Pet Mod Expansions (Slate 6 Submissions)

Turbulusk (sv)
Alright, voting is done! We had five Pokemon with five votes each...
Name: Avasterror

Abilities: Soul-Heart / Volt Absorb | Stall
Stats: 70 HP / 70 Atk / 80 Def / 120 SpA / 110 SpD / 150 Spe / 600 BST
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn
Earth Power, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Hex, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Scald, Shadow Ball
Defog, Haze, Pain Split, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp
Assurance, Astonish, Attract, Blizzard, Brine, Bubble Beam, Bulldoze, Confide, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond, Disable, Dive, Dream Eater, Earthquake, Endure, Facade, Flash Cannon, Fling, Focus Energy, Frustration, Giga Impact, Grudge, Hail, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Imprison, Infestation, Last Resort, Leer, Liquidation, Magic Coat, Mist, Mud Shot, Muddy Water, Night Shade, Phantom Force, Poltergeist, Protect, Psychic, Psych Up, Rain Dance, Rest, Return, Round, Safeguard, Scary Face, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Substitute, Surf, Swift, Thunder, Waterfall, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Whirlpool
Weight: 400 kg
Explanation: Despite an incredible Speed stat, this mon is straddled with Stall, forcing it to move last (usually, more on that later). Rather than act as a speedy breaker, this mon plays like a tank. High SpA and wide coverage gives it a strong offensive presence while a good set of resists and immunities along with solid bulk and support moves gives it notable defensive utility. Flip Turn does actually benefit from Stall, as it lets it slow pivot more easily.
Move Name: Posiedon's Breath


Base Power: -
Accuracy: -
Effect(s): Fully restores the user's HP. The user's Abilities are then rendered ineffective for as long as it remains active.
Attributes: Heal, Snatch
Explanation: Nullifies Stall to unleash that frightening Speed stat in exchange for nullifying the other abilities. Can't snowball without Soul-Heart and the Electric weakness is regained. Uninvested hits 336 Speed, outpacing invested base 103's and below. Best used when at least one boost from Soul-Heart is under your belt and/or the enemy team is sufficiently weakened. Full heal is also nice on a mon with otherwise unreliable healing.
Name: Dustrake

Abilities: Water Compaction / Sand Force / Own Tempo
Stats: 100 / 73 / 94 / 117 / 83 / 63 (530)
Notable Moves: Shore Up, Scorching Sands, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Weather Ball, Toxic, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Flash Cannon, Fire Blast, Iron Defense, Power Gem, Meteor Beam, Dragon Tail, Explosion, Surf, Muddy Water
Flavor Moves: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Heavy Slam, Mud Shot, Sand Tomb, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Superpower, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Sandstorm, Crunch, Bite, Thunder Fang, universal moves
Weight: 121 kg
Explanation: This Pokemon can be a good defensive mon, or a bulky offensive tank. It has respectable bulk and a consistent recovery move, an entry hazard in Stealth Rock and a few avenues of inflicting status, and a defensive typing with good qualities, along with Water Compaction, a niche ability that improves its matchup against physical Water-types. On the offensive side, it has a nice special attack stat with some good offensive moves and type coverage, further boosted by Sand Force or Meteor Beam, so it can actually end up being pretty powerful. Some shortcomings of this mon are that it doesn't really like status and that it's mostly just a Stealth Rock setter, kinda like Hippowdon (passive) but with some of Garchomp's tricks. The offensive sets are especially let down by the bad speed, but it should be sufficient to destroy defensive mons at least.
Move Name: Duststorm Whip-up
Category: Special

Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): The weather becomes Sandstorm for 5 turns (8 turns if holding Smooth Rock).
Explanation: A pretty straightforward move but it works great for this mon! Sandstorm improves the efficacy of Shore Up and provides a healthy power boost thanks to Sand Force, which is especially appreciated by more offensively slanted sets. Additional chip damage on opponents is also another useful way to wear down the opposition.

Name: Eneryth (energy beings are things in literature apparently)
Typing: Electric/Rock
Abilities: Speed Boost / Multiscale | Contrary
Stats: 73/61/61/111/73/191 (570)
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Power Gem, Aura Sphere, Volt Switch, Nasty Plot
Flavor Moves: filling out if it wins
Weight: stuff kg
Explanation: 191 Speed? Whoa! Don't tell me this is Regieleki 2! Well, Speed Boost and Contrary do interact with one another in something like Shared Power, and I'd imagine they do the same here. I wanted to set a basic benchmark for Speed tiers for this mod, and in doing so I might have accidentally made two lmao. At -1 you tie with base 111s, and with a Scarf at -2, you're between 130 and 131. Also thought Multiscale would be funny on something like this so we ended up with a mon with three abilities rated 4 or higher. Anyways this thing isn't fond of the standard Grasses and Grounds so have fun there.
Move Name: Energy Breaker
Category: Special
Type: Electric
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Nullifies every active Pokemon's items and abilities until they switch.
Attributes: standard stuff
Explanation: A powerful secondary effect that also removes the user's potential choice lock and can ruin opponents that rely on their abilities if they decide not to switch. If they do, though, then all it does is remove your regular Speed drops / Multiscale, as it's hardly any stronger than Thunderbolt.
Name: Skyrider
Typing: Steel / Flying
Abilities: Pressure / Mirror Armor / Aerilate
Stats: 95/92/75/80/75/113 (530 BST)
Notable Moves:
Iron Head, Body Slam, Rapid Spin, Earthquake, U-Turn
Tri Attack, Heat Wave, Flash Cannon
Coil, Taunt, Stealth Rock
Metal Claw,Steel Wing,Iron Head,Iron Tail,Mirror Shot,Flash Cannon,Steel Beam,Metal Sound,Autotomize,Iron Defense,Dual Wingbeat,Gust,Air Cutter,Air Slash,Hurricane,Defog,Roost,Heat Wave,Rapid Spin,Body Slam,Tri Attack,Hyper Voice,Attract,Bide,Captivate,Confide,Curse,Double Team,Double-Edge,Endure,Facade,Frustration,Hidden Power,Mimic,Natural Gift,Protect,Rage,Rest,Return,Round,Secret Power,Sleep Talk,Snore,Substitute,Swagger,Take Down,Toxic,Giga Impact,Hyper Beam,Aerial Ace,Swift,Tailwind,Sunny Day,Fly,U-Turn,Rain Dance,Thief,Agility,Pluck,Sky Attack,Ominous Wind,Uproar,Mud-Slap,Twister,Acrobatics,Brave Bird,Headbutt,Work Up,Taunt,Wing Attack,Magnet Rise,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Stealth Rock,Rock Tomb,Sandstorm,Tackle,Screech,Bulldoze,Gyro Ball,Earthquake,Steel Roller,Thunder Wave,Thunderbolt,Brick Break
Move Name: Final Judgment
Category: Special
Type: Normal
Base Power: 180
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): User faints.
Attributes: Protect, Mirror
Explanation: instakill move when low so you can go out with a bang and also prevent sap/spin/defog or whatnot.
Explanation: offensive pivot with great defensive typing.
Name: Tusquoka (Status Quo + Quokka)
Typing: Normal
Abilities: Normalize / Scrappy
Stats: 90/110/75/85/90/120 (530 BST)
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Knock Off Rapid Spin, Earthquake, U-Turn, Focus Punch, Quick Attack.
Tri Attack, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Vaccum Wave
Thunder Wave, Substitute, Toxic, Nasty Plot, Protect.
Watchog's movepool - Hypnosis
Move Name: Enforcer Punch
Category: Physical
Type: Normal
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Has fighting type damage in its damage calculation (Ala Flying Press)
Attributes: Punch, Contact
Explanation: Bypasses the effect of normalize while still retaining the all important normal stab, allowing it to hit steels and rocks in the future for neutral damage. Nukes the current only steel type in Threedy.
Description: NORMALIZE SCRAPPY NORMALIZE SCRAPPY. Fun offensive pivot with semblance to sorree capable of dealing huge amounts of damages, but is stonewalled by steels and fightings. Has the interesting capability of paralysing ground types using thunder wave.

