(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

The alternate names sound 100% more awkward than the current Z-Names, like sure "Bloom Doom" is campy and cheesy but at least it has charm and isn't some thesaurus'd "Nature Crush" which manages to sound less powerful and have less impact when spoken aloud. I've never personally taken issue with any Z-Move names.

And hey, it's a game about capturing monsters and fighting bad guys with friendship. It's campy by nature
The alternate names sound 100% more awkward than the current Z-Names, like sure "Bloom Doom" is campy and cheesy but at least it has charm and isn't some thesaurus'd "Nature Crush" which manages to sound less powerful and have less impact when spoken aloud. I've never personally taken issue with any Z-Move names.

And hey, it's a game about capturing monsters and fighting bad guys with friendship. It's campy by nature
The current Z-Move names generally roll off the tongue better when said aloud, and are probably a lot more fun and memorable for a child to say than these alternatives. (especially when they perform the poses with the Z-Ring/Z-Power Ring toy, which was likely the intent)
Alliterative names don't really annoy me honestly, the appeal of alliteration is allowing all your words to flow. Same kind of deal with rhyming.

The PLG names have the cutesy names that's far more off putting to me than any inherent issues with alliteration. There's a big difference to me from Twinkly Tackle vs Twinkle Tackle, Breaky Blitz vs Breakneck Blitz, or Sizzly Slide vs Sizzle Slide.
Alliterative names don't really annoy me honestly, the appeal of alliteration is allowing all your words to flow. Same kind of deal with rhyming.

The PLG names have the cutesy names that's far more off putting to me than any inherent issues with alliteration. There's a big difference to me from Twinkly Tackle vs Twinkle Tackle, Breaky Blitz vs Breakneck Blitz, or Sizzly Slide vs Sizzle Slide.
I know what you mean; for me it's more that the alliteration breaks immersion, because it's obvious that the translation team was specifically trying for it, thus making the move names sound unnatural.

Of course, the new Let's Go move names sound both unnatural and babyish.
Since I like coming up with names for things, some alternative names for alliterative Z-moves:

Eh... I get you don't like they went really campy with the Z-Move names, but honestly for most of them there's really no problem. As Detective Barricade said, most of the current Z-Move names are snappy and easy to remember, something a kid would want to shout out. Not that I don't have my problem with a few, but I think we're encroaching on wishlisting territory here (or at least onto a topic where everyone gives their take but the discussion goes nowhere). We can come up with alternative names all day but that won't change the names aren't changing. We can certainly point out if there's a problem with the name and how it doesn't make sense or just sounds odd, but I feel coming up with alternative names is just inviting pages of posts of similar nature taking the discussion nowhere.

I know what you mean; for me it's more that the alliteration breaks immersion, because it's obvious that the translation team was specifically trying for it, thus making the move names sound unnatural.

I don't see how it breaks immersion because, well, all moves are made up. A move's name is nothing more but a verbal command the Pokemon recognizes as a certain technique it knows. To the Pokemon they probably think of the moves in more simple and descriptive terms, the fancy names are for the sake of the trainer. What the trainer calls "Gigavolt Havoc" the Pokemon is thinking "Super Strong Electric Bolt".
Eh... I get you don't like they went really campy with the Z-Move names, but honestly for most of them there's really no problem. As Detective Barricade said, most of the current Z-Move names are snappy and easy to remember, something a kid would want to shout out. Not that I don't have my problem with a few, but I think we're encroaching on wishlisting territory here (or at least onto a topic where everyone gives their take but the discussion goes nowhere). We can come up with alternative names all day but that won't change the names aren't changing. We can certainly point out if there's a problem with the name and how it doesn't make sense or just sounds odd, but I feel coming up with alternative names is just inviting pages of posts of similar nature taking the discussion nowhere.

