Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Well, as nice as Dragon's resistances are, it's hard to be a tank when you can be vaporized by any given draco meteor/outrage. Then again, the same could be said about Skarmory with special fire/electric attacks, and flygon is one of the hardest pokemon to kill when played right.

I wonder if Flygon would be played as a Utility pokemon if it had 5 more points of base speed and Stealth Rock. I imagine it could, roosting, U-Turning, and throwing up rocks when it gets the chance-- plus using it's awesome immunity to spikes/t-spikes/sand/t-wave immunities and SR resist to keep going and going. Gives an idea of the potential for dragon to be used for non-sweeper purposes (though most of the qualities about flygon that would be appealing from a support-aspect come from its ground type, healing move and levitate, rather from being a dragon side-- the same qualities gliscor has).
Well, as nice as Dragon's resistances are, it's hard to be a tank when you can be vaporized by any given draco meteor/outrage. Then again, the same could be said about Skarmory with special fire/electric attacks, and flygon is one of the hardest pokemon to kill when played right.

I wonder if Flygon would be played as a Utility pokemon if it had 5 more points of base speed and Stealth Rock. I imagine it could, roosting, U-Turning, and throwing up rocks when it gets the chance-- plus using it's awesome immunity to spikes/t-spikes/sand/t-wave immunities and SR resist to keep going and going. Gives an idea of the potential for dragon to be used for non-sweeper purposes (though most of the qualities about flygon that would be appealing from a support-aspect come from its ground type, healing move and levitate, rather from being a dragon side-- the same qualities gliscor has).

About the dragon tanking aspect, unless you are a steel, Draco Meteor/Outrage is going to mess up any tank (those being things like Snorlax and Swampert), so I don't think it really matters if they are hit super effective. I think it is the opposite-why go defensive when you have amazing offensive moves. Look at Altaria-it's best sets are arguably the Dragon Dancer and Mixed Attacker, yet it's attacking stats are mediocre at 70 each, while its defensive stats are 75 HP / 90 Def / 105 SpD. Dragon moves are just way too powerful to give up, even for Altaria, as most if not all dragon pokemon have Dragon Dance, Outrage, and Draco Meteor.
Well, as nice as Dragon's resistances are, it's hard to be a tank when you can be vaporized by any given draco meteor/outrage. Then again, the same could be said about Skarmory with special fire/electric attacks, and flygon is one of the hardest pokemon to kill when played right.

I wonder if Flygon would be played as a Utility pokemon if it had 5 more points of base speed and Stealth Rock. I imagine it could, roosting, U-Turning, and throwing up rocks when it gets the chance-- plus using it's awesome immunity to spikes/t-spikes/sand/t-wave immunities and SR resist to keep going and going. Gives an idea of the potential for dragon to be used for non-sweeper purposes (though most of the qualities about flygon that would be appealing from a support-aspect come from its ground type, healing move and levitate, rather from being a dragon side-- the same qualities gliscor has).
As you pointed out in your second to last word, you just described Gliscor to a T. Ice weakness? Ground/lightning immunity? U-turn? Roost? Yep, that's Glissy. I will admit the stats do create quite a difference, though.
Can someone link me to the newest released facts about this game? I understand speculation is fun, but I'd rather not sift through fifteen pages of fan boy just to find out nothing's been released aside from the official artwork of that new Dark-type evolutionary line.

Since they revealed Zorua and Zoroark, we had... nothing.

Now we'll probably have to wait till March 10-15th for the next CoroCoro.
Water/Psychic makes sense for Golduck to be in the first place. I say they just add that typing to it by default. give it a better move pool, some buffing moves and bam, it's could be way more useful. I really don't think it needs an evolution, other than for a stat boost. (and personally, I like it's average stats) Water/Fighting is a no go, I think. either make a new Pokemon with that typing, or leave the job to Poliwrath. I personally don't think Fighting type fits the Golduck evolution line.