And then since there was exactly one Pokemon with four votes and I feel like it's been robbed enough these past two slates, I'll let it in too...

Pokemon: Turbulusk

Abilities: Filter / Tough Claws / Sturdy
Stats: 100 / 110 / 120 / 70 / 80 / 40
Physical: Body Press, Dual Wingbeat, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Leech Life, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Stone Edge​
Special: Aeroblast, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Bug Buzz, Earth Power, Hurricane, Scorching Sands​
Status: Curse, Defog, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Sharpen​
Absorb, Acid, Aeroblast, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Ancient Power, Body Press, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Bulldoze, Curse, Defog, Dig, Dual Wingbeat, Earth Power, Earthquake, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Gyro Ball, High Horsepower, Hurricane, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Leech Life, Mega Drain, Megahorn, Nature Power, Poison Jab, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb, Scorching Sands, Sharpen, Skitter Smack, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Struggle Bug​
Signature Move: Liftoff |
| Physical | 130 | 100 | 1 | Before using, changes to Airborne form for the rest of the battle. All Pokemon on the field lose their items.​

Pokemon: Turbulusk-Airborne

Abilities: Filter / Tough Claws / Delta Stream
Stats: 100 / 110 / 40 / 70 / 80 / 120

Lore: A giant snail with an old bi-plane as a shell.
Description: Funny mon. Its grounded form is a very nice physical wall with wallbreaking potential with Tough Claws STAB. Airborne for is meant for the funnies. Also makes a decent switch in for Threedy and Amvip sometimes.

Slate 3
Wouldn't you know it, absolutely nothing important changed between the last slate and this one. As always you have a few days and are free to discuss the winners as well!
Name: Lilyqueen
Typing: Grass / Water
Abilities: Rain Dish / Sticky Hold / Sap Sipper
Stats: 101/80/100/102/90/77 (550 BST)
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn, Knock Off
Giga Drain, Hydro Pump, Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball
Leech Seed, Synthesis
Absorb,Aqua Tail,Aromatherapy,Attract,Blizzard,Body Slam,Brine,Bubble Beam,Bullet Seed,Captivate,Confide,Curse,Cut,Dig,Dive,Double Team,Double-Edge,Endure,Energy Ball,Facade,Flash,Fling,Frustration,Giga Drain,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Grassy Glide,Grassy Terrain,Growth,Hail,Headbutt,Hidden Power,Hydro Pump,Hyper Beam,Ice Beam,Icy Wind,Knock Off,Leaf Storm,Leech Seed,Light Screen,Liquidation,Magical Leaf,Mega Drain,Mimic,Mud Shot,Mud-Slap,Muddy Water,Natural Gift,Nature Power,Power Whip,Protect,Rain Dance,Razor Leaf,Reflect,Rest,Return,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Tomb,Round,Safeguard,Scald,Secret Power,Seed Bomb,Sleep Talk,Sludge Bomb,Snore,Solar Beam,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Surf,Swagger,Sweet Scent,Swift,Swords Dance,Synthesis,Tackle,Take Down,Toxic,Water Gun,Water Pulse,Waterfall,Whirlpool,Worry Seed
Move Name: Tidal Force
Category: Special
Type: Water
Base Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves.
Attributes: Protect, Mirror
Explanation: 1-time set rain thing.
Explanation: bulky grass with some good utility moves.

Name: Lullablight
Typing: Fairy / Poison
Abilities: Poison Point / Aroma Veil / Comatose
Stats: 97/43/99/100/93/78 (510 BST)
Notable Moves:
Knock Off
Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Sludge Bomb, Mystical Fire, Psychic
Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Taunt, Pain Split
After You,Ally Switch,Attract,Bide,Body Slam,Captivate,Charm,Confide,Covet,Curse,Cut,Dazzling Gleam,Double Team,Double-Edge,Draining Kiss,Dream Eater,Echoed Voice,Encore,Endeavor,Endure,Energy Ball,Facade,Fake Tears,Flash,Fling,Frustration,Giga Drain,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Headbutt,Heal Bell,Helping Hand,Hidden Power,Hyper Beam,Hyper Voice,Infestation,Knock Off,Last Resort,Light Screen,Magic Coat,Mega Drain,Mega Kick,Mega Punch,Mimic,Misty Explosion,Misty Terrain,Moonblast,Natural Gift,Payback,Play Rough,Poison Jab,Poison Sting,Protect,Psych Up,Psychic,Rage,Rain Dance,Reflect,Rest,Return,Round,Safeguard,Screech,Secret Power,Shadow Ball,Sleep Talk,Sludge Bomb,Sludge Wave,Snore,Solar Beam,Stored Power,Substitute,Sunny Day,Swagger,Take Down,Taunt,Telekinesis,Thief,Thunder Wave,Thunderbolt,Torment,Toxic,Toxic Spikes,Trick,Venom Drench,Venoshock,Wonder Room,Work Up,Yawn
Move Name: Laughing Gas
Category: Status
Type: Poison
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. All Pokemon on the field become drowsy.
Attributes: none
Explanation: buff, hp heal, and pseudohaze all in one? woggers
Explanation: bulky fairy stallbreaker.

Name: Crystanyte
Typing: Ice / Rock
Abilities: Solid Rock / Levitate / No Guard
Stats: 77/105/75/105/75/103 (540 BST)
Notable Moves:
Stone Edge, Triple Axel, Earthquake, Superpower, Knock Off, U-Turn, Explosion
Power Gem, Meteor Beam, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Earth Power
Stealth Rock, Taunt
Ancient Power,Attract,Aurora Veil,Avalanche,Blizzard,Block,Body Slam,Brick Break,Bulldoze,Captivate,Confide,Curse,Dig,Double Team,Double-Edge,Earth Power,Earthquake,Encore,Endure,Explosion,Facade,Fling,Freeze-Dry,Frost Breath,Frustration,Giga Impact,Hail,Harden,Haze,Headbutt,Hidden Power,Hyper Beam,Ice Beam,Ice Punch,Ice Shard,Icicle Spear,Icy Wind,Iron Defense,Iron Head,Iron Tail,Light Screen,Meteor Beam,Mimic,Mist,Mud-Slap,Natural Gift,Payback,Powder Snow,Protect,Rain Dance,Reflect,Rest,Return,Roar,Rock Blast,Rock Polish,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Throw,Rock Tomb,Rollout,Round,Safeguard,Sand Tomb,Sandstorm,Secret Power,Signal Beam,Sleep Talk,Smack Down,Snore,Stealth Rock,Stomping Tantrum,Stone Edge,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Superpower,Swagger,Tackle,Take Down,Toxic,Water Pulse,Weather Ball,Zen Headbutt
Move Name: Crystallize
Category: Special
Type: Rock
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Does damage equal to 1/2 target's current HP. Removes all items on the field.
Attributes: none
Explanation: jumpscare move that can break the mon out of its choice item.
Explanation: straightforward choice mon. can also use meteor beam.
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its back
Name: Ampebrawl
Typing: Electric / Fighting
Abilities: Magic Bounce / Static / Liquid Ooze
Stats: 78 / 70 / 114 / 97 / 70 / 100
Notable Moves: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Moonlight, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Defog, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Water Pledge, U-Turn (more later)
Flavor Moves: Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Vacuum Wave, Meditate, Wild Charge, Brick Break, Spark, Assurance, Waterfall, Liquidation, Brine, Rock Smash, Strength, Rest, Thunder, Zap Cannon (more later)
Weight: 8 kg
Explanation: cool fast physical wall pivot thats fast, and has a decent attack. although having a small movepool, it has alot of good tools. knock off, pivotting in uturn and volt switch, recovery in moonlight and hazard removal in defog. it also has a more niche move in [[Hyperlink Removed]]. it has a decent matchup with the dark types and Shinamako.

