(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

But what if I wanna use Blissey? ;)

On topic, the process you have to go through to get both bikes (pretty sure that's already been said, but whatever). I understand that they can't hand everything to us on a silver platter, but a hint would be nice. Especially since if it's difficult to us, how is it going to be easy to the small children who form the target demographic?
*Goes to Serebii and sees a Darkrai*

Ooh! Could it be they're going to give out the "What's This Key" Darkrai!

*Reads that they are... in the United Kingdom*

*Headdesk* Well, at least it's being given outside of Japan, and since lately the UK has been getting events earlier then us in the US (making it up to them for having the games released later there?) maybe it'll announce the Event will be coming stateside a few days/weeks from now? Then again, we never got the Charizard Mega Stone event (instead we got a Heracross/Pinsir event... which now makes me wonder if the US is now going to get a different Pokemon instead of Darkrai). Well for those in the UK who can get to a GAME store, enjoy your Darkrai!
So what's the point of Mail anyway?

Mail is a very important public service, delivering written letters and physical packages to people's homes form all over the...

Oh, wait, you mean the Mail Hold Items, don't you? Well it does nothing except let you write a "letter". The "purpose" I guess was to write a message and then trade that Pokemon so that person could read it. Why would someone do that? I don't know, maybe to give the person a friendly greeting or tell them to take good care for their Pokemon (of course I can easily see someone finding a way to write something rude as well). While a bit useless in Gen II and III since in order to trade you physically needed to link to someone else's game, Gen IV introduced the GTS so if you really wanted to say something to someone else you traded with I guess it had a bit of a use then (though honestly still not really).

However all this doesn't matter anymore as Gen VI removed Mail altogether. Subsequently since internet support for Gen IV and V have been discontinued that "new" use I mentioned has been lessened as now once again if you wanted to trade with someone you needed to be in range of their DS (and good luck with that since I don't think you'll find many playing those games... so essentially if you want to trade between those games you and someone else need to intentionally trade meaning you'll probably be facing each other thus making the Mail once again useless).
I loved Pokeball seals in DPPt. The first annoying part was they were removed from later games (screw you GF!), I guess they don't want kids putting on F U C and K seals. The second annoying part was every time you wanted to box or trade Pokemon you had to detatch the seal! It just made them not worth the hassle.
StreetPass for the EON Ticket. Well, this might seem like a brilliant idea if you live in a densely populated area (Tokyo, for instance) but if you live in the countryside or live very far away from the airport, good luck getting your hands on that item. Furthermore, it's not like people that you walk pass always carries their 3DS with them and have it turned on Wireless Mode. Finally, even if you do encounter such people, the chances of them just having the savefile that happens to have an EON Ticket is slim.

Why can't they just distribute this thing through Wifi / Pokebank like usual?
StreetPass for the EON Ticket. Well, this might seem like a brilliant idea if you live in a densely populated area (Tokyo, for instance) but if you live in the countryside or live very far away from the airport, good luck getting your hands on that item. Furthermore, it's not like people that you walk pass always carries their 3DS with them and have it turned on Wireless Mode. Finally, even if you do encounter such people, the chances of them just having the savefile that happens to have an EON Ticket is slim.

Why can't they just distribute this thing through Wifi / Pokebank like usual?
They're doing that.
They're doing that.

Hmm, news to me. Thanks, not visiting the official website almost screwed me over.

Anyway, new annoyance: The Pokemon Amie boosts a Pokemon's critical hit rate. Sounds useful and all but for me, at least, it seems to happen when you didn't need it or absolutely don't want it to. I will never forget the time a critical hit KO-ed a shiny Goomy I wanted to catch.
Mail is a very important public service, delivering written letters and physical packages to people's homes form all over the...

Oh, wait, you mean the Mail Hold Items, don't you? Well it does nothing except let you write a "letter". The "purpose" I guess was to write a message and then trade that Pokemon so that person could read it. Why would someone do that? I don't know, maybe to give the person a friendly greeting or tell them to take good care for their Pokemon (of course I can easily see someone finding a way to write something rude as well). While a bit useless in Gen II and III since in order to trade you physically needed to link to someone else's game, Gen IV introduced the GTS so if you really wanted to say something to someone else you traded with I guess it had a bit of a use then (though honestly still not really).

