Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

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Regieleki outspeeds literally every good scarfer with timid. It needs to go because you cannot account for it in team building reliably. Scarf meowscarda outspeeds (with a speed boosting nature) but you don't have a guaranteed ohko.
252 SpA Meowscarada Leaf Storm vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Regieleki: 268-316 (89 - 104.9%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Meowscarada Flower Trick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Regieleki on a critical hit: 264-312 (87.7 - 103.6%) -- 25% chance to OHKO

As I've been saying, Sneasler becomes extremely answerable when you don't have to attempt to not instantly die to Regieleki.
regi dosent outspeed unburden sneasler with no investments.
Genuinely, how the fuck do you deal with regieleki. You can at least account for mag while teambuilding without having to compromise too much on other threats. Eleki requires multiple dedicated teamslots to it because of how non-existent most of its checks are
extreme speed dragonite. unburden sneasler. fake out sneasler. kingambit. terastylization.
It’s not Sneasler or Dire Claw

My offer is still on the table

extreme speed dragonite. unburden sneasler. fake out sneasler. kingambit.

I don't think they were trying to say that it's literally impossible to deal with Regieleki. It's fairly well known that priority stuff takes care of it just fine. That doesn't really do anything to address the immense pressure it applies on the opponent to check it though.
My offer is still on the table

I don't think they were trying to say that it's literally impossible to deal with Regieleki. It's fairly well known that priority stuff takes care of it just fine. That doesn't really do anything to address the immense pressure it applies on the opponent to check it though.
and sneasler dosent have that pressure? best case scenario for poison touch fake out, you have a 30% chance of getting poisoned and getting decent chip damage, if you dont outspeed it and have priority, thats 60%. and thats assuming it isnt unburden, which can end games. we banned houndstone for far less. we banned most of ubers for less.
I made six extremely dangerous sets in like five minutes. this thing has to go.
lets run through them. first, we have a mon that is essentially guarenteed to be the fastest mon on the field with no risk to itself and no speed investments who hits like a truck. next, we have a few variations on this, including endure red card, endure liechi berry, and focus sash swords dance. these all are horifying. then, we have poison touch u turn and fake out on one of the fastest mons in the game. not even mentioning dire claw. and theres a variation of this that can also set up hazards. you cant prepare for this. you cant fight this. it has to go.

Is this a troll account?

1. the sneasler sets are mostly bad
2. There is no comparison between eleki and sneasler

one of them has the entire metagame revolving around it, watch the highest ELO games. They’re decided on 50/50s with the Eleki’s. Eleki is only losing to surprise Tera’s, and has partners to take care of all the Pokémon that switch into it, but are otherwise Low viability in the current meta. It is literally the best Pokémon you can use to bait Tera, the best Pokémon you can use to bait double switch and put massive pressure. Once grounds are gone it’s the eleki game to lose

the other is inflicting poison 30% of the time.
Is this a troll account?

1. the sneasler sets are mostly bad
2. There is no comparison between eleki and sneasler

one of them has the entire metagame revolving around it, watch the highest ELO games. They’re decided on 50/50s with the Eleki’s. Eleki is only losing to surprise Tera’s, and has partners to take care of all the Pokémon that switch into it, but are otherwise Low viability in the current meta.

the other is inflicting poison 30% of the time.
i dont know what to say to you.
you just glossed over all of elekis flaws, while ignoring everything that makes sneasler great.
i understand the troll acount accusation, as i have made some wild claims, but how can you call me a troll when you say things like that.
Genuinely, how the fuck do you deal with regieleki. You can at least account for mag while teambuilding without having to compromise too much on other threats. Eleki requires multiple dedicated teamslots to it because of how non-existent most of its checks are
Genuinely, how the fuck do you deal with regieleki. You can at least account for mag while teambuilding without having to compromise too much on other threats. Eleki requires multiple dedicated teamslots to it because of how non-existent most of its checks are

So far I’ve all been is running different variations of screens HO, Centered around SG/CM mag, so personally I’ve really be able to tank well hits thanks to screens, I also really love speed control like scarf moon dragapult or valiant so I always have something faster as well.

