The Most Facepalm Worthy Thing You Have Done in All of Pokémon

When I was playing my Gold version (I was 12 at that time), I wanted to catch a Gligar at all cost. I don't know why but I wanted it. I would kill it off with my pokemon, attempting to weaken it, but fail. After throwing pokeballs and ultra balls and breaking, I did what I needed to do. I threw my Masterball. Only after I saved did I realize what I had done.
Um, I've trained an Eevee to LV 100 without ever evolving it. I then attempted to solo the Sinnoh Elite Four with it several times.
...needless to say, I lost all my Pokeyen in the process...
Also, I've clicked the wrong options in Emerald's Battle Factory several times. I've lost a 35-Win Streak because I clicked the wrong move option- I can't remember what happened exactly, but I think I used Earthquake on a Flygon or something. No damage taken, the damned dragon proceeded to mercilessly sweep my entire team.
Traded my timid female haunter with perfect speed on wonder trade before i really knew how it worked naively thinking I could message the kindly trainer afterwards, ask to switch back and receive my gengar. Didnt quite go as planned. I got a goddamn bidoof now. This was three days ago. :(
I've done my share of goofy things/had them happen to me for sure. Back when I was about 8, I was walking in the grass under Goldenrod city in my old gold version and found a shiny rattata. I'd literally found out about shiny mons just yesterday and boy was I excited! Looks in bag, had used last ball on a caterpie...
I also reset my Heartgold version that had a green zubat and tangela because I wanted a different starter. Hindsight 20/20!
One time I accidentally saved after going into the Elite 4 in Diamond with nothing but a Mewtwo and some lv. 20s, I got to Cynthia and realized that i couldn't damage her spiritomb at all and I didn't have any TMs that could either! #reset
Also, I've had a slowbro freeze my heatran in the HG battle subway for 14 turns straight. 0.0 I don't know what's worse, the bad luck or the fact that the slowbro took 14 turns to use surf! Also, the wide lens starmie I was using in the BS missed with Hydro Pump 4 times in a row against a Jolteon, which missed 4 times with Thunder! I kind of felt sorry for winning that one.

On a kind of unrelated note, there's a spot on route 25 in RBY where a trainer stands in front of an enclosed space with an item (trainer 7 on the diagram here). If he sees you, he walks over to you, allowing you to go behind him after the battle and grab the item (normally you have to get it by using cut). My question is, since you don't get cut until later in RBY, and since saving in RBY makes trainers who've moved revert to their original positions and trees regrow (that's what lets this glitch work), has anyone ever saved in the spot behind trainer 7? Unless I'm missing something, they'd have to do a new game, since there'd be no way out when they turned the game back on >.<! That would probably be the biggest POSSIBLE facepalm I can think of.

Idk, there's no way anybody's THAT stupid!!! Right?
As a kid I also got stuck in Lt. Surge's gym because I couldn't figure out how to get past his secret switches. I just went through the game until the badge checker at the Pokemon League gate wouldn't let me in! My solution: new game, of course!
This thread gives me quite a bit of laughs, I really liked reading it.

My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Yellow. At the time, I did not give a crap about Pikachu. I ran into a clefairy on mount moon. That Clefairy was my BFF, but all I did with it was spam metronome and reset everytime it used explosion or something. My end game party was like LV70 Clefairy, LV50 Pikachu, and 4 random Pokemon, usually legendaries. I wasn't very good.

In the game game, I stopped paying attention to the amount of pokeballs I had and threw my precious masterball at a Ditto. I was furious and knew I saved like 2 hours earlier and I wasn't going to go through that water way no how.

Occasionally I find myself battling online with an amulet coin or false swipe on one of my pokemon by accident. Whoops.
I saw a Cryogganal in BW for the first time and it was shiny, but it freaked me the fuck out and figured it was normally like that, so I ran from it because I couldn't be bothered to catch it. I then ran into another regular one and thought: OMF A SHINY!!!!ASDFGHJKL. But then yeah I found out what had happened and I cried.
"Oh gee, this Moltres is pretty dang hard to catch. Better use the master ball!"

and then Mewtwo.

Also, I got lost in a cave in silver without flash. I think I'm still stuck in there.
- I got lost inside Mt.Moon without flash for 3 days, I didn't noticed there was a flash HM so yeah.
- I threw my Master Ball at my Rival's Blastoise, coz it said "Can catch ANY pokemon"
- I should finish every trainer battle with my Charmander... EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.
- I had a crush on all female gym leaders and were probably the reason i had a very...noticeable growth spurt
- oh and just on launch day, i used fling on Frogadier holding an amulet coin, didn't noticeed, saved = bbye amulet coin
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Playing Blue for the very first time after getting the Master Ball. I was so excited in the game and it said that it could catch anything. I was having trouble catching a Doduo and the Master Ball was the last ball I had and I was like, "Oh yeah, this is that ball that catches everything." Used it and didn't even find out about the legendaries until way later in the game, none of which I actually caught. In those days, I couldn't look on the internet and had no friends that played Pokemon so I couldn't ask them. Didn't really know better until I picked the game back up years later. Being 9 was a fun time.
My biggest face palm was the first time I played Pokemon (Gold). I was like 5 and it was my friend's game I went to the PC and released all of his Pokemon thinking that meant I'd be taking them with me. I didn't know what release or withdraw meant. Remember that these are the days when changing a no required a save.

