Lie, Cheat, and Steal Mafia Thieves Win

kok may be on to something. If we can get someone cleaned without revealing the village name, we can send claims to them and have them out whoever claimed the wrong faction.
[19:46] askaninjask hey GS
[19:46] GeneralSpoon hi
[19:46] askaninjask have you posted in the thread
[19:46] askaninjask for clandestine
[19:48] GeneralSpoon no....
[19:48] GeneralSpoon should I?
[13:06]LauelI'm pretty sure I'm the village faction
[13:06]Lauelbut if Kom doesn't know it
[13:06]Agapeand share the list of the people who know the answer
[13:06]Laueli thought it says
[13:06]Lauelin the PM
So are you sure or aren't you?

Going to be most likely lynching laurel d1
It is now the first Special Phase of the game! That means NO OUTSIDE CONTACT. Yes, you, right now chatting on IRC. Stop it!

By the way... it seems I forgot to properly introduce myself...

Dear vonFiedler
You are Zero III.

"Nya nya nya-nya nya! SUCKERS!"

At any time, you may kill a player's character, especially if they break the rules.

At any time, you may switch one player with another.

You allied with yourself. You have already won.

Anywaaaay, I bet you're now all ears to find out what this Special NOC Phase is all about! Well, I like to call it the AB Phase myself... that means Ambidex Phase... Once I've sent a round of PMs out, everybunny will find out that they are paired with another player. Weeeeeell, I guess with the number of players not everybunny could get paired. But it's not like anybunny isn't participating... right... doctormcninjask?

Now hare's how it gonna work around these parts pardners... y'all only get to talk to the person yer paired with. You can talk in PMs! You can talk privately on IRC! But you can't talk in this thread! That's a quick way to get yourself penalized, and that means D-E-A-D!

You might also notice that your pair is then paired with another pair. That pair is your enemy (you can NOT talk to your enemy either, let's just be clear)! Well, I guess it doesn't have to be that way. After all... if you choose ally... then they're your ALLY! How does each pair hop into place you might ask? Toooohoooohoootally at random.

Wut, TL/DR? Well, let's just hop on into how the game actually works then...

Everybunny starts the game with 3 points. When you have acquired 9 points, you will get a super neat ability bonus! Not to mention that you can't be killed for a whole cycle. That's a pretty good thing for a villager. Of course don't get all rabbit over these points just yet, they may be tricky to acquire. You see, during each AB Phase you and your partner can choose to Ally or Betray. Then depending on whether your opposite pair chooses ally or betray, players will gain or lose points.

Hare's a handy chart for you;

Well said Phido! (who the fuck let you in here...) Now as vast as my intellect is, I'm not gonna do all the thinking for you. Buuuuuut, it shouldn't take a genius to figure out the statistical problems with the "hippy love fest" option. I'm sure other villagers will understand if you feel the need to get to 9 points ASAP. I mean, you reaaaally don't want to know what hoppens when the mafia gets 9 points.

Only one player in each pair needs to send in their action, Ally or Betray. Of course there may be a few disagreeable types. So you better build a bridge and get the fuck over it! This is like the good old American Justice System! Decisions need to be UNANIMOUS. If you want to Betray and your partner wants to Ally, I guess you better just bully them until they give into you.

So that's it. If you have any questions, ask me in private. You have 48 hours to get your shit together.

Have a nice twist.
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Aha! Welcome back... you may now talk freely again. I hop you all had fun! Now, I bet you're dying to see the results... and some people are dying more than others...

Hare are the results from your game!

Hmm... it seems that you're all a bag of dicks. But I mean what did anybody expect? Allying was just plain stupid of coffeyninja, happyfeet1, L, and Not-Me. Then again, for a team game there sure wasn't much of a net increase in points here. You'd think the village would really want those 9 Points, and didn't you know that the less points you have the easier it is for the mafia to kill you?

Oh... you didn't? Must have slipped my mind. Anybunny whose Points drop to 0 get penalized, just as if they had broken the rules. Also I may have exaggerated just a hare when I said that you really didn't want the mafia to get 9 Points... in fact the village probably gets more mileage out of those bonuses. But hey, I wasn't full of shit if it's subjective!

Now before you call out the hunting dogs on me, I also have something else to confess... turns out I gave everybunny the wrong Role PM. Guess I'll just get right on that... anyway that makes this the last phase that you cannot paste whole Role PMs. You may do so freely on N1.

I guess that means it's time to get out of your hare. No doubt you'll have a lot to discuss. Blame to throw, accusations to make, plans for the next AB Phase. And if things get really heated, feel free to lynch someone. You have 48 hours to do so.

Have a nice trial...
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After being partnered with Laurel, I'm pretty sure he's not mafia.
Mainly because as soon as we got partnered he said "See I told you I wasn't mafia" before I told him that pairings were random.
He also answered what his role name was in a reasonable amount of time and named the fairly obscure Tuco from the Good the bad and the ugly, which matches well

On the other hand when having a timer put on him, user moi could not do so

So lynching moi to start the day

edit: I'm retarded and put layell>laurel

Still think hes scum but priorities
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It's based on the flavor from Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. He's merely emulating Zero III, an AI that acts as the overseer of the games in ZE:VLR.
yo I'm martyr don't lynch me. Also you should talk to me because I am village, and tell me stuff. We should find people who have roles that seem provable, to this point, so as to put as many good people in touch as possible. Or you can feel free to lynch me if you so please if satisfying stupidity is required.
[21:29] <moi> do you wanna talk to me?
[21:29] <Paperblade> about what
[21:29] <moi> good guys and bad guys
[21:29] <Paperblade> ???
[21:29] <Paperblade> I'm not in the current mafia game
[21:29] <Paperblade> if that's what you're asking about
[21:29] <moi> o
[21:29] <moi> man
[21:29] <moi> fuck me I can't make fun of askaninjask
[21:29] <moi> ugh
[21:29] <Paperblade> gg
[21:29] <moi> gg
I really wish to hear from those who managed to gain points tonight, if the majority of them was village, we still gained some decent amount of points. And if we find that one of them isn't villager, then lynching a high point target is valuable.

Also kok your point has less worth on the cleaness of your temp pair than you make it out to be. For one pairs are random the two of you could mathematically still be two mafs, lower chance, but that doesn't make it impossible. Meanwhile Laurel could have just told you his actual role name even as mafia, I mean come on look at the factions, Liars? Cheaters? Thieves? It's not hard to imagine that any member of a faction could be switched around and still fit with the flavour. And on the other hand even if Laurel is clean, kok isn't, and this is one of those really annoying situations where we have the word of an unclean person cleaning another and then trying to worm their way into the information this clean guy might receive.

I doubt this game actually has any role that is directly provable to be village sided or an info role whose results we can even trust, especially considering both flavours of this game false or no results are all we should expect. Honestly playing this like a NOC is the most beneficial course of action, at least from my point of view, I'd love to hear counterarguments though.
One couterargument would be that not everyone likes NOC and that this game should have a lot more power than one, I think.

I want to say more stuff but I'm running out of the building as we speak.

(oh, by power I mainly meant information - think of all the consequences of the AB game, both good and bad)
If the village gets more mileage out of those bonuses, and assuming the village is larger than the mafia factions, then always allying sounds like the best option for me. Everyone (except for two pairs) will be up to 9 points in three more AB games, giving everyone the extra power. If vonFiedler is telling the truth and the bonuses are more profitable to the village, then this would be a good thing, right?