SPOILERS! Pokemon Sword and Shield Datamine Thread

...Which to be fair is a neat change, actually prevents you from getting happiness bonuses if you don't use camp during the story.
Well that's no different than before, though. Happiness only evolved & boosted Return before, this is just stapling the Affection system ontop of the happiness system

Does make it way easier to evolve happiness pokemon, though, so that's nice.
Well that's no different than before, though. Happiness only evolved & boosted Return before, this is just stapling the Affection system ontop of the happiness system
Well with "happiness" i was referring to friendship (which is merged in gen 8 as far as i understood), which did activate arnie effects and could happen purely by using the pokemon (happened to me in gen 7 :\ )
Well with "happiness" i was referring to friendship (which is merged in gen 8 as far as i understood), which did activate arnie effects and could happen purely by using the pokemon (happened to me in gen 7 :\ )
If you just use the Pokemon, it should be impossible to get the Affection effects in XY/ORAS/SM/USUM. I know I never had a pokemon, even ones I used the entire game, trigger those effects unless I specifically did some Refresh or Amie.

It does happen in Let's Go, as mentioned earlier, but I assume that's not what you're talking about
If you just use the Pokemon, it should be impossible to get the Affection effects in XY/ORAS/SM/USUM. I know I never had a pokemon, even ones I used the entire game, trigger those effects unless I specifically did some Refresh or Amie.

It does happen in Let's Go, as mentioned earlier, but I assume that's not what you're talking about
I actually could swear i had my starter get affection bonuses in SM buuuut... it's been long, i'll sit with benefit of doubt and maybe being reminding wrong
Here is some unused/interesting stuff I noticed in the text dumps. (https://github.com/CPokemon/swsh-text/) Seemed like a good place to put this. Some parts might be seeable ingame.
There's lines for having no Bag space and not having the money to buy items for some merchants (incense, herb, berry). Rare but makes sense.

We’re the Champions! This is the X menu.

Menu options. Unused: Quick Link was in Gen 7 and "Global Battle" is new. Poke Jobs are accessed in the box and the Guide is accessed in the bag. There's no "Switch" option on the bottom.
Do you want to go back to the reception area?
You decided to return to the reception desk.

Gym text. I don't think the reception area line is seen ingame, and it's actually at the end of all the gym dialogue. The desk part is exclusive to Nessa's challenge. There's a bunch of other gym dialogue about perserverance and I think it's used for failed attempts.

I’ve gotten a good look at how you handled those quizzes.[VAR 0114(0013)]
I’ve gotten a good look at how you handled those quizzes.[VAR 0114(0013)]
I’ve gotten a good look at how you handled those quizzes.[VAR 0114(0013)]
I’ve gotten a good look at how you handled those quizzes.[VAR 0114(0013)]
I’ve gotten a good look at how you handled those quizzes.[VAR 0114(0013)]
There were a total of six questions! Challenger [VAR TRNAME(0000)], you got... [VAR NUM1(0001)] of them correct.
Opal's gym text. Some redundant lines/possible variations based on your score, and a final score line.

Only one healthy Pokémon? You thinkin’ about turnin’ tail and yelleavin’?[VAR 0114(0045)]
What?! You only got one healthy Pokémon? Oi, don’t come back unless you got a Revive or somethin’—got it?[VAR 0114(0045)]

Spikemuth gym text from the receptionist and a trainer. Probably used since there's a double battle, but I didn't expect the first line. Speaking about Spikemuth, there's a goal line about "having a look around" that only gets seen through the map transition right after the gym. Your plot goal goes from "fight gym" to "go through tunnel" by the time you can open the menu.

[VAR PKNICK(0000)] took over its fainted teammate’s type!

Battle text, placed after Eject Pack and before "returned to its original type" (Mimicry?). There's definitely no ability like this so far, sounds like Power of Alchemy/Receiver tho. Maybe they'll patch this in along with the mythicals.
EDIT: Other guess, it's what Libero was meant to be.

