The Everything NFL Thread - 2012 Season (Up til 2013 Draft)

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It's good and all that Flacco believes he's worth $20 million a year like Brees and Manning but he's really not. He's more like $10-15 million at best and maybe $8 million at the very low end. If the Ravens want to have both Flacco and Ed Reed, they need some godly negotiation skills to keep both of them especially with their high asking prices.
It's good and all that Flacco believes he's worth $20 million a year like Brees and Manning but he's really not. He's more like $10-15 million at best and maybe $8 million at the very low end. If the Ravens want to have both Flacco and Ed Reed, they need some godly negotiation skills to keep both of them especially with their high asking prices.

Ed Reed is going to be gone, absolutely no way Flacco signs for anything less than $16 million a year (Schaub got $15.5 million earlier this year, and while it's debatable who's better, Flacco has a far bigger profile) and will probably get more. The Ravens can't let him walk; they've had more success with him than they have the entire rest of their existence, with the exception of their previous Super Bowl. The dropoff from him to a below average quarterback would be severe and would put the franchise back several years.

He'll get paid like Eli Manning did, signing what I believe was the #2 QB contract at the time (Flacco will probably be #3 behind Manning/Brees), and their performances thus far have been pretty similar as far as passing stats (Flacco has way more wins), so from a contract standpoint it somewhat makes sense.

Since the players are more important than the game, here's Joe Flacco's best decision of his life. It's not infinite breadsticks from Olive Garden, but it'll do.
It was really just a half hearted attempt to remind everyone that Flacco is NOT the reason they are successful, and he's being carried by everyone around him. Yeah Rice hasn't been playing "lights out", but he and Leach are important checkdowns for Joe.

I'm surprised you used his paper stats as an argument in his favor and expected me to take you seriously, since anyone who has actually WATCHED these games you speak of knows that Flacco is wildly off target on almost every throw, and he's constantly being bailed out by his WRs and TEs making amazing catches. You, being a Ravens fan, should know your own team better than all of us, and therefore should be the first person to notice that Flacco is inaccurate as hell. He got to play the Colts in the WC round (which is essentially a free win), he got gift after gift in the Denver game with their secondary letting his WRs get WIDE THE FUCK OPEN where all he had to do was heave the ball as hard as he could, and in the Patriots game he just played badly, and was saved by his receiving corps.

Come on man, you know I watch football, and it doesn't even take a serious football fan to tell that Flacco is not good.

He was very average pre Caldwell. I've criticized the fuck out of him in the past. You have to be the most insane anti-ravens fan in the world (which you are it seems, I never usually see you biased or salty aside from the immediate aftermath of a Steelers loss - lately it's been different though) to say that Flacco hasn't been very good all playoffs. Rice has been very average lately, but you're right its him that's carrying us on offensive these playoffs and not the best qb of the postseason. What would I know though, I just watch every Ravens game, read unbiased analysis and am at least able to give credit where it's due. As for these "incredible catches" that our receivers apparently make every play to bail Joe out, most of them are actually standard. Maybe you're just not used to supporting a team where WRs don't drop catchable passes?
He was very average pre Caldwell. I've criticized the fuck out of him in the past. You have to be the most insane anti-ravens fan in the world (which you are it seems, I never usually see you biased or salty aside from the immediate aftermath of a Steelers loss - lately it's been different though) to say that Flacco hasn't been very good all playoffs. Rice has been very average lately, but you're right its him that's carrying us on offensive these playoffs and not the best qb of the postseason. What would I know though, I just watch every Ravens game, read unbiased analysis and am at least able to give credit where it's due. As for these "incredible catches" that our receivers apparently make every play to bail Joe out, most of them are actually standard. Maybe you're just not used to supporting a team where WRs don't drop catchable passes?

You can count me as a Flacco detractor as well but I'll give him some credit,this is the first postseason where imo he has actually made a difference when Baltimore wins. He has made some nice throws but some of them have been heave and pray throws where the receiver had to make an exceptional catch. His poor completion % still shows that he is an above average/good QB. He's got a strong arm but he isnt that accurate and I dont think he reads defenses all that well.
You can count me as a Flacco detractor as well but I'll give him some credit,this is the first postseason where imo he has actually made a difference when Baltimore wins. He has made some nice throws but some of them have been heave and pray throws where the receiver had to make an exceptional catch. His poor completion % still shows that he is an above average/good QB. He's got a strong arm but he isnt that accurate and I dont think he reads defenses all that well.

I think this is a pretty accurate and fair statement. I'm not going to pretend that some of the throws Flacco has completed weren't solely as a result of his arm strength + good receiver play. He still has a ways to go consistency and accuracy wise before he becomes close to elite. I'm just sick of the people who aren't giving him credit for what he's done in the playoffs. @ The haters, unless you're a 49ers fan, he's done better then all your beloved QB's on your teams this postseason - so give some respect where it's due.
Sorry Stallion, I tend to choose stronger language when I talk about it because it's a subject I am very passionate about. My hatred of the Ravens is absolute, but simultaneously my respect for them is absolute. The Ravens and Steelers have the best rivalry in football bar none, and they have a host of exceptional players that I would give my left testicle to have on my team (Ray Rice, Vonta Leach, Anquan Boldin, Haloti Ngata, Paul Kruger, Marshal Yanda, etc etc). My real beef with them is Flacco (because he's bad) and Harbaugh (because he's just a dick).

Now I understand I may come off as a "hater" when I talk about Flacco, but I'd like to think I've shown my ability to be reasonable in my assessments of any player in the past. The reason I am so harsh on Flacco is because he has failed to improve his game at all in the five years he's been in Baltimore, allowing himself to be carried along. He's still got the same accuracy issues and same defense-reading skills that he did when he started, as well as not asserting his leadership. I have said before and will say again that if the Ravens had just an above average QB during the past 5 years they would have won multiple Super Bowls. I firmly believe that Flacco is actually holding them back, but you're probably correct in that he's their best option right now, with the limited availability of better talent.

