(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

When the game is too easy, people whines.
When there is a secret quest, people whines.
I really don't like this "can either go to one of two extremes" reasoning at all. You can easily make some sort of compromise; it doesn't have to be as clear as day and it doesn't have to be so vague you have to learn to read braille.
Like... they could easily have just dropped some sort of hint somewhere in the main story. Maybe Steven says something like "I've heard legends of ancient Pokémon scattered around Hoenn... they may help avert the upcoming crisis. The folks in Pacifidlog might know something about it". That'd be fine. That'd help let you know there's something to be found. Maybe the quest is expanded and you get a Braille Translator or something; and maybe when you go back to the people who dropped hints they say something like "There are legends of one more Pokémon above these three... but it'd take someone very accomplished to find it". That'd hint at needing the National Dex to get it.
Why do sidequests have to be extremely obvious or extremely vague?
Not so much of a whine for me but I wish it just made sense lore-wise. Why the nickname? Why does he have to share his hideout with Regice? Granted I only talked to the girl one time so I didn't get all her hint scripts- do all the criteria actually make sense? Is Regigigas only available in the day because he sleeps early?

If there is a script somewhere I'd love to read it. I don't know it just really bugs me trying to understand otherwise haha.

There's a lot of lines that take goddamn forever to learn STAB moves: Ralts in X/Y, for example (on both sides, not only are you stuck with Confusion for ages but you don't get a Fairy attack at all until beating the 6th gym).

Honestly, I really wish they'd flesh out the move list so every type had at least one good, solid, widely learned attack for both physical and special sides. Too many types have barely any moves for one side of the spectrum, and the ones that do exist are signature moves or have terrible distribution for flavor reasons (which results in things like Talonflame's Fire STAB options being god-awful because Fire Punch and Fire Fang aren't thematically appropriate for a bird).

To be fair 4th Gen was the first step in updating many movepools with the Lv 1. moves for a lot of pokemon and 6th Gen expanded on it with the easier to get "good" moves.

But yes a better balance of STAB moves for both the physical and special side would be really great (more physical Ice moves, special Rock moves or Electric/Fire moves that don't have recoil for example). Or at the very least have a Physical Hidden Power-type move for the physical attackers that doesn't need a berry to use.

One of the dumbest things about X/Y is how the Mega Stones are distributed. They should have made them all attainable as soon as you have the bracelet. They basically went, "we're going to let you use mega evolution, but only for like five Pokemon. If you don't want to use them, sucks to be you I guess".

Imagine my disappointment when I found out Mawile's mega stone was post-game in Y. At least the Fairy type still kept it fresh and interesting to run but it could have scored a lot more KOs with that mega stone. Also strange how they only sparkle in a specific timeframe while ORAS just does away with that limit (thankfully).
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I just got to getting the Timespace Orbs and Plates in ORAS, and they were kind of annoying to get. They're hidden underwater throughout the water routes (don't know how you're suppose to know that aside from buying the strategy guide) and since you can't use the Item Finder underwater you're left clicking around the place you know where it is until the game decides you have clicked on the space where it is just the right way to award it.

Now while this makes sense for the Splash Plate, for the other items? No, I prefer my Plates to be hidden all throughout the region in places where they "fit in". Actually maybe I wouldn't have hidden the Splash Plate underwater either, I think Sea Mauville would have been an appropriate place to hide it.

As for the Timespace Orbs, I'd probably place them in Sky Pillar being its the closest "dragon" place in Hoenn. Well that or have the Timespace Dragon you can catch in your game holding its Orb, have Giratina holds its when you catch it, and have the one you're missing being in Sky Pillar or maybe given to you from Zinnia's grandmother as thanks for helping her.

Ugh. Tell me about it. Why u no work underwater item finder?! If Game Freak thought this would be a challenge, they were wrong.

No, it was just plain annoying, and I don't want it to EVER happen again. Game Freak, the next time someone suggests this, fire them, or give them a week of unpaid leave. The items should have stood out in some way, instead of me clicking until I actually found them!

