Data ASB Raid Zone - General Thread (NEW REF PAYMENT)


ASB Raid Zone

Welcome to the Raid Zone of CAP ASB, brave challengers! Here, you will be able to test your team working skills with another player in particularly harsh fights against powerful Pokémon and even legendaries. However, contrary to what you are used to in the standard games, your goal is not to catch them - the goal is to knock out the opponent before being wiped out!​

Table of Contents

1. Overview​
  1. User Interaction
  2. Battle Details
  3. Raid Mechanics
  4. AI Mechanics
  5. Threat Mechanics
  6. Mechanics Working Differently in Raid Zone
  7. Substitution Commands in the Raid Zone
  8. Hotfixes
2. Rewards​
  1. Reward System​
  2. Reward List​
3.Raid Zones​
  1. Stormrage Mountain
  2. Isle of Lost Relics
4. Achievements
  1. Stormrage Mountain Achievements
  2. Isle of Lost Relics Achievements
5. Challenges
  1. Battle Format
  2. Challenge Format
  3. Queue
6. Heirlooms
  1. What are Heirlooms?
  2. Available Heirlooms

User Interaction
    • A player can only enter one challenge at a time. Challenging the Raid Zone does not take up a slot of your allowed simultaneous battles.
Battle Details
  • I will be the referee for this matches if they have never been completed before. Otherwise, one of my co-referees could referee as well.
  • Each Raid will see challengers squaring off against several encounters (from 1 to 3 generally). Their Pokémon will be healed between encounters - even fainted ones.
  • Challenges will involve existing Pokémon, but their stats will be buffed up to make them more challenging.
  • Players do not earn KO Counters from their Raid challenges as they normally would, but their Pokémon do earn one Evolution Counter, one Ability Counter, and two Move Counters for each encounter completed successfully. Moreover, defeating an encounter grant to each player two Currency Counters, and a variable amount of KO Counters (to be distributed freely among any Pokémon in their possession).
  • Consumable items consumed in an encounter are returned to the Pokemon at the end of that encounter. No item is permanently lost in any way in the Raid challenge.
  • Certain moves do not work or work differently in the Raid Zone. The detailed list is showed later.
  • Substitution commands are allowed, but with several differences (see below for details)
  • Ties in the Raid Challenge, if they ever happen, will count as a victory for the raid challengers.
Raid Mechanics
  • Bosses are immune to the following effects: Sleep, Freeze, Confusion, Flinch, Attract, Disabling, Stat lowering, any move which copies, transfers or alters in any way stat ups (like Heart Swap and Psych Up) and the trapping effect from Fire Spin/Whirpool/Clamp/etc. have no effect on bosses. Paralysis still works, but can't cause the boss to get fully paralyzed. Leech Seed also works, but it only leeches 3 flat HP each action instead of 1/30 of the target's max HP. Moreover, each status affecting a boss only lasts for (6) actions before being removed.
  • Bosses do incur in the sluggish condition, but this will simply prevent them from using such a move twice in a row. So, for example, a Dialga boss couldn't use Roar of Time after a Hyper Beam or a Giga Impact, but he could still use Fire Blast or Outrage instead.
  • Bosses do not get their evasion reduced while under the effects of Trick Room. Any -Spe Pokémon will still get the +Accuracy boost, but not the +Dodge boost. Aside from that, Trick Room will work as usual in raids.
  • Water Gun has its effects reduced when used on Bosses - it won't make them 2X weaker to electric attacks, but instead it will raise the base power of Electric attacks against them by (3).
  • Bosses do not get locked in moves like Outrage or Petal Dance when they use them.
  • Bosses always break through Mat Block, Wide Guard, Quick Guard. On Normal mode,
  • All bosses are immune to the following moves: Bestow, Block, Crush Grip, Curse (the Ghost-type effect), Electrify, Encore, Endeavor, Entrainment, Fairy Lock, Forest's Curse, Gastro Acid, Gravity (the effect preventing Fly and similar moves from being used), Grudge, Guard Split, Haze (the vision reducing effect), Heal Block, Imprison, Ion Deluge, Mean Look, Mist (the vision reducing effect), Pain Split, Perish Song, Power Split, Psycho Shift, Quash, Skill Swap, Sky Drop, Smack Down (the effect preventing Fly and similar moves from being used), Soak, Spider Web, Super Fang, Switcheroo, Telekinesis, Torment, Transform, Trick, Trick-or-Treat and Wring Out. Other moves are viable with no restriction or limitation.
  • The following abilities have no effect in raid zones: Air Lock, Arena Trap, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Imposter, Magnet Pull, Mummy, Rivalry, Shadow Tag, Unaware.
  • The following items are banned from raids: Focus Band, Ring Target, any evasion enhancing item.
  • Bosses ignore the effects of the following commands: Bodyblock, Dodge, Take Cover.
  • Bosses ignore any negative effect (including damage) from another boss using Earthquake, Surf or a similar move.
  • Weather effects summoned by bosses cannot be influenced at all by Pokémon's weather moves/abilities (not even if they hold a weather stone)
  • Bosses have infinite energy. It's pointless to attempt to stall them.
  • Bosses sometimes have other Pokemon assisting them or joining them during the fight. If these Pokemon are labeled as (Add), it is not strictly necessary to kill them in order to win the encounter (killing them may still be necessary to not be overcome, though).
    Seldomly, some Bosses may have immunities in addition to the ones listed here. Moreover, if a move proves to be particularly unbalanced or may be "cheaply" abused in Raids, I may intervene with a Hotfix to add it to the banlist. a list of all the Hotfix is showed later.
  • Substitute can't be used in Raids
AI Mechanics
  • Bosses do not behave like common trainer-owned Pokémon. They generally won't use most non-attacking moves, like status moves, Substitute, Explosion, Destiny Bond and many others (although some bosses may use some of them, they'll be the exception rather than the rule).
  • More commonly, they'll assault their current target with the some of the most effective moves they may use against it (so, for example, a Golem boss against a Flareon could randomly use Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Earthquake, but he'll never use Brick Break for example).
  • Keep in mind that most bosses also can perform special actions, generally with a precise schedule (for example, when they get to a certain % of their max health, after a certain number of actions/rounds, or when some kind of other event happens). They often have relevant effects on the battle, so watch out for them. Also note that these special actions cannot be avoided with Protect/Detect (they could still be avoided by other means, though). Moreover, the damage reduction provided by Light Screen and Reflect against specials is capped at 8, no matter how high the BP of such specials is. Additionally, Mud Sport and Water Sport reduce their damage only by 25% instead of 50%.
Threat Mechanics
  • Bosses decide the targets of their assaults based on the amount of threat generated by the Pokémon's attacks. Threat is a stat associated with every Pokémon in battle, and is raised by the use of damaging and healing moves. Each point of damage translates in 1 point of threat against the damaged foe. Each point of healing translates in 1 point of threat against all targettable foes. The Pokémon which has the highest threat become the target of the boss for that action. If the boss was already targetting another Pokémon, the Pokémon needs to reach a threat equal or above 130% of the current target.
  • If more than one boss is present, each boss will have a specific threat list, and a Pokémon could easily be really high in the threat against one boss, but very low against the other one. Keep in mind that some special actions made by bosses could affect their threat list, sometimes completely wiping it.
  • Several moves and abilities affect threat generation:
    • The following abilities can be toggled ON to raise the threat generated by damage and healing done by 50% (this effect will replace their standard effects). These abilities can't be toggled ON if copied or transferred and don't stack with other threat multipliers:
      • Big Pecks
      • Cute Charm
      • Intimidate
      • Own Tempo
      • Pressure