However all this doesn't matter anymore as Gen VI removed Mail altogether. Subsequently since internet support for Gen IV and V have been discontinued that "new" use I mentioned has been lessened as now once again if you wanted to trade with someone you needed to be in range of their DS (and good luck with that since I don't think you'll find many playing those games... so essentially if you want to trade between those games you and someone else need to intentionally trade meaning you'll probably be facing each other thus making the Mail once again useless).

Unfortunately, the messages that you were allowed to type were too short. Otherwise, I would have typed stuff like "It has been a pleasure trading with you. It is my hope that you'll take care of your new Pokémon, and (s)he'll take care of your needs", or something nice like that.

Us HK does not get any movies which means no event, no complete pokedex, etc.
That does sound annoying in the extreme.

Hmm, news to me. Thanks, not visiting the official website almost screwed me over.

Anyway, new annoyance: The Pokemon Amie boosts a Pokemon's critical hit rate. Sounds useful and all but for me, at least, it seems to happen when you didn't need it or absolutely don't want it to. I will never forget the time a critical hit KO-ed a shiny Goomy I wanted to catch.

Yeah, I've learned to carry a False Swiper with me whenever I expect to encounter wild Pokémon. Sorry that you lost the opportunity to catch a shiny Goomy, since that is one of my favorite Gen 6 Pokémon.

On another note, I am once again reminded how annoying it can be to breed a Pokémon that has a 1 in 8 chance of being female, especially when you want to latter on egg moves. I want to give my Sturdy Tyrunt D-Dance, Curse, and some Elemental Fang moves, but that is going to take longer than it usually would. It is even more annoying when the game doesn't give you the ability you need, so you need to wait for the next female.
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I can understand the 1 in 8 chance for certain 'mon such as starters where they're supposed to be a one-time thing -- this makes it unlikely that you can breed for more due to Ditto being late-game.
However, for some it's just absolutely ridiculous. The biggest offenders are, fittingly enough, the elemental monkeys. I mean come the fuck on, I get they're a gift but they're also easily available in the wild in every game bar ORAS! In addition the thing seems to be outdated for many 'mon by now. The likes of Kabuto and Eevee may have once been one-time things but now it's very easy to find multiple of them per game. I think as more games come out 1 in 8 mon should be made into 1 in 2 mon, to compensate for their not being one-time rare gift things anymore.
Hmm, news to me. Thanks, not visiting the official website almost screwed me over.

Anyway, new annoyance: The Pokemon Amie boosts a Pokemon's critical hit rate. Sounds useful and all but for me, at least, it seems to happen when you didn't need it or absolutely don't want it to. I will never forget the time a critical hit KO-ed a shiny Goomy I wanted to catch.

I have an Event Discussion thread for just such topics. ;)

I've heard plenty of times how Pokemon-Amie's Critical Hits have cost them catching a Pokemon (or Critical Hits in general). Thinking about it, do you really need Critical Hits for a Wild Battle? For a Trainer Battle they can be a helpful tool but I can't really think one occasion where a Critical Hit in a Wild Battle would come in handy (maybe to weaken a Pokemon faster, but as revealed it tends to happen when you don't want them to). Maybe they should disable Critical Hits for Wild Battles (or at least provide it as an Option choice, people who decry HAX during player vs. player battles probably would appreciate that).

Not carrying False Swipe on anything, I see?

Yeah, max affection tends to carry a lot of benefits, but these do, sadly, backfire on occasion.

Yeah, always carry a False Swiper with you when doing anything in the wild. I know it can be annoying but better safe than sorry. Heck, I'm sure one of your mains can carry False Swipe and not be hindered by it, especially if one of their moves is TM learned so you can easily swap out the moves when need be.

I can understand the 1 in 8 chance for certain 'mon such as starters where they're supposed to be a one-time thing -- this makes it unlikely that you can breed for more due to Ditto being late-game.
However, for some it's just absolutely ridiculous. The biggest offenders are, fittingly enough, the elemental monkeys. I mean come the fuck on, I get they're a gift but they're also easily available in the wild in every game bar ORAS! In addition the thing seems to be outdated for many 'mon by now. The likes of Kabuto and Eevee may have once been one-time things but now it's very easy to find multiple of them per game. I think as more games come out 1 in 8 mon should be made into 1 in 2 mon, to compensate for their not being one-time rare gift things anymore.