You have got to be kidding me... some TMs are only found on random Mirage Spots. *puts face in pillow and screams*

Okay, having Pokemon outside of the Hoenn Dex being available on random Mirage Spots makes sense, helps make those Pokemon easier to get. Having Cresselia being a found on a specific random Mirage Spot, while weird since Cresselia isn't really a worth wild Legendary, makes some sense as they wanted to encourage players to StreetPass and that's a good way to do it (though I got lucky and got the Cresselia island during my Legendary catching spree). Also having some Mirage Spots have stones you can Rock Smash to get the other fossils was a really nice bonus. And there are even items like ones you can sell for a lot of money or are vitamins which is more of a bonus. However today I was surprised to find that I got Gyro Ball on a Mirage Island. Dumbfounded, I decided to see all the TMs which were placed in Mirage Spots:

TM66 (Payback)
TM74 (Gyro Ball)
TM84 (Poison Jab)
TM91 (Flash Cannon)
TM95 (Snarl)

Really? Say what you want about some of these TMs, but still I can imagine some people having a Pokemon which they'll like to teach one of these moves to (Payback and Gyro Ball is good for slow Pokemon, Poison Jab is a decent physical Poison-type attack, Flash Cannon is a decent special Steel-type attack, Snarl does damage and always lower your opponent's Special Attack, and SUBSTITUTE is a move commonly used competitively) yet can't because they have to get LUCKY and find it on a Mirage Spot which normally you only get one of EACH DAY.

WHY? Why TMs? ALL TMs should be obtainable without there being a luck based mission involved! Make them require some skill to get, make some you have to buy, make some needing a HM to get, but do NOT make them luck based to get! And it's not that bad, if I really want a Pokemon with these moves I have all of these TMs in my XY... which further makes it be no sense for them to be on Mirage Spots! And for some of them they'd probably only be used during the main game so putting them on the Mirage Spots mean they'll NEVER be used!

*sigh* Well, originally I kept checking everyday to see if I got to the Mirage Spot with Ditto on it to get myself an Imposter Ditto, but now I guess I have another reason to keep playing everyday... And it's not a good one...

*Grabs a pillow to join you in screaming in frustration*. Whoever suggested that making TMs obtainable via luck is an idiot. Game Freak would probably be better off without him/her.
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The pretty convoluted way of getting Regigigas. Okay it makes sense that you need the 3 Regis but other things like having to be at daytime, Regice holding an Ice-related item and being nicknamed? How would one come across all those criteria without looking at a FAQ? Especially since I don't normally nickname my Pokemon. And why Regice anyway? Why is it in Regice's cave? It just boggles me and if there was some lore justification that made sense maybe it wouldn't rub me the wrong way so much.

That said, while it makes sense for the other legendaries to need certain Pokemon in your team in their Mirage spots (i.e. Lugia/Ho-oh for beasts, Dialga/Palkia for Giratina) it can be slightly annoying when you limit your team even more trying to catch the Legendary when you want a Synchronizer, False Swiper and Sleep inducer in the same team. I like to have a wall as well since some of the Legendaries have pretty annoying catch rates but when you want Dialga your limited to only 3 pokemon now because of the Lake Trio. Having Castform for Tornadus/Thundurus isn't that bad and kind of funny and cool as well, but in reality, that's just a slot for deadweight as you try and keep throwing balls.

Other minor things that can tick me off after a while:

-The shiny star animation just makes entry animation take so long. And I don't even like it- compared to older generation's shiny effect in terms of animation and sound (I think GSC sparkle sound is the best). It's kind of annoying in Battle Spot when people have 3 Shiny pokemon on their team. Okay maybe part of it is that I haven't encountered a Gen 6 Shiny yet so it's also mocking me at the same time..

-How some Pokemon's movepools are still so limited even in terms of a STAB move or a move that uses it's best stat. Trying to do a run with some Pokemon I always wanted to use and as much as I want to enjoy it, the fact that Parasect doesn't even learn a Grass STAB move naturally or the fact Kingler can't learn Crabhammer, the first Water STAB move that properly utilises it's best stat until level 57 is such a downer. Even then, at least make it a relearnable Heart Scale move like some other pokemon's trademark moves.

-Please do away with the long cutscenes without save points. Or at least have a skip cutscene option.

-The making of Mr. Power. Please at least give us something to try and wipe it out of our memory.