      • Rivalry.
    • The following ability can be toggled ON to raise the threat generated by damage done against poisoned targets by 50% (this effect will replace its standard effects).This ability can't be toggled ON if copied or transferred and doesn't stack with other threat multipliers:
      • Poison Touch
    • The following abilities can be toggled ON to raise the threat generated by Fairy-type damaging and healing moves by 50% (this effect will replace their standard effects). These abilities can't be toggled ON if copied or transferred and don't stack with other threat multipliers:
      • Magician
      • Serene Grace
    • The following abilities reduce the user's threat generation by 20% when active:
      • Sand Veil
      • Snow Cloak
    • The following damaging moves will now generate a high amount of threat, which means they will cause a flat additional threat equal to the damage caused. For example, a Pokemon that causes 20 damage with such a move will cause 40 threat overall. A Pokemon with Pressure Toggled On that causes 20 damage with such a move will cause 20*1.5+20 = 50 threat overall, instead. The list includes:
      • Attack Order, Avalanche, Bug Bite, Bulldoze, Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, Metal Burst, Payback, Pluck, Power Gem, Retaliate, Revenge, Rock Tomb, Skull Bash, Vital Throw
      • Cross Poison (only against poisoned targets)
      • Energy Ball (only if the user's Sp. Attack stage is +1 or higher)
      • Flame Burst (only on the primary target and only if the primary target is burned)
      • Play Rough (only if the user's Attack stage is +1 or higher)
      • Seed Bomb (only if the target is affected by the user's Leech Seed)
    • The following moves had their old effects replaced by new ones:
      • Camouflage: reduces threat against all enemies by 100%. Energy Cost: 12.
      • Celebrate: raises the user's threat generation by 100% for the next 6 actions. This effect doesn't stack with other threat multipliers. Energy Cost: 6.
      • Double Team: reduces threat against all enemies by 15%. Energy Cost: 6.
      • Follow Me: puts the user at a threat level equal to 130% for each targettable enemy, forcing them to attack the user. Each affected enemy will be immune to the effects of taunting moves for the next 3 actions. Energy Cost: 10.
      • Happy Hour: raises the user's threat generation by 100% for the next 6 actions. This effect doesn't stack with other threat multipliers. Energy Cost: 6.
      • Minimize: reduces threat against all enemies by 30%. Energy Cost: 9.
      • Rage Powder: puts the user at a threat level equal to 130% for each targettable enemy, forcing them to attack the user. Each affected enemy will be immune to the effects of taunting moves for the next 3 actions. Energy Cost: 10.
      • Spite: raises the user's threat generation by 100% for the next 6 actions. This effect doesn't stack with other threat multipliers. Energy Cost: 6.
      • Taunt: puts the user at a threat level equal to 130% for the current target, forcing the target to attack the user. The target will be immune to the effects of taunting moves for the next 3 actions. Energy Cost: 7.
    • The following move will have a new effect in addition to its old one:
      • Disarming Voice: puts the user at a threat level equal to 130% for the current target, forcing the target to attack the user. The target will be immune to the effects of taunting moves for the next 3 actions. Energy Cost: 7.
Mechanics working differently in Raid Zone
  • As explained before, Leech Seed only leeches 3 flat HP each action instead of 1/30 of the target's max HP.
  • Combo moves and the commands Bodyblock and Take Cover are not allowed within Raids
  • Endure won't prevent going KO from direct damage if the Pokemon is at 1 HP before taking damage.
  • Some artifacts will have Threshold as a stat bonus in their effects. Threshold increases the power of the holder's attacks depending on the move's base power (factoring in Technician and multi-hit strikes):
    • BP 5 or less: +0
    • BP 6-7: +0.5 per Threshold point
    • BP 8-10: +1 per Threshold point
    • BP 11-13: +1.5 per Threshold point
    • BP 14 or higher: +2 per Threshold point
Substitution Commands in the Raid Zone
  • Standard substitutions are disallowed in the Raid Zone, because they would conflict with the boss's AI. Instead, you may use any of the following substitution templates:
    • Condition Substitution: A condition substitution is based on a certain statistic of the user or a friendly Pokémon. Examples: "If one of the team mates drops below 30 HP, replace Sludge Bomb with Heal Pulse";"If you're at the top of threat list when it's your turn, replace Stone Edge with Substitute".[/SIZE]
    • Move Substitution: A move substitution can be used only after the intended effect happens, and allow the user to change course of action depending on the outcome of a move he or one of his allies use. Examples: "If the first Scald burns the boss, replace the second one with Chill" ; "If my team mate Lucario gets a critical hit with Close Combat, replace Fire Blast with Taunt".
    • Target Substitution: A target substitution allows its user to replace a certain move if, when the time to use it comes, the boss is untargettable for some reason. Example: "If the boss is untargettable on either action, replace your current action with Chill".
    • KO Substitution: Works exactly like it does in standard ASB. Check below for more details.
  • Any other substitution template is disallowed.
  • Substitutions on the same action can happen only if both the substituted move and the substituting one are on the same tier. For example, if a Fidgit with Prankster was ordered "Chill - Sludge Bomb. If Camerupt drops below 30 HP, replace Chill with Heal Pulse", the substitution would be illegal as it would mess with the boss's AI. Note that it's easy to circumvent this problem, for example saying "Light Screen-Sludge Bomb. If Camerupt drops below 30 HP, replace Light Screen with Heal Pulse" or "Chill - Sludge Bomb. If Camerupt drops below 30 HP on action1, replace Sludge Bomb with Heal Pulse".
  • Each Pokémon gets up to two substitutions each round, regardless of the amount of bosses involved.
  • KO substitutions work like usual and do not count towards the max number of substitution for each round.
  • 6/13/2011: Bosses are now immune to Pain Split and Ring Target. Raids no longer count towards the number of battles available at the same time
  • 6/15/2011: Aerodactyl's Defeaning Screech now will only affect 2 random Pokémon (4 on Hard mode). The schedule of Wing Buffet has also been tweaked.
  • 6/28/2011: Rivalry no longer has effect during a Raid, energy costs for Double Team, Camouflage and Follow Me/Rage Powder have been revised.
  • 7/2/2011: Bosses can now use Fly and similar moves while under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity (they will still be vulnerable to Ground-type moves during these effects, though). Moreover, since ASB lacks so far a clear cut policy for stat up moves in 2-action-per-round battles, I decided to make +1/+1 boosts and +1 boosts (if gotten from moves like Fiery Dance) last for 4 actions (not counting the action used to get them), and +2 or +3 boosts decay by 1 every 3 actions (again, not counting the action used to get them)
  • 7/4/2011: Threat reduction for Glyph of Flamethrower has been raised to 50%
  • 7/8/2011: From now on, if you are disqualified, you must wait ten days before being able to join the raid zone again
  • 7/9/2011: Smack Down will now be included in the list of moves required to throw a charged stone at Magneton/Magnezone in Cliff of Thunder
  • 7/10/2011: You are no longed required to have completed a Raid in Normal mode in order to challenge it in Hard mode
  • 7/11/2011: Combo moves are no longed allowed in Raids. That's not because I hate them or something, but because they would interfere with Glyphs in particular.
  • 7/13/2011: Now bosses are immune to Heart Swap, Psych Up and all moves which copy, transfer or alter stat ups in any way
  • 7/15/2011: Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone will no longer use Magnet Pull against Steel-types. The number of charged rocks available in the first encounter of Cliff of Thunder will be reduced to two. When Mountaineer allows a Pokémon to avoid a Rock-type attack, Mountaineer won't trigger again for the following (2) actions. Moves whose charging phase has normally +1 priority will have 0 priority when used by bosses. The Raid Shop will be temporarily closed until next expansion.