Karma came back when I let my brother play Silver the first time and he Master Ball-ed a level 2 Ratatta.
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I had a 125 streak in the Battle Maison end when I used my aegislash used iron head on a Raikou with about 30% health left, completely forgetting that electric resists steel. Raikou ended up beating my aegislash and mega blastoise ending my streak.
Back in Sapphire, I came across the overworld Kecleon on Route 119. When I started battling it, I thought it was a legendary cuz(like any legendary) it had an overworld encounter followed by a battle. So I ended up throwing my masterball at it. Later on in the game, without a masterball, I killed Kyogre when it died to poison. Back then, I never thought about resetting the game and that I spoiled my only shot at getting Kyogre. I got so mad that I turned off the game and didn't play it for a week... but not before saving the game first.
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Given that my post count is still so low, I wanted to hold off on commenting in a more casual forum, but dammit, this thread called my name!

I've got two that are pretty big on my list:

First, back in Yellow (the first game I owned), I didn't quite get the concept of "save before legendaries." However, if I caught a Pokemon, I saved afterwards. Cue me KO'ing Moltres, then catching an Onix (FINALLY </sarcasm>), and then saving afterwards. About a day later I realized the mistake I'd made.

Then, come Sapphire, I'd developed this really weird rule about not having two Pokemon of the same type on my team, ever, under any circumstances. Also at that young age, as soon as I caught a legendary, it went on my team. The problem was, I'd picked Mudkip as my starter. I wasn't about to give up my buddy Swampert, but I absolutely had to have Kyogre on the team. So, after a solid week of playing and building a team, I restarted my game and picked Treecko, just to avoid the situation all over again. My buddies really let me know the failure of that logic.
Back when I was about 9 or 10, on my first run through Ruby I ran into a shiny Geodude in that cave north of dewford town. I had no poke balls to catch it with, so I ran, bought some balls, and proceeded to spend the next five hours looking for it again.
The next day I discovered the 1/8192 statistic. I can't remember which did more damage, my hand hitting my face or my head hitting the wall.

On a more recent note, I discovered my second legit shiny: a Floatzel in victory road on XY. I caught it... Then traded it off to an acquaintance thinking I was getting a super size gourgeist in return... I got an average sized pumpkaboo holding an everstone.

Finally, less of a facepalm moment and more of a "WTF, game?" Moment, I soft reset about ten times trying to get an Adamant Zygarde. The first nine times he was an absolute jerk to catch, taking an average of 40-50 balls to catch.
On the tenth try, I get a crit capture on him, first ball I throw. He had an Adamant nature... And 0 attack and HP IVs. I am now convinced that my cartridge is sapient, and utterly loathes me.
  • (Blue) Following a 'cheat code', I spent 3 weeks powerleveling a Charmander into a Charizard without venturing past Viridian Forest, only to realize that I couldn't actually get behind Bill's House.
  • (Yellow) Threw away TM29 (Psychic), as the TM description only said 'Has a chance of lowering an Opponent's Special (iirc).
  • (Yellow) Upon receiving a legitimate Mew (From the Pokemon 2000 tour), I immediately powerleveled it past 10 (skipping Transform), and saved the game.
  • (Yellow) Upon first entering the Pokemon League, I misunderstood what an NPC said, and thought that losing against an E4 member = you lose all of your Pokemon / progress, and have to start from the very beginning of the game. So, I saved after every battle, and eventually locked myself into the Gary fight with 3 weakened Pokemon left, no healing items, and no uses of any good moves. I did end up winning after days of resets and lucky crits / misses / completely knowing every aspect of his team.
  • (Gold) Killed a shiny Sneasel.
  • (Sapphire) Released the 4 PIV Shroomish that I was breeding off of to get a perfect Breloom.
  • (HG Randomizer Nuzlocke): Got into a battle with my Lombre (Rock/Dark, excellent Atk/SpAtk/SpDef, access to Stone Edge and Sacred Fire) against a Cresselia. Eager to kill stuff quickly and get EXP, I opt for the immediate Sacred Fire. Only to recall that Cresselia had Flash Fire... and Focus Punch.
Due to my tendency to be a complete and utter moron in many of the games I play, I've developed a notorious habit of save-scumming.
So I was playing Pearl.
I had put my Floatzel and my Luxray on the daycare so they could get stronger.
When I looked on my Poketch, I saw that there was an egg. I rushed to the daycare so I could let it hatch.

I was disappointed when it turned out to be a shinx. I was hoping for a fusion between them. >_>

Oh and I threw my Master Ball at an Aipom. Here is my logic from then:
''I see, when you find two balls of the same kind (like, you find/get two uktra balls), you can buy them in the store! And you get two master balls in the game! Yay!"
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Getting reckless with Action Replay back in the day. I was a dumb kid and destroyed my Emerald as a result. Lost a LOT of shit that I had painstakingly caught and trained to the best of a 13-yr-old's ability. I had like ten shiny pokemon, one of them a Scizor. Also lost a shiny Absol I got in a trade thanks to a bet gone horribly right. Shit.
I was in lumiose city once, (pkmn X) and was buying and selling premier balls one at a time to raise my style to get hatching power. I wasn't looking when I was selling, and I sold a water stone I bought earlier, and my lucky egg. before that I had to take out my SD card, so, I saved and turned it off. then i had to buy and sell the premier balls all over again, because I SR-ed to get the Lucky Egg back.
I think because I never used my masterball, I'll catch a bidoof with it and set it off in Wonder Trade.