That’ll be [VAR NUM7(0000,0000)]. And it’s OK that you can’t use that accessory with your current style, right?
You can’t wear this item with the way your hair is styled now.
Check Appearance
Put On
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Take off outerwear
Take off shoes
Put on outerwear
Put on shoes

Clothing stuff. I personally don't know if there's anything you can't wear with a certain hair or 'style'. The 'take off shoes' option doesn't exist, likely would be used to preview socks.

Save your progress
Back to your adventure
Start with your backup data
Backup data has been loaded. Please note that this data will be saved when you save the game.
There is no backup data, so you can’t load data. You’ll be returned to the title screen.
Now saving...
Your saved data is corrupted. Please delete the saved data from your system.

Backup data references in 2 different places.

pieces of Groundium Z
pieces Flyinium Z
pieces Psychium Z

Good one gamefreak. Apparently this and "Ilima Normalium Z" spawned from Let's Go.

The mode has been switched to LAN mode. Please note that operations other than Max Raid Battles are not guaranteed. When you stop using LAN mode, please save your game and turn it off.
The attempt has failed. Please try again.
This text is around the Options menu. Turns out by pressing L + R + Left Stick there you can turn on LAN mode.

I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut... Otherwise, his Pokémon will just knock me down again... Nah, not doin’ that...[VAR 0114(0043)]
I’m havin’ me a lovely little dream... A dream where I actually won the battle...[VAR 0114(0044)]
This is in the same file as Bede's Galar Mine 2 text, at the end.

Look at you, little chap! Who’s a rugged, rocky little love? You are, Carkol. You’re my little rubble-wubble![VAR 0114(0043)]
Oi, can’t you see me spendin’ some quality time here with my beloved Carkol? You’re not tryin’ to disturb us, are you? If you are, I’ll just have to make it clear you’re not welcome![VAR 0114(0043)]
I was the strongest one in Galar Mine No. 2, but now my spot’s been taken...[VAR 0114(0043)]
What’s your problem, eh? Here we had the brilliant idea to block the path while passin’ the time showin’ Carkol a bit of love, and then you come along![VAR 0114(0044)]
Retreat! That’s it, lads! Leave the Pokémon behind and leg it![VAR 0114(005E)]
Cleared them right off, eh, [VAR TRNAME(0000)]?[VAR 0114(0005)]
Wait, have I got this straight? Those fanatics were only in our way...so they could spend a bit of time playing with Carkol?![VAR 0114(0005)]
Hmph. It seems I made the right decision, letting the rabble deal with the rabble. The only thing weak Trainers like yourselves are good for is clearing my path.[VAR 0114(000C)]
I’m sorry you had to deal with that, Carkol. Were you in the middle of a Poké Job, then? Go on! Break those rocks, and hurry back safe to your Trainer![VAR 0114(000C)]
Actually... You two aren’t even all that useful in clearing my path, compared to that Pokémon. Still, I suppose you did take care of Team Yell. Here’s something for your trouble.[VAR 0114(000C)]
Rrrgh! That little—![VAR 0114(0005)]
Do you suppose that Carkol found its way back to its Trainer all right?[VAR 0114(0005)]

This long scene is right before the used Kabu cutscene in Galar Mine 2. An alternate Team Yell/Bede encounter?