  • 7/18/2011: Zapdos is no longer vulnerable to the secondary effect of Smack Down while under the effects of Lightning Shield.
  • 7/20/2011: the command Bodyblock is now banned entirely. Differently from other hotfixes, this will be enforced immediately, also to ongoing battles.
  • 7/28/2011: Lightningrod will no longer generate threat like it used to do. It will instead generate an effect similar to Taunt on the opponent whose attack was nullified by Lightningrod, putting the Lightningrod Pokémon at a threat level equal to the current target of the opponent and making him the new target of said opponent. In addition to this, though, the added threat for stage boosts from Lightningrod/Motor Drive and the HP healed via Volt Absorb will be factored in. Bosses will now be immune to stat drops caused by their own moves. This also means moves like Close Combat, Superpower, V-Create, Hammer Arm and Psycho Boost will be used by bosses from now on, with no drawbacks.
  • 7/30/2011: Water Gun's drenched effect no longer causes bosses to be x2 weaker to electric attacks until the end of the round. Instead, Water Gun will raise the base power of Electric attacks against the boss by 3 until the end of the round.
  • 8/1/2011: Bosses which are targetted successfully by Taunt, Rage Powder or Follow Me will now become immune to the effect of those moves for the following (3) actions. This does not count the taunting effect of Lightningrod and Storm Drain. Moreover, Rage Powder and Follow Me will not reduce the incoming damage from attacks. Pain Split will also have its energy cost increased by 6+(HP difference/3) even when the user's HP is higher than the target's HP.
  • 8/2/2011: If a player loses against a raid which was unchallenged until then, he does not suffer the penalty of 5 days before being able to challenge it again.
  • 8/3/2011: Weather effects summoned by bosses (such as Articuno or Volcarona) can no longer be influenced at all by Pokémon's weather moves/abilities (not even if they hold a weather stone)
  • 8/12/2011: Raiding Pokémon are no longer forbidden to be used in other places. This applies to current raids as well. KO counters gained from raids no longer must be applied to participating Pokémon only. This applies to any raid finished on Aug 13th or later. There will be one-time rewards in KO for specific Achievements. Their entity will be listed in the Achievements page.
  • 8/19/2011: The command Take Cover is banned from all raids. Bosses no longer suffer the effects of the sluggish conditions and won't be locked in moves like Outrage and Petal Dance. Bosses break always through Protect, Detect and Wide Guard on Hard mode.
  • 8/21/2011: Bosses will ignore weight based restrictions on throwing/grappling moves and will retain their dodge value even under the effects of Trick Room. Moreover, they are now able to use Sky Drop properly.
  • 8/23/2011: Residual damage from poison, burn, weather and Leech Seed will now be factored in at the end of everyone's actions instead of at the end of the single Pokémon's action like it is supposed to be (I apologize for this sort of "glitch", although it rarely mattered, it has the potential to do, especially in the case of Leech Seed)
  • 9/20/2011: Rewards for Achievements are now handed in TC instead of KOC. Each boss now awards a fixed 4 KOC, which once again will be usable only among participating Pokémon. NOTE: Raids which started before 9/20 are excluded from this fix.
  • 9/24/2011: Species Clause has been added as intended to the Challenge section
  • 9/26/2011: Wring Out and Crush Grip no longer have any effect on the bosses. This hotfix takes place immediately.
  • 10/15/2011: The effect of Polarity in Cliff of Thunder Hard Mode now depends on the type of charge (positive or negative). Plus the damage from Deep Freeze in Frozen Vault Hard Mode will be raised to 5 from 3.
  • 10/16/2011: Forewarn no longer has any effect in Raids. Evasion enhancing items have been banned as well.
  • 10/18/2011: Bosses are no longer immune to Destiny Bond. Adds now share the same move and ability immunities of the bosses, but they are vulnerable to all status conditions (including all the major ones, Attract, Confusion etc, excluding Freeze). They can be fully paralyzed. However, status moves only last up to (6) actions on them, and Leech Seed still has its damage fixed at 3 per action. Adds are still immune to stat lowering moves and to any move which copies, transfers or alters in any way stat ups (like Heart Swap and Psych Up), as well as the trapping effect from Fire Spin/Whirpool/Clamp/etc.
  • 10/21/2011: Bosses are no longer hurt by other bosses' wide range attacks (like Surf, Earthquake etc)
  • 10/25/2011: Agility won't work anymore in raids as a means to dodge attacks. Differently from other hotfixes, this will be enforced immediately, also to ongoing battles.
  • 10/31/2011: Bosses no longer hurt each other when using Earthquake, Surf and similar attacks.
  • 11/8/2011: Metagross's Hammer Drop has been slightly revamped. Bosses are immune to Heal Block as intended.
  • 11/12/2011: Volcarona will now use Sunfury Dance on the second action of each round in addition to its standard action, and the special will have a 100% chance to Burn any non-Fire Pokémon it hits. If a Pokémon is hit with Living Flame and passes it to another team mate, it will get burned upon passing the Living Flame. This burn can't be healed by any means and will affect even Fire-type Pokémon.
  • 11/13/2011: Teleport has been added to the list of banned moves.
  • 11/23/2011: Bosses from Tidefury Strand and Windburn Gulch had their HP totals significantly lowered. Note that this means that any ongoing raid won't cause their challengers to take the 5-10 days hold should they lose/forfeit (they will, though, if they get a DQ)
  • 11/24/2011: Pokémon no longer cause threat against Manaphy when it is under the effects of Evocation
  • 11/25/2011: Rep rewards for Isle of Lost Relics quests have been significantly improved. Tainted Ash now rewards 200 rep with Bright Hope Expedition as well.
  • 12/4/2011: For all the future raids, the mechanics of stage boosts will now be tuned to the ones of the rest of CAP ASB
  • 12/6/2011: The substitution system has been revised.
  • 12/19/2011: If a boss uses a move which would normally make him sluggish (such as Giga Impact or Hyper Beam), he won't be able to use another one on the following action anymore. Note, though, that this hotfix does not prevent any people who were to lose in an ongoing raid from incurring their DQ time. Also, Eggant Berry's threat reduction has been raised to 100%.
  • 12/22/2011: The HP values of several expansion bosses have been further cut down.
  • 12/29/2011: Several glyphs from Isle of the Lost Relics have been slightly revamped
  • 1/2/2012: Removing hotfix 10/15 about stacking effects. Also, the Glyph of Rock Slide now increases the base power of Rock Slide by (1) in addition to its other effects.
  • 1/14/2012: Helping Hand can no longer be stacked on a single Pokémon in the same action. This hotfix takes place immediately.
  • 3/21/2012: Light Screen and Reflect now only grant a maximum 5 BP reduction against specials.
  • 4/20/2012: Central Processing: Float Defense's explaination will now mention Bulldoze and Fissure as well, as intended.
  • 5/12/2012: Glyphs can now be used indefinitely. Just like BW TMs, you will be able to use a Glyph on multiple Pokemon instead of on one only.
  • 5/14/2012: Syclant's HP for Raging Shore (Normal Mode) will be raised to 1800.
  • 5/27/2012: The (Add) category has been majorly revamped. From now on, an Add is a Pokémon which is not necessary to kill in order to win the encounter (naturally, killing it may still be the best choice in the long run, depending on the fight). A description of the (Add) category will be added to this thread. Moreover, as a result of this fix, the following raids get fixes as well:
    • Frozen Vault: Cryogonals are no longer considered Adds
    • Central Processing: Upon shutting down LeftBattery and RightBattery, Metagross becomes an Add
    • Windburn Gulch: The Magmortar become Adds
    • Tidefury Strand: The Phione become Adds
  • 5/27/2012: A description of Glyphs will be added to this thread
  • 6/12/2012: Molten Core now deals only 7 damage per action, down from 9