Move Name: Highest Voltage
Category: Special
Type: Electric
Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): 100% Chance to paralyze the target.
Attributes: idk
Explanation: free of 50 accuracy zap cannon but with only 1 use.

wip sorta
Name: Howland
Typing: Dark / Ground
Abilities: Grassy Surge / Punk Rock / Defiant
Stats: 70 / 115 / 80 / 95 / 70 / 100
Notable Moves: Parting Shot, Earthquake, Earth Power, U-Turn, Overdrive?, Dark Pulse?, Nasty Plot, Hone Claws, Close Combat, Knock Off, Grassy Glide, Energy Ball?, Leaf Blade, Stone Edge, Boomburst, High Horsepower
Flavor Moves: Brick Break, Assurance, Rock Smash, Strength, Rest, Feint Attack, Protect, Sleep Talk, Howl, Roar, Ancient Power, Uproar, Bulldoze, more later
Weight: 30 kg
Explanation: WIP

Move Name: Sinister Howl
Category: Special
Type: Dark
Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 90
Effect(s): Lower's target(s) attack by 1..
Attributes: Sound
Explanation: big damage button!!! its like a less powerful boomburst, but STAB. the side effect is nice to help it live a hit or two from a mon with a big attack stat.
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Name: Aristurtle

Abilities: Defiant / Competitive | Mold Breaker
Stats: 78/110/80/110/80/80 | 538
Notable Moves:
Zen Headbutt, Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, Psychic Fang, Elemental Fangs, Dragon Claws, Rapid Spin, Superpower
Psychic, Psyshock, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Stored Power, Hydro Pump, Expanding Force
Taunt, Toxic, Slack Off
Amnesia, Body Press, Rest, Sleep Talk, Growl, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, Tackle, Dig, Acid Armor, Hyper Voice, Ancient Power, Ominous Wind
Weight: 100 kg
Explanation: A mon that you don't want to defog into(although its match ups sucks against current defoggers).
Category: Special
Type: Psychic
Base Power: 140
Accuracy: 100%
Effect(s): Physical if Atk >SpAtk,
Attributes: Sound, Bypass Substitute
Explanation: Funny nuke move
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Name: Trapster (lame name, will try to improve later)
Typing: Steel/Fairy
Abilities: Prankster/Sturdy (HA: Iron Barbs)
Stats: 100/60/110/40/90/70 (470)
Notable Moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin, Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Toxic, Body Press, Rest
Flavor Moves: Autotomize, Baton Pass, Beat Up, Belly Drum, Body Slam, Brutal Swing, Bulk Up, Bullet Punch, Confide, Copycat, Covet, Crafty Shield, Cut, Dazzling Gleam, Disable, Disarming Voice, Double Edge, Encore, Endeavor, Endure, Explosion, Extreme Speed, Fairy Lock, Fairy Wind, Fake Out, False Swipe, Flail, Giga Impact, Glare, Growl, Harden, Headbutt, Hone Claws, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Metal Claw, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Pound, Protect, Quick Attack, Scary Face, Scratch, Self Destruct, Slash, Spirit Break, Steel Beam, Strength, Struggle, Substitute, Tackle, Take Down, Thrash, U-Turn,
Weight: 50kg
Explanation: Bulky hazard setter that makes good use of Prankster. Lack of any good recovery options limit it from doing much else.
Move Name: Final Prank
Category: Physical
Type: Fairy
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Sets all hazards one time on both sides of the field. The user faints.
Attributes: Status
Explanation: Big boom that deals decent damage and ruins any switching anyone does after it. If not used properly it can hurt you more than your opponent.
Edit: Added more flavor moves and nerfed the fifth move
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Name: Fightshade (<3 u zxg for the name)
Typing: Ghost/Fighting
Abilities: Ripen / Gluttony / Cheek Pouch
Stats: 90/100/70/100/70/70 [500]
Notable Moves: Poltergeist, Close Combat, Earthquake, Leech Seed, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Stuff Cheeks
Flavor Moves: Recycle, Body Slam, Universals, Growth
Weight: 0.9kg
Explanation: unresisted dual stab lets it afford slots for both Recycle and Stuff Cheeks to get all kinds of berry effects. Generally means it needs lots of turns to do its magic, but seems like a fun mon (and is probably the only meta where you can pull something like this off)

Move Name: Food Fight
Category: Physical
Type: Normal
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: N/A
Effect(s): Before doing damage, recovers the user's berry if it was used or removed. The berry is eaten, gaining any effects, and damage is dealt with the type of the move corresponding to the berry's natural gift type.
Attributes: none
Explanation: sorta like stuff cheeks with damage instead of the defense boost, adding the recycle to ensure its single use actually works. Would also provide some koff counterplay by making the berry recoverable through recycle again.
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24 hours remain for subs! By the way the current DH version is very bugged, practically unplayable, because of a bit of poor planning on my part honestly. I'll work to get it fixed quickly!

Name: Baloon-Popped
Typing: Ghost/Fairy
Abilities: Defeatist / Aftermath | Regenerator
Stats: 76/86/104/104/104/96 (570)
Notable Moves: Shadow Ball, Moonblast, Defog, Healing Wish, Hurricane, Air Slash, Psychic, Trick, Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Toxic
Flavor Moves: filling out if it wins
Weight: weighs extremely little
Explanation: resub, defeatist + regen is fun
Move Name: Confidence Rush
Category: Special
Type: Fairy
Base Power: 120
Accuracy: 100%
Effect(s): If the user is below half of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk rise by 6 stages.
Attributes: only the standard stuff
Explanation: Halved +6 is an effective +2 so this effectively is either a 120 base power nuke or a 65 base power Swords Dance depending on how you use it.
Name: Showmandril
Typing: Electric / Grass
: Tangled Hair / Emergency Exit / Reckless
Stats: 80/110/85/75/85/85 (Bst 520)
Notable Moves:
Acrobatics, Body Press, Brick Break, Drum Beating, Fake Out, Focus Blast, Hammer Arm, Low Kick, Wild Charge., Wood Hammer
Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Giga Drain, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Leech Seed, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Taunt
Flavor Moves: Every move in Rillaboom's usually useless moves category + Spark, Thunder Shock, Charge and Charge Beam.
Move Name: Danger Stunt
Category: Physical
Type: Electric
Base Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Has 1/2 Recoil
Attributes: Recoil
Explanation: Electric Head Smash that serves to activates emergency exit and deal damage.
Explanation: Decently tanky mon that is able to provide speed control with drum beating and tangled hair if desired. However its main draw is also Reckless STAB spam in order to get into emergency exit range and provide a free switch to your team. (Note that DH is currently bugged so eexit doesn't work as supposed to but i got evidence that recoil + eexit works). Changed stuff according to mossy's criticism.
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Name: Fluffang

