ORAS UU Viability Ranking Thread M3 (READ POST #823)

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Actually Mega Absol is weaker due to lower BP STABs and lack of LO. A LO Gunk Shot hits harder than unboosted Knock Offs. Anyway so this post isn't so short and because someone mentioned a Mega Absol drop earlier I would like to support Absol for B. It's power is disappointing without SD but due to its awful bulk and defensive typing it rarely finds the opportunity to set up. I tried using it and most of the time I got a Knock off or two on something like defensive Pert or Suicune and then died to any attack ever
Lol when are you going to click gunk shot against offense? Knock off is a better move than gunk shot. By that logic you can only get a drain punch or two on pert then die to earthquake. Btw croak and absol both have very shitty bulk but absol has a much better speed tier and it has no life orb recoil. Also when does toxicroak get it's setup opportunities other than hyper passive water types?
Lol when are you going to click gunk shot against offense? Knock off is a better move than gunk shot. By that logic you can only get a drain punch or two on pert then die to earthquake. Btw croak and absol both have very shitty bulk but absol has a much better speed tier and it has no life orb recoil. Also when does toxicroak get it's setup opportunities other than hyper passive water types?
Toxicroak sets up on much more than absol, dont know if u have noticed but every non offense team in this tier has a passive water, also mabsol is much easier to switch into and takes up a mega slot while not being able to get drain punch recovery.
Mega absol should absolutely drop to B it is a waste of a mega slot and I dont care what anyone says mega absol is very rarely the optimal use of a mega, it requires huge amounts of team support and so many more mons can be better SD sweepers on offense/balance. Mabsol simply does not pressure most teams especially compared to other offense megas like aero, bee, sceptile, etc. which all fill more roles than mabsol such as gaining momentum, checking threats to offense, or checking bulky waters. Mabsol at most is some for fun mon that people say is good but in reality it is just a waste of a team slot in most roles since all this mon ends up being is a shit SD mon, and I know some people will say it can prevent hazards but it cant even switch in to 90% of rockers and it has to be mega'd.
Lol when are you going to click gunk shot against offense? Knock off is a better move than gunk shot. By that logic you can only get a drain punch or two on pert then die to earthquake. Btw croak and absol both have very shitty bulk but absol has a much better speed tier and it has no life orb recoil. Also when does toxicroak get it's setup opportunities other than hyper passive water types?

Well for one thing I said Croak is more powerful than than Absol which is true, not sure why you are comparing their matchup vs offense as an attack to what I said. Anyway it's not hard to think of when you can use Gunk Shot. On Scarfshao for example you get a free Gunk shot. On Sharpedo you can Gunk Shot although it would probably be better to Drain Punch. Anyway croak gets far more opportunities to set up since it has much much better typing and ability. You also shrug off Croak's ability to abuse bulky waters and act as if it can never set up. Bulky waters are on nearly every team and believe it or not Croak beats all of them excluding Ice Beam stoise and Pert. So Toxicroak has a much, much easier time switching in than Absol which can literally come on nothing except psychic attacks but then you realize that it can't even beat Cress 1v1 LOL.

Sure Absol probably is better vs offense due to SP and better speed tier but it's shit vs any fat team and NEEDS voltturn support if it wants to come in at all. It should drop to B
Toxicroak sets up on much more than absol, dont know if u have noticed but every non offense team in this tier has a passive water, also mabsol is much easier to switch into and takes up a mega slot while not being able to get drain punch recovery.
Mega absol should absolutely drop to B it is a waste of a mega slot and I dont care what anyone says mega absol is very rarely the optimal use of a mega, it requires huge amounts of team support and so many more mons can be better SD sweepers on offense/balance. Mabsol simply does not pressure most teams especially compared to other offense megas like aero, bee, sceptile, etc. which all fill more roles than mabsol such as gaining momentum, checking threats to offense, or checking bulky waters. Mabsol at most is some for fun mon that people say is good but in reality it is just a waste of a team slot in most roles since all this mon ends up being is a shit SD mon, and I know some people will say it can prevent hazards but it cant even switch in to 90% of rockers and it has to be mega'd.
I got sniped!