  • 6/12/2012: Damage coming from Specials now goes through Substitutes. This hotfix takes place immediately.
  • 6/28/2012: Mollux and other CAP pre-evos can now learn the Raid tutor move, Dispel
  • 7/17/2012: Stormrage Mountain bosses got their movepool updated as of the Black 2 / White 2 release. Also, Psychic will now work as intended in Raids.
  • 8/8/2012: From now on, if both the challengers already faced Raikou, Entei, or Suicune (whether they won or lost) in the chosen level of difficulty, they can rechallenge Cliff of Thunder, Wildfire Plateau, or Frozen Vault without having to do the first two bosses.
  • 8/23/2012: Raikou's Thunder Shield had its HP reduced to 175 in Normal Mode. Entei now will perform Fire Nova at random intervals.
  • 9/20/2012: Valaun and Bisharp have been slightly weakened in Shrine of the Old God (Halls of Ages, Normal). From now on, if both the challengers already faced Raikou, Entei, or Suicune (whether they won or lost) in the chosen level of difficulty, they can rechallenge Cliff of Thunder, Wildfire Plateau, or Frozen Vault without having to do the first boss. This hotfix replaces the previous one about this matter.
  • 11/1/2012: Hidden Power can't be Light-type
  • 11/18/2012: Challengers can't bring any longer traded Pokemon to their Raid Zone challenge if the trade happened three months ago or less.
  • 11/30/2012: Glyph of Tail Glow and Glyph of Quiver Dance have been majorly revamped. The new description of the former can be found on the Isle of Lost Relics General Thread. As for the latter, here it is: Glyph of Quiver Dance: Causes Quiver Dance to grant the user's Special Bug-type attacks a 100% chance to cause Insect Swarm on the foe. Lasts for (6) actions. Insect Swarm reduces the target's evasion by a flat 3% for the next (3) actions, stacks up to (3) times.
  • 1/17/2013: Big Patch
  • 1/31/2013: Friend Guard no longer works in the Raid Zone. Counter, Mirror Coat, and other retaliating moves/effects/abilities no longer reflect damage from special effects.
  • 5/19/2013: In Cliff of Thunder, Magneton/Magnezone charges can't be erased via Charged Stone anymore. Moreover, Magnezone will retain the charges of Magneton upon transformation. In Cliff of Thunder (HM), Puddles will no longer despawn once Zapdos loses its shield.
  • 1/19/2014: Tank patch is live! (post #199)
  • 1/20/2014: Hyper Beam and Giga Impact have been removed from the movesets of all the enemies that can be encountered in the Raid Zone. This hotfix takes place immediately.
  • 1/21/2014: If a stat boost happens on the first action of a round consisting of just one action, the stat boost won't decay at the end of that round.
  • 2/5/2014: If a Pokemon under the effect of Endure is at 1 HP when a boss damages it, the Pokemon faints regardless of Endure. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 3/22/2014: Water Sport and Mud Sport will now reduce the damage of specials only by 25%, as opposed to 50%.
  • 4/13/2014: Substitute has been added to the list of banned moves. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 4/13/2014: On Hard Mode, Moltres's HP has been increased to 3000. Moreover, Living Blaze will also increase Moltres's Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense ranks by 1 for every Living Flame extinguished by Living Blaze. Enraged bosses will now ignore Endure and protective/evasive moves, regardless of difficulty
  • 4/14/2014: Articuno's HP has been increased to 1200 in Hard Mode.
  • 9/21/2014: Pre-expansion patch is live.
  • 9/26/2014: Shrine of the Old Gods: Heart of Madness can now be challenged even if the challengers haven't completed Shrine of the Old Gods: Halls of Ages first.
  • 10/13/2014: Fixing a typo with the item "Blessed Beacon of the Argent Night": "Raises the power of Psychic-type attacks by (7), and reduces the energy cost of Heal Pulse by (2). If it is a Psychic-type, the holder grants Aura of the Argent Night to its raid mates, causing all Heal Pulses to restore an additional amount of HP equal to half the holder's Special Defense, rounded down". This hotfix takes place immediately.
  • 10/18/2014: Rotom can now learn Shadow Mend
  • 11/29/2014: Focus Band is now banned from raids. This hotfix takes place immediately.
  • 3/5/2015: Light-type is no longer weak to Fairy-type attacks. Fairy-type is no longer resistant to Light-type attacks. This means that, just like Flying-types, Fairy-type is neutral to Light-type in both ways.
  • 3/18/2015: Central Processing: Metagross now takes +200% damage from direct damaging moves and effects once it becomes an Add.
  • 4/21/2015: The Protect-breaking clause of bosses on Hard Mode has been reworded to include extra moves. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 8/26/2015: Bosses under the effects of Enrage will no longer use damaging evasive moves. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 2/18/2016: Central Processing (Hard Mode): Metagross will no longer delay Hammer Drop during Psycho Room (Trick Room).
  • 2/19/2016: Transform is now banned from raids. This does not affect ongoing raids.
  • 3/14/2016: Threat-based extra effects of moves do not apply when they are performed by non-player Pokemon. Actually they've always been reffed this way, so consider it more of a clarification than an actual hotfix.
  • 5/28/2016: Traded Pokemon which know raid-only moves requiring a certain reputation standing can use them only if the new owner meets the required reputation level. Note that this means there are no penalty for moves taught by tomes (such as Comet and Chimaera Strike)
  • 11/4/2016: Various item fixes.
  • 11/8/2016: Bosses are now immune to Gastro Acid. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 11/10/2016: Sol Ring has been revamped
  • 12/10/2016: Bosses now always break through P/E effects which do not result from a move used by the P/E effect beneficiary. This means spread protective moves such as Mat Block and Wide Guard will always be broken through. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 1/23/2017: Purple Lotus and Black Lotus have been revamped
  • 2/2/2017: Claw of Molten Fury, Icicle Edge, Painful Pincers, and Sunflare have been revamped
  • 2/19/2017: New Ref payment approved. Assault on Mt. Coronet (Gunship Battle): Thundurus's Storm Nova will now round up, instead of down (with 1 damage minimum inflicted).
  • 5/3/2017: Signature artifacts now only work on FE Pokemon, rather than the entire evolutionary line, unless otherwise specified.
  • 8/28/2017: Plasmanta's Eerie Flux automatically toggles Contrary on the target, and prevents it from being untoggled for the duration of Eerie Flux. This hotfix takes place immediately
  • 9/3/2017: Bruxish can now learn Bloodlust
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Reward System
  • At the end of each successful encounter, each involved Pokémon gets 1 Evolution Counter, 1 Ability Counter and 2 Move Counters.
  • Each trainer gets 2 CC and 4 or 8 KO Counters (8 or 16 on Hard Mode) to distribute freely among the Pokémon they brought for the raid challenge.
  • Counters are only awarded once the raid is over, and the trainers may claim them in this thread.
  • In addition to counters, each boss drops one or more Glyphs.
    • Glyphs are peculiar items which can be used only within the Raid Zone.
    • A Glyph can be used to alter the properties of a specific move for the Pokemon. The Pokemon doesn't need to know the move in order to use the Glyph, but unless the Glyph states otherwise, having Glyph of *move* won't allow the Pokemon to use that move if it's not in its list of known moves.
    • Similarly to BW TMs and HMs, the same Glyph can be used on multiple Pokemon, without having to own multiple occurrences of that Glyph. However, a Pokemon can't have more than one move altered by a Glyph at any given time.
  • Items in green, blue, or purple, are special items which can be used only within the Raid zones. Aside from that, they work like other held items.
  • Other methods of getting rewards are quests.
    • Quests are specific missions which you can either get from items or from characters within raids or at the main zones.
    • They can have a requirement of some sort (for example, they could be available only to those who managed to complete a previous quest), and they will generally offer you a reward of some sort (from a couple counters to very powerful items).
    • Quests can only be done once for every person, so if you already completed a quest you can't do it again.
Reward List