Abilities: Strong Jaw/Fluffy/Tangling Hair
Stats: 100/125/70/55/70/55 [BST 475]
Notable Moves: Wild Charge, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Roar, Taunt, Bulk Up, Toxic, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Protect, Wish, Thunder Wave.
Flavor Moves: Spark, Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Shock Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Electro Ball, Shadow Ball, Payback, Lick, Iron Tail, Bite, Tackle, Thief, Covet, Dig, Bulldoze, Headbutt, Play Nice, Captivate, Attract, Endure, Fake Tears, Howl, Tail Whip, Growl, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Scary Face, Torment, Hone Claws, Work Up, Mud Slap, Hyper Voice, Round, Snarl, Snore, Dark Pulse, Hyper Fang, Take Down, Double-Edge, Strength, Swift, Feint Attack, Assurance, Lash Out.
Weight: 75 kg
Explanation: Dark/Electric tank. Fluffy and Tangling Hair have good synergy, both in game and in flavor, altho they don't help you against EQ.
Move Name: Ion Bath
Category: Status
Type: Electric
Base Power: -
Accuracy: -
Effect(s): User gains the effects of Aqua Ring, Water Sport, and Charge (including +1 Special Defense).
Attributes: -
Explanation: This is one dog that doesn't hate baths. If you are unfamiliar with any of these usually useless moves, Aqua Ring heals the user for 1/16th at the end of each turn till they switch out, Water Sport reduces all Fire type damage by 2/3rds for 5 turns, and Charge doubles the damage of your next attack if it is Electric type. These effects combine to extend your longevity notably.

Resubbing this:
Name: Coronarok

Abilities: Levitate/Drought/Flame Body
Stats: 70/50/140/90/90/70 [510 BST]
Notable Moves: Weather Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Overheat, Lava Plume, Power Gem, Solar Beam, Scorching Sands, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Growth, Morning Sun
Flavor Moves: Ancient Power, Ember, Flame Wheel, Smack Down, Flash, Solar Blade, Rototiller, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rollout, Defense Curl, Sunny Day, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam
Weight: 400 kg
Explanation: Sun setter that has Ground immunity. Morning Sun gives a ton of recovery to help make up for SR weakness.
Move Name: Solar Storm
Category: Status
Type: Fire
Base Power:-
Accuracy: -
Effect(s): If weather is Sunlight, Changes Weather to Extremely Harsh Sunlight, and raises user's speed by 1. Weather reverts to normal once user faints or switches.
Attributes: -
Explanation: This + Growth turns you from a mere support to a sun sweeper. No longer need you fear Water Moves or someone Changing the weather on you.
Here's a sub, I'm preparing a review post for later in the day, so make sure to get your subs in.

Name: Stilk
Typing: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Shield Dust/Levitate/(Light Metal)
Stats: 85/65/75/85/115/85 (510 BST)
Notable Moves: Bug Buzz, Defog, Flash Cannon, Roost, Quiver Dance, U-Turn, All Universal TMs
Flavor Moves: Bug Bite, Electroweb, Giga Impact, Harden, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Metal Sound, Steel Roller, String Shot, Once again lazy man feels too lazy to add more moves unless the mon wins
Weight: 56,7kgs
Explanation: I know we already have 2 steels already, but I just want to set the standards early. Stilk aims to be a reliable special wall with pivoting and a very reliable Defog thanks to its immunity to spikes and neutrality to rocks. Shield Dust is a very interesting main ability, making it an extremely reliable switch-in to moves such as Scald, Discharge or Ice Beam. Its resistance profile actually makes it extremely good against Ice types with standard coverage (which we don't have yet) and Ground types like Amvip and Dustrake as long as they aren't using fire coverage. For now, it's mostly going to act as a decent answer to Eneryth and Avasterror, as it only really fears Specs Hydro Pump from Avasterror (which would be pretty bad anyway since it can't use its 5th move well with it) and as a reliable Defogger. Overall, a strong specially defensive steel type for the meta to rely on for the future of the mod.

Move Name: Powdered Wind
Category: Special
Type: Flying
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Applies Powder effect to the user for 3 turns.
Attributes: Nay
Explanation: This isn't a very strong custom move, but Powder pretty much removes Stilk's fire weakness, making fire moves blow up in their user's face. This isn't a very easy to use effect though, as Stilk's speed isn't that great and it's unlikely to invest into it, so it can't use it on reaction when facing an opposing offensive fire type. Powdered Wind can however be used to scout for Fire coverage on slower mons or to stop your opponent from getting an advantage by using it as they switch to their fire types. Again, it's not an especially strong move, but it's supposed to be nothing more than a nice option for a pokemon with strong basic options.
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Name: Phantorn

Abilities: Pressure / Cursed Body / Overcoat
Stats: 88 / 116 / 93 / 78 / 141 / 64 (580)
Notable Moves:
Spirit Shackle, Brave Bird, Body Press, U-turn, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Bone, Foul Play

Roost, Defog, Hone Claws, Whirlwind, Torment
Defog, Roost, Brave Bird, Spirit Shackle, U-turn, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Shadow Bone, Hone Claws, Foul Play, Body Press, Shadow Sneak, Whirlwind, Torment, Tailwind, Spite, Shadow Ball, Hurricane, Air Slash, Shadow Claw, Crush Claw, Curse, Phantom Force, Grudge, Air Cutter, Fly, Aerial Ace, Drill Peck, Wing Attack, Mirror Move, Pluck, Peck, Sky Attack, Steel Wing, Dual Wingbeat, Body Slam, Fury Attack, Hyper Beam, Revenge, Thief, Scary Face, Payback, Giga Impact, Assurance, Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind, Dark Pulse, Snarl, Lash Out, Mean Look, Gust, Heat Wave, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, universal moves
Weight: 78 kg
Explanation: This big bird makes up for its low Speed, niche abilities, and bad defensive type with a beastly movepool and stats. It can play as either a wallbreaker or stallbreaker, or a defensive pivot and defogger. Great STAB combo and priority let it be a great slow breaker, and Spirit Shackle has a lot of defensive and offensive utility. It can also be used with combos like Torment and its expansion move to confound passive mons. As a defensive pivot, it has favourable abilities for a defogger and very nice bulk and some utility in U-turn, Knock Off and Whirlwind, although I expect it will usually prefer Body Press and Spirit Shackle. While it has good matchups against Stealth Rockers, a bad matchup against our current Spikers (Threedy, Capsaken) make Body Press a necessity in order for defensive sets to punish them. On paper this mon errs on the strong side a little bit but you can't underestimate how much its weaknesses and bad speed can let it down.
Move Name: Accursed Claw
Category: Physical

Base Power: 90
Accuracy: 80
Effect(s): Inflicts Curse on the opponent.
Attributes: Contact
Explanation: The effect of Curse, when coupled with Spirit Shackle, is a very powerful way to wear down a trapped opponent, which is excellent for wallbreaking and stallbreaking, effectively accomplishing what Magma Storm does. Baiting out this move could be crucial for a stall or balance team to not lose a mon in some situations. Defensive sets enjoy this move too, as they can still run Spirit Shackle and it's useful in passively wearing down opponents.
Name: Combugstible