Toxicroak exceeds the B plus ranking. Its kind of like cobalion being an offensive threat while being able to wall mons completely such as heracross, sharpedo, and feraligatr. I also find it hard to switch into toxicroak too now that Bob made EQ croak popular. Stuff like chandelure nidoqueen and doublade are no longer safe switch ins. Croak has its down falls. Speed and low stats suck. But it still fits the A rank description well enough.

Absol sweeps whole teams after a sword dance although it is really hard to get a sword dance off. If you want to counter offensce combining something like doublade and absol works to force you opponent to lock himself into knock off allowing absol to sweep the opposing team. Stall it is a bit easier having plus one adament absol kill salamence with play rough and absol being able to take weak stabs from physical walls. Minor alterations to a team can orientate an easier absol sweep. Now absol can rarely sweep alone. It needs support. But when it does have support it demolishes teams. I dont know where I stand. I was never really bothered by its ranking.
Its kind of like cobalion being an offensive threat while being able to wall mons completely such as heracross


And to make sure this isn't spam, toxicroak is pretty crucial in the meta as it answers gatr and suicune very well. Bob's eq set is the icing on the cake. Poison is also a good typing defensively, especially against popularmons like Cobalion
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Honestly I wouldn't be all too hooked on croaks defensive abilities since its low defense and hp really let it down meaning with rocks up it is one of the worst coba checks and really can't switch in to most physical attackers even those who's STABs are resisted. I would more so focus on attacking power and setup potential which croak has quite a good amount of, also since coba, whims, and doublade being really popular rn I think croak has even more viability since it can beat/take chunks out of all of them especially when paired with puff or mega aero who love blade weakened. Cune making a bit of a comeback (not that it was ever really bad) also helps croak to setup and most bulky waters give croak the same chances.
B+ to A-: Agree. Toxicroak is so good in the current meta, not sure why it isn't seen more. I wouldn't say its offensive capabilities alone push it up to A-, but rather its defensive utility. Due to Dry Skin, Toxicroak gets setup opportunities on basically all bulky waters in the tier, notably Suicune and Empoleon. It can even reliably switch into Mega Blastoise, which runs Water/Dark/Fighting coverage the majority of the time. Its typing also provides it with handy resistances to Dark, Fighting, Rock, and Bug, allowing it to check Mienshao, Heracross, Sharpedo, and most SD Feraligatr sets (honestly, being able to check this thing in itself is reason to move up). Toxicroak also has a good movepool that makes it difficult to play around after an SD. Gunk Shot and Drain Punch are standard, but the last slot can be given to Sucker Punch for decently hard-hitting priority, Ice Punch to nail Gligar (+2 252 Atk Life Orb Toxicroak Ice Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Gligar: 348-411 (104.5 - 123.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO), Knock Off for Doublade and bulky psychics like Reuniclus (+2 252 Atk Life Orb Toxicroak Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Reuniclus: 411-486 (96.9 - 114.6%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO), and even Taunt to prevent RoarCune from phasing it out. So yeah, great defensive utility with a threatening offensive presence that shuts down almost all bulky waters, including the most threatening bulky set up sweeper in the tier definitely puts Toxicroak above the likes of Moltres and Tentacruel.

B+ to B: Disagree. I think Mega Absol is perfectly fine at B+. It is by no means a waste of a team slot / mega. Mega Absol is strong; to put it into perspective, Jolly Mega Absol's Knock Off hits as hard as Dread Plate Krookodile's. It also sits at a fantastic speed tier, outspeeding nearly the entire unboosted tier. Mega Absol can even go mixed due to its solid base 115 Spa, so would-be checks like Forretress, Mega Aggron and Gligar can by broken with Fire Blast and Ice Beam, respectively. Magic Bounce is also a really interesting ability, allowing Mega Absol to deter your opponent from setting hazards and potentially bounce them back. It also makes Mega Absol immune to potentially crippling status, such as Thunder Wave from the likes of Porygon2 and Stun Spore / Encore from Whimsicott. The reason I don't think it should move up, however, is because of its dependence on team support to perform to its full effectiveness. Due to its fragility, Mega Absol really does not get many opportunities to SD up, though if given the opportunity it can easily sweep offensive teams and clean weakened defensive ones. It is not a pokemon you have the potential to sweep with every game, unlike Feraligatr or Suicune. Mega Absol also has many common checks even after an SD, including Scarf Hydreigon, Heracross, Chesnaught, Mega Aggron and Florges, among many others, so you often have to keep it in the back and whittle down your opponent's team before attempting to set up. However, Mega Absol is hardly ever deadweight and can be just as threatening as any other top tier threat with the proper support, so it should stay where it is.
Yeah, I definitely agree that Toxicroak should move up to A-. It's a pretty good counter to the plentiful Water-types thanks to Dry Skin, and that gives it good opportunities to set up while your opponent switches out. It has a decent defensive typing, and it's offensive typing isn't too shabby either. I can see this frogger moving up.