Golems and Regigigas and Legendaries, Oh My: Some of the ways to unlock the Legendary Pokemon sometimes made no sense:

Golem Trio: While not the worst since they aren't a Mirage Spot and they do tell you what to exactly do, the task they have you doing seems pretty random. You'd think they want you doing something related to that Pokemon's element. But no, they just want you to hit your head on the center of the roof, walked around the border of the room, or stand still (which for those who never knew that was the requirement would probably get while they're translating the message...).
Regigigas: As everyone mentioned, it's just random. Why does Regice get the special treatment? Also what if I don't want to nickname my Regice? And it's not like this is part of old lore about it, this is something completely new. If anything, its not even needed, other Legendaries linked to trios became accessible once you got all of the trio members, why add this additional nonsense step? Is it because you didn't know where to place Regigigas in the game? Why not also make it a Mirage Spot? What's the reasoning?
Ho-Oh: I understand they wanted to keep Ho-Oh and Lugia close, but still not only is Ho-Oh's someplace somewhat random, it's technically out in the open where ANYONE can see. Did no one else want to inspect the portal that appeared out of nowhere? Personally I'd place it somewhere on Mt. Chimney, being its both a fiery place and the highest spot in Hoenn (plus it'll give that location an additional use).
Eon Ticket Lati@s: Seriously, why did you do the Eon Ticket giveaway in such a way? In the old days it was done to sell the e-Reader, but today? You just did it on nostalgia that no one liked! If you want you can make it a physical serial code card we have to visit somewhere to get (even make it look like a ticket to be cute), but having it given out via very few people I can only assume are walking around in popular areas trying to spread it? I suppose it'll work well in Japan, but everywhere else isn't as small nor densely populated...
Lake Guardians/Swords of Justice/Beast Trio: The requirements are fine for the most part, but why do they have such odd times to capture them? Swords of Justice make the most sense as they technically are once per day (actually they're day specific, but they were organized in a way you can catch them 3 days in a row). But the Lake Guardians are certain times of the day (one which is only available for an hour at an awkward time) and the Beast Trio are for 20 minute segments per hour. Why? It's like you're forcing them to be even more different when honestly the initial requirement for them to appear already does that.
Cresselia: Okay, I get you want to promote StreetPass, but I don't think Cresselia is the way to do it. Though at least you can get it randomly... which is still annoying.

Party Limit: Anyone, limiting your team is also annoying though it makes some sense. Maybe a better thing to do would be having a place you need to take the Pokemon you needed which will unlock another area where the Legendary is actually waiting. But then again you could say limiting your party is one way of "testing" you (plus some Legendaries can probably learn a move you may want to use so you can use them instead for that battle). *shrugs*

Shiny Option: Guess they could add an option to turn off the Shiny animation in the option menu?

Shallow Movepool: That's been a problem for many Pokemon that GameFreak doesn't seem to want to fix since it would probably involve redoing a Pokemon's certain leveling movepool. In addition certain types lead to certain categories and that sometimes mean that the lesser category only gets stronger moves of that type. For example physical Psychic-types only have Zen Headbutt, Psycho Cut, and Heart Stamp; Special Rock-types only have Power Gem and Ancient Power; Special Steel-types only have Flash Cannon and Mirror Shot; Fairythere's no weak physical Water, Electric, and Ice-type moves that aren't for certain Pokemon; the same for Fighting and Dark-types except its for Special moves; and they're still doing it for new types as Fairy were given 6 Special and only 1 strong Physical! I think next gen maybe instead of making new strong moves of certain types they may want to think of filling in gaps and fixing up movepools.

Cut The Scene: Yes please, give us a chance to save before and after a battle before forcing us into the next cutscene.

Power Bond: Hmm, don't know who this Mr. Power is, but if you want to wipe out the memory of his creation let me introduce you to the creation ofsomeone named Mr. Bonding... and you'll then realize what true nightmares are made of.

One of the dumbest things about X/Y is how the Mega Stones are distributed. They should have made them all attainable as soon as you have the bracelet. They basically went, "we're going to let you use mega evolution, but only for like five Pokemon. If you don't want to use them, sucks to be you I guess".

And in ORAS I find it odd we're finding Mega Stone before we even have the Mega Ring/Bracelet. I think before being given the Mega Ring/Bracelet we really shouldn't find any stones, then when we get it be told that if we go back to old locations we could find Mega Stones there. To make it easier maybe if a Pokemon who's final evolution has a Mega Evolution is catchable in the game make their Mega Stone somewhere on the route you can catch them on.

When the game is too easy, people whines.
When there is a secret quest, people whines.

Because generally a good game is somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. Balanced so that it challenging but made so that in order to accomplish anything you don't need a FAQ opened up in front of you.

And while a lot of my complaints are nitpick (the Golem Trio puzzle is actually a good puzzle, I just find the puzzles themselves a bit odd), I still see plenty of luck-based stuff or very hidden things that don't need to be. Also in recent games they don't seem to want you to ever have to worry about having to possibly train/use strategy to beat a boss.
Power Bond: Hmm, don't know who this Mr. Power is, but if you want to wipe out the memory of his creation let me introduce you to the creation ofsomeone named Mr. Bonding... and you'll then realize what true nightmares are made of.

