The World Cup of Pokemon III - Captain/Roster Formation

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posting to remind "mpieco" about how he single-handedly ruined the sneakiness of the Sneak tournies

And put all the teams on one page, nobody wants to flip around different pages just to see who's on which team.
oh and anyone in Team West want to play tomorrow? I havent been on lately so I want to get a few hours in and play test with some ppl here.
warthog i'm up for some practice too, i guess, but i dunno about my schedule for tomorrow
I gotta get some tutoring in if I can, and my tutee has a fairly fluid schedule this time around. That and I want to do a big lesson. I'll see if I can get some time in, but don't count on it too heavily. Plus, we recently battled in the smogon tournament, and I would use the same team because I currently only have 1 that's polished. Sucky, I know, but I hardly ever have time to make teams anymore.
just a couple of things, omni and Loki, can you link me to PG (Dark Articuno) and Symon's smogon user profiles respectively? I can't find them through the member list.
Alright, Sonuis came up with a brilliant idea.

Basically, each team will be given a link on the website. They can create a webpage (this doesn't need to be hosted on the website itself but can be hosted anywhere the team wants). I'll link to that webpage from the main site.

Pre-requisites on that webpage are:
Team Name
Team Members

After that, teams are free to do anything they wish, from mocking other teams (in good taste) to boasting about thier own wins. basically, do anything you want.

This helps increase competitiveness as well as team bonding in a way! members/people who aren't necessarily on the team but are from that area can pm captains if they can help!! captains, take the initiative and fuck around as much as you want and pm/post your site!

If some team can't do html, i'll be willing to help them out. I won't do much but i'll put in whatever the fuck they want using the current template of the site itself.

If some team can't host their page, they can pm me and I'll host it for them on the world cup website.

Also, for now, start working on this, hopefully Jackal won't be against it!

Sonuis can give a bit more info over here too!
Well, teams should grab their own free hosting server (bravehost for example) and make it simple. Then Shiv can just link it on the World Cup website. Giving each team their own special page might not be very smart in some cases.

You need, like Shiv said, to have your team name and roster on the website. The quality of your website doesn't matter whatsoever. Now, here are optional things you can do.
  • Pictures in silly ways for your team members with descriptions of that team member.
    • In the old tournament, SMPT, this concept was used. I was on the MonkeyBoyz, so GK, our Team Captain, gave each of us a picture of us a picture which he thought represented us well. Mine was the most special one though because I kept pestering GK for it and eventually won out. I had the Skank Ass Monkey Amigo. That's how he described it anyway.
  • Mock other teams (tastefully).
    • Well, simply put, make fun of teams/describe them. For example, of the other teams made fun of us in one way that our website sucked for using bitmap files for our pictures. More small teases from other teams, etc.
  • Link to main site.
    • Link to the World Cup website, and advertise Smogon while your at it ;).
Other things too, but I can't think of at the moment.
posting to remind "mpieco" about how he single-handedly ruined the sneakiness of the Sneak tournies

And put all the teams on one page, nobody wants to flip around different pages just to see who's on which team.

this is just a complete and utter lie. we have a lovely parting gift for you though...

I'm pretty sure the USA East roster will remain the same except for VIL. so we just need one more person. Jesiah should be getting that one person soon I'd imagine.
Almost the same. I need two people now, and the decisions are proving difficult. I truly apologize for taking so long, and appreciate everyone's patience. I'll get it done asap.
I think he's just stuck because he has to pick between Ultimascout and myself. Since neither of us have much of a reputation here, he can't pick both of us. Is this correct?
same here bud, I've been using the same team for about three months with a few changes here and there. I wont be home until about 4:00 PM PST time though, dunno if that cuts to your schedule or not.

for other people in the USA West I'll try to be on 6pm-9pm PST tomorrow. Can't get on much earlier because I'll be at school and I need about 2 hours to chill before divining into something else.
guys i have all the teams in, but i got really sick today and have been seriously bothered by headaches :(

Everything will fall together tomorrow night, i promise! In the meantime i really like the minisites idea, even though shiv never asked me about it (:mad: jks ilu), so work on those i guess to tide you all over!
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