I don't have much of an opinion on Mega Absol since I don't use it in all honesty. Seeing that it does have really good attacking stats, a pretty good offensive move pool and a great ability in Magic Bounce, I would think those tools are good enough for it to not drop down.

If I may make a nomination of my own, I was thinking of nominating Barbaracle from Unranked to C Rank.


I think this mon is pretty underrated as a Shell Smash sweeper. If someone was to use a Shell Smash sweeper, Cloyster would come to mind because of it's move pool and great offensive typing, something that Barbaracle may kinda lack, but I believe Barbaracle has some useful pros over Cloyster.

While it's typing isn't that spectacular, it does have more resistances than Cloyster, being resistant to Flying, Ice, Poison, Normal, and very resistant to Fire moves. Because of these resistances, it is actually able to switch into some resisted attacks, something Cloyster isn't able to do much. Thanks to its decent 72/115/86 defenses, it can take some resisted hits pretty well, and can also take some neutral hits to. Rock/Water isn't a really bad offensive typing either, being able to hit many Pokemon in the tier for neutral damage, barring a few mons. While it doesn't have the greatest offensive move pool, what it does get are still decent coverage options like Cross Chop, Razor Shell, X-Scissor, Poison Jab, and the EdgeQuake combo, which all can do some pretty good damage coming from Barbaracle's 105 Attack.

It does have plenty of cons though. While it does have a few good resists, it's weaknesses are pretty nasty, being weak to the common Electric, Fighting, Ground, and especially Grass moves. These weaknesses can be alleviated somewhat by having team members that resist these moves, such as Salamence, Doublade, Chestnaught, etc. Depending on what play style you're facing off against, it might not have a good opportunity to set up Shell Smash. Some of it's best moves do have accuracy issues, which means if it doesn't hit the opponent, then it's probably good as dead. It is also slower than Cloyster, and because of that, it is outsped by more mons than Cloyster would be, even after a Shell Smash.

Despite these problems, I do believe Barbaracle has a niche as a Shell Smash sweeper, with its own differences and set of options to give it usage over Cloyster.

Edit: Here are some replays of Barbaracle in action.


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Barbaracle was pretty cool during the Pidgeot meta, as it could use Pidgeot as setup bait for a late game sweep. Haven't tried it in this meta yet, but with the metagame becoming slower and bulkier overall I worry about its effectiveness. That said, thanks for reminding me that this is something I've been meaning to try out again lately.
On the brought up nominations from last page to which I can comment on:

Entei to drop to A: I have to disagree with this. Entei is so strong I actually don't think it's an exaggeration to say any team without crocune is vulnerable to Entei. The 50% burn chance means that there are really no offensive counters at all sans mega blastoise (who's place is questionable on non BO teams). Bulky waters have to be played much more conservatively and even in cases like crocune, burns force plays. I think the argument that Entei is so predictable and you know exactly what it's going to do is actually an argument in its favour as it can still be really successful despite its predictability, testament to the sheer power of sacred fire. Being the least prediction reliant top-tier mon in UU (moreso than megadrill imo) also speaks a lot.