I remember when I first picked up Blue as a kid, I just figured Golduck was water/psychic.

A split evo sounds REALLY great, but I must admit that I am a bit biased because Golduck has always been one of my favorites. Give both a speed boost to about 100, and then give one a higher Att stat and the other a higher SpAtt. Golduck even has a decent movepool already, so the evolutions wouldn't need much help in that area to be viable.

Most likely it won't happen, but a guy can dream, can't he?
Not contributing to any current topic right now, but I think an Ice/Electric Pokemon would be pretty cool. I saw, over a year ago, a fanmade Hyena Pokemon on DeviantArt that was Ice/Electric. It was.. a great idea. lol.
Not contributing to any current topic right now, but I think an Ice/Electric Pokemon would be pretty cool. I saw, over a year ago, a fanmade Hyena Pokemon on DeviantArt that was Ice/Electric. It was.. a great idea. lol.

I agree, that would be a nice idea. It would take the famous Bolt/Beam combo to a new level. Maybe it could be a super polar bear, a snow fox, or something like that. I personally think they should make a Dragon/Fighting type that isn't severely overpowered. Even with only decent attacking stats and 105+ base speed, Close Combat/[Another Decent fighting move] + Outrage + Draco Meteor + stat up move will be a killer combination. It is unresisted. The same goes for a Ghost/Fighting type. Aura Sphere + Shadow Ball would be nice.

I would also like the day-care couple to be able to give you more than one egg at once, and they can all just hatch at one time. That would make IV breeding and shiny breeding easier, although you can just use RNG for that.
I would like to see a Ability that expands the moveslots to 5... that would greatly help some pokes.

For example, i have a realy hard time to pick a moveset for Probopass... 4 moveslots isn't enough for it. Magnet Rise, Thunderbolt, Pain Split, Earth Power should be standard... but no Thunder Wave?

Of course, Game Freak should fix some obvious things(Tail Glow Ampharos? Drain Punch Hitmontop? Anything for poor Meganium?).
I remember when I first picked up Blue as a kid, I just figured Golduck was water/psychic.

The first time I heard it wasn't, I immediately checked because I didn't believe it. :/

A split evo sounds REALLY great, but I must admit that I am a bit biased because Golduck has always been one of my favorites. Give both a speed boost to about 100, and then give one a higher Att stat and the other a higher SpAtt. Golduck even has a decent movepool already, so the evolutions wouldn't need much help in that area to be viable.

a split isn't really necessary, though. Golduck would be perfectly fine (and it would make more sense, I think) if it just got a third stage with an added Psychic type. how could you explain the water/fighting type? Golduck's Pokedex entry says it gains rudimentary psychic powers (it only mentions telekinesis, which isn't that major and probably explains the lack of Psychic typing) after it evolves from Psyduck, so does it just lose it's psychic powers and gain kung-fu skills after evolving to it's Fighting type stage? doesn't make much sense. Water/Psychic is more fitting, seeing as it would have probably gained more powerful psychic abilities. better Sp.Att and speed, more Psychic attacks and it's set.
who says the Pokemon in question needed to be bred from two different Pokemon? new Pokemon are added every generation, with almost no relation at all to the previous gens Pokemon, so why do hybrids suddenly come into play when deciding how new ones are created? have all the Pokemon added each gen been the product of the previous gens cross breeding? I find that unlikely.

what I'm saying is that every Pokemon that could be made a result of Hybridization, could more easily be made a normal Pokemon, that is catchable in the wild or acquired by some other method. I'm all for adding new methods of getting Pokemon, but this seems unnecessary. that being said, chances are there would only be 1 or 2 hybrid Pokemon that can be created, and they would probably be made using Gen 5 Pokemon and one of the current ones.

The whole point of this idea is that it would be adding a new game mechanic to liven up the game a little. Combing the grasses for mon is only fun for some many games. You breed to get compatible competitive pokemon anyways, why not make it a little more interesting. Though there would have to be a way to make pokemon breed normally too, a hold item like everstone so you wouldn't be screwed when it came to egg moves.