Abilities: Drought / Fluffy / Leaf Guard
Stats: 74 / 141 / 90 / 111 / 33 / 106 (555)
Notable Moves:
Solar Blade, Lunge, Poison Jab, Leaf Blade, Double-Edge
Solar Beam, Bug Buzz, Scorching Sands, Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse
Growth, Swords Dance, Synthesis, Agility
Solar Blade, Lunge, Poison Jab, Leaf Blade, Double-Edge, Solar Beam, Bug Buzz, Scorching Sands, Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Growth, Swords Dance, Synthesis, Agility, Nature Power, Energy Ball, Grassy Glide, Giga Drain, Sunny Day, Razor Leaf, Air Slash, Hurricane, Slash, Light Screen, Reflect, Hone Claws, Leaf Storm, Grass Knot, Electroweb, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Struggle Bug, Grassy Terrain, Laser Focus, String Shot, Mega Drain, Absorb, Belch, X-Scissor, Skitter Smack, Fury Cutter, Aerial Ace, False Swipe, Feint, Bestow, Guillotine, Razor Wind, Secret Power, Magic Coat, universal moves
Weight: 22 kg
Explanation: This pokemon has powerful moves, an excellent set of abilities which give it bulk and status resistance and great setup options to take advantage of that, making for what seems to be an overloaded breaker. However it's really held back by one of the worst types in the game and a near-lack of coverage options, save for its expansion move, which comes at a big risk. Combugstible would be pretty strong and dumb in some situations for sure, but against bulky defensive Fire or Dragon types especially it could certainly struggle, and it's not easy to bring into battle and can be forced out easily too.
Move Name: Perilous Flames
Category: Physical

Base Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): After this move is used, for as long is this Pokemon remains in battle, all attacks (from both Pokemon) become Fire type.
Attributes: Contact
Explanation: This move lets you ignite your coverage, destroying opposing Steel-types, but afterwards it becomes somewhat of a balancing act. You are locked into Fire-types moves, and although they get probably better coverage overall than Grass, they are weaker overall if your Drought ends and you can be walled easier since you are only limited to that type. What's more, you are now constantly in fear of being revenge killed, as every attack will now do massive damage to you. Overall, this is a perilous, but necessary move, and you need to play carefully to avoid the drawbacks of it.
Name: Chromallusk

Abilities: Protean / Color Change / Suction Cups
Stats: 71 / 87 / 65 / 93 / 95 / 114 (525)
Notable Moves:
U-turn, Gunk Shot, Liquidation, Crunch, Sucker Punch
Ice Beam, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump, Giga Drain, Surf, Scald, Sludge Bomb, Burning Jealousy
Recover, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Haze, Nature Power
Ice Beam, Sludge Wave, Hydro Pump, Giga Drain, Surf, Scald, Sludge Bomb, Burning Jealousy, U-turn, Gunk Shot, Liquidation, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Recover, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Blizzard, Haze, Nature Power, Reflect Type, Soak, Acid Spray, Wrap, Whirlpool, Bubble Beam, Water Pulse, Camouflage, Dive, Minimize, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Octazooka, Brine, Rain Dance, Poison Sting, Venoshock, Bite, Peck, Mega Drain, Absorb, Infestation, Icy Wind, Gastro Acid, Muddy Water, Mud Shot, Hyper Beam, universal moves
Weight: 3 kg
Explanation: A fast offensive pivot, this could essentially fill the roles of a special offensive mon that uses Ice, Poison and Water moves especially effectively, thanks to Protean. Great coverage overall, along with U-turn let it adapt to any situation and hit basically everything neutrally with good prediction. Color Change isn't too impactful for this mon since it also has Protean, but it's a bit tricky and definitely funny. The shortcomings of this mon is that it's not super powerful at all, and definitely can struggle to take down some specially bulky mons, like Shinamako for instance, even with Giga Drain. General special sponges that aren't quad weak to any of its coverage should handle this mon especially well. It's not especially fast either, which could be more of a problem as speed tiers get more stratified.
Move Name: Cleansing Inkshot
Category: Special

Base Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Clears the field of hazards, and removes screens from the foe's side. 100% to lower the foe's evasion by one stage.
Explanation: This mon's expansion move isn't overtly powerful or integral to its playstyle or anything, I'd even go as far to say it's pretty niche, but still, it's a nice move for an offensive pivot to have, being basically just Defog tacked on to an attack. Still, it's pretty useful in general as a teambuilding help, where you don't want to add a dedicated defogger to your fast-paced offense.
Last edited:
Name: Lilyqueen
Typing: Grass / Water
Abilities: Rain Dish / Sticky Hold / Sap Sipper
Stats: 101/80/100/102/90/77 (550 BST)
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn, Knock Off
Giga Drain, Hydro Pump, Scald, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball
Leech Seed, Synthesis
Absorb,Aqua Tail,Aromatherapy,Attract,Blizzard,Body Slam,Brine,Bubble Beam,Bullet Seed,Captivate,Confide,Curse,Cut,Dig,Dive,Double Team,Double-Edge,Endure,Energy Ball,Facade,Flash,Fling,Frustration,Giga Drain,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Grassy Glide,Grassy Terrain,Growth,Hail,Headbutt,Hidden Power,Hydro Pump,Hyper Beam,Ice Beam,Icy Wind,Knock Off,Leaf Storm,Leech Seed,Light Screen,Liquidation,Magical Leaf,Mega Drain,Mimic,Mud Shot,Mud-Slap,Muddy Water,Natural Gift,Nature Power,Power Whip,Protect,Rain Dance,Razor Leaf,Reflect,Rest,Return,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Tomb,Round,Safeguard,Scald,Secret Power,Seed Bomb,Sleep Talk,Sludge Bomb,Snore,Solar Beam,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Surf,Swagger,Sweet Scent,Swift,Swords Dance,Synthesis,Tackle,Take Down,Toxic,Water Gun,Water Pulse,Waterfall,Whirlpool,Worry Seed
Move Name: Tidal Force
Category: Special
Type: Water
Base Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): For 8 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves.
Attributes: Protect, Mirror
Explanation: 1-time set rain thing.
Explanation: bulky grass with some good utility moves.

Name: Lullablight
Typing: Fairy / Poison
Abilities: Poison Point / Aroma Veil / Comatose
Stats: 97/43/99/100/93/78 (510 BST)
Notable Moves:
Knock Off
Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Sludge Bomb, Mystical Fire, Psychic
Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Taunt, Pain Split
After You,Ally Switch,Attract,Bide,Body Slam,Captivate,Charm,Confide,Covet,Curse,Cut,Dazzling Gleam,Double Team,Double-Edge,Draining Kiss,Dream Eater,Echoed Voice,Encore,Endeavor,Endure,Energy Ball,Facade,Fake Tears,Flash,Fling,Frustration,Giga Drain,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Headbutt,Heal Bell,Helping Hand,Hidden Power,Hyper Beam,Hyper Voice,Infestation,Knock Off,Last Resort,Light Screen,Magic Coat,Mega Drain,Mega Kick,Mega Punch,Mimic,Misty Explosion,Misty Terrain,Moonblast,Natural Gift,Payback,Play Rough,Poison Jab,Poison Sting,Protect,Psych Up,Psychic,Rage,Rain Dance,Reflect,Rest,Return,Round,Safeguard,Screech,Secret Power,Shadow Ball,Sleep Talk,Sludge Bomb,Sludge Wave,Snore,Solar Beam,Stored Power,Substitute,Sunny Day,Swagger,Take Down,Taunt,Telekinesis,Thief,Thunder Wave,Thunderbolt,Torment,Toxic,Toxic Spikes,Trick,Venom Drench,Venoshock,Wonder Room,Work Up,Yawn
Move Name: Laughing Gas
Category: Status
Type: Poison
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1. Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their max HP. All Pokemon on the field become drowsy.
Attributes: none
Explanation: buff, hp heal, and pseudohaze all in one? woggers
Explanation: bulky fairy stallbreaker.

