. Chest beating is a gorilla-like thing. And as Ghoul King previously said, Fighting is a type fit for humanoids, not a type fit for animals.
Also as Ghoul King has said previously to Hyper Voice and especially Roar: HEAR ME ROAR BEAT MY CHEST FOR I AM DRAGON POWERFUL CREATURE!

Well, you've got my vote.

EDIT: Slightly incorrect statement: Metagamiate Dragonite got Dragon Extreme Speed. Even so.
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Flying/Ghost type
+Air Slash, Hurricane, Defog

Castform is based on teru teru bōzu, a kind of doll from Japan that would supposedly prevent a rainy day; Cloud Nine and Air Lock both have the ability, and since Castform already has a Water type forme, and Dragon in no way fits Castform, I went with Flying type. "bōzu" means buddhist monks, and in Johto the monk trainer class mostly uses bellsprout, hoothoot line, and gastly line. Out of these three, Ghost type seems the most fitting.

Ground/Flying type
+Acrobatics, Razor Wind, Earthquake

Ah screw it, if we have a part-Flying Wigglytuff I'm giving this thing Flying type. Basing on Kamaitachi because lack of flavor, Ground type is because they are said to ride on dust devils.

Extreme Speed
Steel type

Because both Lucario and Genesect (like, the japanese name of its movie has Extreme Speed in it) gets it, and I don't want this to be another Dragon type move.

I vote Ground type for Regigigas, and Fairy type for Judgement.
+ Play Rough
Delcatty seem like it will be this type plus it evolve by moon stone.

+ air slash
Castform have to deal with weather and he look like a clound
Erm. Not too good at things like this x.x
NEW Type: Flying
Flying types are (usually) birds. Birds live in the sky. The sky has clouds which has rain. 'Nuff said.
*Ahem* Castform, has the ability of Forecast, which has to do with weather. I don't know about you. but when I think of weather, I think of the sky (And my fellow birds!
Derp :P) And what is in the sky, you might ask (If you for some odd reason you don't know x.x). Birds! Birds through-out the Pokemon universe are Flying-Types!
NEW Moves: Roost and Earthquake
Roost: What flying-type DOESN'T have Roost?
Earthquake: Floods (Rain Dance BTW)... Hurricanes... they're both natural disasters... Wynaut give Castform another natural disaster, it make sense to me! :D
While we're at this... Wynaut give Castform a sandstorm form? :D

Belly Drum:
NEW Type: Fighting
"User loses 50% max HP. Maximizes Attack." Fighting-Type Pokemon (usually) have horrible defenses and high attack(*Cough Cough*
Scrafty & Scraggy why did you break that rule?*Cough Cough*). So just make the attack better and the defenses horrible-er! :DD
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It's Voting Time!
If you do not know how to vote, please read the OP.
Note: Some entries have been fused for similarity reasons. If you do not want your entry fused with someone else's, please notify me asap. Note, my timezone is GMT.

Ghost <+Will-O-Wisp, +Destiny Bond, +Recover> (imas234)
Rock <No new moves> (Ghoul King)
Flying <+Air Slash, +Recover> (the someone/money12wolf)
Fairy <+Dazzling Gleam, +Play Rough> (MegaGallade)
Flying/Ghost <+Air Slash, +Hurricane, +Defog> (zerobreaker000)
Flying <+Roost, +Earthquake> (Abird)
Ground/Dark <+Knock Off, +Sucker Punch, +Earthquake> (imas234)
Electric/Dark <+Crunch, +Wild Charge, +Thunder Fang> (Ghoul King)
Ground/Fire <+Flare Blitz, +Flame Charge, +Earthquake> (the someone)
Ground <+Earthquake> (MegaGallade)
Ground/Flying <+Acrobatics, +Razor Wind, +Earthquake> (zerobreaker000)
Fairy <+Play Rough, +Moonblast, +Healing Wish> (imas234/the someone)
Fairy/Dark <+Crunch, +Knock Off> (Ghoul King)
Psychic <+Skill Swap, +Psychic, +Dazzling Gleam> (MegaGallade)
Psychic/Fairy <+Play Rough> (money12wolf)
Flying <+Brave Bird (Level-Up), +Roost (Level-Up)> (imas234/Ghoul King)
Fairy/Flying <+Play Rough, +Double-Edge (Level-Up)> (the someone)
Flying/Water <+Razor Shell, +Aqua Jet, +Extreme Speed> (MegaGallade)

