Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Apparently there was a "leak" that said that that ship or whatever where you fight Lance and stuff takes you to a part of another region, probably like in FR/LG. Has that leak proven anything accurate or not? I can see Kalos being that ship if they really do bring back mega evolutions (:() or Sinnoh) because I too don't see a DPPt remake but I do see a massive omage.

First, Spoiler tags.
Can you link us to the leak? It's hard to know what leak you're talking about since leak are like grains of sand in the desert.
Legitimacy of the leak aside, who knows if its true or not (so far "trustworthy" leaks we've got have been telling half truths at best). I personally doubt the going to other region part as that's a bit of a trip just to go sightseeing or a quick glimpse of a familiar landmark. But meeting past trainers... I'm willing to think that's plausible. Part of Alola is an island resort, and people need a vacation now and again including Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champions, and anyone else really. Wouldn't be surprised if here and there you may meet a familiar face, would be a cool feature especially if they cycle through characters, and of course, let you battle them.
I thought everyone knew it's pretty much an inevitability that DPPt would eventually get remakes. There's like, nothing to lose for Nintendo/Gamefreak by doing them and they will make dumb amounts of money. Remember, there are some people who started playing in that generation. Arceus is mega popular in Japan too.
I don't think it's inevitable at all. If anything it seems like they're gearing up to do re-remakes of the Gen I games.
I don't think it's inevitable at all. If anything it seems like they're gearing up to do re-remakes of the Gen I games.
Why would they make remakes of the originals when they recently rereleased them?

Anyway, how about we chill on the remake speculation and have some Pancakes? We have a choice between Riachu's Psychic Pancakes and Snorlax's painful ones now.

Since I've pointed out the subtle changes with the Previous Alola forms, I'm going to point out that Rattata's claws have slightly more white/tan and the teeth are more shovel like than Pure Normal's square/rectangle teeth.
Edit: As Pikachu315111 Pointed out, the legs are thinner and the tail thicker. Since I posted this, I've also noticed that the bottom of the ears are flat instead of sloping down and that the cheeks are tan. (How'd I miss the cheeks?)
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I don't think it's inevitable at all. If anything it seems like they're gearing up to do re-remakes of the Gen I games.

People have already mentioned that they just re-released RBY but besides that they're compatible with Sun and Moon too.

I feel that people are becoming consumed by the idea of "Gen 1 pandering." We have to remember that this is the 20th anniversary. Them focusing on Kanto Pokemon shouldn't be that surprising.

As someone with Mexican heritage I'm not sure I see the Alola Rattata thing but I'll be disappointed if we don't get a Raticate with a stache like El Chapo.
First, Spoiler tags.
Can you link us to the leak? It's hard to know what leak you're talking about since leak are like grains of sand in the desert.
Legitimacy of the leak aside, who knows if its true or not (so far "trustworthy" leaks we've got have been telling half truths at best). I personally doubt the going to other region part as that's a bit of a trip just to go sightseeing or a quick glimpse of a familiar landmark. But meeting past trainers... I'm willing to think that's plausible. Part of Alola is an island resort, and people need a vacation now and again including Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champions, and anyone else really. Wouldn't be surprised if here and there you may meet a familiar face, would be a cool feature especially if they cycle through characters, and of course, let you battle them.
My bad on the spoilers, I think it's the one in this video!
I do hope it's true, though some of it does sound ridiculous so it might be fake. Also if someone can tell me the original version of that song is I'd greatly appreciate, I think it's from HGSS but I can't remember the name. S_S
Also, remakes usually happen for new consoles. GBA had FRLG, DS had HGSS, and 3DS had ORAS. Unless they count the New 3DS as a new system and make a Gen IV remake just for it, Gen VII might be another skipped remake gen. But playing devil's advocate, Gen VII has done a major visual overhaul so if they maybe go by game engine for remakes then a Gen IV remake could be possible.