Name: Crystanyte
Typing: Ice / Rock
Abilities: Solid Rock / Levitate / No Guard
Stats: 77/105/75/105/75/103 (540 BST)
Notable Moves:
Stone Edge, Triple Axel, Earthquake, Superpower, Knock Off, U-Turn
Meteor Beam, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Earth Power
Stealth Rock, Taunt
Ancient Power,Attract,Aurora Veil,Avalanche,Blizzard,Block,Body Slam,Brick Break,Bulldoze,Captivate,Confide,Curse,Dig,Double Team,Double-Edge,Earth Power,Earthquake,Encore,Endure,Explosion,Facade,Fling,Freeze-Dry,Frost Breath,Frustration,Giga Impact,Hail,Harden,Haze,Headbutt,Hidden Power,Hyper Beam,Ice Beam,Ice Punch,Ice Shard,Icicle Spear,Icy Wind,Iron Defense,Iron Head,Iron Tail,Light Screen,Meteor Beam,Mimic,Mist,Mud-Slap,Natural Gift,Payback,Powder Snow,Protect,Rain Dance,Reflect,Rest,Return,Roar,Rock Blast,Rock Polish,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Throw,Rock Tomb,Rollout,Round,Safeguard,Sand Tomb,Sandstorm,Secret Power,Signal Beam,Sleep Talk,Smack Down,Snore,Stealth Rock,Stomping Tantrum,Stone Edge,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Superpower,Swagger,Tackle,Take Down,Toxic,Water Pulse,Weather Ball,Zen Headbutt
Move Name: Crystallize
Category: Special
Type: Rock
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Does damage equal to 1/3 target's max HP. Removes all items on the field.
Attributes: none
Explanation: jumpscare move that can break the mon out of its choice item.
Explanation: straightforward choice mon. can also use meteor beam.
Lilyqueen: Bulky Grass type is pretty nice and the moves are quite good, but Water/Grass is a bit of an awkward typing for a Grass type as you miss out on an interesting Electric resist. The typing is generally fine, that one problem is just a little bit annoying to me. I'd also list Aromatherapy as viable, it can be a pretty nice move for bulkier teams, especially for a mon without any kind of status protection otherwise. As for the custom move, I think setting rain for 5 turns would be more appropriate as it would be more in-line with already existing effects and 8 turns is honestly kind of a lot. Could make it 8 if holding Damp Rock though.
Lullablight: Don't have much to say about the core part of the mon itself, it pretty much does what you intend it to do, though I am worried about the 5th move, as a defense boost on a naturally bulky poison immune mon with Nasty Plot that also forces the opponent to switch feels like it has a lot of potential to go wrong. I'm assuming Comatose making it immune to the Sleep effect from the move is on purpose and the combo feels like it can be an especially deadly setup.
Crystanyte: Does it not have Power Gem? I mean special sets mostly just need Meteor Beam, Blizzard and Earth Power, but feels like an option it should probably have. Anyway, feels like a decent overall attacker, maybe a bit boring. I think Explosion could be worth noting as, with Stealth Rock and Taunt, it could make a decent suicide lead. The biggest thing I have to say is that the 5th move seems a bit weak. I think the effect works very well for it, but 1/3 of the target's max health might be rough to find a good opportunity to use. 1/2 of the target's current health could help set both healthy and damaged target into a spot where they're uncomfortable taking a hit from you, making it more than just a weird Trick sidegrade.

its back
Name: Ampebrawl
Typing: Electric / Fighting
Abilities: Magic Bounce / Static / Liquid Ooze
Stats: 78 / 70 / 114 / 97 / 70 / 100
Notable Moves: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Moonlight, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Defog, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Water Pledge, U-Turn (more later)
Flavor Moves: Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Vacuum Wave, Meditate, Wild Charge, Brick Break, Spark, Assurance, Waterfall, Liquidation, Brine, Rock Smash, Strength, Octolock, Rest, Thunder, Zap Cannon (more later)
Weight: 8 kg
Explanation: cool fast physical wall pivot thats fast, and has a decent attack. although having a small movepool, it has alot of good tools. knock off, pivotting in uturn and volt switch, recovery in moonlight and hazard removal in defog. it also has a more niche move in Octolock. it has a decent matchup with the dark types and Shinamako.

Move Name: Highest Voltage
Category: Special
Type: Electric
Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): 100% Chance to paralyze the target.
Attributes: idk
Explanation: free of 50 accuracy zap cannon but with only 1 use.

wip sorta
Name: Howland
Typing: Dark / Ground
Abilities: Grassy Surge / Punk Rock / Defiant
Stats: 70 / 115 / 80 / 95 / 70 / 100
Notable Moves: Parting Shot, Earthquake, Earth Power, U-Turn, Overdrive?, Dark Pulse?, Nasty Plot, Hone Claws, Close Combat, Knock Off, Grassy Glide, Energy Ball?, Leaf Blade, Stone Edge, Boomburst
Flavor Moves: Brick Break, Assurance, Rock Smash, Strength, Rest, Feint Attack, Protect, Sleep Talk, Howl, Roar, Ancient Power, Uproar, Bulldoze, more later
Weight: 30 kg
Explanation: WIP

Move Name: Sinister Howl
Category: Special
Type: Dark
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
Effect(s): Lower's target(s) attack by 1..
Attributes: Sound
Explanation: big damage button!!! its like a less powerful boomburst, but STAB. the side effect is nice to help it live a hit or two from a mon with a big attack stat.
Ampebrawl: Looks pretty nice at a glance, but I think there are a few bothering things to note. The first one is Calm Mind. The big problem with that is that it's on a physically defensive mon with Magic Bounce. It's not that bad in terms of balance, but bulky setup without a good way to cripple the user through Toxic or phaze it with Roar or whatever can get pretty annoying, especially for something meant to be a defensive pokemon rather than a win condition. I'm not necessarily saying you should remove it, but the bigger problem comes with Octolock. Octolock is an extremely powerful trapping move usually balanced by being on a weak mon without defensive utility. When put on a pokemon with not only good bulk, but also recovery, Magic Bounce and especially setup, it becomes a pretty big issue. I would recommend removing. Finally, a more minor issue is that it overlaps with Shinamako a bit as a fighting type wall, metagame usually don't need more than one, if any defensive fighter, though that is something I think can be overlooked. To end on a more positive note, I think the fighting typing is used very well on it, as, when paired with Static, it becomes very good at absorbing and punishing Knock Off and U-Turn. Cool mon overall, though I would recommend removing Octolock and it might be worth seeing how the meta develops to see if it is worth resubbing or if it's worth changing in some ways so it doesn't overlap with Shinamako too much.
Howland: Oh god it's Rillaboom and it has coverage for Flying types- Oh wait it's not grass type. This actually makes Grassy Glide more of an helpful priority move for a mid-speed mon, kinda like Extreme Speed is to Entei. This is a pretty standard attacker otherwise, though you should give it High Horsepower or something else like that, because Earthquake is weakened by Grassy Terrain. Maybe the 5th move could also get a slight bp buff, 10 or 20 maybe, since it's barely stronger than boomburst and can miss unlike it.