Electric (Ghoul King)
Fire (the someone)
Steel (zerobreaker000)
Flying (Ghoul King)
Same type as Castform (the someone)
Fairy (Ghoul King)
Psychic (the someone)

Fighting (Ghoul King/Abird)
Dragon (the someone)
Due to lack of submissions this move's retype has already been decided
Psychic (Ghoul King/the someone) You know, I wonder why I even bother to hide this text...
Due to lack of submissions this move's retype has already been decided
Fairy (Ghoul King/the someone) Yeah... this is pretty pointless...

To keep the thread alive, here are a few discussion points from the previous week's changes and more:
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?
  • What new sets can be made using last week's retypes?
  • What do you think about fusing certain submissions?
  • Are there any unanswered questions you want to know specifically about this Pet Mod? If so, please tag me when asking the question and I will reply.
Once again, thanks for submitting, and get voting![/hide]
What do you think about fusing certain submissions?

I think it mostly works.

Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]

Steel type Extreme Speed grates on me. There's no flavor justification, and the "Pokemon who know it" logic would better justify Fire typing seeing as how it was originally Arcanine's signature move.

I don't really agree with all the Ground submissions for Linoone either, but I don't have any real concrete criticisms of them either -Linoone just has very little to work with when comparing it against the existing Pokemon types, and in some ways Ground is the closest to a generic, featureless type left after removing error: type missing.

Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?

Regigigas probably won't meaningfully change. It's got a more useful typing, but it also has more weaknesses, and it's not like it was granted Rest or anything. Or more accurately, it probably won't change in singles: in Doubles it will probably be a lot more viable to do stuff like Entrainment Moxie it.

Arceus mostly won't notice a change because it very often runs with a Plate anyway. Overall probably the most important question is what type Extreme Speed becomes -and none of the entries for Extreme Speed will provide it STAB nor even provide particularly good coverage for its STABs. (Fire Extreme Speed is at least coverage against Steel types, but Heatran still walls it at that point) So Extreme Speed Killer Arceus may drop in viability -or maybe it will rise due to being able to hit super effectives?

Slaking is fast compared to most Ground types, and of course all around stat-ty. On the other hand it's still held back by Truant. In Singles it might be marginally more viable? In Doubles Skill Swapping it will probably be overall a stronger strategy, since it has an actually good offensive type and STAB on Earthquake for sweeping teams! But still a gimmick.

Blissey has more resistances -immune to Dragon and resistant to Bug, Dark, and Fighting, as opposed to just Ghost immunity- which is for sure nice, especially since it now resists all its most hated nemeses of Close Combat, Secret Sword, etc, but it also has two weaknesses instead of one and stuff. Probably it/Eviolite Chansey will be overall better, but whether it will affect their usage I'm not so sure, because they tend to be used for fairly specific purposes that are unrelated to their type.

Nothing Mega Gallade said this time

Crush Claw will provide Dark coverage for Entei, Slaking, Excadrill, Braviary, Typhlosion, and Blaziken -albeit only if they also want to run Return, which is plausible.