Doubt it'll happen, just saying it's always been something that sparked the imagination, what with all the fusions of pokemon floating around the net =P
Combing the grasses for mon is only fun for some many games.

and adding cross breeding would fix that? not every catchable Pokemon would be acquirable through cross breeding, thats just silly. at most, maybe 2 Pokemon would come as a result of cross breeding, and you would have to search through grass and whatever to find the Pokemon needed to cross breed in the first place.

Though there would have to be a way to make pokemon breed normally too, a hold item like everstone so you wouldn't be screwed when it came to egg moves.
why not make them breed normally, but they require an item to cross breed? that makes way more sense, since it explains why these hybrids weren't being created before through normal breeding.

I'm all for new methods of getting Pokemon, and if it was implemented well it would be interesting. but just mashing two Pokemon together and getting a new one that looks like both of them in certain aspects is not only boring and unoriginal, but really lame. Venustoise lame. any Pokemon original enough to actually work as new Pokemon, might as well just be a normal Pokemon that isn't a hybrid. the only one I can see working is a Plusle and Minun hybrid, since they are paired with each other every other time anyways.
It might fit in with the idea of having Pokemon know all their moves, but take four into battle - being able to change which four between battles.

this is one of my favorite ideas! i have always hated ever deleting a move everytime my pokemon learns a new one.. would it be that hard for them to NOT delete any moves learned, and just allow us to customize the moveset the pokemon will use in battle?
this is one of my favorite ideas! i have always hated ever deleting a move everytime my pokemon learns a new one.. would it be that hard for them to NOT delete any moves learned, and just allow us to customize the moveset the pokemon will use in battle?

I also love the idea. It doesn't make sense how Pokemon forget how to do moves they've learned. :/
But that requires heart scales and is just inconvenient.

Plus, it doesn't let you relearn egg moves, tutor moves, or TMs.

if you took the time to breed an egg move, tutor a move or use a TM, chances are you won't forget it unless a better move comes along.

4 moves has worked until now, and there's no reason to change it. it's a staple of the gameplay. you finding it inconvenient obviously didn't effect Gen 2 and onwards, they would have changed it by now if it was a problem. Once I find a moveset that works I don't change it for a while anyways, so why would I need to be able to change it whenever I please? Move Relearner is fine for almost every application of relearning moves.
if you took the time to breed an egg move, tutor a move or use a TM, chances are you won't forget it unless a better move comes along.

4 moves has worked until now, and there's no reason to change it. it's a staple of the gameplay. you finding it inconvenient obviously didn't effect Gen 2 and onwards, they would have changed it by now if it was a problem. Once I find a moveset that works I don't change it for a while anyways, so why would I need to be able to change it whenever I please? Move Relearner is fine for almost every application of relearning moves.
Unless you mess up in the daycare, or realize later how great of a move that would have been. There are a ton of reasons to make the change. For one, the systems have the memory to do it now. Gen 2 and 3 really didn't.
if you took the time to breed an egg move, tutor a move or use a TM, chances are you won't forget it unless a better move comes along.

4 moves has worked until now, and there's no reason to change it. it's a staple of the gameplay. you finding it inconvenient obviously didn't effect Gen 2 and onwards, they would have changed it by now if it was a problem. Once I find a moveset that works I don't change it for a while anyways, so why would I need to be able to change it whenever I please? Move Relearner is fine for almost every application of relearning moves.