Text File : 276
Uhhh, Challenger [VAR TRNAME(0000)], right? Out givin’ it your all, even this late, huh?[VAR 0114(000D)]
I’m doin’ some visualization trainin’. My battle with Kabu’s tomorrow. So, I thought if I came here and had a look at the stadium, I’d get some ideas for a strategy.[VAR 0114(000D)]
Just ’cause you were chosen by the Champion, doesn’t mean I’m gonna lose to you! In fact, I’ll keep winnin’, and I’ll have a proper go at the Champion, got it?[VAR 0114(000D)]
See ya around![VAR 0114(000D)]
Text File : 277
Text File : 278
Uhhh, Challenger [VAR TRNAME(0000)], right? Out givin’ it your all, even this late, huh?[VAR 0114(000D)]
Hey, help with somethin’ for a sec. I want t’see if I’m ready for the next leg of the Gym Challenge.[VAR 0114(000D)]
All right
Ugh, really...
Oi! Don’t clear off just yet![VAR 0114(000D)]
We’re havin’ a battle before you go back to your room![VAR 0114(000D)]
Wicked! Got some fight in you, huh?[VAR 0114(000D)]
Oi! That won’t do! Show me your fightin’ spirit.[VAR 0114(000D)]
[~ 8]
Guess I’d better get to bed and rest up for tomorrow. You’d better get to sleep, too.[VAR 0114(000D)]
Urara![VAR 0114(0070)]
Text File : 279
Text File : 280
The next morning...
Mornin’, [VAR TRNAME(0000)].[VAR 0114(000D)]
That friend of yours already went off to challenge the next Gym. Kabu’s League Card is supposed to help against him, but I ended up with a few copies, so I’ll give you one. Don’t look so chuffed. It’s no big deal.[VAR 0114(000D)]
Hey, help with somethin’ for a sec. I want t’see if I’m ready for the next leg of the Gym Challenge.[VAR 0114(000D)]
Hmm... Looks like I’ll need to raise Morpeko and the others a little more. Not much of a thank-you, but I can heal up your team, at least.[VAR 0114(000D)]
Take this, too... A little somethin’ for our battle yesterday.[VAR 0114(000D)]
Bet you’ll have no trouble beatin’ that “man of fire” Kabu chap, right? Why don’cha get over to Motostoke Stadium and get that Gym Badge already?[VAR 0114(000D)]
Urara![VAR 0114(0070)]

Marnie dialogue around the same story point. There isn't an encounter in front of the stadium as far as I know. Ingame you only fight in the night scene and not the morning, so the 2 pre/post battle lines there aren't used.
EDIT: The first part probably happens if you go to the inn before the mine maybe.

Let me explain really nicely how to take part in Ranked Battles! And I’ll fix you up so your Pokémon can take part in Ranked Battles now, too.
Do you have Pokémon you’d like to enter in a Ranked Battle?
See you around, then!
Which Pokémon would you like to enter in a Ranked Battle?
The [VAR PKNAME(0000)] you chose can take part in this Ranked Battle, all right!
So, we’ll be having [VAR PKNAME(0000)] forget the moves that it knew before in order to learn the moves for this Ranked Battle. That fine by you?
It might forget some really rare moves that’ll be impossible for it to relearn. That’s all right, too?
Then let’s get [VAR PKNAME(0000)] all sorted! It’ll be entered into the Ranked Battle at once!

A NPC discussing move restrictions for online battles? Is this in postgame? Kind of weird.

As for something more relevant to battle, I rediscovered this tweet.
Eviolite coalossal? :v4:

EDIT: So the backup data part is used too apparently. Press Up + B + X on the title screen and you can load the last last save.
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That Ranked Battle Dialog is very strange, if I'm reading it right it's not just removing moves (m yfirst thought being a handy NPC to get rid of those "snapped" moves) it's specifically learning moves in their place.
Maybe they have plans for a Ranked season that forces moves onto a Pokemon...?
So I have no clue where else this could go, so I'm putting it here. I also don't have any video/photo evidence, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Last night I blitzed through Opal, Melony and Piers. None were particularly difficult, but the Piers fight actually caught me massively caught off-guard when my Gallade's Black Belt-boosted Brick Break failed to KO his Obstagoon, which OHKOed back with Counter. I discussed this little story with some friends last night and we all agreed that it seemed pretty strange, so I actually ran some calcs and...