Ah yes I messed up the name. I meant him. Just where did those people disappear to?!

Also another annoying thing with the mega stone distribution in XY was the strange version exclusive ones. Want a Manectite? Too bad you have to get it from the other version where there are no Electrike lines!

Another thing is I was looking forward to using the new evolution lines for some of the Hoenn Dex pokemon in ORAS but it just ticked me off how late you can get the evolution items. The Dawn stone comes so late after Wally's battle in Victory Road that there's no point raising a Gallade for an in-game team without trading. I know there's a chance to get it after a trainer battle but it's luck-based again.

Similarly, Reaper's Cloth and Protector aren't available until post-game. At least the mega evolutions keeps things fresh but it would've been nice to have all options for new Hoenn dex evolutions available.
Also another annoying thing with the mega stone distribution in XY was the strange version exclusive ones. Want a Manectite? Too bad you have to get it from the other version where there are no Electrike lines!
I actually very much like that. It's a fun little quirk that promotes trading as much as any other version exclusive.
... shame they never told you that tho :/
I have another one: you can't Sketch a move to Smeargle in the Battle Maison permanently. You want to avoid Smeargle leveling up (I was teaching Speedy moves to soft reset for Dialga)? Too bad!!

Stupid game. Thanks to that, I had to knock out poor Speedy with my own Pokemon to avoid having him level up. At least it was quick. And play with him in Amie afterwards, since I DO care what my Pokemon think of me.
I have another one: you can't Sketch a move to Smeargle in the Battle Maison permanently. You want to avoid Smeargle leveling up (I was teaching Speedy moves to soft reset for Dialga)? Too bad!!

Stupid game. Thanks to that, I had to knock out poor Speedy with my own Pokemon to avoid having him level up. At least it was quick. And play with him in Amie afterwards, since I DO care what my Pokemon think of me.
I trained mine up through Restaurant Le Wow after getting all the EV's where I want them, then send it back to OR/AS and chase Gabby & Ty around Hoenn with it and Pokemon that can allow it to Sketch the desired move. Neutral Speed Heatran is really the slowest legendary you really want to Speed check with Smeargle, and you'd want it level 68 for that. (did need to make it hold Lagging Tail for when I was getting it to Sketch a Breloom's Spore, though)
Ah yes I messed up the name. I meant him. Just where did those people disappear to?!

Also another annoying thing with the mega stone distribution in XY was the strange version exclusive ones. Want a Manectite? Too bad you have to get it from the other version where there are no Electrike lines!

Another thing is I was looking forward to using the new evolution lines for some of the Hoenn Dex pokemon in ORAS but it just ticked me off how late you can get the evolution items. The Dawn stone comes so late after Wally's battle in Victory Road that there's no point raising a Gallade for an in-game team without trading. I know there's a chance to get it after a trainer battle but it's luck-based again.

Similarly, Reaper's Cloth and Protector aren't available until post-game. At least the mega evolutions keeps things fresh but it would've been nice to have all options for new Hoenn dex evolutions available.

I... I don't know. I think they gave up their lives and body to give the Powerless their essence so he may become Mr. Bonding. Or in other words... FUSION DANCE!

Meh, I don't really see it much as a big deal... mainly since you can't get it till post game. As Kurona said it encourages trading... not that that's hard with the GTS (infact just put up a Houndour for an Electrike and it'll probably be traded within the hour) and if you're filling out the the Pokedex you'll be doing that anyway. HOWEVER if you could get it during main game then yeah, they really should have made it available in the version that had Manectric. But since they didn't its a moot point. However I do think the idea having a Pokemon in one version and something for that Pokemon in the other version could be an interesting idea.

Yeah, they really need to work on item distribution when the player can use it. For example the type boosting items should become available as a Pokemon for that type becomes available (with you getting the one for your starter in the first or second route/town). Also getting early access to the utility items (Lucky Egg & Amulet Coin) would also be helpful. And the Evolution Stones should be available around the time the player's Starter has reached its final evolution stage (maybe even encourage the player to backtrack for them and maybe other items that has now become available). Now I'm not saying these items should be handed out, make the player go look for them to encourage exploration, but we should have access to these items when we'll need them (and hint about items they'll later be able to get so they'll know who to backtrack to).

I have another one: you can't Sketch a move to Smeargle in the Battle Maison permanently. You want to avoid Smeargle leveling up (I was teaching Speedy moves to soft reset for Dialga)? Too bad!!