It has been confirmed, I believe, that Game Freak will be releasing a game for the NX within the first six months of the console's release. As the NX is supposed to have a release date in the first quarter of 2017, this means that a canon game will be released within a year of Sun and Moon, on the next generation of console. It's far too early for speculation as to what this game will actually be, but I don't think a main series game would be out of the question, as this game is not being passed off to a third party, and it fits the trend that ORAS had with XY. It is possible that the trend you mentioned would still be held true, if the game is in fact a remake. The timing would be too short for a Gen VIII release, however.

That being said, by this point, it's not a question of whether Diamond and Pearl will get remakes, it's a question of when.

Sun & Moon Trial Version:
Nice to see that they decided after the ORAS Demo data mine they're still giving us a sneak peak of how the game will play. Though now one must wonder exactly how the game is going to play out. My guess is that they'll build this demo from the "ground up", instead of just chopping off a chunk of the game leaving whatever was in there still in there they'll instead pick and choose what gets put in this demo (sort of like a fanmade game using a existing game's assets). Why build it from the ground up instead of just deleting stuff from the chunk of code they take? Deleting stuff could end up breaking something, and you could spend WAY more time fixing it then just having built it from scratch.
However this does raise the question of the content of the demo. Will it be like ORAS demo or will we go back to the short gameplay demos they used to have in game stores? The latter would be easier to do building it from scratch as you wouldn't have to add that much, BUT it would limit what they can do with it and probably have no connectivity to the main games which what made people interested in the ORAS Demo.
For right now we'll just have to wait, hope for the best (ORAS Demo or better) but expect the minimal (game store short demo).

It would actually be more difficult to build a demo from the ground up than it would be to edit a copy. Structurally speaking, the core requirements would be the game and graphics engines, along with whatever situational information they needed, including a reduced graphics, music, dialogue, character, and pokémon databases. The databases are separate entities from the the engines, and as long a semblance of the data space and references were still included, there shouldn't have been any structural failures. For something like the ORAS demo, they would first need to identify which aspects they planned to use and retain them, and set the storage space of the unimportant sections to an unimportant or repeating variable (such as making every non-important pokémon a copy of bulbasaur, for example), or even to null.

The fact that they didn't take these precautions indicates that either Game Freak underestimated the community's ability to break their encoding, or that the demo was either a last minute marketing scheme, or that it was planned after or had a small portion of the budget, and they didn't have resources to actually go through and make a full copy and clean up of the data. It's also possible that they knew that the demo would be hacked, and they didn't want to somehow fall liable if someone did hack it, and then tried to do something that the demo wasn't meant for, such as importing foreign data, or accessing an area that wasn't meant to be reached, similar to the Shaymin and Darkrai glitches in the Japanese Diamond and Pearl.

But really, everything important to the actual structure is built off of the graphics and game engines, and while the databases are also important, they don't need to be whole for a demo, either. Databases are meant to be variable, unlike the engines, and almost everything that is actually important that could be leaked would be in one database or another.

Either way, just for the sake of not having everything being put up to risk and temptation and to be spoiled ahead of time, I'd rather not see a demo.
Ok so if they needed to take some time to update the site that's understandable. Previous videos have had like right after - 1 hour period of delay...but over a day? I need my info dumb and am really getting annoyed at this.
Ok so if they needed to take some time to update the site that's understandable. Previous videos have had like right after - 1 hour period of delay...but over a day? I need my info dumb and am really getting annoyed at this.
Couldn't you just…watch it on

EDIT: Also, it's on the main Pokémon site, just not on the Sun/Moon site for some reason.
Couldn't you just…watch it on

EDIT: Also, it's on the main Pokémon site, just not on the Sun/Moon site for some reason.
They're talking about Alolan Rattata being added to the Sun/Moon 'new Pokémon forms' page so they can get more info on it. As well as the new Z-move info being added.

edit: By the way, the UK Pokémon Youtube Channel uploaded this video again.

