Mix-and-Mega — Now with Primals!

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Serperior @ Ampharosite
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Giga Drain / Energy Ball
- Toxic / Dragon Pulse / whatever
- Taunt

interesting stallbreaker? not good, but interesting at least. im sure its pretty obvious how to use this, get a free non-mega leaf storm or two off (which looks pretty damn hard in this meta), mega when you need to taunt and then put in work. mold breaker taunt + toxic whittles sable bliss, which is the brain dead switchin to this, but if youd rather play around bliss, dragon pulse+energy ball is ok or one of serperiors support moves or uh... vast coverage options. mold breaker taunt+toxic+giga drain is just really annoying to slower fat mons in general tho.

btw complete dead weight vs offense tho lol only consider this if for some reason in this metagame of completely ridiculous powerhouses you cant break stall and you used up all the good mega stones and you need something out of the bargain bin
PSA - mono-attacking waters will suck because probably 80% of teams will have a Red Orb user somewhere. But if you have played ORAS ubers before, you probably already knew that.

Solid replay showcasing some threats. Also had an altarianite dnite sweep earlier. not using aerilate lant but instead using gyara because its less expected and has better coverage with waterfall AND earthquake. Showcases a good user of Lucarionite in keldeo, which is quite powerful btw. Also an odd pivot, being diancite thundurus-t. Of course, obligated medichamite diggersby was thrown in there because its so stronk; although I think its not that great at beating up offense now that I am playing with it (still a gr8 stallbreaker).

PSA - mono-attacking waters will suck because probably 80% of teams will have a Red Orb user somewhere. But if you have played ORAS ubers before, you probably already knew that.
I actually don't think red orb will be that centralizing tbh. Its good, but I don't think a lot of people will love to use it when they want to be super fast or check -ate megas (although red orb does check pixilate).
here's a set that's fun and creative. Hope you guiz enjoy it :)

Conkeldurr @ Beedrillite
Ability: Guts ---> Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Drain Punch
- Poison Jab
- Knock Off
- Mach Punch

Conk gains a massive buff. It now has a base attack stat of 200 company by a nice base 115SSpe. And gains poison as its secondary type. Officially. Making him Stronger(if not a better) Toxicroak. Or you could run toxicroak instead. Faster and still has priority. this set is just straight up raw power
here's a set that's fun and creative. Hope you guiz enjoy it :)

Conkeldurr @ Beedrillite
Ability: Guts ---> Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Drain Punch
- Poison Jab
- Knock Off
- Mach Punch

Conk gains a massive buff. It now has a base attack stat of 200 company by a nice base 115SSpe. And gains poison as its secondary type. Officially. Making him Stronger(if not a better) Toxicroak. Or you could run toxicroak instead. Faster and still has priority. this set is just straight up raw power
Wait why does it add poison type? Also knock off is terrible in this om
iirc. you receive The boost the megastone gives and the secondary typing. Or am I miss reading something? And yea I realized that
You only change typing if the Mega Stone adds a typing. For example, Altaria goes from Dragon/Flying to Dragon/Fairy, so Altarianite adds Fairy typing as the secondary typing. Lucario on the other hand goes from Steel/Fighting to Steel/Fighting, so Lucarionite does not change the original typing of the Pokemon.
Oh how familiar is this stone ...

Zapdos @ Cameruptite
Typing: Electric/Flying, no change
Ability: Pressure -> Sheer Force
Stats: 90/90/85/125/90/100 -> 90/110/115/165/120/80
IVs and EVs: standard?
Nature: I think the drop from b100 to b80 speed tiers makes Modest viable

1) Thunderbolt (STAB, Sheer Force)
2) Heat Wave (Sheer Force)
3) -something else- (SF options include Extrasensory, Ancient Power/Ominous Wind, Signal Beam) -Defog may be better than any of the above; that or Hidden Power Ice
4) Roost

Don't really think this requires a lot of explanation. Hits hard, has a good typing, has some staying power with recovery. Big two moves unfortunately easy to wall, so third slot is important.
It means:

take your Pokemon holding Aggronite

ask yourself if one of its types is Steel

if not make type 2 Steel

otherwise set type 1 to Steel and type 2 to nothing

Yes, which means that Showdown (which emulates the real games) does not register Steel/Steel as pure Steel because you had to make an exception to prevent the type combo from occuring, so Mega Aggron isn't adding a Steel typing.
Who decided to put this meta in a server that literally Have no users? at least pandora or some. there's No one on aqua....and sorry if this count as double post.
Wait why does it add poison type? Also knock off is terrible in this om
I know we've kinda moved past this conversation, but its kinda important to note that, while possibly not as common at the moment, ubers are still totally viable, and often will outclass a lot of Megas. Lugia will still be a ridiculous wall, arceus is as good as ever, xerneas will still be a powerhouse, etc., so knock off still has a purpose.

Everyone talks about how many threats there are in OU, and how matchup reliant that makes it. This meta will undoubtedly be worse in this regard due to the sheer number of potential threats, but perhaps it will be centralized enough around certain threats that it will be manageable.