Relic feature (been running into a lot of those recently). Honestly there's really no point for no non-gendered and single gender species not to have a 1:1 gender ratio. Because honestly who's going to bother breeding for the main story? At most I can see someone soft resetting to get a Starter/Gift Pokemon with a good Nature/Ability, but that's all anyone should do for main game. Heck, if you really want, you can also soft reset for the right gender which makes the 1:7 further useless as eventually you'll get the gender you want.

Other Pokemon with odd gender ratios:
Male Only: Rufflet family (especially puzzling for me as at my local zoo we had a female Bald Eagle)
1:7 Male: Relicanth (because its related to Fossil Pokemon even though it isn't a Fossil?)
1:3 Male: Growlithe family (I can understand why Alakazam and Machamp would be here, but what about Growlithe and Arcanine that gives it a more masculine trait?), Electabuzz family, Magmar family (I would buy that these Pokemon can be female, and then we have Magmar's Japanese name...)
3:1 Female: Vulpix family (like it counterpart, the Growlithe family. That's actually a common theme with these odd gender ratios and it makes no sense, especially when it makes one member unbreedable like the Rufflet family!), Corsola (because its pink?), Luvdisc (odd considering its theme sort of means it should have a mate), Gothita family (why isn't this one female only?)
Female Only: Kangaskhan (where does the baby come from then?! Do they self-replicate or is it like that species of female only lizards?), Vullaby family (the reason why the Rufflet family is unbreedable, and it still makes no sense)
I don't like the dynamic camera in battles. While it is nice to see more than just the back of my Pokémon, I sometimes need to see what the other Pokémon is if I looked away and it has a nickname/is foreign. Also, sometimes I didn't see a wild Pokémon and I get paranoid that it might be a shiny.
When are X2Y2 coming? Are they coming? Emerald and Platinum were finished before their respective gens' remakes were released, so I find it extremely odd that GF chose to do remakes before finishing the current region. The only solid evidence we have that this generation isn't finished is Hoopa and Volcanion.

EDIT: Ninja'd on Emerald actually being the last game of Gen III.
When are X2Y2 coming? Are they coming? Emerald and Platinum were finished before their respective gens' remakes were released, so I find it extremely odd that GF chose to do remakes before finishing the current region. The only solid evidence we have that this generation isn't finished is Hoopa and Volcanion.
Why wouldn't they be coming? I don't see anything here to get annoyed over.
BTW FRLG came before Emerald.
When are X2Y2 coming? Are they coming? Emerald and Platinum were finished before their respective gens' remakes were released, so I find it extremely odd that GF chose to do remakes before finishing the current region. The only solid evidence we have that this generation isn't finished is Hoopa and Volcanion.

Well Hoopa is coming so we only have Volcanion left. Let's take a look at some release dates (going by Japanese dates):

Gen III:
Ruby & Sapphire: November 21, 2002 (start)
FireRed & LeafGreen: January 29, 2004 (14 months)
Emerald: September 16, 2004 (8 months)
Gen IV:
Diamond & Pearl:
September 28, 2006 (24 months)
Platinum: September 13, 2008 (24 months)
HeartGold & SoulSilver: September 12, 2009 (12 months)
Gen V:
Black & White:
September 18, 2010 (12 months)
Black 2 & White 2: June 23, 2012 (21 months)
Gen VI:
X & Y:
October 12, 2013 (16 months)
Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: November 21, 2014 (13 months)

So from all this I'd say we'd get an announcement for XY2... whenever they announce it. Let's just assume we'll start getting news near the end of this year/beginning of next year. *shrugs*
When are X2Y2 coming? Are they coming? Emerald and Platinum were finished before their respective gens' remakes were released, so I find it extremely odd that GF chose to do remakes before finishing the current region. The only solid evidence we have that this generation isn't finished is Hoopa and Volcanion.