There isn't really anything new aside from I think a different music track, slightly different editing and that the Japanese in the game is now subbed. But it's just really nice seeing it again; while it's overly cheesy I still love that it emphasises Pokémon bringing people together which at the end of the day is easily the best thing about it.
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I absolutely love cheesy, there's nothing that makes me shed a tear more than remembering my great days as a child! It's really the reason why I like Pokemon a lot to begin with, it's a solid game that also brings me back to the good ol days despite the fact that everthing else in my life is honestly not that good.
I don't think it's inevitable at all. If anything it seems like they're gearing up to do re-remakes of the Gen I games.

If they decide to do Kanto again they're going to have to do something different than a remake, maybe something with also Johto to get it out of the way as well.

Anyway, how about we chill on the remake speculation and have some Pancakes? We have a choice between Riachu's Psychic Pancakes and Snorlax's painful ones now.

Sense I've pointed out the subtle changes with the Previous Alola forms, I'm going to point out that Rattata's claws have slightly more white/tan and the teeth are more shovel like than Pure Normal's square/rectangle teeth.

OR Alolan Raichu can prepare the pancake batter (mixing the batter with its psychic powers and heating it with their electric attacks) and Snorlax can using Pulverizing Pancake to squish them! The perfect Alolan Pancake!


The front legs also go thinner but the tail got thicker. We can honestly keep comparing the slight design differences between the normal and Alolan Pokemon all day. Though one thing I do like is that they do draw the Alolan Pokemon is the same/similar pose as the original's most recent stock art, a nice callback and helps with seeing the differences.

Remember to not set your expectations too high or you'll just end up being disappointed.

Expect/Prepare for the worst, that way you can be pleasantly surprised when things come out alright.

Or at least feel satisfied you didn't overhype if it doesn't (and be able to say "I told you so" if your that person).

I feel that people are becoming consumed by the idea of "Gen 1 pandering." We have to remember that this is the 20th anniversary. Them focusing on Kanto Pokemon shouldn't be that surprising.

I'm fine with the pandering for merchandise and advertising, it just begins to bother me when it seems to leak into the gameplay. Yes, Sun & Moon are being released during the 20th Anniversary, but that's right now. The games appeal is going to have to last beyond that yet so far we've only been shown Gen I Pokemon getting Alolan forms (and Signature Z-Moves but we've only seen two of those so far so it can be overlooked, for now). I just also like to see other generation of Pokemon getting Alolan forms, the 20th Anniversary isn't just for Gen I but the whole franchise.

My bad on the spoilers, I think it's the one in this video!
I do hope it's true, though some of it does sound ridiculous so it might be fake. Also if someone can tell me the original version of that song is I'd greatly appreciate, I think it's from HGSS but I can't remember the name. S_S

Video was made on August 14th, so let's keep that in mind as we go over the "recent" leaks at the time:

1. Island Name: Predicitons based on the colors of Oricorio which were revealed August 1st.
2. Four Island Post Game: Who knows, could be predictions since Hawaii is more than four islands. Note the name of these islands do not match the theme of the known islands (which are names for colors). Ekahi, Elua, and Ekolu is Hawaiian for "one", "two", and "three", respectively. Kalola is Hawaiian for "coral".
3. Hoomaka Cave's Railroad: Uggh... we've moved on from Kalos. We're not going back to Kalos. Had Sun & Moon's region took place on a country near France, maybe. But it's based on Hawaii, nowhere near France. BTW "Ho'omaka" is Hawaiian for "beginning". If this was suppose to connect to Kalos I'd think the name would be hinting to that.
4. Evolution Stuff: Don't know.
5. 18 Z-Crystals: HA! BUSTED! There's more than 18!
6. Form Changes: Hmm, well now that we know their are Signature Z-Stones, maybe? Of course the main reason for this theory is just to get Ash-Greninja (changed to a more "believable" Rainbow Greninja). Just to address that, you can call it whatever you like, Ash-Greninja is called that because it takes traits of Ash's appearance. This only makes sense if you're Ash. Hence, in my book, no Ash-Greninja no matter what you call it.
7. Mega Evolutions: Don't know. I think its safe to assume they'll at least carry over the mechanic for the Pokemon it exists for.
8. Dex & Alolan Pokemon: Don't knows. However I would think one reason for Alolan form Pokemon was so they wouldn't have to make so many new Pokemon, the Alolan form of the Pokemon fill a niche a new Pokemon normally would have. Also let's do the math: 128 + 721 = 849. 1,000 - 849 = 151. See what they did there?
9. Marshadow: Don't know. Probably chose dolphin so we get a land, sky, and sea theme.
10. New Pokemon: Don't know.
11. NX & XY/SM Combo: Long time been said NX is hybrid so nothing new. I repeat, we've move on from Kalos and aren't going back.
12. Rainbow Greninja on Augest 21st: It's September 2nd as of this pos. BUSTED.
13. Z-Ring Key Stone Slot: Based on the circle imprint seen on the back of the Z-Ring when Z-Moves where shown off.
14. Battle Maison, Lugia, & Ho-Oh: Obviously there will be a Battle Facility but who knows if it'll be a new Maison (though I highly doubt it would be the same one in Gen VI, they only copy & pasted it in ORAS because they were probably short on time). Lugia & Ho-Oh is because people think they see them in the clouds, I call that pareidolia.
15. SS Anne & Former Champions: As I said, neat idea, especially if its the SS Anne, but we don't know.
16. Worlds Meowth: Okay, this happened, BUT its OT was "HAPPY".