Isle of Lost Relics Quartermaster

Isle of Lost Relics Heirloom Keeper (currency:
Badge of Valor):

Admiral's Cap: Raises the power of Water-type and Fighting-type moves by (7), and reduces the energy cost of Recover by (3) when used on the holder by itself. | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor
Collar of Tenacity: Raises the power bonus granted by Guts, Iron Fist, and Reckless by an additional (7) (the holder can't benefit from this boost more than once, regardless of its abilities), and doubles the Attack stages granted by Justified. If the holder is a Fighting-type, raises its Sp. Attack rank by (6). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor
Dragonhide Bindings: Raises the power of Dragon-type moves by (7), and the critical hit stage of Electric-type, Fire-type, and Water-type moves by (1). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor
Hood of the Plaguebringer: Raises the power of Poison-type moves by (7), and increases the power of Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, and Sludge Wave by (2) against poisoned targets. | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor
Landborn Gauntlets: Raises the power of Ground-type moves by (7), and reduces the energy cost of Dig by (2). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor.
Lunar Claws: Raises the power of Fairy-type moves by (7) and reduces the energy penalty from consecutive use of Play Rough by (2). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor.
Mooncloth: Raises the power of Fairy-type moves by (7) and extends the duration of Light Screen, Reflect, and Safeguard by (3) actions. | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor.
Pearl of Life: Raises the power of Grass-type moves by (5), and the HP obtained from HP draining moves by 100%. Reduces the energy cost of Heal Pulse by (2). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor
Shadow Spike: Raises the power of Ghost-type moves by (7) and reduces the energy cost of Phantom Force by (2). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor.

Cowl of the Skystrider: Raises the power of Flying-type moves by (7), raises the critical damage bonus of Sky Attack by (2) and reduces the energy cost of Fly and Brave Bird by (1). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor.
Hide of the Savannah Highmane: Raises the power of Normal-type moves by (7) and reduced the energy cost of recoil moves by (2). If the holder is a Normal-type, raises the power of all moves by an additional (5). | Cost: 5X Badge of Valor.