I don't see how it breaks immersion because, well, all moves are made up. A move's name is nothing more but a verbal command the Pokemon recognizes as a certain technique it knows. To the Pokemon they probably think of the moves in more simple and descriptive terms, the fancy names are for the sake of the trainer. What the trainer calls "Gigavolt Havoc" the Pokemon is thinking "Super Strong Electric Bolt".
They can't all be as awesome as "Light That Burns the Sky"...
They can't all be as awesome as "Light That Burns the Sky"...

Ultra Necrozma is less creative, it just calls the attack "Big Light Ball That Kills Everything". :P

Though going back a bit, I do agree that with two moves the alliteration makes it confusing: Smart Strike and Malicious Moonsault.

For Smart Strike it's confusing because it's name doesn't tell you it's a horn-based move. It's Japanese name is "Smart Horn", and for some reason they felt the word to change to make it an alliteration is "horn" which I felt was the more important word. Smart Horn was fine, and if you wanted to push the alliteration why not something like "Homing Horn"? What, there wasn't enough moves that began with "s"?

As for Malicious Moonsault, problem with it is that it's not a moonsault being done but a 450 Splash. Now I suppose they didn't want to use the word "Splash", though why not something like "Sinister Slamsplosion" (yes, they would have to change Sinister Arrow Raid then, though with it originally called Shadow Arrows Strike...)?

Yes, I know I said I wouldn't give alternative names, though those two really annoy me due to having something incorrect about them when I felt there was a way around it.
Ultra Necrozma is less creative, it just calls the attack "Big Light Ball That Kills Everything". :P

Though going back a bit, I do agree that with two moves the alliteration makes it confusing: Smart Strike and Malicious Moonsault.

For Smart Strike it's confusing because it's name doesn't tell you it's a horn-based move. It's Japanese name is "Smart Horn", and for some reason they felt the word to change to make it an alliteration is "horn" which I felt was the more important word. Smart Horn was fine, and if you wanted to push the alliteration why not something like "Homing Horn"? What, there wasn't enough moves that began with "s"?

As for Malicious Moonsault, problem with it is that it's not a moonsault being done but a 450 Splash. Now I suppose they didn't want to use the word "Splash", though why not something like "Sinister Slamsplosion" (yes, they would have to change Sinister Arrow Raid then, though with it originally called Shadow Arrows Strike...)?

Yes, I know I said I wouldn't give alternative names, though those two really annoy me due to having something incorrect about them when I felt there was a way around it.
Maybe the translators thought the idea of a "smart" horn was weird, so just change it to Smart Strike. Besides, the move's description clarifies it uses a sharp horn to attack.
I just tried the Festival Plaza Battle Facility thing, leading with Mega Metagross.

6/8 enemy Pokemon were Fire-types.

Notice it wasn't 6/9 nor 7/9.

EDIT: Checked the Battle Video, it would have been 7/9.
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Mine does not.
Ah forgive me, bad memory.
It indeed doesn't.

out of luck I guess. :P
Elgyem's Ultra Sun Dex: "It controls tremendous psychic power. Most reports of alien sightings are actually just people mistaking Elgyem for an alien."

Ultra Moon Dex: "This Pokémon is shrouded in mystery. It's said to have appeared from a UFO that fell from the sky about 50 years ago."

So, are Elgyem's aliens or are they not? Or just because its a Pokemon it's not considered an alien? It can't be an alien and a Pokemon?
Elgyem's Ultra Sun Dex: "It controls tremendous psychic power. Most reports of alien sightings are actually just people mistaking Elgyem for an alien."

Ultra Moon Dex: "This Pokémon is shrouded in mystery. It's said to have appeared from a UFO that fell from the sky about 50 years ago."

So, are Elgyem's aliens or are they not? Or just because its a Pokemon it's not considered an alien? It can't be an alien and a Pokemon?
That isn't the only time the Pokedex is inconsistent. Take Araquanid.

Sun: It delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown.

Moon: Despite what its appearance suggests, it cares for others. If it finds vulnerable, weak Pokémon, it protectively brings them into its water bubble.

That said, Ultra Moon implies that it doesn't know that things can drown.