Beedrill to S: I made a long-ass post in M.2 thread as to why I think A was actually to high for it so if anyone actually cares for my reasoning I can dig it up. In short, I disagree, doesn't carry nearly the all-round utility or threat that the others in S have. Disagree

Toxicroak to A-: I do think croak is a good mon, dry skin is a great ability to have in a tier turning more towards a bulkier format where you often have to sacrifice your bulky water or grass type to scald burns but croak also needs a lot of support. Sure it soft checks a lot of threats but it definitely can't be relied on for defensive utility given that a lot of the things it supposedly counters often have a tool to get around it that really screws it over, e.g. subcm cune with ice beam, gatr with ice punch, CB heracross or facade, etc. This is also true as its role as a sweeper which is all it can do and certainly not as well as something like slurpuff or lucario which it would share a rank with. But given its mid-game utility and how it fits really well on to very specific more reactionary offense builds with a good deal of support, (you shouldn't be seeing much of it, it really isn't a splashable mon) I do agree it can make a home in A-.

Porygon 2 to S: lol wut, I'm pretty sure this started as a joke, but anyway, P2 sure has a lot of bulk and good recovery but its main flaw imo is how it is a completely dead slot against defensive teams unlike other blanket walls like umbreon or cress who can serve as status deterrent and cleric or a boosting win condition/lunar dance support respectively.

Whimsicott to A+: Agree. I think it is clearly the best glue mon in the tier (only close competition imo is cobalion) but it honestly is so adaptable and carries some really clutch resistances and support moves on top of a great speed tier that ensure it pulls its weight pretty much every game.
Toxicroak should definitely move up. Not only can it threaten a lot of balance cores like Florges/Suicune/Forretress, but it can also thrive vs offense where its typing and Dry Skin allow it to check stuff like Heracross and Mienshao, Mega Beedrill, Feraligatr, and Mega Blastoise. Apart from Crobat, nothing on more offensive teams enjoys switching into Fighting/Poison coverage, especially with Gunk Shots chance to poison things like Aero and Mega Swampert. And again, while this can be said for a lot of offensive threats with good coverage, Toxicroak can actually find plenty of opportunities to switch into and check offensive mons (especially if you run bulk).

On the other hand, Mega Absol has approximately one "free" or safe switch in opportunity, and that's against Blissey, and that's only if it's already Mega Evolved. It's a pain to Mega Evolve in the first place because of its low Speed and because the very few things that it can actually 1v1 from its base form. Also, I'd personally never run Swords Dance on Mega Absol due to a) aforementioned extremely limited switchin/setup opportunities and b) even if you set up, you're probably going to get walled by a Chesnaught or Mega Aggron anyway since that's what's found on teams where you'll have the chance to set up. Instead I'd always go with a coverage or support option like Iron Tail, Pursuit, or Baton Pass. Fire Blast and Ice Beam would also be better than SD. It's true that it's strong and has good moves, but realistically it's going to have very little room to actually put in work because of all its flaws. Definitely agree with this dropping.
On the other hand, Mega Absol has approximately one "free" or safe switch in opportunity, and that's against Blissey, and that's only if it's already Mega Evolved. It's a pain to Mega Evolve in the first place because of its low Speed and because the very few things that it can actually 1v1 from its base form. Also, I'd personally never run Swords Dance on Mega Absol due to a) aforementioned extremely limited switchin/setup opportunities and b) even if you set up, you're probably going to get walled by a Chesnaught or Mega Aggron anyway since that's what's found on teams where you'll have the chance to set up. Instead I'd always go with a coverage or support option like Iron Tail, Pursuit, or Baton Pass. Fire Blast and Ice Beam would also be better than SD. It's true that it's strong and has good moves, but realistically it's going to have very little room to actually put in work because of all its flaws. Definitely agree with this dropping.

I mean you could meme it up and run Will-O-Wisp on Absol to snag its counters.

Though to be honest I agree that Absol is just very hard to use at the moment because of its really bad defensive typing and bad defenses. It's biggest problem is Mega-Evolving safely. On the other hand, the issue you mentioned about getting walled by Nuts and Aggron could be mitigated if it runs Fire Blast over Play Rough (not the best option but eh).

0 SpA Mega Absol Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Chesnaught: 226-268 (59.4 - 70.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Aggron is still a problem, but we can't really blame it for that. SD + WoW is pretty underrated since it creates more set-up opportunities against some of UU's physical threats and wreck stall.
Yo, yo yo, It's me BrandonBeast, back from the depths of banhood, with an all new nomination! So, let's go foes!

