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Complete Burn sounds like a more accurate Will o Wisp to me.

That also hits everyone on the opponent's side in Double & Triple battles.

(also guys it's Overconfidence, not Earthquake Spiral.)
Sabonea_Masukippa over at Serebii said:
The Japanese word used is ”焼き尽くす” which means to burn something until there's nothing left; literally burn something to ashes. It's actually a rather violent image.
Anyway, when I translated it, there wasn't really a great, simple way of expressing it in English and "Complete Burn" seemed to fit well enough.
That's a terrifying mental image when combined with Viktini
Complete Burn sounds like a more accurate Will o Wisp to me.

That also hits everyone on the opponent's side in Double & Triple battles.

I would assume that right there would make Victini an Uber. That would basically mean extinction of all physical-based Pokemon. I mean, if Sacred Fire alone was a large reason Ho-Oh is Uber even with x4 Stealth Rock weakness, I would imagine this guy, if Complete Burn did that, would not even require a vote to be banned.
I would assume that right there would make Victini an Uber. That would basically mean extinction of all physical-based Pokemon. I mean, if Sacred Fire alone was a large reason Ho-Oh is Uber even with x4 Stealth Rock weakness, I would imagine this guy, if Complete Burn did that, would not even require a vote to be banned.
Well by "more accurate" I figured about 80% compared to Will o Wisp's 75%.

...Does 5% really make that much difference? Wow.
I would assume that right there would make Victini an Uber. That would basically mean extinction of all physical-based Pokemon. I mean, if Sacred Fire alone was a large reason Ho-Oh is Uber even with x4 Stealth Rock weakness, I would imagine this guy, if Complete Burn did that, would not even require a vote to be banned.
Yeah, but even that can easily be countered with fast taunters
Well by "more accurate" I figured about 80% compared to Will o Wisp's 75%.

No. It does not make that big a difference over Accuracy. It's like preferring to use Sleep Powder over Hypnosis. The bit I worry over is the suggested 'Severe Burn' effect and the proposition that it hits multiple targets. It's the bloody Dark Void issues all over again.

Also, UnknownTsutaja, we don't know if it causes damage as well or not. If it does, not even Taunt stops it.
No. It does not make that big a difference over Accuracy. It's like preferring to use Sleep Powder over Hypnosis. The bit I worry over is the suggested 'Severe Burn' effect and the proposition that it hits multiple targets. It's the bloody Dark Void issues all over again.

Also, UnknownTsutaja, we don't know if it causes damage as well or not. If it does, not even Taunt stops it.
Well that assume it has a Severe Burn side effect.
I didn't even think of that.
humm....maybe its a fire blast that always burn and hit all enemys? damn...just think about that make me wonder how you would show that in the anime.....

I think I'm gonna wait a while before I start accusing pokes of getting thrown into the banishment known as Ubers. It seems kinda early to be doing such a thing when the games haven't even been released yet. Just my opinion.

But on the subject of 'Complete Burn,' it sounds to me like special-based Flare Blitz. :P
well, the new description makes the move much cooler, i hope its a fire version of seed flare with a different side effect, the same in red wouldnt be that cool.

Oh god a fire version of Seed Flare would be absolutely insane...

Whyyy can I see it happening.

Or maybe it lowers attack instead of special defense, that would make up for Victini's rather shitty defensive typing.
(Well, it's not that shitty, it has 6 resists but 5 weaknesses as well, and none of them are 4x)
Sabonea_Masukippa on Serebiiforums said:
The Japanese word used is ”焼き尽くす” which means to burn something until there's nothing left; literally burn something to ashes. It's actually a rather violent image.
Anyway, when I translated it, there wasn't really a great, simple way of expressing it in English and "Complete Burn" seemed to fit well enough.

Anyway, just thought I should explain so everyone's ideas don't stray too far away from the literal meaning, hopefully.

My bet is it being a Fire-type OHKO move.

Well, good, because then Victini will probably be banned in OU, along with being banned in the VGC.

Tell that to Dark Void Smeargle.

Oh wait, Victini will be banned in the VGC regardless, as it's an event pokémon...
Why are people worried about Vicktini's Pursuit weakness? Think about the top users of Pursuit: Scizor, ScarTar, and Weavile (I doubt there are going to be better Pursuiters in gen 5). Assuming Vicktini runs a defensive like Celebi, both Weavile and Scizor are toasted by Fire Blast and Revenge Weavile's Pursuit only does 34-41% if he stays in. ScarTar's Pursuit does a whopping 25-30% if he stays in, allowing Vicktini to possibly 2HKO with HP Fighting and Stealth Rock damage (Aura Sphere, should he get it, is a guaranteed 2HKO, SR or not).

The only big bugaboo for Vicktini is Stealth Rock, but that's why we have Rapid Spin support.
Originally Posted by Fat Sabonea_Masukippa over at Serebii
The Japanese word used is ”焼き尽くす” which means to burn something until there's nothing left; literally burn something to ashes. It's actually a rather violent image.
Anyway, when I translated it, there wasn't really a great, simple way of expressing it in English and "Complete Burn" seemed to fit well enough.
I think 'Incinerate' would do as a single English word.
I have to agree that it sounds like it could be an OHKO move.
No. It does not make that big a difference over Accuracy. It's like preferring to use Sleep Powder over Hypnosis. The bit I worry over is the suggested 'Severe Burn' effect and the proposition that it hits multiple targets. It's the bloody Dark Void issues all over again.

Also, UnknownTsutaja, we don't know if it causes damage as well or not. If it does, not even Taunt stops it.
Assuming it's a Will o Wisp with better accuracy, my bad
Why are people worried about Vicktini's Pursuit weakness? Think about the top users of Pursuit: Scizor, ScarTar, and Weavile (I doubt there are going to be better Pursuiters in gen 5). Assuming Vicktini runs a defensive like Celebi, both Weavile and Scizor are toasted by Fire Blast and Revenge Weavile's Pursuit only does 34-41% if he stays in. ScarTar's Pursuit does a whopping 25-30% if he stays in, allowing Vicktini to possibly 2HKO with HP Fighting and Stealth Rock damage (Aura Sphere, should he get it, is a guaranteed 2HKO, SR or not).

The only big bugaboo for Vicktini is Stealth Rock, but that's why we have Rapid Spin support.

Because despite these being the only three common users (there is the rare Metagross or Snorlax), Tyranitar is so common that it will be a factor more often than not.

As far as Complete Burn/Incinerate goes, it would really need something to help it stand out from Flamehtrower/Lava Plume/Fire Blast. It would likely need to be about 100 BP with a 30% burn chance and 100% accuracy, otherwise we've already got burn/consistency/power covered.
I feel like something called Complete Burn is a move thats going to have high damage but low accuracy.Still if Victini gets Calm Mind,then Complete burn would devistate,especial if it could hit multiple targets.
Oh, hey, idea.
Pokemon Sunday is supposed to have more information about Viktini this week; they might detail Complete Burn! Well, hopefully.
Victini still has crippling weaknesses to Rock and Ground, two primarily physical types, so it would have a much more difficult time trying to Calm Mind than, say, Jirachi (who's brilliant defensive typing makes it much more durable).

And if complete burn is indeed high power (again, 120 is the highest they go for non-Hyper Beam, non-Overheat moves) low accuracy...it needs a high burn chance to make it better than Fire Blast.
I dunno, the definition definitely hints at Complete Burn being an OHKO move; we already have a lot of high-power fire type moves, both physical and special. Or, GF could go nuts and make CB a special, fire-type Explosion. Then everyone would use it in Doubles alongside Heatran, and...oh my...
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