However, as far as centralization goes, I think certain stuff is going to have to go. Lando-T is the first that comes to mind. After that I'd say blissey. I also feel that attempting to come up w/ complex bans like "x stone on y mon" is going to be unrealistic. Say a ban of sablenite blissey is enacted. Slowbronite blissey will just take its place. It's like the megagross argument- only worse. People were saying it could run HP fire to handle scizor. However, these are realistic options, unlike HP fire megagross. I definitely don't think any mega stones should be banned, aside from those already banned. In fact, I think if sablenite blissey is going to stay, khangaskanite deserves a suspect. However, this is probably just another case of broken checking broken.

I mentioned lando, but never came back to that, so I'll touch on it real quick. Basically, it is just too versatile. It can run some bulky set w/ sablenite, just like defensive lando in OU, only better, something like the double dance set with altarianite (honestly, swords dance probs isn't necessary), or just an AoA set, etc.. Honestly, it could fill any number of roles. Fortunately there is no physical stone w/ intimidate. It's weak to fridgespeed, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an absolute animal.

I started this post a long time ago, but got sidetracked so there might be holes in my train of thought.
Who decided to put this meta in a server that literally Have no users? at least pandora or some. there's No one on aqua....and sorry if this count as double post.
That doesn't count as a double post, this counts as a double post. That counts as a trash post (Admittedly, so does this one).

Frankly, only the main server has a ton of activity. And beggars can't be choosers. Snaquaza volunteered to host it, so it's on his server.
I know we've kinda moved past this conversation, but its kinda important to note that, while possibly not as common at the moment, ubers are still totally viable, and often will outclass a lot of Megas. Lugia will still be a ridiculous wall, arceus is as good as ever, xerneas will still be a powerhouse, etc., so knock off still has a purpose.

Everyone talks about how many threats there are in OU, and how matchup reliant that makes it. This meta will undoubtedly be worse in this regard due to the sheer number of potential threats, but perhaps it will be centralized enough around certain threats that it will be manageable.

However, as far as centralization goes, I think certain stuff is going to have to go. Lando-T is the first that comes to mind. After that I'd say blissey. I also feel that attempting to come up w/ complex bans like "x stone on y mon" is going to be unrealistic. Say a ban of sablenite blissey is enacted. Slowbronite blissey will just take its place. It's like the megagross argument- only worse. People were saying it could run HP fire to handle scizor. However, these are realistic options, unlike HP fire megagross. I definitely don't think any mega stones should be banned, aside from those already banned. In fact, I think if sablenite blissey is going to stay, khangaskanite deserves a suspect. However, this is probably just another case of broken checking broken.

I mentioned lando, but never came back to that, so I'll touch on it real quick. Basically, it is just too versatile. It can run some bulky set w/ sablenite, just like defensive lando in OU, only better, something like the double dance set with altarianite (honestly, swords dance probs isn't necessary), or just an AoA set, etc.. Honestly, it could fill any number of roles. Fortunately there is no physical stone w/ intimidate. It's weak to fridgespeed, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an absolute animal.

I started this post a long time ago, but got sidetracked so there might be holes in my train of thought.
Sorry, nowhere in the op does it say ubers are allowed :? so i guess that's why i thought everything would have a stone
Yes, which means that Showdown (which emulates the real games) does not register Steel/Steel as pure Steel because you had to make an exception to prevent the type combo from occuring, so Mega Aggron isn't adding a Steel typing.
Its adding a steel typing in the game because THE GAME REGISTERS STEEL/STEEL. Showdown doesn't because why should they bother in the code -- they are both the same thing. In the games, however, aggronite adds a steel typing to aggron over its rock typing, therefore it will do the same in this, regardless of the showdown code.
Have you done any calcs? It might just be a visual glitch, or Snaquaza hasn't updated the code yet.
Diancite thundy-t wouldnt take only 33% from pinsirite lucario espeed, and if you look at the previous replay above it took 82% from the same attack in the previous battle
Diancite thundy-t wouldnt take only 33% from pinsirite lucario espeed, and if you look at the previous replay above it took 82% from the same attack in the previous battle
Hmm... oaky then. Sanquaza must have not updated the code, or it needs fixing.
Also, if anyone wants to test teams/mons/sets i'm availible from 3-4:30 PM Eastern Time Zone during the week, Just PM me.EDIT: I won't be able to battle until thursday.

To be relevant to this however, i'm going to talk about something Ghoul King brought up. Megastones: To be or not to be My personal opinion: I think that being able to run MANY megastones relatively well is better than running ONE well. Mew is the perfect example of this, it can run many different megastones, and until it mega evolves, nobody has any idea what it will do. To me, for this meta, there are the usual levels of prediction, then there is predicting what megastone the opponent is holding. unpredictability=uncounterability, or if your opponent has to guess, you have the advantage.
Take Cresselia for example, MOST people will expect Sablenite on it, but WAIT, it actually has Cameruptite, and your current check to it just ate a psychic. cress CMs up and sweeps, end game. Or mew, who can run pretty much whatever megastone it wants, can cause BIG problems for an opponent. What you expect to be a magic bouncing pivot is actually a mold breaker taunt user, and your sablenite Blissey is now helpless against the incoming Lucarionite Terrakion. In short, a more unpredictable pokemon will cause more problems to an opponent than something that will be extremely standard and prepared for.
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