EDIT: Ninja'd on Emerald actually being the last game of Gen III.

I actually thought that releasing the remake before the last and final version for the 6th Generation was a good move on Game Freak's part.

I remember how I actually liked SoulSilver better than White, but decided that I had to move on, since that is where all the battles and trades were happening, and 4th Generation games were now obsolete. I hadn't even beat Red, but the level gap was just too great for me to overcome.

By releasing the remakes before the last game, they'll remain relevant for longer, and for those who are still getting their nostalgia fix: they can still battle with players playing their new-fangled X2/Y2/XZ/YZ/Z Version, albeit probably with limitations. I'd be happy to wait patiently for another year news on what this last Gen 6 game would look like if Game Freak hadn't dropped the ball on the Battle Frontier, but then again, between competitive IV breeding, soft-reseting for all of those legendaries, the Battle Maison, and battling and trading on this site, I think it is safe to say that Alpha Sapphire has more than enough content to keep me busy until even after 2016. And in the highly unlikely scenario that I should become bored: there is always Pokemon Showdown.
Besides that, I can't believe that they aren't going to do anything with Zygarde. Ever heard of the attacks Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves? I think we're smack dab in the middle of Gen 6, and I don't think that it is going anywhere until the folks at Game Freak does something special with Zygarde. And while they're at it, they can also add the Battle Frontier to Kiloude City. It currently seems too small to really be called a city anyways.
Can't wait for that stuff. Zygarde would be the cover legendary for a Z version, and wouldn't it be sick to be able to catch Xerneas and Yvetal without trading? I really hope they do go back to third versions instead of sequels.
Besides that, I can't believe that they aren't going to do anything with Zygarde. Ever heard of the attacks Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves? I think we're smack dab in the middle of Gen 6, and I don't think that it is going anywhere until the folks at Game Freak does something special with Zygarde. And while they're at it, they can also add the Battle Frontier to Kiloude City. It currently seems too small to really be called a city anyways.

And let's also not forget AZ's Floette who has its own special stats* and Signature Move: Light of Ruin.

Normal Floette: 54/45/47/75/98/52//371
AZ's Floette: 74/65/67/125/128/92//551
Florges: 78/65/68/112/154/75//552

Can't wait for that stuff. Zygarde would be the cover legendary for a Z version, and wouldn't it be sick to be able to catch Xerneas and Yvetal without trading? I really hope they do go back to third versions instead of sequels.

How about a third version sequel? Honestly Yveltal and Xerneas didn't really play that major of a part in the story, they were just the power source of the Ultimate Weapon. Sure there was some dialogue change between versions, but the end result was going to be the same: kill everyone except non-Pokemon members of Team Flare and make them immortal (which was more obvious in X since they mentioned the immortal part, however you can take it from AZ's story that Team Flare was intending on both effects). So in the third version they can be vague about what Pokemon that Team Flare used by just referring to it as the "Legendary Pokemon", they could maybe even do a BW2 thing and let you connect your copy of X or Y to it and whatever one you connected is the ones who story elements are inserted into the dialogue. Oh, and since it's just one game they can let us catch both Yveltal and Xerneas (won't be the first time the game disregarded the player catching the Legendary, though could just say the Legendary allied with the XY player for a while before parting ways). Then again I can also see them doing two separate sequels since those two Signature Moves do seem to indicate that Zygarde could get two new forms which are better with handling the other Legendary.
Forgive me if this has ready been stated, but over 30 pages is kinda too much to go over and double check.

I wish we had more than one Battle Box so you can have multiple teams ready when you get challenged by passerbys. I mean you could fill up your in-game party but then you can't go out and grind, collect berries, hatch eggs, etc. You'll probably be forced to cancel a match because your team is for Singles when they want Doubles or they want to do an Ubers match or something.
When are X2Y2 coming? Are they coming? Emerald and Platinum were finished before their respective gens' remakes were released, so I find it extremely odd that GF chose to do remakes before finishing the current region. The only solid evidence we have that this generation isn't finished is Hoopa and Volcanion.

We're not allowed to speculate, but...

I'd say we'll get an announcement before summer, with a game release before Christmas. The past three game pairs have all been released within 13 months of another.