CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 5c - Secondary Ability Poll 4

What should our Secondary Ability be?

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CaP isn't as far fetched from OU as some people make it out to be. Honestly, it's a fact that stall is prevalent in CaP. However, it is dumb to say that single pokemon can take down stall. Zapdos isn't even used as a sweeper as much as the bulkier variants in CaP either. Stall requires multiple pokemon to break down. It's quite easy though, as well built offensive teams are infact the bane of stall teams. It's foolish to say one pokemon can break down an entire team, provided that they run Fidgit/Skarm/Bliss/Argho all the time.

Either way, most things that work in OU do infact work in CaP. I for one use my standard team for CaP, which works absolutely fine.

Arghonaut has also made a rise in stall. Not that Arghonaut alone makes CaP so stallish, but without it, people wouldn't have as good of a CaP stall as they do now. Of course you could single out pokemon, but the fact is that once a pokemon in stall dies, the effectiveness of the team significantly decreases.

Ok, but if CAP is by itself biased to stall, claiming that we need other bulky, wallish Pokémon or something which can help stall - as if Pokémon like Argho, Fidgit and Revenankh did not even exist - is a bit too much, don't you agree?

I also know that, much like Argho alone isn't the reason why CaP is so stall, if CAP9 would be a sweeper or a wallbreaker it would not change things that much. But, in my opinion , ti would be a step into the right direction. Certainly more than another tank like the one CAP8 is turning into.

Again, just my opinion.
Yay first post

Well, I personally dont want trace, for i feel that would overshadow shield dust. Since NSA is out, i guess i'll vote for static. I really wish NSA got voted for, because i hate how luck dependant static is.
Ok, but if CAP is by itself biased to stall, claiming that we need other bulky, wallish Pokémon or something which can help stall - as if Pokémon like Argho, Fidgit and Revenankh did not even exist - is a bit too much, don't you agree?

I also know that, much like Argho alone isn't the reason why CaP is so stall, if CAP9 would be a sweeper or a wallbreaker it would not change things that much. But, in my opinion , ti would be a step into the right direction. Certainly more than another tank like the one CAP8 is turning into.

Again, just my opinion.

I am looking at DK/Tennis's spread. I have already talked to them about this and we unanimously agree that this thing will be offensive. Bulky =/= stall. For example, Machamp is bulky, yet it has whopping power and is a great addition to Offense. A tank by definition is supposed to be bulky and fight back as well. Bulky has no correlation to wallish other than defense. What seperates the two is that Bulky can deviate into offense, while walls can not. With DK/Tennis, they are able to create a high SpA pokemon, with perhaps 2 of the best stab types I could possibly ask for. CaP 8 is turning out fine offensively IMO, in the form of Bulky Offense.

If rev/argho/fidgit did not exist, then there would obviously be a decrease in stall; however, the pokemon that would be more prevalent in a CaP meta as such could possibly lean towards stall again. Either way, that's speaking figuratively. The thing is that CaP 8 can still go Offensive.
If we use Trace, it's going to overmask our primary ability, Shield Dust. Static probably won't overmask it because of moves like Discharge and Thunder Wave. (Static does have the advantage of paralyzing Ground-types, however) Therefore, I'm voting for Static
I don't see Shield Dust as the "primary" ability to be honest. I tend to view it as the ability first chosen by the community. Being first in line doesn't always mean you're more important than the other abilities. Case in point, Stratagem's first ability is Levitate yet which it's "secondary" ability(Technician) is used more. All I'm saying is stop worrying about overshadowing things and just vote for your favorite ability.

Edit: Rev, Scylant, Fidgit, and Kitsunoh all used their secondary abilities more than their primary abilities. I think changing these polls names to Ability #1 and Ability #2 seem more fitting.
I don't see Shield Dust as the "primary" ability.I tend to view it as the ability first chosen by the community. Being first in line doesn't always mean you're more important than the other abilities. Case in point, Stratagem's first ability is Levitate yet which it's "secondary" ability(Technician) is used more. All I'm saying is stop worrying about overshadowing things and just vote for your favorite ability.

Even Game Freak does this. See: Magnezone, Absol, Kabutops, Poliwrath and Walrein.
I just don't see how Trace could help. It is mainly based on luck, and the only way it could be used to full potential if it is used with a Pokemon or two that know Roar (like Skarmory).

Static can be used as a switch if you bring out a Blissey, switch it for CAP8, and they most likely become paralyzed.

As long as the stat spread is slightly physical and defensive, Static is the obvious choice. However, this CAP8 will be have to have synergy or else Shield Dust must be used for each set. Trace still isn't a good ability, unless you can predict everything.
*sigh* Oh well for NSA. Fine... fine... but don't start whining about this CaP if one ability ends up being used almost exclusively and the other getting no love.

Anyways, while I see Traceas useful, our CaP doesn't need it. Why? Porygon2. I don't give a crap if it's UU, Porygon2 is highly viable in OU... in fact, I think it's close to hitting the OU benchmark. I don't consider Trace as neglected as oh, say Static.

Also, Deck Knight has given some pretty solid reasoning about Static. While it isn't the most reliable thing in the world, even Salamence will be a bit skittish about busting out Outrage (Draco Meteor's a different story). Not to mention it can screw up any Pokemon expecting to U-turn out.

My decision is Static. And once more, those of you who are voting Trace, just use Porygon2 for God's sake!
I went with Static since No Secondary Ability is gone. My reasons have already been mentioned (Trace seems like a primary ability and the total Static usage is far less than Porygon2's usage in OU alone.).
not to mention that the most used pokemon in OU uses its "secondary" ability almost exclusively.

I thought it only had one ability until I checked about twenty seconds ago!

*sigh* Oh well for NSA. Fine... fine... but don't start whining about this CaP if one ability ends up being used almost exclusively and the other getting no love.

That's bad because ...
That's bad because ...
I suppose it's not exactly bad (although I suppose it could be argued that it is, since one of the ability slots would have essentially been "wasted" if that's the case), but it's just terribly ironic for a Pokemon who's concept is supposed to be "Neglected Ability" to end up with two abilities itself, with one of those abilities being neglected in favor of another.
I suppose it's not exactly bad (although I suppose it could be argued that it is, since one of the ability slots would have essentially been "wasted" if that's the case), but it's just terribly ironic for a Pokemon who's concept is supposed to be "Neglected Ability" to end up with two abilities itself, with one of those abilities being neglected in favor of another.

I still think that, unless an ability option is broken, it is better to go with it than NSA. At worst, the second ability has no impact whatsoever, therefore has no negative impact whatsoever, or the second ability gets used all the time instead of the first one making the first ability have no impact whatsoever, meaning that it has no negative impact whatsoever. At best (although it may not be the case this time around), we end up with two abilities with equal yet different merits.

As long as the ability option is not broken like Drizzle would be, nothing detrimental can occur by voting for it.
The reason I want Trace is mainly since I've only seen a Porygon2 once. I may not be the most active player, but come on, if that's not an Underused ability, I don't know what is.
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