NOC Fallout New Vegas NOC [GAME OVER - Wastelanders Win]

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I'm gung ho for a Haunted Diamond vote because we still do not have a candidate that is close. That's not going to happen though it seems (which makes me more sure this is a good move because where was the bandwagon besides me?) Besides this, I'm kind of eh on a Fatecrasher vote or a Jalmont vote. But it's better than a vote for you or a vote for Von. I'm also not too thrilled by nailing people for chronic inactivity at this point.

Speaking of... would love to hear a bit more from Ullar's sub when he gets the chance. Nothing deep but questions he has and thoughts he is thinking so we can answer. It's impossible for him to go through all of these pages.

So yeah. I really don't have anyone better than Haunted Diamond. And I want to stick with that until I get anyone better or until closer to deadline. I feel he needs to have a vote going at him entering the next vote count and needs to remain a lynch option as long as we don't have strong candidates. I dont want to devote more time to him or a discussion on him. But he needs to not be forgotten about.
I'm gung ho for a Haunted Diamond vote because we still do not have a candidate that is close. That's not going to happen though it seems (which makes me more sure this is a good move because where was the bandwagon besides me?) Besides this, I'm kind of eh on a Fatecrasher vote or a Jalmont vote. But it's better than a vote for you or a vote for Von. I'm also not too thrilled by nailing people for chronic inactivity at this point.

Speaking of... would love to hear a bit more from Ullar's sub when he gets the chance. Nothing deep but questions he has and thoughts he is thinking so we can answer. It's impossible for him to go through all of these pages.

So yeah. I really don't have anyone better than Haunted Diamond. And I want to stick with that until I get anyone better or until closer to deadline. I feel he needs to have a vote going at him entering the next vote count and needs to remain a lynch option as long as we don't have strong candidates. I dont want to devote more time to him or a discussion on him. But he needs to not be forgotten about.
Please explain why I'm the "best" vote, and why you are disregarding the whole Jalmont/von argument.

"Hi everybody! I'm the village announcer! While I'm sad to see the Safeguard go, judging by how the day went, it could so easily have been me instead, so here's hoping we don't repeat the same mistakes tomorrow!"
He's disregarding the argument because apparently everything I post is a "stupid" argument although how one could come to that conclusion when they are ignoring my posts seems suspect to me, but ah well. I guess sheeping what others tell you is apparently a good strategy!!!
Alright...I've finally waded through all that. Currently my main two targets would be Haunted Diamond and Fatecrashers.

HD: His day 1 was pretty terrible in my opinion. He spent the first 300 posts tunneling super hard on Jalmont while providing little reasoning because he seemed to believe that everyone would agree that it was an obvious lynch. He then jumps on the Cancerous vote randomly with no reasoning and resorts to the soft claim to try to save himself. I'm surprised that there wasn't much push to get him to claim once doing that, but its rather irrelevant at this point. Getting into day 2, his activity suddenly skyrocketed, which I currently see as his attempt to make people forget about his bad day 1. He seems to be spending his time going after the people voting without giving solid reasons, but honestly I see this people as bad town since providing no reasoning is a surefire way to get people to start targeting you. As for the post restriction, he posts immediately at the start of the day to make sure its obvious that he can't be mafia since they targeted him with a role. He also continues to post at a high volume to make the PR visible while complaining about how it makes his posts look less serious. The fact that he has complained about this at least three times bothers me. PRs are normally pretty silly and brushed aside as unimportant, but he wants to make sure people know about it at all times. I honestly feel like the whole forgetting to post it and discussing the edits is again just a way to draw attention to how the mean mafia targeted poor him. If it weren't for More Cowbell confirming it I honestly would have believed the PR was all a ploy he invented.

As for Fatecrashers, my main problem is that ht seems to be posting a decent amount, but I never really find much substance in them. He seems like he wants to avoid confrontations while still participating so as to draw less attention to himself. Even when he does end up voting for someone, there is little reasoning (see Cancerous vote and PokeguyNXB vote). I'm a lot less sure about this read, but he just doesn't seem very town at the moment.