Spit Up is maybe actually useful! But that would be true of literally any possible type. Again: might have a niche anti-Unaware Clefable use.
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I just noticed Wingull and Taillow are physical and special versions of each other, so Flying/Water Swellow has my vote.
What do you think about fusing certain submissions?
I think it's essential to make the voting process actually show what people voted for. If there were 3 pure Bug type entries for some Pokemon, and they were separate, the votes would be scattered between these 3 entries. Another entry would end up winning.
I'm actually thinking of a way to fuse this week's Flying entries into one, seeing as Recover and Roost do the same thing... I propose taking out Roost (since it's Jap name is Feather Rest, and that doesn't make sense to Castform), keeping Recover and fusing my and money12wolf's submissions with Abird's.
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Thanks for the feedback! Votes are in!
Flying/Ghost (Default) +Defog, +Air Slash (By zerobreaker000 )
Linoone Ground/Fire +Flare Blitz, +Earthquake, +Flame Charge (By the someone )
Fairy +Play Rough, +Moonblast, +Healing Wish (By imas234 and the someone )
Swellow Flying +Brave Bird (Level-Up), +Roost (Level-Up) (By imas234 and Ghoul King )

Extreme Speed Fire (By the someone )
Weather Ball Flying (Default) (ByGhoul King )
Snore Psychic (By the someone )

Belly Drum Dragon (By the someone )
Sleep Talk Psychic (By Ghoul King and the someone )
Soft-Boiled Fairy (By Ghoul King and the someone )

Thanks to all that submitted!
And now...

Pokemon (Note: Please don't try to do submissions for certain moves or just for Pokemon etc, try and do all if possible. Thank you.)


Damaging moves

Explosion/Self Destruct (These can be separate submissions or joint, it doesn't matter)
Tail Slap

Status moves

Baton Pass

Get submitting!

Thanks for the feedback on certain discussion points, here are some new discussion points:
  • What discussion points do you want to discuss?
Thanks for reading!
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+ Shadow Claw
Lick is ghost type

+Drill Peck
It learns lots of ground type moves, lives in caves, has wings, and can learn drill run so drill peck isn't farfetch'd

It's ugly but used to be cute. It's used by team galactic. already learns most relevant dark and fairy moves.

+Bone Rush
Its fur prevents static electricity

Adrenaline boosts the moves power

Explosion/Self Destruct
explode into fire

Tail Slap
Same as Cinccino
pseudo-signature move

whirlwinds are winds which are in the air

Baton Pass
baton means stick. sticks can be made of wood

US army wears camoflage
Sleep Talk Poison (By Ghoul King and the someone )
Soft-Boiled Poison (By Ghoul King and the someone )

What. Shouldn't that be Psychic and Fairy? Why are they both Poison?

Ghost/Rock type (Lickitung is pure Ghost)
+Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak

Why: In spite of the fact that Lickitung actually couldn't learn Lick in Generation I, I still think they go together -particularly since Lickitung has always been described as having paralytic spit, justifying Lick's effect off of it. (Ghosts presumably Paralyze you with fear) So Ghost Lickilicky. Rock type: because Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky by leveling while knowing Rollout, and it's a tough Pokemon in the first place. (Not to mention the connections to Exploding Geodudes among other things)

Bug/Ground type
+Bug Bite, U-Turn

Why: This is a bit of a stretch, but Dunsparce is based on the Tsuchinoko, which is alternatively known as the "bee snake", which probably explains Dunsparce's coloration. Ground because by far the thing most emphasized about it is its subterranean nature, and Ground is the only type that ties into that.

Dark/Fairy type
+Crunch (Surprised it doesn't already have it...)

Why: Because Glameow can be sweet but is overall of an unpleasant temperament, and Purugly is just flat out not nice.

Fairy type
+Play Rough

Why: Because I'm not sure anything else fits better, and even giving it STAB on Bullet Seed/Rock Blast is unneccesary, since Tail Slap is liable to end up its typing.

Fighting type

Why: I was actually going to go for Dark, until I saw the Japanese name is Bravado. So, Fighting typing.

Fire type

Why: I could emphasize the shockwave over the heat, but I'm not sure what type would go with a shockwave attack. So, Fire.

Tail Slap
Cincinno's type

Why: Not exactly its signature move, but fairly close.

Flying type

Why: Classically learned by birds blowing the enemy away with their wings.