Pangoro to B+
Pangoro is so very underrated. It has an amazing offensive typing with a powerful 124 attack that makes it a powerful wallbreaker. It can run Choice Band to hit hard right off the bat, or use Swords Dance to destroy stall and some more slower teams. Iron Fist makes it's punching moves even more powerful, and it has coverage in Gunk Shot to maim dem Fairies! Pangoro can even add some utility to it's team by checking Psychic types and Knock Offing items! Pangoro does have some flaws, though, that keep it from the higher ranks. It's extremely slow, and it needs to run a lot of investment to even outspeed Cresselia. It's also not even that bulky, which sort of sucks, making it have a bad matchup against more offensive teams. But Pangoro is a really under-the-radar threat that I think needs to be moved up, so Pangoro to B+ babies!

I agree with Jellicent to B+, that thing checks so much things and is a nightmare to face for stall,and it's pretty splashable as well.

Also, why the hell is Infernape still A-? It's clearly A rank material right now.
that honestly reads like an analysis overview haha

bb post said:
It has an amazing offensive typing with a powerful base 124 attack
onsite analysis said:
boasts a great offensive typing combined with a very high base attack

bb post said:
Gunk Shot to maim dem Fairies!
onsite analysis said:
Gunk Shot to maim Fairy-types

bb post said:
It's extremely slow, and it needs to run a lot of investment to even outspeed Cresselia. It's also not even that bulky, which sort of sucks, making it have a bad matchup against more offensive teams.
onsite analysis said:
However Pangoro's low Speed means it is easily revenge killed, making it a liability at times, especially against offensive teams.
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RIP Brandonbeast August 20th - August 20th. Anyway I have one new nom to make and that is...

A+ to S: Reuniclus is probably the best mon in A+ right now due to zero opportunity cost (basically it isn't a mega), being able to fit on pretty much any team, blanket checking so many threats and turning certain fatmons into liabilities, and threatening to win or punch holes in a team at the smallest mistake. Cobalion is super popular right now and Reuniclus destroys most sets bar Iron Head flinches or Focus Blast misses, although CM Cobalion seems like a solid lure. Snorlax is another popular mon right now that again just dies to it unless Snorlax haxes it to death. Whimsicott is forced to eat a psyshock each time Reuniclus comes if a team relies on her to check it, and her lackluster bulk and lack of recovery makes it very easy to wear down (also Whims can't do anything back unless it is max SpA). Reuniclus is THE reason why Suicunes are running Roar now, and also a huge reason as to why Doublade is being thrown on every team (look at the sample team thread, literally all of the non outdated teams but one have Doublade). However, Reuniclus isn't a one trick pony. It's assault vest threat is also really good and turns Doublade, probably the best Reuniclus check, into a liability because of Shadow Ball. I remember playing a ladder match against an AV Reuni and it wasn't even 2HKOed by LO Kyurem's Draco (ignoring the drop of course). The AV set has risen in usage this past month (by 7%), and Shadow Ball also has risen in usage by approximately the same amount. So basically nothing is a safe switch in to this monster, and making aggressive switch ins and doubles won't even help you in wearing it down because Regenerator and Magic Guard make it nearly impossible. Nobody wants to switch in their Dark type and risk it being obliterated by Focus Blast, but if you let it CM then special attackers can't even break it anymore (Hydra, Blastoise). Hell, the AV set doesn't even give a shit about Hydreigon's Dark Pulse. Furthermore, one of the best Reuniclus revenge killers, Band Heracross, is falling in usage month after month (went from 10.3% to 8.8% to 7.3% over the past 2 months). Bee is rising in usage however it's U-Turn doesn't even OHKO it so Reuniclus can just recover it off LOL. It's best counter is Escavalier but that is nowhere to be seen (it really should be used more). I know I am not alone when I say that Reuniclus is terrifying to face and is one of the first mons that I think of when teambuilding.
Arcanine To B Rank
Arcanine has fallen from it's grace as a defensive and offensive fire type; As an offensive fire type its faces competition from entei who has better Speed, Attack Power, overall bulk, and a better fire STAB, and as defensive wall, it loses to the common powerful water types in the tier like swampart(mega), suicune,, mega blastoise, and Gatr. 90/80/80 stats arent that great for a "wall" even with the intimidate drop, arcanine for the defensive role has the tools for the job in its move pool and ability, but its stats just don't support it well in the current meta. For its offensive role it does have 110/110/95 which is great attack, spa, and speed, great stats for an offensive mon, but faces competition like said before with entei who as a physical attacker out-classes besides that arcanine has access to Wild Charge, which is a good STAB for water types, but outside of that has nothing major over entei, leaving a special set which isn't all that common if at all, and even somewhat out-classed by chandelure or moltres, but can be argued that chandelure and moltres are quite different from arcanine because of typing and niche's. What i think that should keep arcanine from dropping below B rank is that it still has its move pool and ability that can separate it to an extant from other pokes and can still preform its niche's "decently", but needs support and or is out-classed to an extant(move pool/ability) by other fire pokes in the tier, and is checked/walled by common threats (gatr, mega aero, mega swampart, etc).
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Mega Sceptile - B+ to Unranked: Simply put, there is no reason to use this in UU. Lightning Rod + Discharge/Parabolic Charge isn't even OP at all.

