Super Staff Bros: Other Metagames Edition!


+Lucina09 (Minccino) @ Life Orb
Ability: Cute Charm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot [/Encore]
+ Anime Girl

is now normal / fairy :D

[16:45:05] %Pikachuun: You should make mincinno fairy type
[16:45:14] %Pikachuun: because you can

After asking Lucina, I discovered that her favorite Pokemon is Skarmory. However, QuoteCS is already a Skarmory, so I asked for her second favorite. And it was Minccino. Basically, Minccino is cute, Lucina is cute, and thus her Pokemon must be super duper cute! This set is just offensive, really, and there's not much more too it. Anime Girl is a Fairy-type move with 80 base power that raises Lucina's Attack and Speed by one each hit, and will hit at 100 base power after being used three times in the entire match. Lucina deserves a powerful, but cute Pokemon, that is sure to surprise the opponent!

Intro message: Please take it nice and easy. I'm a noob. (◡‿◡✿)
Exit message: >////////////////////////////////////////>
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+Lucina09 (Skarmory) (F) @ Red Card
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Atk / 60 Def
Impish Nature
- Return
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
+ Stealer of Cute

is Fairy / Flying nao

Even though QuoteCS is a cool Skarmory too (totally not because I coded it), who said that there could only be one of each Pokemon? Anyways, Stealer of Cute is a Normal-type move that has 90 base power, drains 3/4 of the foe's HP, and has a 30% chance to raise either her Attack and Speed or her Special Defense and Speed (and maybe it could possible have her say "Give me your cute!" o3o). Oh and it's physical.

Entry and Death messages are the same as unfixable's submission because I'm an unoriginal piece of crap... jk

Entry message: Hi!
Death message: Bye... :(
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Imma go another route with this one...


Minccino @ Eviolite
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Lovely Kiss
- Swords Dance
- Return
+ Parallel Falchion (10pp/100% acc/100 bp Fighting-type move that is SE on Ghost-types)

Normal / Fighting

I don't know Lucina09 all that well so I modeled this after the Fire Emblem character. I was thinking of some "Marth Transform" move that kept Minccino's stat changes, but I decided to go the offensive route instead.

Intro: I don't have a team for that!
Outro: I should learn more OMs...
Sorry I haven't begun Voting Phase yet, finals existed.

Anyways, now I'll begin the voting phase. Same deal as always, post in thread, potentially win. At this point you know where all of the nominations are.

Choon's Voting Tally:

unfixable: 4 Votes

Eevee General: 3 Votes

Rhythms: 2 Votes
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Jee I wonder who won. Probably not unfixable. Eh, he's close enough.

Here's the nextestest changelog!
Added +Lucina09.
Added 2 new, more powerful Moonspeak moves to %Pikachuun.
Promoted Peef Rimgar to %.
Demoted shaymin to +.
Added more excuses to +word.
Replaced 9348 instances of tabs with spaces.
Code is updated.