Level 44 56 Atk Black Belt Gallade Brick Break vs. Level 46 252 HP / 60 Def Obstagoon: 180-216 (97.8 - 117.3%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

This calc set my Gallade's attack IV to 15, yielding an Attack stat of 121, what I think it was during this fight. The EVs on Obstagoon are the minimum it needed to survive the attack, and I can assure you that judging by the health bar after the Brick Break Goon lived at a much greater % than 3.2%.

Level 44 0 Atk Black Belt Gallade Brick Break vs. Level 46 0 HP / 252+ Def Obstagoon: 136-168 (87.7 - 108.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

With a similar set-up, this calc gets closer to what I think Piers' Obstagoon survived at.

So yeah, despite not being mentioned anywhere on the Kaphotics pastebins, it does seem like at least certain important trainer Pokemon have EVs or otherwise have stats tampered with. This wouldn't be too surprising seeing as iirc trainers in gen 7 did this too. Anyone mind investigating this further?

And before anyone asks: No, this couldn't have been because Gallade was Intimidated by Piers' Scrafty. I led off with Crawdaunt vs that mon and it was already down by the time I sent out Gallade.
So I have no clue where else this could go, so I'm putting it here. I also don't have any video/photo evidence, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Last night I blitzed through Opal, Melony and Piers. None were particularly difficult, but the Piers fight actually caught me massively caught off-guard when my Gallade's Black Belt-boosted Brick Break failed to KO his Obstagoon, which OHKOed back with Counter. I discussed this little story with some friends last night and we all agreed that it seemed pretty strange, so I actually ran some calcs and...

Level 44 56 Atk Black Belt Gallade Brick Break vs. Level 46 252 HP / 60 Def Obstagoon: 180-216 (97.8 - 117.3%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

This calc set my Gallade's attack IV to 15, yielding an Attack stat of 121, what I think it was during this fight. The EVs on Obstagoon are the minimum it needed to survive the attack, and I can assure you that judging by the health bar after the Brick Break Goon lived at a much greater % than 3.2%.

Level 44 0 Atk Black Belt Gallade Brick Break vs. Level 46 0 HP / 252+ Def Obstagoon: 136-168 (87.7 - 108.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

With a similar set-up, this calc gets closer to what I think Piers' Obstagoon survived at.

So yeah, despite not being mentioned anywhere on the Kaphotics pastebins, it does seem like at least certain important trainer Pokemon have EVs or otherwise have stats tampered with. This wouldn't be too surprising seeing as iirc trainers in gen 7 did this too. Anyone mind investigating this further?

And before anyone asks: No, this couldn't have been because Gallade was Intimidated by Piers' Scrafty. I led off with Crawdaunt vs that mon and it was already down by the time I sent out Gallade.
I'd love to hear the results of this, since at least Allister's Gengar didn't have Speed EVs (I guess it could have them other places but why not Speed for Gengar?).

I too had a Pokémon OHKOed by Piers' Obstagoon and its Counter, but my Pokémon had a weaker attack stat and no Stab on it, so I wasn't too concerned.
So yeah, despite not being mentioned anywhere on the Kaphotics pastebins, it does seem like at least certain important trainer Pokemon have EVs or otherwise have stats tampered with. This wouldn't be too surprising seeing as iirc trainers in gen 7 did this too. Anyone mind investigating this further?

Can confirm trainer EVs exist!

EDIT: Not many really do. Only important aces? I actually haven't found any other examples yet.
So I have no clue where else this could go, so I'm putting it here. I also don't have any video/photo evidence, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Last night I blitzed through Opal, Melony and Piers. None were particularly difficult, but the Piers fight actually caught me massively caught off-guard when my Gallade's Black Belt-boosted Brick Break failed to KO his Obstagoon, which OHKOed back with Counter. I discussed this little story with some friends last night and we all agreed that it seemed pretty strange, so I actually ran some calcs and...

Level 44 56 Atk Black Belt Gallade Brick Break vs. Level 46 252 HP / 60 Def Obstagoon: 180-216 (97.8 - 117.3%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

This calc set my Gallade's attack IV to 15, yielding an Attack stat of 121, what I think it was during this fight. The EVs on Obstagoon are the minimum it needed to survive the attack, and I can assure you that judging by the health bar after the Brick Break Goon lived at a much greater % than 3.2%.