Baton Pass
Psychic type

Why: Because how else do you explain passing off a stick to somebody else also passing off all your various modifiers?

Water type

Why: Because it's mostly learned by Water types, actually, and Dark typing is the only other thing that comes to mind, specifically for the "sneaky" aspect -but the Pokemon with Camouflage are mostly using it defensively, not to stalk a target, so assigning sinister motive to it seems inappropriate.

What discussion points do you want to discuss?

I don't have any ideas at the moment myself. I do think this is shaping up to be a very interesting meta, thankfully.
Rock +Stone Edge
Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky by leveling while knowing Rollout.
Lickilicky already learns Rock Tomb, Rock Slide and Rollout, but doesn't learn Stone Edge, so there's one new move to add.

Ground/Dragon +Dragon Pulse, +Dragon Dance, +Dragon Tail
Dunsparce is the Land Snake Pokemon. It has a drill on its tail, and digs holes. It is also based on a mystic and mysterious snake-like creature, so Dragon is pretty spot on imo.

+Bulk Up
Same reason as the posts above, and Bulk Up is more of a flavor reasoning than a way to allow it to use STABs. Many Pokedex Entries say "To make itself appear intimidatingly beefy, it tightly cinches its waist with its twin tails." If the other posters don't have a problem with fusing submissions. :)

Grass/Fairy + Play Rough, +Cotton Guard
"Their white fur is coated in a special oil that makes it easy for them to deflect attacks.
Their white fur feels amazing to touch. Their fur repels dust and prevents static electricity from building up."
Plants and poison are related to oils, but Cinccino is too cute to be a Poison type, and some Grass types are pretty cute. It is said that Cinccino and its fur repel dust (Spore and other powder moves) and electricity (Grass type resists Electric type attacks). This is a weaker reasoning, but Cinccino does learn Bullet Seed by level-up move.
Baton Pass
Friendship, teamwork and stuff...
Kecleon is now Dark type. Camouflage is pretty stealthy and can be more easily performed in the night or in dark places.

What discussion points do you want to discuss?
What type will a Pokemon with Camouflage transform into? It transforms into Normal type in an online battle.
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Lick is only a Ghost type because of the Ghastly line, almost being their signature move in Gen I. Haunter Pokedex: "By licking, it saps the victim's life. It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise." This also explains why Lick causes Paralysis. And as Ghoul King pointed out, Lickitung couldn't learn Lick in Gen I.

Actually, the Ghost typing of Lick probably derives from a broader Japanese mythology of creepy things licking people and paralyzing them with fear, and in turn Ghastly/Haunter probably in part derive from that themselves too in part. So no I don't think it's Ghost "because Ghastly signature move". I suspect is runs more the other way around if anything.

but Cinccino is too cute to be a Poison type

Gulpin is plenty cute.
Actually, the Ghost typing of Lick probably derives from a broader Japanese mythology of creepy things licking people and paralyzing them with fear, and in turn Ghastly/Haunter probably in part derive from that themselves too in part. So no I don't think it's Ghost "because Ghastly signature move". I suspect is runs more the other way around if anything.

Gulpin is plenty cute.
I see. That's pretty interesting.

Gulpin is cute, but it's a living stomach >.>
Wow the slate this time really sucks ._.

Poison type
+Gastro Acid, Gunk Shot, Acid Spray

Apparently it's based on a gourmand, and then I thought of Gulpin and Swalot. It's a preeeeetty huge stretch, yes, but otherwise I have no idea lol

Fairy/Poison type
+Poison Fang, Play Rough

Tsuchinoko are said to possess fangs and venom just like a viper, not to mention two of the snake Pokemon, Seviper and Arbok, are Poison types. Fairy type because it's mythical, duh

Dark type
+Knock Off, Double-Edge

It's just a cat that barges into other's nest and claim that. Knock Off is, well, that totally sounds like something the mean cat would do.