Like with all leaks, its filled with stuff we can't prove, half truths (meaning that's probably the only true info they got), and rumors some which were busted.

Ok so if they needed to take some time to update the site that's understandable. Previous videos have had like right after - 1 hour period of delay...but over a day? I need my info dumb and am really getting annoyed at this.

Either something happened or they decided they're going to update it on the 6th with the bulk of new news.

When is the next pokemon info on sun and moon?

The 6th, 4 days from now. 6 am PDT.
NX Pokémon stuff
This has not been confirmed (pro tip: ALMOST NOTHING about the NX is confirmed at this point) and honestly sounds ludicrous. GF doesn't do consoles, I doubt Nintendo can make them develop for the system because they don't have full control over Pokémon, and it's way too close after Sun and Moon's release.
It has been confirmed, I believe, that Game Freak will be releasing a game for the NX within the first six months of the console's release. As the NX is supposed to have a release date in the first quarter of 2017, this means that a canon game will be released within a year of Sun and Moon, on the next generation of console. It's far too early for speculation as to what this game will actually be, but I don't think a main series game would be out of the question, as this game is not being passed off to a third party, and it fits the trend that ORAS had with XY. It is possible that the trend you mentioned would still be held true, if the game is in fact a remake. The timing would be too short for a Gen VIII release, however.

That being said, by this point, it's not a question of whether Diamond and Pearl will get remakes, it's a question of when.

As Karxrida said, if NX is Nintendo's next console then there won't be a main Pokemon series game on it, even if it is a Console/Handheld hybrid. The only way for GF to develop a main series game on it if its intended to also be the next handheld thus GF will then develop for it. But Nintendo insists its a console thus no main series game for it. We can get a spinoff of course, they're usually not developed by GF but I wouldn't mind if the Pokemon Company gave Genius Sonority the license to do something...

What, No! They made that? Well nice to see they're still working with the Pokemon Company but I was talking about a new Colosseum!

There ya go, make more of these!
As Karxrida said, if NX is Nintendo's next console then there won't be a main Pokemon series game on it, even if it is a Console/Handheld hybrid. The only way for GF to develop a main series game on it if its intended to also be the next handheld thus GF will then develop for it. But Nintendo insists its a console thus no main series game for it. We can get a spinoff of course, they're usually not developed by GF but I wouldn't mind if the Pokemon Company gave Genius Sonority the license to do something...

What, No! They made that? Well nice to see they're still working with the Pokemon Company but I was talking about a new Colosseum!

There ya go, make more of these!
Or something similar to their most recent console game...


Or something similar to their most recent console game...