Mega Swampert - A to S+: In rain, Ice Punch OHKO's and outspeeds 4 defense Salemence
Mega Sceptile - B+ to Unranked: Simply put, there is no reason to use this in UU. Lightning Rod + Discharge/Parabolic Charge isn't even OP at all.

Mega Swampert - A to S+: In rain, Ice Punch OHKO's and outspeeds 4 defense Salemence
Woooooow, calm down, we can't drop Mega Sceptile that farthe. Altho, welcome to Smogon! I honestely think that Mega Sceptile only niche in HO would be being a nice Yellow Magick and Volt Switch absorbers and really above average speed so it can clean against a VERY worned out team. But really, even if we drop Mega Sceptile to unranked in the future, we must do it step by step, no one will agree to just drop it to the limbo rn.
E: Now that I mention it, to support even further Sceptile dropping, the OP says B+ represents fairly common and threatening threats. I mean, really?
Arcanine To B Rank
Arcanine has fallen from it's grace as a defensive and offensive fire type; As an offensive fire type its faces competition from entei who has better Speed, Attack Power, overall bulk, and a better fire STAB, and as defensive wall, it loses to the common powerful water types in the tier like swampart(mega), suicune,, mega blastoise, and Gatr. 90/80/80 stats arent that great for a "wall" even with the intimidate drop, arcanine for the defensive role has the tools for the job in its move pool and ability, but its stats just don't support it well in the current meta. For its offensive role it does have 110/110/95 which is great attack, spa, and speed, great stats for an offensive mon, but faces competition like said before with entei who as a physical attacker out-classes besides that arcanine has access to Wild Charge, which is a good STAB for water types, but outside of that has nothing major over entei, leaving a special set which isn't all that common if at all, and even somewhat out-classed by chandelure or moltres, but can be argued that chandelure and moltres are quite different from arcanine because of typing and niche's. What i think that should keep arcanine from dropping below B rank is that it still has its move pool and ability that can separate it to an extant from other pokes and can still preform its niche's "decently", but needs support and or is out-classed to an extant(move pool/ability) by other fire pokes in the tier, and is checked/walled by common threats (gatr, mega aero, mega swampart, etc).
I can't agree with this nom. Defensive arcanine is very very good. Go check the calcs man. Even adament Merao can't break through after the intimidate. Its defensive stats are great even without the intimidate. I do tend to use arcanine over entei as an offensive mon because of its ability to check other physical attackers and a more colorful move pool. I have also been trying banded outrage for the 'safe' salamence switch ins. Its actually a 2hko on defensive sally. Crunch outspeeds and kills chandelure. Wildcharge is great coverage. Cc leaves you with 120 base power move to get umbreon or snorlax or kill blissey without killing yourself with recoil. It really is a great mon and its not just for low ladder use.
Mega Sceptile - B+ to Unranked: Simply put, there is no reason to use this in UU. Lightning Rod + Discharge/Parabolic Charge isn't even OP at all.

Mega Swampert - A to S+: In rain, Ice Punch OHKO's and outspeeds 4 defense Salemence
Lol. Sceptile is not useless if it doesnt get a Spattack boost. Plus volt switch is pretty popular if you want to make that argument. Swamp has to use a turn to set up rain which leaves it vunerable to one attack which isnt bad considering its bulk but just keep that in mind. Its not invincable in rain.

