Nintendo Announces Pokemon 151 - Pokemon Branding for Adults [not a new game]

As mentioned a few times, this isn't really Nintendo going after a new demographic. It's Nintendo going after a demographic that it's lost. People who were in grade 4 when Pokemon was getting popular are now in their 2nd or 3rd year of university. Most of these people have not played a Pokemon game since Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver/Crystal. The 151 is what most of them hold to memory and that's what Nintendo's trying to exploit. Don't expect to see Blaziken or Garchomp or something.

This is purely banking on nostalgia.
Just as an update, I am still completely elated that there is a Cubone shirt btw.

I was going to predict that you had a sizeable erection for this, metaphorically speaking. I'd have to say, the hypno looks kinda rad too.

I can't help but feel slightly miffed about the distinct lack of squirtles wearing sunglasses on a T shirt. I'd buy that so fast.
I know a guy that is insane at Photoshop and is constantly making designs similar to this stuff for clothing. He actually gets someone to do the printing and make the custom clothing for him. The only Pokemon one I've ever seen him do involves a Piloswine though, but I think that was random. These shirts just reminded me of his stuff.
i cant wait to get that articuno t-shirt.

im also excited to see the designs for the other pokemon especially my old favorite like Rapidash, Ninetales and seaking.
Clearly being blind, I thought the skull shirt was actually an above shot of an Alakazam, with the head looking down the shirt, its hands pressed together in front of it.

Then I realized it was a Cubone skull after reading a few posts.

Mystery solved.
I like Sugimori art as much as the next Pokemon fan, but official different art-style stuff excites me.

The Hypno shirt is my favorite so far. ^^; It makes me tempted to break my abstinence against shirts with words on them.

anyone think they ripped off our banner?
It's a generic coat of arms, with a shield in the middle, two animals on the side and a crest on the top.

The Cubone shirt looks great, imo it's the only one that would be worth wearing pokemon on my sleeve (it actually makes pokemon look cool).

Can't wait for the Arbok shirt. And the Scyther shirt (prays)
Cubone and Articuno shirts are awesome, I'd want to see how are they going to make a Pikachu shirt that won't look kiddie :P
This is an excellent idea because older fans get to show off pokemon merchandise to their friends that are not into pokemon anymore, the original 151 pokemon are definitely easy to recognize even after years of not playing the games because of the anime show.
Cubone and Articuno shirts are awesome, I'd want to see how are they going to make a Pikachu shirt that won't look kiddie :P
This is an excellent idea because older fans get to show off pokemon merchandise to their friends that are not into pokemon anymore, the original 151 pokemon are definitely easy to recognize even after years of not playing the games because of the anime show.
Er, no, it's not because of the anime that they're recognizable. It's because around 1997 - 1999, Pokemon was the biggest thing to happen to children everywhere since... hell, I dunno. Nintendo in the 1980s? Pokemon is my generation's Mario. People recognize the 151 because they were everywhere. After that, Pokemon, although popular with younger kids and nostalgic fans like myself, wasn't as popular. I mean, sales are still huge and it's still a big cash cow, but you don't see it all over the media.

I just realized people who are 13 now were only 3 back then. I don't think Pokemon would have made as large an impact at that age considering you aren't in school until 6.
I talked to a friend over in Japan who went to the pokemon center and saw these shirts. He says that the sizes tend to be small and he's not sure the shirts are going to fit everyone in America. For instance, I'm about six feet tall and have broad shoulders. I wear a Large or XL in the US and he said he isn't sure that any of them would fit me. Even their large size probably isn't cut for someone as tall and broad as I am.

So if you are obese and/or tall, don't get your hopes up.
Looks like I wont be getting a shirt... Anyways anyone have any idea on the Japanese metagame? I'm thinking I'm just gonna abuse Wob if its no legends/ubers.