Ultra Moon: It has a habit of storing things it values in its water bubble. If its Trainer doesn't watch out, Araquanid will try to put them in its bubble!
Elgyem's Ultra Sun Dex: "It controls tremendous psychic power. Most reports of alien sightings are actually just people mistaking Elgyem for an alien."

Ultra Moon Dex: "This Pokémon is shrouded in mystery. It's said to have appeared from a UFO that fell from the sky about 50 years ago."

So, are Elgyem's aliens or are they not? Or just because its a Pokemon it's not considered an alien? It can't be an alien and a Pokemon?
A UFO doesn't necessarily have to be extraterrestrial, you know. Or maybe Elgyem wants people to think it's not an alien because then some professor's going to want to study it and those alien flicks... do not paint a pretty picture of what would happen? Or maybe it's a government coverup?

Or maybe it's another example of why one shouldn't rely on a kid to write the entries in your electronic encyclopedia, with or without a Rotom inhabiting said encyclopedia?
Elgyem's Ultra Sun Dex: "It controls tremendous psychic power. Most reports of alien sightings are actually just people mistaking Elgyem for an alien."

Ultra Moon Dex: "This Pokémon is shrouded in mystery. It's said to have appeared from a UFO that fell from the sky about 50 years ago."

So, are Elgyem's aliens or are they not? Or just because its a Pokemon it's not considered an alien? It can't be an alien and a Pokemon?
This isn't exactly contradictory. The former is explaining "aliens" with a pokemon people know of. The latter is stating a rumor of their origins.

Even if the latter is considered true in-universe, it would make Elgyem an alien but after 50 years it'd be a mundane and just part of the local fauna. "I SAW AN ALIIIEEEEN" "lmao it was just an elgyem you idiot"
That isn't the only time the Pokedex is inconsistent. Take Araquanid.

Sun: It delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown.

Moon: Despite what its appearance suggests, it cares for others. If it finds vulnerable, weak Pokémon, it protectively brings them into its water bubble.

That said, Ultra Moon implies that it doesn't know that things can drown.

Ultra Moon: It has a habit of storing things it values in its water bubble. If its Trainer doesn't watch out, Araquanid will try to put them in its bubble!

Perhaps it's also possible that Araquanid has a good deal of control over its water bubble? I can't say for sure but considering it relies so heavily on its bubble it's also very much possible that it can control how strong its bubble is and whether the things inside it drown or not. It's possible Araquanid could control how much water there is inside the bubble so that Pokemon it wants to help don't drown, and can also control what gets in and what gets out of the bubble so it could also let go of said Pokemon if it wants, and can also regulate how the bubble is used, either as an offensive method or as a means to shield those it wants to care for. Considering the water bubble is something it relies on very heavily for most of its lifestyle perhaps it can also control what it wants to use it for and whether it kills things inside it or not. It could also be inescapable unless Araquanid decides to let things out too. Granted this isn't particularly realistic (but Pokemon in general isn't) but it's certainly a possibility that Araquanid controls its own bubble in ways that convey its intentions, whether it be hunting prey or carrying Pokemon it wants to protect. Just possible speculation, though of course I can't really say much else about it, haha.
I can't be the only one that thinks the Festival Plaza line "Let me call you my teacher" has been too literally translated without regards for the cultural context, right? (The context being I'm pretty sure no-one outside Japan and western anime forums ever speaks like that)
I can't be the only one that thinks the Festival Plaza line "Let me call you my teacher" has been too literally translated without regards for the cultural context, right? (The context being I'm pretty sure no-one outside Japan and western anime forums ever speaks like that)

Yeah, probably should have left it at Senpai instead (assuming that's what the Japanese line says).
I can't be the only one that thinks the Festival Plaza line "Let me call you my teacher" has been too literally translated without regards for the cultural context, right? (The context being I'm pretty sure no-one outside Japan and western anime forums ever speaks like that)
Yeah, I don't know what it's translated from, but something like "Teach me your techniques" sounds like it conveys a similar meaning while sounding more like something a normal English speaking person would say