Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 46 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hey buddy it's been a while. I can get you one from a user here. It may take a while and I can give you the sableye free of charge.
If you could help, that'd be great

Main thing is for Sableye to have Prankster and Pain Split for the HP check. If you could help me with that I'd appreciate it.
Does anyone have shiny pengaton baltoy and shiny pentagon nosepass in your thread (both competitive)? if so, cmt for it

~If you know someone, please link an active thread . Thanks
Does Anyone have a Flabebe Friend Safari that i can add

Or even just a HA Flabebe would work if anyone has one that they are willing to donate
5*31 IV HA Impish Spiritomp
5*31 IV Simple Numel with Ancient Power
5*31 IV HA Bold Sableye with Recover

FT any breedable Pokemon like:
- 5*31 IV HA Adamant Mudkip (for Mega Swampert)
- 5*31 IV HA Jolly Weedle (Mega Beedrill)
- 5*31 IV HA Timid Pidgey with Defog (Mega Pidgeot)
- 5*31 IV Timid Phione
- 5*31 IV HA Timid Snivy
LF: Clefairy/Clefable (with softboiled, at least 5iv, female with magic guard)
Pawniard/Bisharp (female with defiant at least 5iv)
Ditto (5iv Bold)
Excadrill or pre evolution (at least 5iv female mold breaker)

FT: 5iv Froakie, 5iv buneary (6 iv if really good offer), shiny serperior 3 iv, shiny totodile 3 iv, also ask and I'll check if I have what you want
Edit: all outstanding so 31 IV I want and mine are
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Just a note.

6 IV only matters on Mixed attackers due to usually having a random stat on one of their defenses or speed and Special attackers (if 0 attack) to reduce damage taken from confusion and foul play.

Means nothing on physical attackers other than aesthetics.
Thanks, didn't know that. Still learning >.<
LF: Clefairy/Clefable (with softboiled, at least 5iv, female with magic guard)
Pawniard/Bisharp (female with defiant at least 5iv)
Ditto (5iv Bold)
Excadrill or pre evolution (at least 5iv female mold breaker)

FT: 5iv Froakie, 5iv buneary (6 iv if really good offer), shiny serperior 3 iv, shiny totodile 3 iv, also ask and I'll check if I have what you want
Edit: all outstanding so 31 IV I want and mine are
Well, I have a female 4IV Adamant Pawniard spitback with Defiant at the moment. Don't know if it's close enough, but I can give it to you for free, if you're interested.
Oops, sorry about that. I was actually referring to THIS post on SVExchange.
This is just amazing, used it to clone Masterballs and PP Max'. Also going to clone some legendaries, it worked without any problems for me. It is just important that you need to clear the history and cookies in the 3DS or 2DS browser after each time you do it.
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