The Hour of Twilight Heirloom Keeper (currency:
Badge of Light)

Painful Pincers: Raises the power of Bug-type moves by 7, the holder's Attack rank by 2, and reduces the energy cost of any move used under the effects of Swarm by 50%. Grants the holder the benefits of the Tough Claws ability. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Matriarch's Jewel: Raises the power of Bug-type moves by 7, the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 2, and reduces the energy cost of any move used under the effects of Swarm by 50%. Allows the holder to toggle Sheer Force, even if it does not have this ability. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Mallet of the Eon's Scion: Raises the power of Dragon-type moves by 7, the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 2, and grants it the benefits of the Mega Launcher ability. Reduces the energy cost of Light Screen by 2. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Amice of the Battle-Mage: Raises the power of Fairy-type moves by 7, the holder's Defense and Sp. Defense rank by 2, and reduces the power of incoming attacks by 2 if the holder has Magician or Serene Grace toggled ON. If the holder is a Fairy-type and has Sturdy, it will also gain the benefits of the Solid Rock ability and causes a high amount of threat with Dazzling Gleam. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Faceplate of the Dreadnought: Raises the power of Fighting-type moves by 7, the holder's Defense rank by 3, and increases the power of Circle Throw, Payback, and Revenge by 3 while reducing their energy cost by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Claw of Molten Fury: Raises the power of Fire-type moves by 7 and the holder's Attack rank by 2. Reduces the threat generated by Flare Blitz by 50%. Whenever the holder uses a physical Fire-type move under sunlight, increases the holder's Attack stage by 1. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Tempered Ward: Raises the power of Fire-type moves by 7, the holder's Sp. Defense by 3, and whenever the holder uses Withdraw or Acid Armor, it also restores 2 HP for every positive Defense stage boost it had before using the move. Reduces the energy cost of Morning Sun by 3. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Wand of Hexxing: Raises the power of Ghost-type moves by 7, the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 2, and reduces the energy cost of Hex by 1. Whenever the holder hits a statused foe with Hex, it will gain a Hex counter. The holder can't gain more than one Hex counter per round. Upon reaching 3 Hex counters, the holder will gain Sorcery, increasing the effect chance of the next Ominous Wind used within 2 actions to 100% and causing it to raise all stages by 2 instead of 1. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Icicle Edge: Raises the power of Ice-type moves by 7 and the holder's Attack rank by 2. Causes physical Ice-type attacks to always hit without fail, and raise their critical hit stage by 2. Once per battle, the holder can use Freeze Shock even if it does not know the move. This Freeze Shock will cost no energy and will always cause a critical hit. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Continuum Blade: Raises the power of Normal-type moves by 7 and the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 2. Increases the power of the holder's Normal-type spread moves by 3 and causes them to no longer suffer BP penalty when hitting multiple targets. The holder's allies no longer take damage from the holder's Normal-type spread moves. If the holder is a Normal-type, raises the power of all moves by an additional 6. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Rock-Steady Blaster: Raises the power of Rock-type moves by 7, the holder's Attack rank by 2, and the power of Rock Blast by 1 per hit. Causes Rock Slide and Stone Edge to always hit without fail, and Rock Wrecker will no longer make the holder sluggish. Increases the holder's Threshold by 1. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Granite Defender: Raises the power of Rock-type moves by 7 and the holder's Sp. Defense rank by 3. If the holder has Sturdy, it also gets the benefits of Solid Rock. If the holder has Solid Rock, it also gets the benefits of Sturdy. If the holder has both abilities, it also becomes immune to critical hits and status ailments. Reduces the energy cost of Defense boosting moves by 2. | Cost: 5X Badge of Light.
Badge of Valor | Cost: 1X Badge of Light.
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Raid Zones

Stormrage Mountain

Contains: Stormrage Depths, Frozen Vault, Wildfire Plateau, Cliff of Thunder, Eye of the Storm

Far in the northern lands, Stormrage Mountain is actually a vast complex of several high peaks, where the elements collide violently to cause erratic storms and heat waves. However, in the last days, the weather anomaly grew to an alarming level, threatening to spread and lay waste to human lands. A secret organization called "New Dawn" is recruiting many experienced trainers in order to put an end to this crisis before it runs out of hand. Many questions remain unanswered. What is the cause of the altered weather? And what lies at the top of the mountain?

Isle of Lost Relics

Contains: Central Processing, Windburn Gulch, Tidefury Strand, Shrine of the Old Gods, Raging Shore

In the wake of the events at the top of Stormrage Mountain, Lance decided to organize an expedition to reach the rest of the New Dawn, on the far east across the ocean. Several among the most famous trainers of the world will be invited aboard the Bright Hope, the ship commanded by the Hoenn Elite Four leader Drake. Among with him, the champions Steven and Wallace will lead the expedition to the other side of the sea. However, it looks like something grim is on the horizon...

The Hour of Twilight

Contains: Flower Paradise, Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise, Nightmare Prison, Assault on Mt. Coronet

Darkrai's shadow is spreading silent through the continent of Sinnoh, threatening to throw the entire planet into a new age of darkness. In order to prevent the Hour of Twilight from falling on this world, heroes from all the other regions gather at Sinnoh's Pokemon League, under the banner of the New Dawn. None knows what are the plans of their leaders, but rumors have it that the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia is going to lead the last defense of her homeland...
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Note: if the listed names don't bear any link, it means their achievements pre-date the wiping of Smogon forums, on May 2013

Stormrage Mountain Achievements

Stormrage Depths (Normal) Defeat the masters of Stormrage Depths in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Metal Bagon
The Royal Guard
The Wanderer
Eternal Drifter

Eternal Drifter


Frozen Vault (Normal) Defeat the masters of Frozen Vault in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC (7 for raids started before Sept 21st)

Orcinus Duo
Texas Cloverleaf


Wildfire Plateau (Normal) Defeat the masters of Wildfire Plateau in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Engineer Pikachu
Son of Shadoo
Orcinus Duo



Cliff of Thunder (Normal) Defeat the masters of Cliff of Thunder in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Its A Random
MK Ultra
Glacier Knight

Eye of the Storm (Normal) Defeat the masters of Eye of the Storm in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

MK Ultra
Engineer Pikachu
Son of Shadoo


Stormrage Depths (Hard) Defeat the masters of Stormrage Depths in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Its A Random

Frozen Vault (Hard) Defeat the masters of Frozen Vault in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Engineer Pikachu
Son of Shadoo

Wildfire Plateau (Hard) Defeat the masters of Wildfire Plateau in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Engineer Pikachu

Cliff of Thunder (Hard) Defeat the masters of Cliff of Thunder in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Its A Random
Lord Jesseus
Engineer Pikachu

Eye of the Storm (Hard) Defeat the masters of Eye of the Storm in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 0 CC

Isle of Lost Relics Achievements

Central Processing (Normal) Defeat the masters of Central Processing in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 7 CC

Engineer Pikachu
Lord Jesseus
Its A Random
Glacier Knight

Windburn Gulch (Normal) Defeat the masters of Windburn Gulch in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 7 CC

Its A Random

Tidefury Strand (Normal) Defeat the masters of Tidefury Strand in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 7 CC

Engineer Pikachu

The Cleansing of Stormrage (Normal) Defeat the three Stormrage guardians in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 10 CC

Raging Shore (Normal) Defeat the master of Raging Shore in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 10 CC

Shrine of the Old Gods - Halls of Ages (Normal) Defeat the masters of Shrine of the Old Gods - Halls of Ages in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 7 CC