Tell me about it! I've been replaying that actually and it's kind of hype. You have trainer customization, team preview but with the awesome metagame of gen 4, and amazingly replayable colleseums like Courtyard Colleseum. I've seriously been playing that more than OR atm to contain the hype. Highly recommend to just use your favorite Pokemon you had loaded in your Platinum game and just run through like I have! :D It really is a blast. I really hope that if that NX link is true it could be talking about how they did it in PBR.
Or something similar to their most recent console game...



We're never going to see just a straight up battling game like Stadium or Battle Revolution again. Why? Because one of the features of those games was seeing the Pokemon as 3D models which the main games are doing now. Sure these games have extra modes not seen in the main games, but would you really pay retail price for just a batch of battle modes (and better 3D models)?

A console Pokemon game is going to need something like a story mode that is not like the story in the games. Colosseum has that with the Shadow Pokemon and Snagging concept (as well taking place in a barren region with little wild Pokemon population).

If they can add something like that, a story mode not like in the games, into a Stadium/Battle Revolution game, alright. But as I said when the main series went 3D, the novelty of the 3D battling console games can't carry them with just that anymore.
We're never going to see just a straight up battling game like Stadium or Battle Revolution again. Why? Because one of the features of those games was seeing the Pokemon as 3D models which the main games are doing now. Sure these games have extra modes not seen in the main games, but would you really pay retail price for just a batch of battle modes (and better 3D models)?

A console Pokemon game is going to need something like a story mode that is not like the story in the games. Colosseum has that with the Shadow Pokemon and Snagging concept (as well taking place in a barren region with little wild Pokemon population).

If they can add something like that, a story mode not like in the games, into a Stadium/Battle Revolution game, alright. But as I said when the main series went 3D, the novelty of the 3D battling console games can't carry them with just that anymore.
You could always promote HD models.
As Karxrida said, if NX is Nintendo's next console then there won't be a main Pokemon series game on it, even if it is a Console/Handheld hybrid. The only way for GF to develop a main series game on it if its intended to also be the next handheld thus GF will then develop for it. But Nintendo insists its a console thus no main series game for it. We can get a spinoff of course, they're usually not developed by GF but I wouldn't mind if the Pokemon Company gave Genius Sonority the license to do something...

What, No! They made that? Well nice to see they're still working with the Pokemon Company but I was talking about a new Colosseum!

There ya go, make more of these!

I was going to mention these, another game in the ORRE region would be aewsome, a sequel would be aewsome, but a remake would be good too, I think remakes increases the chances of a sequel, just have to be careful to not go much into wishthinking.
You could always promote HD models.

I don't think HD is going to push enough (and IMO, the cel-shaded models look oh so much better than the ones of Stadium/Colosseum/XD/BR as it actually fits).

That being said, an overhaul (not just remake) of the Orre games could be nice, adapting to how the new games play, both visually and in gameplay - they were basically XY beta :P

Maybe having both games in one - as I EXPECT to see when Gen V gets remade (With the sequel as a New Game+)
I liked the graphics and the method the matches in PBR work more. I like the more intense feeling models of the PBR ones, but there is also something insanely good about actually seeing the Pokemon do moves like Crunch and stuff, rather than just images of a bite. I know it's subtle, but you can't tell me that something called Pokemon that's just a better looking version with some fun minigames too isn't going to sell millions! I'm really thinking this is the perfect time to do it.
In any case this is basically wishlisting and baseless speculation though, ain't it? There's no real reason to think it'll happen more than any other gen. I'd hope we don't get another Battle Revolution anyway; the last one was pointless and empty enough and now the actual games can do the two mildly impressive things it could.
I liked the graphics and the method the matches in PBR work more. I like the more intense feeling models of the PBR ones, but there is also something insanely good about actually seeing the Pokemon do moves like Crunch and stuff, rather than just images of a bite. I know it's subtle, but you can't tell me that something called Pokemon that's just a better looking version with some fun minigames too isn't going to sell millions! I'm really thinking this is the perfect time to do it.

Anything with "Pokemon" in the name will make sucess, just look at the anime, but we do need more orre.
September 6 need to get here faster for new news(and september 7 is my birthday^^)
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