5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

I'm having an issue in that I'm trying to do a Dream Radar RNG (on PPRNG), but not only am I not hitting the seed, but the sequence of spinner positions is never found on the list. This tells me that either I don't have the parameters correct (unlikely, since I get consistent results from calibration) or I'm not holding down the combination of buttons (in this case, Select + R) properly upon starting the game.

How long do you need to keep the buttons held after starting it?
I mean, strictly, for as long as your calibrated seconds after pressing {A} [at this point the game has seeded], but I believe people used to say until the shooting star logo during the opening credits.

It's also not uncommon that the {L} and {R} buttons wear out on people's consoles, so it might just be that the console isn't actually registering the button press. rj also sez: Hopefully it's not a DSi; those shoulder buttons wear out faster than a 3DS nub wears out from Smash Bros. strain. Do you get any results if you were just holding {SELECT}?

Otherwise you'll have to give more information: full profile details (including TID/SID, DS MAC address, etc.) and seeding details (time, date, etc.), as well what results you are getting to help people check for "adjacent" results.
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How do I account for the imaginary genderless Pokémon in slot 1 when RNGing the Therians in Dream Radar? I adjusted the minimum IV frame on the search and changed the equation for nature frame to subtract 16, but there's got to be more...
I mean, strictly, for as long as your calibrated seconds after pressing {A} [at this point the game has seeded], but I believe people used to say until the shooting star logo during the opening credits.

It's also not uncommon that the {L} and {R} buttons wear out on people's consoles, so it might just be that the console isn't actually registering the button press. rj also sez: Hopefully it's not a DSi; those shoulder buttons wear out faster than a 3DS nub wears out from Smash Bros. strain. Do you get any results if you were just holding {SELECT}?

Otherwise you'll have to give more information: full profile details (including TID/SID, DS MAC address, etc.) and seeding details (time, date, etc.), as well what results you are getting to help people check for "adjacent" results.

I know it's not an issue with the L button; I found a new seed where you only have to hold Left, and I'm still not getting results.

System: 3DS
MAC Address: 2C-10-C1-76-FD-79
VCount: AD
VFrame: 8
Timer0: 1680-1688
TID: 01625

Date: 2015/07/12
Time: 22:29:24
Timer0: 1683
Buttons held: Left
Frame: 20
Target: 31/31/31/12/31/31 Adamant Riolu (Dream Radar slot 3)
I know it's not an issue with the L button; I found a new seed where you only have to hold Left, and I'm still not getting results.

System: 3DS
MAC Address: 2C-10-C1-76-FD-79
VCount: AD
VFrame: 8
Timer0: 1680-1688
TID: 01625

Date: 2015/07/12
Time: 22:29:24
Timer0: 1683
Buttons held: Left
Frame: 20
Target: 31/31/31/12/31/31 Adamant Riolu (Dream Radar slot 3)
If you're not getting any results, have you confirmed by performing the calibration steps again to check that your values (for Timer0 and others) are still valid. There was a firmware update around a year ago which changed these values for a lot of people, so if you're just coming back after a long time of not RNGing it could be that.
If you're not getting any results, have you confirmed by performing the calibration steps again to check that your values (for Timer0 and others) are still valid. There was a firmware update around a year ago which changed these values for a lot of people, so if you're just coming back after a long time of not RNGing it could be that.

I've never done a 5th gen RNG before, so I just found my parameters last week. I know a 3DS update came out a few days ago, but I intentionally didn't do it because it could mess them up.

Is it required that you know your SID?
Actually, to some degree, yes. I believe the SID affects the Initial Frame, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