The whole vonFielder, Spiffy, Jalmont thing seems like 3 villagers to me at the moment. All of them have been around long enough to be a little wary about drawing so much attention to themselves over pretty mundane arguments.

I think Celevar is probably town from his day 2 play, as is ButteredToast.

I'm pretty against the PokeguyNXB lynch. He just feels like a similar target to Cancerous where he is an easy vote due to not contributing. I'd clearly like more activity, but especially right now that just seems like the wrong direction to go. Sunny004 seems to be a similar player to Pokeguy, but I'm a little more wary about his play. He seems to be making more of an effort to seem useful while still being pretty useless, which bothers me. He also has an issue with bandwagon votes (although clearly others have it too).

If people want other thoughts, just tag me and I'll be happy to chime go more in depth on things.
blah blah
Yet another person to just read the arguments against me, and not my replies to them. I don't care enough to reply to any part of your arguments because it's just personal attacks to accuse me of cheap tactics or things i've already addressed.

Also, let's rule out something here people. Either lynch me right away today (I don't care anymore) or stop making personal attacks on me (about me lying about my timezone, me using stupid and cheap tactics like deliberately forgetting the post restriciton and trying to make people feel "sorry" for me) because it makes the game unpleasant for me to play and I find the attacks highly offensive.

I will start to read the von/spiffy/jalmont arguments and post my ideas soon.

"Hi everybody! I'm the village announcer! While I'm sad to see the Safeguard go, judging by how the day went, it could so easily have been me instead, so here's hoping we don't repeat the same mistakes tomorrow!"
Mithril didn't even mention the time zone thing stop falling back on that defense over and over again. Maybe if several people think similarly of you than it's not everyone else that is the problem!

Also no personal attacks were present in that post.
As for the post restriction, he posts immediately at the start of the day to make sure its obvious that he can't be mafia since they targeted him with a role. He also continues to post at a high volume to make the PR visible while complaining about how it makes his posts look less serious. The fact that he has complained about this at least three times bothers me. PRs are normally pretty silly and brushed aside as unimportant, but he wants to make sure people know about it at all times. I honestly feel like the whole forgetting to post it and discussing the edits is again just a way to draw attention to how the mean mafia targeted poor him. If it weren't for More Cowbell confirming it I honestly would have believed the PR was all a ploy he invented.

On the post restriction:

Isn't it possible that the Mafia could target one of their own members with the PR?
Not saying he is totally/definitively mafia, but it isn't something we should ignore.
Also no personal attacks were present in that post.
I find the "I honestly feel like the whole forgetting to post it and discussing the edits is again just a way to draw attention to how the mean mafia targeted poor him" a personal attack. I wouldn't use such cheap, stupid and ineffective tactics especially to make anyone feel sorry for me. THAT'S OFFENSIVE TO ME.

Mithril didn't even mention the time zone thing stop falling back on that defense over and over again.
He spent the first 300 posts tunneling super hard on Jalmont while providing little reasoning because he seemed to believe that everyone would agree that it was an obvious lynch.
That falls under the category of my time difference and being busy. But he ignores that.

Next time Spiffy check your facts before attacking people.

Also More Cowbell if you can find a sub for me I'd like to sub out.

"Hi everybody! I'm the village announcer! While I'm sad to see the Safeguard go, judging by how the day went, it could so easily have been me instead, so here's hoping we don't repeat the same mistakes tomorrow!"
Guys, we absolutely need to lynch Haunted Diamond.

This is the second game day in a row that after facing pressure, he has resorted to low tactics to save himself. Day 1 it was soft claiming a power role and then running away before deadline. Now on Day 2 when the pressure starts to come from more sides, he threatens to sub out to protect his character. Literally, if this isn't the most self preservationist thing someone has done in a mafia game, I don't know what is.

He is literally making us restart the books on him and his character close to deadline to again save himself. Or moreover, save his character. I don't see this as being a village move. I feel that this is him being a mafia member looking to buy more time for is mafia team.