Level 44 0 Atk Black Belt Gallade Brick Break vs. Level 46 0 HP / 252+ Def Obstagoon: 136-168 (87.7 - 108.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

With a similar set-up, this calc gets closer to what I think Piers' Obstagoon survived at.

So yeah, despite not being mentioned anywhere on the Kaphotics pastebins, it does seem like at least certain important trainer Pokemon have EVs or otherwise have stats tampered with. This wouldn't be too surprising seeing as iirc trainers in gen 7 did this too. Anyone mind investigating this further?

And before anyone asks: No, this couldn't have been because Gallade was Intimidated by Piers' Scrafty. I led off with Crawdaunt vs that mon and it was already down by the time I sent out Gallade.
I noticed this as well. I haven't had any other encounters that made me suspect EVs though, so I'm fairly sure it's a Piers-only thing to make up for his inability to Dynamax.
Try checking out some of the really lategame fights: Champion's Cup battles, Chairman Rose, Eternatus and Leon (Charizard in particular) could be good candidates.

Less exciting than you'd think.
Here is a trainer dump pastebin I tried to mod, as of now it just tells you which ones actually have EVs set.
Search "EV" with match case to see the EV trainers. I didn't get the stat names in there but there aren't really a lot, so I'll put them in this post manually. You can look in the pastebin but this pretty much says it all.

Piers: 252 hp/252 def obstagoons (both fights)
Elena (Eviolite Dottler user): 252 Def/Spd
League Staff Isaac (Rotom Catalog): Mow has 252 HP/SpA, Wash 252 SpA/Spe, Heat 252 HP/Spe
Ball Guy: 252 hp/def

EDIT: Some more unused? text dump stuff. Also, Elena and Isaac from before are actually next to each other.
You jumped into the den!
It’s [VAR 0100(0000)], a fellow Pokémon Trainer!
It’s [VAR 0100(0000)], a fellow Pokémon Trainer! Looks like they’re searching for allies to battle with.
View League Card
Join in raid
Maybe dens were more hub-like at a time.

Connect to the Internet
Join in
Start trade
Start battle
Give a heart
View card
"Hearts" = likes? Lol.

This player has finished recruiting Trainers to join their Max Raid Battle. Let’s clear out your old stamps, and get you a fresh set of the latest stamps.
You almost got it right gamefreak. :(

Do you know if there’s anything to find over yonder?
Seeing all this wide, open space...simply makes you want to run wild, doesn’t it?
I’m gonna find loads of Pokémon!
Hey, fancy meeting you again! Hope you’re doing well.
NPC/other player chatter.

There are score sheets for the Gym mission...
Leon: Fail Number of correct answers: 1 Your talent in Pokémon battles is beyond anything I’ve ever seen, but you’re rather hard to read...
Sonia: Fail Number of correct answers: 3! You have talent, that’s for sure, but you give up a little bit too quickly. Then again, I imagine it’s not easy being the granddaughter of Magnolia.
This would be interesting but there's nowhere to see it unless it's just missable in the hallway. EDIT: Yeah it's in the hallway before opal.

Base points to be lowered
Choose a stat to subtract base points from.
EV lowering pokejobs.

Apparently gym text from the passerbys changes multiple times, one set being more impressed by your achievement. Becoming champion probably works
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Less exciting than you'd think.
Here is a trainer dump pastebin I tried to mod, as of now it just tells you which ones actually have EVs set.
Search "EV" with match case to see the EV trainers. I didn't get the stat names in there but there aren't really a lot, so I'll put them in this post manually. You can look in the pastebin but this pretty much says it all.