What method did you use to calibrate, and do you still get consistent results if you check with that method again?
What results do you get (regardless of if they match what you're expecting) [i.e. what spinner pattern do you get? Are they consistent, but wrong? Can you list (say) 20–30 results from the same seed to ensure no false positives when checking, etc.] I know that's asking for a fair few pieces of information, so feel free to mix and match which parts you think would be salient.
I'm trying to RNG a ditto in Giant Chasm in Black 2. But I can't use sweet scent so I run around hoping to hit the right frame because of the fog. But every single time, I hit frame 71 and encounter Metang.(Are certain frames preset to be encounters?)
So after a couple tries I decided catch it to check the IVs and nature and stuff. The IVs are right for the IV Frame(31/31/31/30/30/31) but the natures I got were modest with synch and lax without synch. This doesn't match what RNG Reporter says. Then I checked its PID to see if I could find what frame I hit(as .com advised last time) and its PID was 1892541184 and when converted to hex is 70CDE300 and I don't see that anywhere near frame 71. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Added screenshots of the seed and the pid frames on rng reporter. Lmk if something else is needed.
PID Frames.PNG
I'm trying to RNG a ditto in Giant Chasm in Black 2. But I can't use sweet scent so I run around hoping to hit the right frame because of the fog. But every single time, I hit frame 71 and encounter Metang.(Are certain frames preset to be encounters?)
So after a couple tries I decided catch it to check the IVs and nature and stuff. The IVs are right for the IV Frame(31/31/31/30/30/31) but the natures I got were modest with synch and lax without synch. This doesn't match what RNG Reporter says. Then I checked its PID to see if I could find what frame I hit(as .com advised last time) and its PID was 1892541184 and when converted to hex is 70CDE300 and I don't see that anywhere near frame 71. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Added screenshots of the seed and the pid frames on rng reporter. Lmk if something else is needed.
Quick look through shows that the PID: F0CDE300 (one bit off) appears at frame 65 with a lax nature [maybe that bit gets put to 0 for genderless Pokémon or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but I'd guess that's what you're hitting.
Quick look through shows that the PID: F0CDE300 (one bit off) appears at frame 65 with a lax nature [maybe that bit gets put to 0 for genderless Pokémon or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but I'd guess that's what you're hitting.
Wait no, it not off. 65 is 70CDE300. I'm blind xD. But lax isn't bold so it shouldn't be syncable right?

And me encountering metang on the same frame like 6 times is just by chance right?
Wait no, it not off. 65 is 70CDE300. I'm blind xD. But lax isn't bold so it shouldn't be syncable right?

And me encountering metang on the same frame like 6 times is just by chance right?
Then that bit probably has something to do with the profile used, but it appears that frame is syncable on mine, so maybe that's just another thing that's not quite implemented correctly in RNG Reporter.

In any event, I believe (from my experience at least, which is pretty much limited to White Forest for B2W2 I'm afraid, which is known to break the norm for no good reason) that the frames which have an encounter trigger depend on other random details besides the current seed. Try walking in different patterns, taking different amounts of time to open and close menus, etc. to see if that yields any different results. [Sorry this isn't particularly helpful beyond "try a bunch of different things with your fingers crossed".]
Do TID and SID need to be the same in 2 games to make pokemon obtained in one nicknameable in another or just TID? I want to rng my TID/SID so that pokemon I RNG in Gen 5 are nicknameable in Gen 6.
Do TID and SID need to be the same in 2 games to make pokemon obtained in one nicknameable in another or just TID? I want to rng my TID/SID so that pokemon I RNG in Gen 5 are nicknameable in Gen 6.

Needs to be TID/SID, trainer name, and possibly gender as well. Though I've heard you may or may not need the same game version as well starting Gen V, but I'm not sure.
noob question. When I'm looking for stationary shiny frames on Gen 5 (white cart) I get hexaflawless spreads with different natures depending on the month. Can those natures be changed or if I want a specific nature I should be using the appropriate hexaflawless seed? I'm aiming for Rash hexaflawless and have obtained Impish Adamant Relaxed Naive so far. Just double checking because looking for these seeds take some time
noob question. When I'm looking for stationary shiny frames on Gen 5 (white cart) I get hexaflawless spreads with different natures depending on the month. Can those natures be changed or if I want a specific nature I should be using the appropriate hexaflawless seed? I'm aiming for Rash hexaflawless and have obtained Impish Adamant Relaxed Naive so far. Just double checking because looking for these seeds take some time

If the seed is syncable, then you can use any sync you want to change the nature. It should show the nature in bold if it's a syncable seed, otherwise you need to look for a new one.
I have general question about RNGing. These Are: Is it's worth to RNG Pokemon at the moment ?
Is RNGing really so complicated like it seem to be now at the Moment ?
RNGing makes getting flawless IVs and shinies considerably easier in the past gens, so yes I'd say it's worth it. People always like flawless legendaries for trading too if that's what you mean. It may seem complicated at first, but you'll get the hang of it :) Don't give up! Between the plethora of guides and this help thread, you shouldn't be short on resources if you need them.
RNGing makes getting flawless IVs and shinies considerably easier in the past gens, so yes I'd say it's worth it. People always like flawless legendaries for trading too if that's what you mean. It may seem complicated at first, but you'll get the hang of it :) Don't give up! Between the plethora of guides and this help thread, you shouldn't be short on resources if you need them.

Okay :) I will let you know when I am really need help :)