Grass type
+Power Whip

So its fur resists electricity according to Pokemon Adventures. What.
I would've gone with Ground type, but only Cinccino's fur resists electricity, not its whole body.

Dark type

The move is just outright faking bravery. Pretty sure Dark type fits.

Fire type

Rock type

No real reason, just don't want the two moves to be the same type.

Tail Slap
Cinccino's type

Cinccino and Minccino is the only line that learns it by leveling up.

Flying type

It's wind. Without any kind of flavor that justifies other types.

Baton Pass
Fighting type

Batons Pass is from relay races, and if Bulk Up is Fighting type, then so can BP.

Bug type

Lots of bugs protect themselves with camoflague.
What. Shouldn't that be Psychic and Fairy? Why are they both Poison?
Sorry, will edit that asap. I tried to get up the submission phase as soon as possible as it was a day late...

Poison/Rock (and with Lickitung being pure Poison)
+Gunk Shot, +Poison Jab, +Gastro Acid
A combination of zerobreaker's logic and the fact Lickilicky's only route in the wild is partially a rocky plain-and has to learn Rollout to evolve. It gets most rock type Physical moves already, and doesn't look like it could use Stone Edge IMO, so all I gave it were poison moves.

I'm using 'Explosion' as in 'Nuclear Explosion', and the closest Pokemon type to Nuclear is Poison. Also, Lickilicky gets to keep STAB Explosion.

Reasons discussed already, also to differenciate from Explosion.

+Drill Run, +Poison Jab, +Poison Fang, +Poison Tail
I'm in a poisonous mood today...
Seriously, Dunsparce has a drill on it's tail as well as being located normally in or near to caves, which are common features with most ground types. The serpant creature it is based on is also stated to have Poisonous fangs, and that snakes are often associated with Poison (Arbok, Seviper...)... and there's not much else to base on.
EDIT: Dunsparce already has Drill Run >_<
This is why I need to fix my computer, if I try to do something on mobile, something will go wrong...

Ghosts are nornally invisible to the eye, like Camoflague. Sure, the Army uses Camoflague, but they can't camoflague EVERYWHERE, unlike Ghosts. Also, it's likely that this move would make you Ghost type apon use online in a reference to Ghost Data.
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Poisonous Dunsparce

Actually, the Tsuchinoko is normally described as either lacking venom or being able to sting with its tail in specific.

None of the Pokedex entries on Dunsparce describe it as poisonous either -they all either talk about how it can fly "just a little" or focus on its burrowing to hide itself. Not saying Poison is inappropriate, just pointing this stuff out.
Actually, the Tsuchinoko is normally described as either lacking venom or being able to sting with its tail in specific.

None of the Pokedex entries on Dunsparce describe it as poisonous either -they all either talk about how it can fly "just a little" or focus on its burrowing to hide itself. Not saying Poison is inappropriate, just pointing this stuff out.
Nice point, Bulbapedia was my main source and it's a Pokemon wiki, not a Tsuchinoko wiki, so I'm guessing information displayed there may not be 100% accurate. :P

Note, no entries state that Lickilicky is ghost-like in any way either. Or any other type, for that matter.
Dex entries are just one of many sources people can use when making submissions, and many have pointed out that various entries are wrong.
Not trying to start an argument here, just pointing out.
+Drill Run, +Poison Jab, +Poison Fang
I'm in a poisonous mood today...
Seriously, Dunsparce has a drill on it's tail as well as being located normally in or near to caves, which are common features with most ground types. The serpant creature it is based on is also stated to have Poisonous fangs, and that snakes are often associated with Poison (Arbok, Seviper...)... and there's not much else to base on.
dunsparce already has drill run
dunsparce already has drill run
Thanks for telling me! Edited...

Note: My computer is broken but I'm getting it fixed, so hopefully tomorrow the voting phase can begin! Sorry for inconvenience caused.
And yes, I'm on mobile...

EDIT: Yeah, took longer than expected to fix. Sorry that the voting phase is one day late!
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Sorry for the double post, but It's Voting Time!
If you do not know how to vote, please read the OP.