Literally guys. In no world can we let two of these offenses go. You should not be allowed to claim to be a power role and be allowed to live with impunity without answering some questions. I'm not saying he should have claimed exactly what he was no matter what but don't hide from questions. You should also not be able to sub out just because you are under suspicion of being a mafia close to deadline. You shouldn't be allowed to hit the damned reset button on your past behavior. You shouldn't be allowed to hide from a lynch just because you feel like you are being treated unfair. Fight for yourself because you are obviously important. Don't do this crap that really only serves to buy time for your mafia team and invoke another random lynch based on almost no information.

Seriously. Do we want anyone to do what he is doing? Anyone who is suspected of a lynch just claiming they're important and then running away? And when called upon it, just quit and sub close to the deadline when he knows no one will replace him and we wont be able to get a read on the new guy?

Are we going to let anyone do this? Because if we are, well shit, let's just fork over the game to the mafia right now. If we're not holding people accountable for their actions we should just pick numbers out of hats and random vote each time.

And hell, if this isn't the epitome of him being mafia and "taking one for the team" I don't know what the hell is.

Let me make this damned clear. I do not want actual votes cast on HD right now. I do want informal votes to this matter immediately. I already know that myself, Spiffy, and Mithril are all on board with lynching him. I need to know your guys thoughts.

vonFiedler : You state that Spiffy and HD were your two highest scum players and that if we thought he was scummy regardless of the claim situation, we should lynch him. Does this push you over the edge?

Everyone else on the group I need your stances now. I want as close to 100% participation on this as humanly possible moving forward so we can see who is on what side.

Again, do not vote formally vote to lynch until closer to deadline. We can use all the time we are given to give him a chance to respond or for something else to come up.
I have an exam tomorrow so I've been busy but subbing out is more of a frustration tell then an alignment tell unless you know the person very well, and I don't think any of us do.

I might post later tonight but I'd like to sleep early, so I don't know how likely that is. Sorry.
The cancerous Lynch was... Strange. I never really felt like there was a good reason to vote for him and people bandwagoned pretty hard. I'm in class right now, but give me like... 2 hours and I'll go more in depth on that.

As for haunted diamond, I agree with BT. Subbing because you are getting targeted is pretty terrible, especially when nothing I said was a personal attack. He is continuing to try to make people feel sorry for him. First the mafia targeted him, and now the mean village is after him.
Subbing doesn't mean anything. It is entirely possible that he is simply too busy to continue, and this would not be surprising given the busy schedule he keeps bringing up. Aggressively lynching someone AS they sub out, however, can be considered very suspicious.

Mind you, I would not be against a HD lynch. Purely from a game perspective, I'd rather it was Spiffy, but if Cowbell can't find a sub (AND* HD is a worthy lynch regardless) than it certainly is convenient.

*AND is absolutely vital here.
BTW I have TWO exams tomorrow so I trump Serious Bananas and I will probably be less active for a few days. I think an extension is fair given apparently we need a new sub and people have exams and the new sub just subbed in kthx More Cowbell.
Subbing doesn't mean anything on it's own but he has already established a pattern of behavior of using shady tactics to break away from pressure. If it was anyone else it would be okay with me. But because it is HD and because of what he did Day 1, I feel less sympathy and more of a continued mindset of preserving his character.

Literally if he were to have subbed at any other time I would have been more okay with it. But subbing out because of continued pressure, feeling like he was being personally attacked, and after growing suspicions? That just seems too damned convenient. Seems like he is trying to clear his role to give his mafia team another night of his action.