Shrine of the Old Gods - Heart of Madness (Normal) Defeat the master of Shrine of the Old Gods - Heart of Madness in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 12 CC

Central Processing (Hard) Defeat the masters of Central Processing in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Windburn Gulch (Hard) Defeat the masters of Windburn Gulch in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Tidefury Strand (Hard) Defeat the masters of Tidefury Strand in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

The Cleansing of Stormrage (Hard) Defeat the three Stormrage guardians in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 20 CC

Engineer Pikachu

Raging Shore (Hard) Defeat the master of Raging Shore in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 10 CC


Shrine of the Old Gods - Halls of Ages (Hard) Defeat the masters of Shrine of the Old Gods - Halls of Ages in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Shrine of the Old Gods - Heart of Madness (Hard) Defeat the master of Shrine of the Old Gods - Heart of Madness in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 25 C

Gygax, The Runeblade Proud wielder of the legendary artifact: Gygax, the Runeblade


The Hour of Twilight achievements

(Note: some achievements may yet be hidden at this stage)

Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise - Part 1 (Normal): Defeat the masters of the first half of Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise - Part 2 (Normal): Defeat the master of the second half of Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Flower Paradise (Normal): Defeat the master of Flower Paradise in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Nightmare Prison (Normal): Defeat the master of Nightmare Prison in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Assault on Mt. Coronet - The Siege (Normal): Defeat the masters of the first half of Assault on Mt. Coronet in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Assault on Mt. Coronet - Gunship Battle (Normal): Succeed in the Gunship Battle in the second half of Assault on Mt. Coronet in Normal mode. Achievement reward: 15 CC

Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise - Part 1 (Hard): Defeat the masters of the first half of Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 30 CC

Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise - Part 2 (Hard): Defeat the master of the second half of Caverns of Time: Old Flower Paradise in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 30 CC

Flower Paradise (Hard): Defeat the master of Flower Paradise in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 30 CC

Nightmare Prison (Hard): Defeat the master of Nightmare Prison in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 30 CC

Assault on Mt. Coronet - The Siege (Hard): Defeat the masters of the first half of Assault on Mt. Coronet in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 30 CC

Assault on Mt. Coronet - Gunship Battle (Hard): Succeed in the Gunship Battle in the second half of Assault on Mt. Coronet in Hard mode. Achievement reward: 30 CC
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[a]13[/a]Battle Format
  • Raids come in two formats: Normal mode and Hard mode. In Normal mode, two trainers with two Pokémon each are involved. In Hard mode, two trainers with four Pokémon each will be required
  • Players can sign up for any Raid in Normal or Hard mode, save for some exceptions.
  • Each player will send out all his available Pokémon, as if it were a Street Brawl
  • The following clauses are also enforced: All Abilities, Items Enabled, Species Clause, no restriction on Recovery moves and Chills
  • Each player may activate up to one Mega-evolution per battle, regardless of the mode.
  • The Disqualification Time for each player is 2 days. If any of the players are disqualified for inactivity, they must wait at least ten days before being able to sign in for a Raid again (only the inactive player if the other one was active)
  • If the players are defeated during a Raid, they must wait at least five days before being able to sign in for a Raid again
[a]14[/a]Challenge Format

If the challenger already knows which partner he wants to go into a Raid with and has contacted him in some way, he simply needs to go to the Raid Zone threads which features the raid you want to participate in and post:

Originally Posted by Fat Zarator

Inviting Deck Knight to Wildfire Plateau (Normal)

The partner, instead, will need to reply:

Originally Posted by Fat Deck Knight
Originally Posted by Fat Zarator

Inviting Deck Knight to Wildfire Plateau (Normal)


(or reject, as the case may be)

If you don't know who to participate with, and you want to make other people know you are looking for a partner, you should post:

Originally Posted by Fat Zarator

Looking for a partner to Wildfire Plateau (Normal)

Then, anyone who wants to go into a Raid with you may invite you like explained before, and you may again accept or reject the invitation.


Each couple of players signing up when I cannot ref any more raids will end up here.


[a]16[/a]What are Heirlooms?

Heirlooms are a special kind of artifact. Not only they can only be obtained through special ways - generally, by displaying rare deeds of valor outside the Raid Zone - but their stats are tied to your own achievements. Think of them as inherited relics (hence the name, Heirloom): old, prized paragons of power which are left dormant until you become experienced enough to unlock their true potential.

Flavor aside, this means that each heirloom comes with slightly different stats, depending on its tier. The stats of your heirloom will always match the ones of the highest tier you have unlocked. You cannot "downplay" your heirloom, and obviously you cannot use it from higher tiers you haven't unlocked yet. Without further ado, here are the tiers:
  • Tier 0: The stats listed as tier 0 are the ones your heirloom has if you never defeated any raid before. If you are new to the Raid Zone at all, all your heirlooms will have their Tier 0 stats.
  • Tier 1: The stats listed as tier 1 are the ones your heirloom has if you have defeated at least one raid from the Stormrage Mountain zone, on any difficulty, unless your heirloom qualifies for a higher tier as well.
  • Tier 2: The stats listed as tier 2 are the ones your heirloom has if you have defeated at least one raid from the Isle of Lost Relics zone, on any difficulty, unless your heirloom qualifies for a higher tier as well. Important: Central Processing counts only if you have defeated Porygon 2 on Normal or PorygonZ on Hard difficulty.
  • Tier 3: The stats listed as tier 3 are the ones your heirloom has if you have defeated at least one raid from the Hour of Twilight zone, on any difficulty, unless your heirloom qualifies for a higher tier as well.
[a]17[/a]List of Heirlooms

The following Heirlooms can be obtained by winning a certain amount of badges in the ASB Gym League and earning the right to choose one of them as your reward. Each Heirloom can only be obtained once.

Reforged Crusader's Blade:
Raises the holder's Attack rank by 2 and its accuracy by a flat 10%.
Raises the holder's Attack rank by 3 and its accuracy by a flat 10%.
Raises the holder's Attack rank by 4 and its accuracy by a flat 10%. Reduces recoil damage taken by a flat 1.
Raises the holder's Attack rank by 5 and its accuracy by a flat 10%. Reduces recoil damage taken by a flat 2.

Venerable Hierophant's Charge:
Raises the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 2 and increases the chance of secondary effects by a flat 10% (after other multipliers).
Raises the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 3 and increases the chance of secondary effects by a flat 10% (after other multipliers).
Raises the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 4 and increases the chance of secondary effects by a flat 10% (after other multipliers). Increases critical hit stage against statused targets by 1.
Raises the holder's Sp. Attack rank by 5 and increases the chance of secondary effects by a flat 10% (after other multipliers). Increases critical hit stage against statused targets by 1 and critical damage done by 1.