Ghost <+Shadow Claw> (Throhbulator36)
Ghost/Rock <+Shadow Claw, +Shadow Sneak> (Ghoul King) Note: If this submission wins, Lickitung's type will be pure Ghost by default.
Rock <+Stone Edge> (the someone)
Poison <+Gastro Acid, +Gunk Shot, +Acid Spray> (zerobreaker000)
Poison/Rock <+Gunk Shot, +Poison Jab, +Gastro Acid> (MegaGallade) Note: If this submission wins, Lickitung's type will be pure Poison by default.
Ground/Flying <+Drill Peck> (Throhbulator36)
Bug/Ground <+Bug Bite, +U-Turn> (Ghoul King)
Ground/Dragon <+Dragon Pulse, +Dragon Dance, +Dragon Tail> (the someone)
Fairy/Poison <+Poison Fang, +Play Rough> (zerobreaker000)
Ground/Poison <+Poison Fang, +Poison Tail, +Poison Jab> (MegaGallade)
Dark/Fairy <+Crunch, +Bulk Up> (Throhbulator36/Ghoul King/the someone) Note: If either Throhbulator36, the someone and/or Ghoul King does not want their submission fused with someone else's, please notify me asap.
Dark <+Knock Off, +Double-Edge> (zerobreaker000)
Ground <+Bone Rush> (Throhbulator36)
Fairy <+Play Rough> (Ghoul King)
Grass/Fairy <+Cotton Guard, +Play Rough> (the someone)
Grass <+Power Whip> (zerobreaker000)

Fighting (Throhbulator36/Ghoul King) Note: If either Throhbulator36 and/or Ghoul King does not want their submission fused with someone else's, please notify me asap.
Dark (zerobreaker000)
Fire (Throhbulator36/Ghoul King) Note: If either Throhbulator36, and/or Ghoul King does not want their submission fused with someone else's, please notify me asap. zerobreaker000 has not been included due to a lack of justification, sorry.
Poison (MegaGallade)
Fire (Throhbulator36/Ghoul King) Note: If either Throhbulator36 and/or Ghoul King does not want their submission fused with someone else's, please notify me asap.
Rock (zerobreaker000)
Due to lack of submissions this move's type has been decided by default.
Same type as Cinccino (Throhbulator36/Ghoul King/zerobreaker000)

Due to lack of submissions this move's type has been decided by default.
Flying (Throhbulator36/Ghoul King/zerobreaker000)
Grass (Throhbulator36)
Psychic (Ghoul King)
Fairy (the someone)
Fighting (zerobreaker000)
Fighting (Throhbulator36)
Water (Ghoul King)
Dark (the someone)
Bug (zerobreaker000)
Ghost (MegaGallade)

To keep the thread alive, here are a few discussion points from the previous week's changes and more:
  • Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]
  • Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?
  • What new sets can be made using last week's retypes?
  • Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Fire type Extreme Speed, Psychic type Snore and Flying type (by default) Weather Ball?
  • What type should a Pokemon using Camouflage transform into? It used to be Normal type, so what should it be now? Same type as Camouflage or something else?
  • Are there any unanswered questions you want to know specifically about this Pet Mod? If so, please tag me when asking the question and I will reply.
Once again, thanks for submitting, and get voting!
Fire type espeed greatly helps arcanine slightly helps entei and linoone.
Weather ball base still sucks because of low BP.
Camouflage should be same type as itself.
Which/Do Pokemon gain/lose an advantage from Fire type Extreme Speed, Psychic type Snore and Flying type (by default) Weather Ball?

Weather Ball is mostly irrelevant, except wait! Roserade has Technician, and can use it as Flying coverage! Of course Hidden Power Flying is already available, but this also means that a Sun team Roserade can still hit Bugs and to a lesser extent (Just use Sludge Bomb against a lot of them) other Grass types for super effective damage that's actually fairly competent! Plus if Roserade wants another Hidden Power for some reason -Hidden Power Ground for Heatran say- than Weather Ball acting as Flying coverage is still valuable.