Name: Aristurtle

Abilities: Defiant / Competitive | Mold Breaker
Stats: 88/95/90/95/80/80 | 528
Notable Moves:
Zen Headbutt, Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, Psychic Fang, Elemental Fangs, Dragon Claws, Rapid Spin, Superpower
Psychic, Psyshock, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Stored Power, Hydro Pump, Expanding Force
Taunt, Toxic,
Amnesia, Body Press, Rest, Sleep Talk, Growl, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, Tackle, Dig, Acid Armor, Hyper Voice, Ancient Power,
Weight: 100 kg
Explanation: A mon that you don't want to defog into(although its match ups sucks against current defogger).
Category: Special
Type: Psychic
Base Power: 140
Accuracy: 100%
Effect(s): Physical if Atk >SpAtk,
Attributes: Sound, Bypass Substitute
Explanation: Funny nuke move
Aristurtle: I understand the concept behind it, but the problem is that this is committing too much into a fairly niche role. Defog punishing is nice, but if you look at the viable Defog punishers in OU, Bisharp and Zapdos-G, they don't rely on Defiant for their offensive potential. They make use of it more as an added pressure factor. This pokemon is going to struggle because it needs the Defiant/Competitive boost to be a threat at all. It might help to boost the offensive stats or give it a setup option. I will also note that I like synergy with Stored Power and I think the 5th move works well with the mon.

Name: Trapster (lame name, will try to improve later)
Typing: Steel/Fairy
Abilities: Prankster/Sturdy (HA: Iron Barbs)
Stats: 100/60/110/40/90/70 (470)
Notable Moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin, Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Toxic, Body Press, Rest
Flavor Moves: Play Rough, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Body Slam, Brutal Swing
Weight: 50kg
Explanation: Bulky hazard setter that makes good use of Prankster. Lack of any good recovery options limit it from doing much else.
Move Name: Final Prank
Category: Status
Type: Fairy
Base Power: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Effect(s): Sets all hazards the maximum amount of times on both sides of the field, also dealing their effects to the target. The user faints.
Attributes: Status
Explanation: Big boom that deals decent damage and ruins any switching anyone does after it. If not used properly it can hurt you more than your opponent.
Trapster: I will say that this pokemon tries to optimize for the wrong things. A pokemon isn't simply a hazard setter, it's an offensive or defensive mon that also happens to set hazards. A pokemon with no optimization other than setting/removing hazards is not gonna be a pokemon you want to fit on teams because that's not what you want the pokemon's main role to be. It's also worth noting that pokemon rarely benefit from having more than one set of hazards unless they're a suicide lead. For example, if you look at Ferrothorn, despite having Stealth Rock, it almost exclusively uses Spikes, and when it does use Rocks, it's never with Spikes. As for the fifth move, I think it's almost certainly broken, as it not only sets max hazards, but also does so with priority and while making the user faint. This is the most overoptimized way to make a suicide lead and I don't think you realize how good the user fainting is, as it prevents Rapid Spin or Defog for the turn. Basically, this means Hyper Offense teams get an incredibly amount of advantage and momentum in one turn without any way for the opponent to deal with it. So in short, I'd recommend making the pokemon either more focused towards another role that includes hazard such as a defensive mon or suicide lead and I'd also rework the fifth move to not give such a huge advantage upon its use.

Name: Fightshade (<3 u zxg for the name)
Typing: Ghost/Fighting
Abilities: Ripen / Gluttony / Cheek Pouch
Stats: 100/110/80/100/80/70 [540]
Notable Moves: Poltergeist, Close Combat, Earthquake, Leech Seed, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Stuff Cheeks
Flavor Moves: Recycle, Body Slam, Universals, Growth
Weight: 0.9kg
Explanation: unresisted dual stab lets it afford slots for both Recycle and Stuff Cheeks to get all kinds of berry effects. Generally means it needs lots of turns to do its magic, but seems like a fun mon (and is probably the only meta where you can pull something like this off)

Move Name: Food Fight
Category: Physical
Type: Normal
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: N/A
Effect(s): Before doing damage, recovers the user's berry if it was used or removed. The berry is eaten, gaining any effects, and damage is dealt with the type of the move corresponding to the berry's natural gift type.
Attributes: none
Explanation: sorta like stuff cheeks with damage instead of the defense boost, adding the recycle to ensure its single use actually works. Would also provide some koff counterplay by making the berry recoverable through recycle again.
Fightshade: I'm not sure how to feel about this. I think STAB Poltergeist+Close Combat off of 110 base attack seems like a lot to wall, even if it only has 70 base speed. I think giving it a nearly unresisted STAB combo is one thing, but giving it very strong and spammable moves with it is another, and I think it can get to a point where people start running itemless fighting resistances to deal with it. I think 100/80/80 bulk also make its offensive capabilities more worrying, as it's not something you can just easily one-shot with a faster offensive mon. As for the berry gimmick... yeah it's fine, though berry-based pokemon are a bit hard to judge since berries often don't tend to be worth sacrificing an item and ability slot for, though I can see this working. The big issues for me are STAB Poltergeist and the above average bulk for an offensive mon. I think you could afford to sacrifice a berry ability like Gluttony to fit Technician and Shadow Punch if you want a more tame physical Ghost stab. I also think defenses or HP could be lowered some amount to make it easier to check offensively.

Name: Showmandril
Typing: Electric / Grass
: Tangled Hair / Emergency Exit / Reckless
Stats: 110/80/85/75/85/65 (Bst 500)
Notable Moves:
Acrobatics, Body Press, Brick Break, Drum Beating, Fake Out, Focus Blast, Hammer Arm, Low Kick, Wild Charge., Wood Hammer
Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Giga Drain, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Leech Seed, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Taunt
Flavor Moves: Every move in Rillaboom's usually useless moves category + Spark, Thunder Shock, Charge and Charge Beam.
Move Name: Danger Stunt
Category: Physical
Type: Electric
Base Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Has 1/2 Recoil
Attributes: Recoil
Explanation: Electric Head Smash that serves to activates emergency exit and deal damage.
Explanation: Decently tanky mon that is able to provide speed control with drum beating and tangled hair if desired. However its main draw is also Reckless STAB spam in order to get into emergency exit range and provide a free switch to your team. (Note that DH is currently bugged so eexit doesn't work as supposed to but i got evidence that recoil + eexit works)
Showmandril: I get the idea behind this, but the stats you use for it synergize very poorly with the choice of abilities and moves. I think it would want more power and speed and less HP to be able to activate Emergency Exit more easily with its own move and activate it before the opponent can hit you and put you in range before your attack. As it stands, high HP means you will take less recoil damage and likely stay out of Emergency Exit range. The low attack power is also not great for what I assume is meant to be a choiced wallbreaker. I'd probably recommend moving about 30 points from HP into Attack and increase its speed by around 20 points so it's at least decent and maybe gives it the option to use Choice Scarf.