Piers: 252 hp/252 def obstagoons (both fights)
Elena (Eviolite Dottler user): 252 Def/Spd
League Staff Isaac (Rotom Catalog): Mow has 252 HP/SpA, Wash 252 SpA/Spe, Heat 252 HP/Spe
Ball Guy: 252 hp/def
This is somehow more disappointing than if there were just no trainers with EVs at all, in a way.

I have to assume that Piers' got EVs in his obstagoon because he is the only one who doesnt Dynamax and he needed some bulk to make up for it so he wasn't a total cake walk
Just wondering, regarding the Trainer data. Is data on the gender and Abilities of each Pokemon also present in the dump? I noticed that SwSh has Trainers with hidden abilities outside of battle facilities (e.g. Piers has Intimidate Scrafty in Gym battle... though not during rematches.)
Just wondering, regarding the Trainer data. Is data on the gender and Abilities of each Pokemon also present in the dump? I noticed that SwSh has Trainers with hidden abilities outside of battle facilities (e.g. Piers has Intimidate Scrafty in Gym battle... though not during rematches.)
Bulbapedia has most of them, and I've been trying to fill in the gaps from my latest run. Other HAs are Swift Swim Drednaw from Nessa (but it's Shell Armor in the rematch for some reason...?), and Contrary Shuckle from Gordie.
Just wondering, regarding the Trainer data. Is data on the gender and Abilities of each Pokemon also present in the dump? I noticed that SwSh has Trainers with hidden abilities outside of battle facilities (e.g. Piers has Intimidate Scrafty in Gym battle... though not during rematches.)

Bulbapedia has most of them, and I've been trying to fill in the gaps from my latest run. Other HAs are Swift Swim Drednaw from Nessa (but it's Shell Armor in the rematch for some reason...?), and Contrary Shuckle from Gordie.

Here's a version with natures / abilities / IVs and what have you.
Not sure if the "Random" ability slot is actually random but it's close enough. "~" should also be random gender, but it might be defaulting based on gender ratio. For both it's meant as the 'default' slot.
Shoutouts to kaphotics for making this great tool.
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Here's a version with natures / abilities / IVs and what have you.
Not sure if the "Random" ability slot is actually random but it's close enough. "~" should also be random gender, but it might be defaulting based on gender ratio. For both it's meant as the 'default' slot.
Shoutouts to kaphotics for making this great tool.
At least it looks like custom IVs are still a thing. iirc that was also a gen7 thing. Funny how the only trainers with flat 30s across the baord on all their pokemon is post-game Leon, Morimoto....and the Rotom Catalog guy.

Also seems like there's just coinflips going on for if random trainers get set abilities or not. Like the string of 3 pokekids where 2 of them have set abilities but the third has a random one because ??

Every single pokemon having a set nature also surprised me though sometimes it just seems like a needless nerf. There's a gym trainer with hitmonchan & lee that have modest natures, for example. Seems like "Serious" is their usual go-to for a default nature, but it's not AS common as you'd think.

Opal having 4 dummied out slots is unusual, though it probably doesn't mean anything; is a little noticable since usually they just use youngsters or wahtever.
Bulbapedia has most of them, and I've been trying to fill in the gaps from my latest run. Other HAs are Swift Swim Drednaw from Nessa (but it's Shell Armor in the rematch for some reason...?), and Contrary Shuckle from Gordie.
Makes sense if you think of it, as her first Dreadnaw is a regular one (thus his water attack sets rain), while her rematch Dreadnaw is a Gigamax and cannot set rain.

doipy hooves Something else I was wondering - do all enemy Pokemon that Dynamax actually have a maxed Dynamax level?
No, in fact I believe the opposite: they have base dynamax level.
Even the tower trainers that Dynamax have level 1, with just Leon having level 5 (not even 10) on Charizard
doipy hooves Something else I was wondering - do all enemy Pokemon that Dynamax actually have a maxed Dynamax level?

No, in fact I believe the opposite: they have base dynamax level.
Even the tower trainers that Dynamax have level 1, with just Leon having level 5 (not even 10) on Charizard

This paste has the dynamaxable/gigantamaxable/dynamax levels included. Search "Dynamax Level" for best results.