Fatecrashers to me is an alright lynch target and if HD doesn't pick up steam I guess he's my more default lynch than anyone else we have brought up. I'm not voting for Spiffy right now and I dont like any of the reasons for lynching Jalmont. HD is the better lynch in my mind I don't like anyone else. But a distant second would be Fate.
lol i have my graduation ceremony tomorrow i trump all y'all fuckers, expect increased inactivity today and probably complete inactivity most of tomorrow
seems to me that haunted is taking everything a bit too personally, calling it a scum tell like buttered has done is a bit of a stretch, i remain spiffy's default lynch option even though i've consistently weakened his arguments against me and you don't see me calling for a sub out
Subbing doesn't mean anything on it's own but he has already established a pattern of behavior of using shady tactics to break away from pressure. If it was anyone else it would be okay with me. But because it is HD and because of what he did Day 1, I feel less sympathy and more of a continued mindset of preserving his character.

Literally if he were to have subbed at any other time I would have been more okay with it. But subbing out because of continued pressure, feeling like he was being personally attacked, and after growing suspicions? That just seems too damned convenient. Seems like he is trying to clear his role to give his mafia team another night of his action.

Fatecrashers to me is an alright lynch target and if HD doesn't pick up steam I guess he's my more default lynch than anyone else we have brought up. I'm not voting for Spiffy right now and I dont like any of the reasons for lynching Jalmont. HD is the better lynch in my mind I don't like anyone else. But a distant second would be Fate.
Uhhh... You're looking at this one way.

Alternatively, HD is a village power role who has had to sub out for irl reasons. He softclaimed PR because he is one and he subbed out because... IRL. This is looking a little opportunistic Buttered, which mafia do to push lynches.

This doesn't mean that I don't think that HD is necessarily a bad lynch, but... IDK. Could someone do a case summary for me please? I've been keeping up to date, but right now it seems like the only reason he's being lynched is because he refused to claim. This is more indicative of town PR than mafia. Town PRs are actually important for the unimformed, and they need to stick around as long as possible to help the town out at night, or give reslts the following day. This would explain why HD is playing with self-preservation a priority. By preservinghimself, he is actually helping te town more than a vanilla. Mafia would have a safe claim prepared by now (unless the mafia team is entirely comprised of newer players I guess). If someone can give me some better reasons I'll give them a look, but I can't be on board with this lynch. Especially because from what I've seen there's been basically unanimous support for the guy to be dead. Would the mafia really abandon one of their own just like that? I don't buy it right now. Of course, I could easily be wrong, but we all could :p
This is the second game day in a row that after facing pressure, he has resorted to low tactics to save himself.
Actually, I'm here to reply to every post you make until I get subbed out. So here we go.

Guys, we absolutely need to lynch Haunted Diamond.

This is the second game day in a row that after facing pressure, he has resorted to low tactics to save himself. Day 1 it was soft claiming a power role and then running away before deadline. Now on Day 2 when the pressure starts to come from more sides, he threatens to sub out to protect his character. Literally, if this isn't the most self preservationist thing someone has done in a mafia game, I don't know what is.
more sides being, a new player who doesn't know what he's talking about?

He is literally making us restart the books on him and his character close to deadline to again save himself. Or moreover, save his character. I don't see this as being a village move. I feel that this is him being a mafia member looking to buy more time for is mafia team.
You do realize I was never gonna get lynched today? You've been babbling the same nonesense throughout the day (and ignoring my replies in return, because you're too hotheaded to see anything) but can't you see that you've been the only one lynching me? Besides the new guy who has a similar palystyle to you.

Literally guys. In no world can we let two of these offenses go. You should not be allowed to claim to be a power role and be allowed to live with impunity without answering some questions.
I answered all your questions in post 676 to 679.
You should also not be able to sub out just because you are under suspicion of being a mafia close to deadline.
Here it comes again. I don't know what gives you the idea that I was under pressure for being mafia? Do you really believe anyone other than you and the ullar sub would have lynched me???
Yes, I was under pressure! But the pressure of people like you and the sub accusing me of "low tactics". Reading his post literally pushed me over the edge. Remember how you yourself had accused me of "wanting to make you feel sorry for me?" whatever has given you that idea, you neither have the experience or the good mental capacity of a good mafia player for me to even want to arouse your sympathies. Rest assured.[/quote]
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