Please bear in mind that I've actually met Joe Flacco, and he's a hell of a nice guy. Pretty down to earth, downplays himself if a conversation about football comes up, etc. But that doesn't translate into being a good NFL QB. Joe Flacco's problem is similar to guys like Matt Schaub, Jon Kitna, and Alex Smith in that he's not TERRIBLE, but he's unable to progress beyond that "average" level either. He'll finish his career in exactly the same manner as he began it - almost great, but not quite.

I apologize if I've come off as a biased hater, I hope y'all know me well enough to know that's not really the case. I've really tried to watch and analyze Flacco and find something I like about him, I'm just unable to at this time. If I'm to give him respect for anything, it's not REGRESSING and staying confident in the face of all the criticism he's gotten in his career. If nothing else, the man has class.
So i was watching the NFL Network earlier and randomly saw Eli talking to the dude there. Everyone knows Eli is a funny guy and he said that next year he will be looking foward to see who calls themselves an "elite" qb. Because as he puts it, it's instant SB. Then he goes on to say that someone asks him again so that he can win another one <3

Tony Romo should say it and i think he will be the next one up.

Also, please i'm praying Reed doesn't go to the Pats. Randy Moss killed a part of me when he went there. Reed will break my heart. He needs to go to like the Panthers or something.
Rg3 wins offensive rookie of the year in a landslide. Unfortunate luck got more botes than wilson given wilson was clearly the better qb... Rg3 winning at least shows the voters arent complete idiots lol
RG3 winning shows that the voters have no sense and are a bunch of sheep. Russell Wilson was the best rookie hands down.
RG3 was a lot fucking better :| making such sweepingly self-assured statements when being wrong is pretty funny. RG3 had a better WR set, worse OL, massively worse D. RG3 while his knee held out was looking better in the playoffs too.

QB1: 65.6% 20 TD 5 INT, 815 yards rushing, 7 TD rushing
QB2: 64.1% 26 TD 10 INT, 489 yards rushing, 4 TD rushing
RG3 was a lot fucking better :| making such sweepingly self-assured statements when being wrong is pretty funny. RG3 had a better WR set, worse OL, massively worse D. RG3 while his knee held out was looking better in the playoffs too.

QB1: 65.6% 20 TD 5 INT, 815 yards rushing, 7 TD rushing
QB2: 64.1% 26 TD 10 INT, 489 yards rushing, 4 TD rushing

LOL! Check PFF! Guess who graded above RG3?! LOL!
LOL! Check FootballOutsiders! Guess whos ranked above RG3 in Passing AND rushing?! LOL!

Profootball reference had griffin tied with brady and ryan for the most valuable qb in the nfl at an av of 18, wilson was at 16. Given rg3 was on a worse team than wilson and had both better raw passing stats and rushing stats, im not sure how you can seriously argue that wilson was significantly better than rg3. That said wilson may have had the second best season by a rookie qb ever, and would have deserved the roy any other year
:o Matt Ryan was most valuable QB? I'm honored.

Bonus Top 5: Rookie Edition
1) Russell Wilson, Seattle Seahawks: 1,014 DYAR (867 passing DYAR, 147 rushing)
2) Robert Griffin, Washington Redskins: 838 DYAR (729 passing DYAR, 109 rushing)
3) Andrew Luck, Indianapolis Colts: 379 DYAR (255 passing DYAR, 124 rushing)
4) Ryan Tannehill, Miami Dolphins: 39 DYAR (37 passing DYAR, 2 rushing)
5) Brandon Weeden, Cleveland Browns: -266 DYAR (-290 passing DYAR, 24 rushing)
Analysis: Wilson surpasses Matt Ryan for the top rookie quarterback season in FO's database, and becomes the first freshman at the position to surpass the 1,000-DYAR barrier. (Ryan actually edged over 1,000 DYAR passing, but negative rushing value dropped him back below the line.) He also tied Peyton Manning's rookie record with 26 touchdown passes, and when you include his four rushing scores, only Cam Newton (21 touchdowns passing, 14 rushing) produced more combined touchdowns in his first year.

Oh and Seattle had a tougher SOS as well so that's a thing.
Any analysis that is giving that large of a weighting to tds is clearly somewhat flawed so...
And yes, statistically they were close, some stats will have each better, but to say that voting for griffin is clearly wrong is ludicrous...

Also much as i dont like weighting things like leadership in general, being made captain as a rookie has to go for something
Well, AP MVP, Manning Comeback player. You knew one of them would win that, with the other getting the other as compensation pretty much.

Also, wonder if Luck is keeping count on how many times RG3 has beaten him out for an award in which he was projected to get...first the Heisman, now rookie of the year. I guess Luck still beat him in getting drafted at least...
Wilson didnt have much of a case over RG3. Wilson wasnt very good the first half of the season and was great in the 2nd half. RG3 was great right from the first game of the season.
I'm glad AP got MVP because he pretty much solo carried the Vikings to a respectable showing. I guess they had to give Manning something though so they let him win the comeback award =p
lol at using "advanced" metrics for more than generalities

yo the guy who passed at a higher %, passed for a higher y/a, rushed for over an extra yard a carry, and had only 3 less touchdowns despite a missed game and had half the interceptions, that guy was fucking better

the only thing that even puts them minutely close is that Griffin has a fumbling problem, hopefully that gets better
Manning did deserve comeback player of the year since he was out for the entire 2011 season why AP really miss one game. I initially thought Manning should be MVP but thinking it a bit more, AP does deserve MVP since the Vikings wouldn't made the playoffs without him.
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