also iron threads just seemed to fit on my teams a lot right now since He’s the only mon in the game that can set hazard remove them and pivot right now.
i dont know what to say to you.
you just glossed over all of elekis flaws, while ignoring everything that makes sneasler great.
Again, sneasler is extremely answerable in a more settled meta. Your sets are garbage and cannot touch Gholdengo (who will rise in usage once the meta settles down again) and can also be answered by just smart pivoting. Sneasler cannot run everything it wants and, like other unburden sweepers, can be forced out by certain things and then it loses everything you were banking on.
some of my early thoughts on some of the new pokemon:

Hamurott: Can be a staple in OU but will not be broken. A strong pokemon with sharpness and ceaseless edge is such a great attack. OU also does not have any offensive water types that aren't there because of rain teams, but this guy can remain on any team.

Basculegion-M: Been using an adaptability set. Lacks good ghost STAB tho and having to use Power Herb so I can get off a Phantom Force once a game feels bad. Will become a staple on rain teams w swift swim obviously and he will hit super hard but I don't think adaptability basc is gonna do anything in OU.

H-Goodra: New Blissey? A lot better than the original version. Can be unkillable after two Acid Armors. Another W for big stall and could become a menace once a lot of these overpowered offensive threats lingering in OU right now get banned. Will benefit a lot if Zama gets banned especially.

Zama: Zama crowned is really good. I know losing the item slot sucks but being such a wall upon switch in and then getting to set up sweep with iron defense/body press is crazy. Rare that such a bulky Pokemon is this fast too. Can absolutely see it getting banned, but it seems like Crowned could stay in OU and become a menace for a long time. Think both forms should be sent to Ubers, though.

H-Liligant: Victory Dance is a fun move but I don't think it has enough juice to stay in OU. Even with Hustle its raw attack power is on par with pokemon like Mienshao. It's mega frail, and if it doensn't OHKO whatever it is looking at it will probably go down. Too dependent on getting a free turn with Victory Dance to do anything. Can be an all-star UU set up sweeper but won't make it in OU.

Ursaluna: I agree with everything everyone else is saying. It's very hard to switch into a guts boosted Facade. Overwhelmingly strong and its main checks are steel types that it can smack with a guts boosted EQ. The greatest trick room Pokemon of all time. It's low speed does keep it in check a little bit, though. Could see a rise in ghost types to help keep it in check but it has a pretty strong Crunch too.

Kleavor: This thing is awful. Scyther is one of my all time fav pokemon so I was excited for this guy but he does nothing. Everything hits him hard and I'd rather click stealth rock on my great tusk (or even Lando-T) than using Stone Axe. It's basically Glimmora with like, no utility. Could fall to NU even with its terrible typing.

Regieleki: One of the strongest pokemon in the tier ATM, but may not need a ban. I think the fact that you need to burn your tera on it to make it a primary threat is a huge balancing factor. I would be against a Leki ban right now. It cant take any hits and priority moves send it to hell. Can't switch in really either. There are checks for it, after a few days we will all be fine with it.

Magearna: Ya this thing can go. One shift gear and then it clicks tera-fairy and you can't do anything to it anymore. Literally the same as when it was in OU before. Stored Power is too strong. Needs a ban.

Sneaseler: An incredible unburden sweeper, better than Hawlucha in its prime IMO. Put a balloon on him and let him cook. Don't think it is worth a ban because he still has some checks but can take over as the tier's leading physical sweeper.
God loves Iron Treads. Right when Iron Treads was going to drop, God found a way, God created these monsters that Treads can handle

Edit: didn’t mean to post that but it’s funny
The tier right now is unplayable. Genuinely the council is incompetent for letting regieleki into the tier. I understand the reasoning but this was extremely predictable and I was way off in my pre-home assessment. You cannot account for tera ice regieleki in team building while also accounting for everything else. It's impossible.
Let’s be nice and respectful k thanks
My problem with Sneasler is how hard it gets walled by Gholdengo and Toxapex. It also can't cleanly OHKO a fully offensive Tusk with Tera Flying 110 Acrobatics. These mons are so common that I can't see it being a fully overwhelming presence. Switching out of a check is especially bad for an Unburden mon because then you have half a mon for the rest of the game.
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