Dynamax level actually ranges a bit, but it never goes beyond 5. The only 2 opponents with Dynamax level 1 are Milo and Oleana.
I believe Bede and Hop have some cases where they have dynamax level but can't dynamax (because not in a gym stadium).

Didn't realize that base level was actually 0, so those trainers are only represented by Dynamax: True and no shown level. Might update that

EDIT: URL updated, now you can search for Dynamax Level: 0. It's actually just the partners for the postgame max raid battles. Nessa has 5 for some reason. I think you really have to be trying to see this since Hop will max asap.

Apparently Milo uses an Appletun in Shield, and it also has dynamax level. That set is at #288 along with his Shield rematch team.

EDIT 2: Here is a version with pure ability numbers. 3 = HA for ease of lookup

EDIT 3: Trainers may not have EVs but some static encounters do.
Eternatus doesn't have EVs. Zacian/Zamazenta vs Eternatus have 212 HP EVs. The boss Zamazenta/Zacian have 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SpA and maxed (31x6) IVs.

EDIT 4: https://pastebin.com/NRDPZUZt
This has trainer items under "Items:"
Hop has a lot of slots. 3 per starter and then 2x each after the version legendary.

Back again with EVs. Now you can see exactly who has what. https://pastebin.com/raw/qfYHMsdK
Someday I'll fix the spaces, but for now this has all the trainer stat info in one spot.
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EDIT 3: Trainers may not have EVs but some static encounters do.
Eternatus doesn't have EVs. Zacian/Zamazenta vs Eternatus have 212 HP EVs. The boss Zamazenta/Zacian have 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SpA and maxed (31x6) IVs.

So you're telling me that the dogs are not only overleveled (for the expected post-game point) and with an infuriatingly low Catch Rate for a forced legendary but they have maxed Attack? No wonder I was having everything 2HKOed.
This paste has the dynamaxable/gigantamaxable/dynamax levels included. Search "Dynamax Level" for best results.

Dynamax level actually ranges a bit, but it never goes beyond 5. The only 2 opponents with Dynamax level 1 are Milo and Oleana.
I believe Bede and Hop have some cases where they have dynamax level but can't dynamax (because not in a gym stadium).

Didn't realize that base level was actually 0, so those trainers are only represented by Dynamax: True and no shown level. Might update that

EDIT: URL updated, now you can search for Dynamax Level: 0. It's actually just the partners for the postgame max raid battles. Nessa has 5 for some reason. I think you really have to be trying to see this since Hop will max asap.

Apparently Milo uses an Appletun in Shield, and it also has dynamax level. That set is at #288 along with his Shield rematch team.

EDIT 2: Here is a version with pure ability numbers. 3 = HA for ease of lookup

EDIT 3: Trainers may not have EVs but some static encounters do.
Eternatus doesn't have EVs. Zacian/Zamazenta vs Eternatus have 212 HP EVs. The boss Zamazenta/Zacian have 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SpA and maxed (31x6) IVs.
I appreciate that they remembered to not let Piers dynamax in the post game fights
Looking at the trainer list again, I didn't exactly grasp that there's a Ball Guy fight despite talking about his full IV stunfisk.

But where is this fight? Bulbapedia has nothing for it and by the level of the Stunfisk I'd guess somewhere in Wyndon but Serebii's pokeearth doesn't have anything and taking a cruise around only has the Dream Ball guy in the stadium. I don't think I've ever seen a battle documented with him on, like, youtube or anything either.

It'd be odd if this was unused, these days there's rarely full on programmed-but-unused fights, opting to just dummy trainers out.
Someone was unable to evolve their Applin into Appletun with the Sweet Apple in Sword. (Item was traded to them) They were told it was because Applin can only evolve into Flapple in Sword.

Because it seemed weird, can someone verify wether or not Applin can evolve into either one in each version?