Snore has been buffed for the various Special Psychic walls that occasionally employ Rest Talk -it's marginally conceivable they might replace the random Sleep Talk for the STAB Snore. Maybe. Unfortunately every Pokemon that learns Snore learns Sleep Talk except several unevolved crap Bugs (I'm talking like Weedle here, not LC viable Pokemon) and for reasons that mystify me the ORAS variant Pikachu. So realistically speaking it probably doesn't matter.

Extreme Speed being Fire is bad for Arcanine and especially Entei since they'd still rather run their proper Fire STABs so it's not freeing up movepool slots and in fact it just exaggerates their existing problems with having narrow, unappealing movepools. (This should be less true because of changes to other moves, though) The STAB gain isn't really that great, I suspect. Arceus resents having to run a Fire Plate to pull off Espeed Killer Arceus and also resents that it's a much easier type to meaningfully wall, though maybe the coverage utility for its other Formes will outweigh that. Deoxys is perfectly happy to have Fire coverage and more specifically the ability to murder Steel types super effectively without having to fall back on Superpower. (Which lowers its Attack and makes it less effective) Dragonite appreciates replacing Fire Punch with the stronger and super-priority Extreme Speed as coverage against Skarmory, Ferrothorn, etc. Genesect appreciates replacing Blaze Kick with the slightly weaker no Burn chance but no miss chance super-priority Extreme Speed, though it would've better appreciated an answer to Heatran and other Fire types generally. For Linoone this is basically a straight upgrade -it kept its STAB and now it can hit super effectively on stuff, amping up its damage potential. Lucario appreciates having Fire coverage, I guess? Pikachu and Raichu appreciate having more coverage generally, and in fact Grass is vulnerable to it vs resisting their STAB, so that's something. Raikou can already run Weather Ball in Sun teams, so being able to run Extreme Speed in Sun teams is either sort of pointless or pretty appealing, I'm not sure which. Rayquaza is now an unstoppable god, with not even Steel types able to meaningfully wall it nor Abomasnow able to Ice Shard it etc. Hooray for making the Pokemon that broke Ubers better! (That's sarcasm btw) Suicune appreciates getting Fire coverage at last, even if it's on its weaker attacking stat it never ever uses. Togekiss... well, it affects it somehow anyway. Zygarde loves this for allowing it to murder those frickin' Ice types reliably and finish off faster Steel types and so on.

Do you think any of last week's retyped Pokemon will get more usage because of these retypes?

Castform was never used more because it's stats are low and its gimmick dubious than anything else. At best it might see marginally more use from being able to switch, in neutral weather, on both Ground and Fighting moves.

Linoone has access to two of the best offensive types in the game, Belly Drum, STAB Extreme Speed, and good enough Speed to outrun things that might hope to counter it (eg Water types) and straight up murder them. And now it has Flame Charge to raise its Speed off a STAB attack. Oh god it might be broken.

Delcatty strikes me as likely being a bad Slurpuff with a somewhat less awful movepool. But think about that: bad Slurpuff.

Swellow I think will mostly see more use from gaining Roost and especially Brave Bird. Also from Facade's re-typing -it doesn't matter whether it becomes Fighting or Dark, both of those help Guts Swellow a lot.

What type should a Pokemon using Camouflage transform into? It used to be Normal type, so what should it be now? Same type as Camouflage or something else?

Ground, as per blending into the ground.

Which entries for this week do you agree/disagree with? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive, no hate]

Mostly the pure Fairy Purugly submission bugs me. Here we have a Pokemon whose every personality trait given to us by the Pokedex, for both its stages, is "is a jerk", and there's a pure Fairy submission? I don't hold with the idea that Fairy is "sweetness and light" like some people think, but it's certainly not the "jerk" type: that's Dark if anything.


Is there a Sawkulator37?