Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Is the speed a killer for this?

Yveltal Mild 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 27 / 27

I'm starting to lean toward keep because the suggested EV spread can be adjusted to add 4 more speed.
SRing the shiny Yveltal and was wondering if a 31/28/31/31/31/31 Rash has any trade value? If not no biggy I'll keep SRing for a better one, got this in 5 tries. xD
SRing the shiny Yveltal and was wondering if a 31/28/31/31/31/31 Rash has any trade value? If not no biggy I'll keep SRing for a better one, got this in 5 tries. xD
Hard to say. The attack IV isn't flawless and it is a mixed attacker, but on the other hand it is a high IV and might see some interest.
Hard to say. The attack IV isn't flawless and it is a mixed attacker, but on the other hand it is a high IV and might see some interest.
Yeah I wasn't sure if I should keep it or keep SRing seeing as at lvl 50 it is 150/151 Attack so only missing the 1 point but at lvl 100 it's 295/298 missing 3 points sadly. Kind of leaning towards tossing it and SRing for a better one.

Mainly looking to get a really nice shiny Yveltal to trade for an equally good shiny Xerneas since I missed that event. :(

Edit: Decided to toss and keep SRing for a better one.
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SRing the shiny Yveltal and was wondering if a 31/28/31/31/31/31 Rash has any trade value? If not no biggy I'll keep SRing for a better one, got this in 5 tries. xD

I'd keep imo, mixed attacker mainly uses Sucker Punch as its only attacking move, so missing a few points is no biggie. Nice reset btw
Hey guys, I have a spare Mew code on me. Since I cannot go to Gamestop, I'm looking for a Darkrai code. Thanks in advance.

(P.S: Mew codes expire on the 31st iirc)
Does anyone have;

>Reckless Starly/Staravia/Staraptor, female and preferably with some sort of matching ball? Maybe premier or something, idk what would really go good with grey. I just don't want a regular pokeball, ultra ball, or great ball.

>Natu/Xatu with magic bounce in a heal ball or nest ball and female

Making a bird team, and I can't find these guys on the GTS... because it's the GTS.

I have lots of spitbacks I can trade, although most of them don't have matching balls. I have a few of 5IV naive chimchars (including some females) since I've been breeding for six IVs and a mixed set if those are of interest. I have some quiet tynamo in dusk and normal balls, some jolly sandile, and some modest roselia and coragunk (drain punch, fake out, and vacuum wave) as well. I've bred a bunch of Pokemon so really just ask and I'll see.
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Does anyone have;
>Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon in a dive ball and female

Piplup line can't be in anything but regular Pokeball and female at the same time, legally. There was a Dream World Event, but that was gender locked to be male.
Piplup line can't be in anything but regular Pokeball and female at the same time, legally. There was a Dream World Event, but that was gender locked to be male.
I didn't realize it wasn't a friend safari one -- probably should have checked. That sucks XP At least I don't have to go out and find one now though.
Does anyone have;

>Reckless Starly/Staravia/Staraptor, female and preferably with some sort of matching ball? Maybe premier or something, idk what would really go good with grey. I just don't want a regular pokeball, ultra ball, or great ball.

>Natu/Xatu with magic bounce in a heal ball or nest ball and female

>Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon in a dive ball and female

>Archen/Archeops in anything but a normal pokeball, great ball, or ultra ball and female

Making a bird team, and of course I have basically none of the Pokemon I need for it... And they basically all need hidden abilities XP

I have lots of spitbacks I can trade, although most of them don't have matching balls. I have a few of 5IV naive chimchars (including some females) since I've been breeding for six IVs and a mixed set if those are of interest. I have some quiet tynamo in dusk and normal balls, some jolly sandile, and some modest roselia and coragunk (drain punch, fake out, and vacuum wave) as well. I've bred a bunch of Pokemon so really just ask and I'll see.
Similar to the piplup line archen was also only available in a cherish ball so no bred archen line can be in anything other than pokeball
Similar to the piplup line archen was also only available in a cherish ball so no bred archen line can be in anything other than pokeball
I actually did looks that up; the site I found said they could be in dream world balls... I guess that wasn't true. I was hoping to have this team with all special balls but alas it will not be.
Looking for a Gale Wings Fletchling or someone with the FC for the Fletchinder Friend Safari. I've got good IV/Natured Froakies, Gligars, Riolus, Torchics and probably some other stuff
Hi, does anyone have a 31/x/31/29+/31/29+ Bold Suicune they'd be willing to trade me? I've been playing around with my team for the Johto Classic for a while and think that a bold Suicune would help quite a bit. I don't have any soft reset legends to trade but would trade shinies/other fully trained Pokemon from my trade thread at a rate of at least 2:1.
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I have a 31/30/31/31/31/30 Bold already ev trained (max hp max defense) but it's the only one I have, can anyone clone it?

I can clone it for you. How many copies do you want/need?
Also which method do you prefer, codes/back-up?
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I just need one copy for Wubba Lubba. As for the method use the one you prefer =) My FC is 1736-4544-8973

Alright, I'm adding you and proceed to hop online for the trade.
On a side note, it might also be a good idea in general to add your Friend-Code and in-game name to your signature for other trainers to see in the future.
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I have a 31/30/31/31/31/30 Bold already ev trained (max hp max defense) but it's the only one I have, can anyone clone it?
Thank you so much! If you haven't already traded with Maximum Optimizer I can clone it for you as well. Let me know if there's any specific Pokemon you want in return.
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