Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 46 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I've got a pair sitting in my Daycare breeding a Technician one while I Masuda. I could get an egg for you (can't guarantee which ability it'll hatch with) or get and hatch one for you.
That would be great if you could hatch one of each for me. They just have to be female, that's all. I can offer you gible (HA), aron, mawile, froakie (HA), kangaskhan, gligar (HA), totodile (HA), scyther, cyndaquil (HA), fletchling (HA), rotom. Any of those will have minimum 4 IVs in any stat. I'm going to work now and won't be home until 11pm (pacific) so maybe we can trade tomorrow morning roughly an hour or two earlier then this reply? Thanks!
I have some simple requests a naive/timid synchronizer, ability capsules and a masterball.

I have some 5 stat axews and staryus that are only missing abilities to offer.
Asking again for the daytime crowd, any interest in battle ready or nonshiny pentaflawless kb mons?
I haven't seen a great deal of interest in them from the people who frequent this subforum; however EnGarde used to host a giveaway in her thread which offered similar things and it seemed to be quite popular with the Battle Spot crowd.
So he's simply referring to legit flawless mons.
Correct, but not those PokéTransferred from previous generations...
Also having a pentagon on the summary does not mean it's necessarily legitimate.
Just because it doesn't have the pentagon doesn't mean it's not legit, Pokes from the previous gens can be RNGed for a flawless spread.

I had a breeding question: when a couple is left at the daycare, and they have more than for egg moves, how is it decided which egg moves are passed down?

Both will pass their egg moves down, but father gets priority in terms of inheritance.
Hello, I'm looking for a (flawless) Japanese Ditto, if anyone has one then please reply. I can offer an English Ditto in return :) no but seriously I'll give you something good like a breedable or two
Hello, I'm looking for a (flawless) Japanese Ditto, if anyone has one then please reply. I can offer an English Ditto in return :) no but seriously I'll give you something good like a breedable or two
It's not exactly what you're looking for but I have a Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 and a Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Japanese Ditto around (still looking for the hex flawless, if Emerald likes to cooperate...).
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