As for reuniclus, I don't know. I'm conflicted because of the popularity of dark types and chandelure. It is very veratile being able to act as a trickroom cleaner, set up sweeper, or a special tank. Ill have more thought out posts later when Im on a computer.
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Mega Sceptile - B+ to Unranked: Simply put, there is no reason to use this in UU. Lightning Rod + Discharge/Parabolic Charge isn't even OP at all.

Mega Swampert - A to S+: In rain, Ice Punch OHKO's and outspeeds 4 defense Salemence
Im not trying to be rude but since you are clearly new to uu at least I recommend you lurk forums for awhile before posting especially arguments in this thread discussing the mons you are interested in.
As for dropping sceptile I think you are really underestimating it and if you are going to post a nomination for a drop u are supposed to post what meta game changes make it worse, however the meta game has only improved sceptile as the tier is becoming more offensive his great speed tier is a fantastic asset that and since he is so fast you can often run modest like you would run adamant on bee. I could see the argument of mamoswine making sceptile worse however mence is an even more common recent drop and sceptile is a decent check since it can outspeed and ohko, also mega burd being banned makes it so sceptile faces less competition as a fast sp attacking mega while also losing a common check. Overall I would say keep sceptile where it is since it has only gotten better as of late but not enough to warrant a rise imo.
Im not trying to be rude but since you are clearly new to uu at least I recommend you lurk forums for awhile before posting especially arguments in this thread discussing the mons you are interested in.
As for dropping sceptile I think you are really underestimating it and if you are going to post a nomination for a drop u are supposed to post what meta game changes make it worse, however the meta game has only improved sceptile as the tier is becoming more offensive his great speed tier is a fantastic asset that and since he is so fast you can often run modest like you would run adamant on bee. I could see the argument of mamoswine making sceptile worse however mence is an even more common recent drop and sceptile is a decent check since it can outspeed and ohko, also mega burd being banned makes it so sceptile faces less competition as a fast sp attacking mega while also losing a common check. Overall I would say keep sceptile where it is since it has only gotten better as of late but not enough to warrant a rise imo.

I only play UU on showdown. Why? Cuz in OU you can have like 6 steel types or dragons and win. In UU, you actually have to care. I made this account only to make that post because ice shard makes everything easy nowadays.
Woooooow, calm down, we can't drop Mega Sceptile that farthe. Altho, welcome to Smogon! I honestely think that Mega Sceptile only niche in HO would be being a nice Yellow Magick and Volt Switch absorbers and really above average speed so it can clean against a VERY worned out team. But really, even if we drop Mega Sceptile to unranked in the future, we must do it step by step, no one will agree to just drop it to the limbo rn.
E: Now that I mention it, to support even further Sceptile dropping, the OP says B+ represents fairly common and threatening threats. I mean, really?
Mega Sceptile is actually a HUGE threat to HO teams, being able to outspeed the entire tier unboosted (bar Mega Aero) and even some slow scarf mons such as Timid Chandelure. It also is extremely powerful, you can't really laugh at a Leaf Storm coming from 145 base Special Attack and its Dragon Pulses, while not as powerful, still hit pretty decently and can clean lategame after the opposing team is weakened. Also, it's ability is a given, being able to make the opponent think twice before clicking that Volt Switch and also pressuring Gligar+Pory2+Cobalion+RotomC fuga cores, which are becoming pretty popular right now, if packing Focus Blast, which I recommend.

Now, vs. more defensive teams it's not as good, given its lack of boosting moves for the special set, but it can still check, if not counter, bulky waters and break through mons like Doublade, which in theory walls it, but in reality takes 30% from Dragon Pulse, and because it has no recovery, is easily weakened for a teammate to sweep. That is if you don't pack HP Fire, which smacks a 2HKO on Doublade and Whimsicott. Moreover, it can even run a mixed set with Iron Tail, which only needs 96 Atk EVs to KO standard Florges after a Leaf Storm and open up for another teammate to clean, such as ScarfMence, which is what I've been running recently with wonderful results, as no one would ever doubt to send a Florges against a Mega Sceptile.

All in all, Mega Sceptile may not be an amazing mon, but it's pretty good given the proper team help and I think it's completely fine at B+.
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