Name: Fluffang

Abilities: Strong Jaw/Fluffy/Tangling Hair
Stats: 100/125/70/55/70/55 [BST 475]
Notable Moves: Wild Charge, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Play Rough, Stomping Tantrum, Roar, Taunt, Bulk Up, Toxic, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Protect, Wish, Thunder Wave.
Flavor Moves: Spark, Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Shock Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Electro Ball, Shadow Ball, Payback, Lick, Iron Tail, Bite, Tackle, Thief, Covet, Dig, Bulldoze, Headbutt, Play Nice, Captivate, Attract, Endure, Fake Tears, Howl, Tail Whip, Growl, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Scary Face, Torment, Hone Claws, Work Up, Mud Slap, Hyper Voice, Round, Snarl, Snore, Dark Pulse, Hyper Fang, Take Down, Double-Edge, Strength, Swift, Feint Attack, Assurance, Lash Out.
Weight: 75 kg
Explanation: Dark/Electric tank. Fluffy and Tangling Hair have good synergy, both in game and in flavor, altho they don't help you against EQ.
Move Name: Ion Bath
Category: Status
Type: Electric
Base Power: -
Accuracy: -
Effect(s): User gains the effects of Aqua Ring, Water Sport, and Charge (including +1 Special Defense).
Attributes: -
Explanation: This is one dog that doesn't hate baths. If you are unfamiliar with any of these usually useless moves, Aqua Ring heals the user for 1/16th at the end of each turn till they switch out, Water Sport reduces all Fire type damage by 2/3rds for 5 turns, and Charge doubles the damage of your next attack if it is Electric type. These effects combine to extend your longevity notably.

Resubbing this:
Name: Coronarok

Abilities: Levitate/Drought/Flame Body
Stats: 70/50/140/90/90/70 [510 BST]
Notable Moves: Weather Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Overheat, Lava Plume, Power Gem, Solar Beam, Scorching Sands, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Growth, Morning Sun
Flavor Moves: Ancient Power, Ember, Flame Wheel, Smack Down, Flash, Solar Blade, Rototiller, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rollout, Defense Curl, Sunny Day, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam
Weight: 400 kg
Explanation: Sun setter that has Ground immunity. Morning Sun gives a ton of recovery to help make up for SR weakness.
Move Name: Solar Storm
Category: Status
Type: Fire
Base Power:-
Accuracy: -
Effect(s): If weather is Sunlight, Changes Weather to Extremely Harsh Sunlight, and raises user's speed by 1. Weather reverts to normal once user faints or switches.
Attributes: -
Explanation: This + Growth turns you from a mere support to a sun sweeper. No longer need you fear Water Moves or someone Changing the weather on you.
Fluffang: Honestly... this isn't the most exciting submission here, but I can't find much to criticize about it, it's executed very well. The one thing I think could be improved on is the fifth move, as the advantages it gives are a bit too minor, so maybe an extra 25% healing upon using it would make it feel stronger, since it almost feels worse than some of the other moves you might want to use in its current state.
Coronarock: I almost voted for this last slate, but I'm not sure we want a sun setter, at least not this early on in the meta. I also think it's a very strong pokemon on its own, which could make it difficult to make an archetype around it without it being too strong. I think this could be fine later on in the mod and if we decide we're fine with sun mostly making use of a self-abuser.

Name: Phantorn

Abilities: Pressure / Cursed Body / Overcoat
Stats: 88 / 116 / 93 / 72 / 141 / 70 (580)
Notable Moves:
Spirit Shackle, Brave Bird, Body Press, U-turn, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Bone, Foul Play

Roost, Defog, Hone Claws, Taunt, Whirlwind, Torment
Defog, Roost, Brave Bird, Spirit Shackle, U-turn, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Shadow Bone, Hone Claws, Foul Play, Body Press, Shadow Sneak, Taunt, Whirlwind, Torment, Tailwind, Spite, Shadow Ball, Hurricane, Air Slash, Shadow Claw, Crush Claw, Curse, Phantom Force, Grudge, Air Cutter, Fly, Aerial Ace, Drill Peck, Wing Attack, Mirror Move, Pluck, Peck, Sky Attack, Steel Wing, Dual Wingbeat, Body Slam, Fury Attack, Hyper Beam, Revenge, Thief, Scary Face, Payback, Giga Impact, Assurance, Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind, Dark Pulse, Snarl, Lash Out, Mean Look, Gust, Heat Wave, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, universal moves
Weight: 78 kg
Explanation: This big bird makes up for its low Speed, niche abilities, and bad defensive type with a beastly movepool and stats. It can play as either a wallbreaker or stallbreaker, or a defensive pivot and defogger. Great STAB combo and priority let it be a great slow breaker, and Spirit Shackle has a lot of defensive and offensive utility. It can also be used with combos like Taunt or Torment and its expansion move to confound passive mons. As a defensive pivot, it has favourable abilities for a defogger and very nice bulk and some utility in U-turn, Knock Off and Whirlwind, although I expect it will usually prefer Body Press and Spirit Shackle. While it has good matchups against Stealth Rockers, a bad matchup against our current Spikers (Threedy, Capsaken) make Body Press a necessity in order for defensive sets to punish them. On paper this mon errs on the strong side a little bit but you can't underestimate how much its weaknesses and bad speed can let it down.
Move Name: Accursed Claw
Category: Physical

Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 80
Effect(s): Inflicts Curse on the opponent.
Attributes: Contact
Explanation: The effect of Curse, when coupled with Spirit Shackle, is a very powerful way to wear down a trapped opponent, which is excellent for wallbreaking and stallbreaking, effectively accomplishing what Magma Storm does. Baiting out this move could be crucial for a stall or balance team to not lose a mon in some situations. Defensive sets enjoy this move too, as they can still run Spirit Shackle and it's useful in passively wearing down opponents.
Phantorn: I'm always wary of trappers and especially ones with things like recovery, Taunt or setup. I think something might have to change about this mon, either a nerf to its bulk or the removal of one of its support moves. I think with the amount of options it has, nerfing something a little won't prevent it from being viable, and I'd rather be safe with trappers. As for the 5th move, I think that needs to be nerfed to like halved base power, because if it hits, that's at least 100bp+an extra 25% damage, which is not hard to make lead to kills, even without trapping. The damage is just too high for an effect as powerful as Curse without a drawback. I also don't think accuracy should be used as a balance factor for a move whose secondary effect is as relevant as this, so 50bp 100% accuracy is what I'd change it to.

Anyway that's it. If you want to discuss your subs further, make sure to join the Discord. If you don't want to... join it anyway for meta discussion.
Pokemon: Rapteroid

Ability: Hyper Cutter / Ice Scales / Sheer Force
Stats: 64 / 113 / 70 / 103 / 85 / 67 (BST: 432)
Physical: Dragon Claw, Ice Fang, Icicle Spear, Rock Slide, Stone Edge​
Special: Ancient Power, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam, Meteor Beam, Power Gem​
Status: Recover, Stealth Rock, Spikes​
Orbital Launch |
| Special | 140 | 100 | +5 power for every hazard on the field. Clears all hazards.​
Flavor: la creatura
Description: ice wallbreaker cuz this meta lacks that. basically mini kyurem but no degen sub roost pressure strats ew yucky!! ice scales gives it extra bulk when switching in, sheer force gives it extra power while wearing boots, and hyper cutter so it cant get intim'd by capsaken if you chose to run physical (you're not, but rock slide is cool tech right???). orbital launch is cool to remove hazards, but this is also a pretty good hazard setter, so its a trade off. meteor beam is also there
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