Stupid game. Thanks to that, I had to knock out poor Speedy with my own Pokemon to avoid having him level up. At least it was quick. And play with him in Amie afterwards, since I DO care what my Pokemon think of me.

What! That's Tauros Mulch! I can understand not leveling up since its Level restricted, but it's annoying it restricts you in other things for now reason like registering a Pokemon you never saw before.
Yeah, they really need to work on item distribution when the player can use it. For example the type boosting items should become available as a Pokemon for that type becomes available (with you getting the one for your starter in the first or second route/town). Also getting early access to the utility items (Lucky Egg & Amulet Coin)
I have to disagree with getting the Amulet Coin and Lucky Egg early as that would make the games even more easy than they already are. Their current placement (around 5th-6th gym) makes more sense as that's the point the game is no longer about long grinding to struggle into getting better and you just need to get levels and money fast.
I have to disagree with getting the Amulet Coin and Lucky Egg early as that would make the games even more easy than they already are. Their current placement (around 5th-6th gym) makes more sense as that's the point the game is no longer about long grinding to struggle into getting better and you just need to get levels and money fast.

Well at least the Amulet Coin if they keep customization. I wasn't ever running out of money for the stuff I needed, but I always was running out to buy clothes (without then having enough to buy Pokeballs, Potions, and other trainer stuff).
I trained mine up through Restaurant Le Wow after getting all the EV's where I want them, then send it back to OR/AS and chase Gabby & Ty around Hoenn with it and Pokemon that can allow it to Sketch the desired move. Neutral Speed Heatran is really the slowest legendary you really want to Speed check with Smeargle, and you'd want it level 68 for that. (did need to make it hold Lagging Tail for when I was getting it to Sketch a Breloom's Spore, though)

Exactly. I had him at lvl 68, and that is where I intended to keep him.
Well at least the Amulet Coin if they keep customization. I wasn't ever running out of money for the stuff I needed, but I always was running out to buy clothes (without then having enough to buy Pokeballs, Potions, and other trainer stuff).
To be fair, I kind of like that too. It limits what clothes you can buy; meaning you absolutely have to choose only what you want -- at least for in-game, this makes everyone's trainer unique, hence making trainer customization even better as a result.
Shiny Option: Guess they could add an option to turn off the Shiny animation in the option menu?
Only for trainer owned Pokémon. I always want wild Pokémon to have it as an extra way to identify them (or virtually the only way with certain Pokémon).
Shallow Movepool: That's been a problem for many Pokemon that GameFreak doesn't seem to want to fix since it would probably involve redoing a Pokemon's certain leveling movepool. In addition certain types lead to certain categories and that sometimes mean that the lesser category only gets stronger moves of that type. For example physical Psychic-types only have Zen Headbutt, Psycho Cut, and Heart Stamp; Special Rock-types only have Power Gem and Ancient Power; Special Steel-types only have Flash Cannon and Mirror Shot; Fairythere's no weak physical Water, Electric, and Ice-type moves that aren't for certain Pokemon; the same for Fighting and Dark-types except its for Special moves; and they're still doing it for new types as Fairy were given 6 Special and only 1 strong Physical! I think next gen maybe instead of making new strong moves of certain types they may want to think of filling in gaps and fixing up movepools.
I've said this many times, but Game Freak needs to work on this. Especially Dedenne.
Also, Power Gem is not distributed by typing/stats. It is distributed by design. Only Pokémon with gems in their designs get them, such as Persian, Diancie, Starmie, and Ampharos.
To be fair, I kind of like that too. It limits what clothes you can buy; meaning you absolutely have to choose only what you want -- at least for in-game, this makes everyone's trainer unique, hence making trainer customization even better as a result.

I suppose, and honestly if they let us choose the color we want (they can sell the kind of clothes) I actually wouldn't mind being limited. Though I also suppose that's part of the challenge.

"We have a red, green, and blue shirt; brown, black, and blue pants; orange, green, and red hat; and black, orange, and brown jacket. You only have enough money to buy one of each so you figure out how to make that work. Oh, and we also have this matching set that looks really nice but you don't have enough to even buy one part of the set."

"... Guess I'll be staying in my default clothes for a little while longer..."

Only for trainer owned Pokémon. I always want wild Pokémon to have it as an extra way to identify them (or virtually the only way with certain Pokémon).