Inherited Bishop's Mallet:
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 2 and increases the healing done by direct heals by a flat 2.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 3 and increases the healing done by direct heals by a flat 2.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 4 and increases the healing done by direct heals by a flat 3 and heal over time effects by 1.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 5 and increases the healing done by direct heals by a flat 3 and heal over time effects by 1. Reduces the energy cost of Aromatherapy and Heal Bell by 1.

Ancient Templar's Ward:
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 2 and reduces damage taken from supereffective attacks by a flat 1.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 3, and reduces damage taken from supereffective attacks by a flat 1.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 4, its Defense and Sp. Defense ranks by 1, and reduces damage taken from supereffective attacks by a flat 1.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 5, its Defense and Sp. Defense ranks by 1, and reduces damage taken from supereffective attacks by a flat 1. Reduces the energy cost of Taunt by 1.

Old Book of Tricks:
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 2 and reduces the energy cost of Gravity and Trick Room by 2.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 3 and reduces the energy cost of Gravity and Trick Room by 2. Extends the duration of Tailwind by 3 actions.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 4 and reduces the energy cost of Gravity and Trick Room by 2. Extends the duration of Light Screen, Reflect, and Tailwind by 3 actions.
Raises the STAB bonus of the holder's attacks by 5 and reduces the energy cost of Gravity, Skill Swap, and Trick Room by 2. Extends the duration of Light Screen, Reflect, and Tailwind by 3 actions.
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If the challenger already knows which partner he wants to go into a Raid with and has contacted him in some way, he simply needs to go to the Raid Zone threads which features the raid you want to participate in

You must post sign ups in the Stormrage Mountain General Thread, not here. Here I want to see only prize claimings, and general (not useless) comments/questions
Glyph of Flamethrower: Lowers the threat generated by Flamethrower by 30%
Glyph of Fiery Dance: Raises the secondary effect chance of Fiery Dance to 100%

All the involved Pokémon receive 2 Evolution Counters, 2 Dream Counters and 4 Move Counters.

GoldenKnight and DarkSlay receive 4 Trainer Counters each, 3 Valor Counters each, and 8 KO Counters each to distribute freely between the Pokémon they brought to this raid.

I'm equipping my Glyph of Fiery Dance on my Volcarona

EC: 9/9
MC: 4->0
DC: 5/5

getting roar, taunt, and using 3 ko counters for draco meteor

EC: 6/6
MC: 4->0
DC: 3/5

getting protect and substitute as bw tms

i guess i can only save the valor counters

5 ko counters go to tc
12->16->21 tc
After some talk on #irc, I changed my mind. You can use KO counters you get from Raids for TCs too. So yeah, GK, it's all good now.
Glyph of Flamethrower: Lowers the threat generated by Flamethrower by 30%
Glyph of Fiery Dance: Raises the secondary effect chance of Fiery Dance to 100%

All the involved Pokémon receive 2 Evolution Counters, 2 Dream Counters and 4 Move Counters.

GoldenKnight and DarkSlay receive 4 Trainer Counters each, 3 Valor Counters each, and 8 KO Counters each to distribute freely between the Pokémon they brought to this raid.

I will keep the Glyph of Fiery Dance for later, and I'll attach the Glyph of Flamethrower to my Pyroak.

Slowking will be buying Dragon Tail (TM), Toxic (TM), and will be using 1 of those KO Counters to buy Heal Pulse (Level).

Conkeldurr will be buying Wide Guard (Egg) and will be using that last MC plus one KO Counter to buy Facade (TM).

The other 6 of those 8 KO Counters will be put into TC, giving me 12 more TC to add to my collection. I will also be keeping those VC for later.
the wording of the Glyph of Flamethrower confuses me. What's the "threat generated by flamethrower", how you you lower it, and what good does it do? o.O
the wording of the Glyph of Flamethrower confuses me. What's the "threat generated by flamethrower", how you you lower it, and what good does it do? o.O

From the OP:

"Bosses decide the targets of their assaults based on the amount of threat generated by the Pokémon's attacks. Threat is a stat associated with every Pokémon in battle, and is raised by the use of attacking (and some non-attacking) moves. The Pokémon which has the highest threat become the target of the boss for that action. If the boss was already targetting another Pokémon, the Pokémon needs to reach a threat equal or above 120% of the current target."

Basically, what it means in practice is that with that Glyph equipped, Flamethrower is less likely to draw the attention of the boss. This is a boon for many frail sweepers.
So claiming then:

zarator said:
Each of your Pokémon receives in total (factoring also the encounter with Aerodactyl) 2 EC/4 MC/2 DC. Moreover, each of you get 3 KO counters to distribute freely between the Pokémon you brought here or to use as TC. And finally, each of you gets 3 VC (Valor Counters), in addition to the Glyph of Ancientpower.


Learns Curse (1 MC), Aqua Tail (1 MC), Focus Blast (2 MC)
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 1 + 4 - 4 = 1
DC: Unlocked


Gets the three KO Counters, learns Substitute (2 MC), Toxic (2 MC), Thunder Wave (2 MC) and Dragon Dance (1 MC).
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 0 + 4 + 3 - 7 = 0
DC: Unlocked

+3 VC
+ Glyph of Ancientpower
Zarator said:
Each of your Pokémon receives in total (factoring also the encounter with Aerodactyl) 2 EC/4 MC/2 DC. Moreover, each of you get 3 KO counters to distribute freely between the Pokémon you brought here or to use as TC. And finally, each of you gets 3 VC (Valor Counters), in addition to the Glyph of Ancientpower.


Learns Reflect and Light Screen (MC 4->0)


Unlocks Tension, gets the 3 KOC and gains the moves: Ice Beam, Flamethrower and Aqua Tail (MC 7-> 0). He also equips the Glyph of Ancientpower.
@Athenodoros and LupusAter: sounds good.

For the future, though, claim here only VC and Glyphs. For the other counters, get them in the Prize approval thread.
Just a quick question.

Assume that I'm using my soon to be Stratagem, and his moves draw aggro from the boss, if I use Double Team, will the boss still have a chance of hitting my clones, or will he probably just use Heat Wave or something to nullify it?

Also, when it comes to Sky Drop, will the move still do damage just without the effect, or will it do absolutely nothing?
So, hold on, you put challenges here, or in the raid threads themselves? Are you supposed to post after the person in the specific raid thread finishes, or...?
DW and iiMK, I approve. Remember to come back here if you wanna attach your glyphs please.

@Maxim: Double Team works totally differently in ASB, I'll formalize it tonight. It costs a fixed 6 energy, does not generate clones and lowers the threat you hold against all the available enemies by 15%. So, if you have 100 threat against the boss, you instantly drop to 85.

@XVIcaliber: There's a General thread for each major zone. Check under "Raid Zones" and click "Stormrage Mountain". You'll be redirected to the thread you need to sign up in.