Because its difficult to keep relearning moves? It would be nice if there was a large list to choose from and you get to pick right before battles. Its not like its changing the metagame or anything... it just makes it more convenient for all of us. Plus, it makes sense. What's not to like? ^^;
Not to mention the aspects it could add to best 2 out of 3 tournament matches, allowing moveset switches and Sideboarding of a few mons could add so much depth to the game.(Is really hoping Pokemon approaches the depth of Magic the gathering..., it's so much cheaper.)
i'm happy some people agree that having customizable movesets is a neat feature.. but i its too much for a pokemon to remember all its moves, (with HM TM etc) well at least 15 or even 10 would do.. it adds more strategy to the game methinks.. maybe you cant defeat a gym with your pokemon, but altering some movesets may allow you to do so.. however, it may not be practical competitively for some Pokemon, because changing an Altaria from a Dragon Dancer to Utility/Support without any ways of changing natures and EVs (well there are berries but..) may not workout for the best..

and one more thing:

my fondest memory when i played Gold was training my Ledyba (i find it cute ^^), and when it reached level 14, it learned three moves AT THE SAME TIME! it learned Light Screen, Reflect and Safeguard (great support moves, no?).. i was really sad because it was my first time playing Pokemon and first time hearing those moves, and i wanted to try out all of them! and i did just that, leaving only Comet Punch as my attacking move, heheh..

is there another pokemon that learned more than one move in a level up? my idea is, maybe we can have more of these pokemon, or maybe even better, at a certain level a pokemon learns either of two or three moves with a certain probability.. for example

Spiritomb learnset:(i may have gone overboard here but its just an example)

- Curse
- Pursuit
- Confuse Ray
- Spite
- Shadow Sneak

7 Faint Attack

13 Hypnosis

16 nothing (70%); Torment (30%)

19 Dream Eater; Torment; Grudge

25 Ominous Wind

31 Sucker Punch (40%); Crunch (30%); Nigh Slash (30%)

37 Nasty Plot (50%); Calm Mind (50%)

43 Memento

49 Dark Pulse (50%); Shadow Ball (50%)

52 nothing (60%); Payback; (20%); Assurance (20%)

so, at level 19, it learns three moves
at levels 31, 37 and 49, it only learns one of the possible moves
at levels 16 and 5, it may learn a move, but it may not learn anything at all!

this is a way to expand movesets, and also keeps ingame experience with the same pokemon unique and fresh ^^

competitively, it may not alter possible movesets much (as some alternate moves may be available for it to start with like HM, egg moves, tutor moves etc).. and not all pokemon may have this characteristic, or at least not this much, maybe a move or two alternate moves, that's it.. well?
Unless you mess up in the daycare, or realize later how great of a move that would have been.

then change the Move Relearner so that he can reteach egg moves and whatnot. it's not hard to fix.

Plus, it makes sense.

Wailord can breed with Diglett... making sense stopped being an issue a long time ago.

theres no reason or need to change it. we already have Move Relearners, which work just fine. make a few tweaks (like the ones above) and it'll be perfect. the system we've had for the last 4 generations and their remakes hasn't seen any problems with it. the only problem is that you want things to be more convenient; which, while faster, isn't a real problem and is just chocked up to laziness. if they made a portable Move Relearner, that ran on Heart Scales, just to cut down on travel time, I think that would be a good middle ground. you don't have to go back and forth to the Move Relearner, but you can't just change your movesets all willy-nilly (unless you have a huge amount of Heart Scales...).

not to mention the fact that EV's are generally chosen with a specific moveset in mind. even disregarding EV's, the majority of the people I know stick with one moveset that works, and don't change it until better moves come along. I really don't expect that many people to make use of the feature if it was included. maybe at the start just to test it out, or when few great moves were available, but eventually they would settle on movesets and stop using it.
What's wrong with it being more convenient? Pokemon games have been improving with every new installment. Its not hard to have a list of 10 or 15 moves that the Pokemon has learned. Who knows what Gamefreak will do next.
What's wrong with it being more convenient? Pokemon games have been improving with every new installment. Its not hard to have a list of 10 or 15 moves that the Pokemon has learned. Who knows what Gamefreak will do next.

i'm definitely in favor of the "move menu" idea. in a way, that's one step closer to what shoddy has given us, as an improvement over the DS games.
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