I've said this many times, but Game Freak needs to work on this. Especially Dedenne.
Also, Power Gem is not distributed by typing/stats. It is distributed by design. Only Pokemon with gems in their designs get them, such as Persian, Diancie, Starmie, and Ampharos.

Well being its an option you can turn it on when looking for Pokemon and off when battling people offline.

Though speaking of which, I wished when I turned off special effects in battle it would have also turned off the animation for when an item activates. Like one of the Blissey trainers I have uses Blissey who know Sandstorm and are holding a Black Sludge and for some reason when I have in-battle animations off it still shows the animation of the Black Sludge animating and Blissey doing its hurt animation. Is that suppose to happen or could it be an oversight?

As for the Power Gem thing, I find it could be a bit let reclusive. I understand what it is but since a gem is nothing more then a really shiny rock I don't think it could to too impossible for a Rock-type with a visible rocky body part to learn it (if not be level then at least by Breeding). And even then they still forget to give Pokemon with gems on their body the move like Diancie (which isn't so bad since it ) and the Amaura family (which is bad since it's a Special Attacker yet it only has Ancient Power for a Special Rock-type move).
Or having to write such a short message when offering something for trade. I'd like to type "Take care of (Pokemon in question), and (s)he'll serve you well. I've even included a berry as a gift".

On the same front, why is it that we can't request a female of a species that we don't already have registered in the 'Dex? I remember this one incident, where I wanted to trade away this female Larvitar for a female Aron, but the damn thing wouldn't allow me to request a female in return. I think I was fortunate though, and got a female anyways, but still, what could be so important that they have to make it so difficult to get a female in case I want to IV breed?
Apparently this thread now contains older gens (thank you!)

4th gen: The fact that you could only trade with 3, 5 or 7 trainers on the GTS made using it really hard! Especially when you don't have a lot of lv. 1-9 mews laying around.

4th gen: The level curve of HGSS. You can't grind, you are really over levelled and BAM! you are really under levelled (but still can't grind)

5th gen: You have to have two games and two ds systems in order to play the game on challenge mode to begin with!

6th gen: The fact that you cant save or do anything before cut scenes! want to sr a rayquarsa? better go through 2 hours of cut scenes and forced battles before checking IVs.

6th gen: The blue pentagon requirement in official competitive play such as VGC. I haven't really found it annoying in 2014 because it was limited to the kalos dex anyway, but having to get another competitively viable landorus, cresselia, thundurus and heatran just seems stupid.
Apparently this thread now contains older gens (thank you!)

4th gen: The fact that you could only trade with 3, 5 or 7 trainers on the GTS made using it really hard! Especially when you don't have a lot of lv. 1-9 mews laying around.

4th gen: The level curve of HGSS. You can't grind, you are really over levelled and BAM! you are really under levelled (but still can't grind)

5th gen: You have to have two games and two ds systems in order to play the game on challenge mode to begin with!

6th gen: The fact that you cant save or do anything before cut scenes! want to sr a rayquarsa? better go through 2 hours of cut scenes and forced battles before checking IVs.

6th gen: The blue pentagon requirement in official competitive play such as VGC. I haven't really found it annoying in 2014 because it was limited to the kalos dex anyway, but having to get another competitively viable landorus, cresselia, thundurus and heatran just seems stupid.
You realize there's little that could be done about HG/SS' weird level curve, right? It was like this with the original G/S/C games, and they weren't going to deviate from the original game's progression. I will say I really dislike how rarely you got stuff like evolution stones from trainers you've registered in the PokeGear...
I despise the lack of grinding in GSC/HGSS in general, and by extention DPPt. I get that the E4 are supposed to be monstrous to face, but you're given almost no preparation and the amount of grinding you have to do is ridiculous.
6th gen: The fact that you cant save or do anything before cut scenes! want to sr a rayquarsa? better go through 2 hours of cut scenes and forced battles before checking IVs.

synchronize works 100% of the time now, so it's easy to check rayquaza's stats in the following battle with zinnia.

You realize there's little that could be done about HG/SS' weird level curve, right? It was like this with the original G/S/C games, and they weren't going to deviate from the original game's progression. I will say I really dislike how rarely you got stuff like evolution stones from trainers you've registered in the PokeGear...

it shouldn't be that hard to adjust levels while keeping story/area progression the same.
synchronize works 100% of the time now, so it's easy to check rayquaza's stats in the following battle with zinnia.

it shouldn't be that hard to adjust levels while keeping story/area progression the same.
Synchronize is only 100% for the mandatory Lati and CosplayChu; for everything else it's 50% as usual.