Wi-Fi Blacklist: as of January 30th, 2014

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Hopefully the 2 of you Dark-Ryu and Cybertron can iron out your communication difficulties as I recall I did not have any problems when Cybertron was EV training my pokemon before.

So far as the suggestion above regarding "Disconnector/Hacker Blacklist at the top of each page", that would be up to the site administrators if they are capable of doing so. To me it seems like redundant work. Perhaps we can make a link reference to it from the first page of the Battle Me topic.

Edit: I went ahead and added direct link from the sentence that describes the blacklist reference.
Wondering... Is there any chance of redemption for me? O.o
Or is this Blacklist thing permanent no matter what you do?
I am here to blacklist Charger62 for trading hacks.

He offered to trade with me, and moments before we traded, two of his pokemon turned out to be hacked. He said that the rest were not hacked, but when he went to trade with me, his salamence had the ability rock head. I know that salamence's only ability is intimidate. He said that his pokesav changed its ability, since he used it to train his salamence. I also know that salamence's pre-evolution, shelgon's ability is rock head. He deleted two of his pokemon from his thread, the hacked celebi and the hacked suicune, but still had the salamence for trade. He even tryed to trade me the two other pokemon that looked legit, but I said no because I didn't trust him.

Thank's for your time
The Salamence was leveled up from a shelgon via Pokesav which meant the person who did the leveling didn't bother to change the Ability
Added Charger62 to blacklist. We do not recommend Pokesav, and therefore is your responsibility you fucked up there.
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to post the Disconnector/Hacker Blacklist at the top of each page in the Battle Me thread so that people can automatically see who's on it? Kind of like a default 1st post on every page or a sticky or something. Because I know that many people don't read the OP of this thread before they go looking for battles. This could also decrease the amount of would-be disconnectors since their names are always in everyone's face on the thread so not many people will be willing to battle them. This is just an idea since it seems that many newcomers are being retarded, so if it's impractical just disregard it.

just put the link in your sig, and ask other common battle thread users to do so also. then it will be everywhere in the battle thread.
Forgive me for intruding, but I can't stand idiots like this.

If you are smart, you would not use Pokesav to Level up Pokemon that will evolve. In fact, you "evolved" it by changing Shelgon to Salamence. It's just like changing "Bidoof" to "Darkrai"

Oh, wait, here comes to "my friend did it" excuse. Not going to fly buddy.
Let me re-emphasize here:
These are fairly simple; follow them or bad things will happen to you.
Of course it would really help if you read these rules first

Trading Thread Rules

* You are responsible for what you trade that did not originate from Smogon. It is recommended that you also include the Original Trainer and ID of each pokemon offered for trade.
End of discussion. Whatever you trade is your responsibility.
okay another Obvious D/C by Ditto the Best. or whatever his name is and this really ticked me off on top of that.

I was going to 6ko him, then he decides to stall for aprox. 2 minutes. After that he D/C's intentionally. I know for a fact that it was intentionally.

Reason why:

He was only his last pokemon that I was going to Sweep. Second there was no lag nor anything else happening wrong, Besides his predictions. Lastly, he's done this to me umm teen times in the couple past battles.

I believe some else Complained about him D/Cing and not coming back in.
Now this guy should be in D/C list. This didn't just happen to me once, it happened about 3 times after beating him.

For some reason, when he beats me its no D/C but when Im in the process of beating him, another D/C occurs.

WoW wtf is wrong with these battler these days. More D/C's everytime.

EDIT: heres his response and mine.

skizoo said:
ditto the best said:
omg. excusme skizoo but the corrent was down. gg 6-0 for you and please come in wifi I give you a win. and excusme again.

dont give me that shit. Im tired of your non sense. People complained about you D/Cing and now I believe it.

You've done it to me more than once.

Look at the bold letters. Uhmm I guess this happens only when hes about to lose to me Right? HAA. Tired of these peoples non sense.

He says hes gonna give me the win, but anyone can just D/C after a battle and try to prove them self inocent by saying "Ill go back on for the win" because I know many people who do that... Im just not naming anyones names.
in italy there is now a storm and the line has fallen ... I asked several times to apologize skizoo and he does not want to know ... I wanted to give him the victory but he did not know and I wanted to put in black list, perhaps for the ugly defeat received l 'last time ..

belonging that we made a 3 challenges you've won you the one I and one is the fall line ... A fall is one where the line probably would have won then I can not say I've seen that were shut down in considerable disadvan

lol skizoo i'm italian and I'don't speak well english...
I would like to blacklist user Peetie http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=36641

for using hacks.Medicham in cherish ball that took around 1/4 from Jirachi zen headbutt,Breloom that took 3 ice beams to ko(from Suicune),Feraligatr that took less than 1/3 from Metagross EQ.All signs point to max EVs in every stat.He says that the balls are hacked but pokes are legit,which seems HIGHLY unlikely

Here is the PM I sent him and he sent me

Peetie said:
trader said:
According to my calculations,you have 252 EVs in every stat on the pokemon I've seen so far.Care to explain?

i dont know i traded them with a friend over wifi what pokemon was it then i will release it i make sure i never trade with him again. and i barely can handle this comp so i dont know how to hack or anything if youre pointing in that direction but thank you for warning.

Greeting, Peter
Reporting Thundercat418 for using hacks during a Wi-Fi match without my knowledge and disconnecting.

Thundercat814 said:
Age of Kings said:
Excuse me but is that Celebi hacked? Having a nickname and HP Fire seems pretty fishy and I do not appreciate not being informed hacks will be used against me.

wat you mean HELL NO!!! lol i dont use hacks that celebii took me a HELL of a long time to catch!!! i did use action replay to get her since thats the only way to get her anyway but i made sure i caught one wit hidden power fire but no hacks dude

Towards the end of the match, he had an Espeon out against my Scarfmence and I received the blue screen. I think it's a bit fishy along with using an obvious hack.

Thundercat814 said:
you can report me all you want i admit i used action replay to catch her that I wont lie about but I put HELL of alot of work to get her so that is something i am very proud of myself for doing cheater for using action replay to catch her with the pokemon modifier yes but hacking her for hidden power HELL NO!!! do wat ever you want
I added Thundercat814 as a disconnector at least.

@Dark-Ryu: it seems like a communication meltdown between the two of you with Cybertron. If unsatisfied with his service I'd suggest bringing it to the Smogon Services thread instead.
I battle vs this player, when I won with security he D\ced! :( I tell:" nice D\cing and he reply me with 1 pm:

Aug 16th, 2009, 12:51:36 PM Kecleonfan666 vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 47

i didn't d/c you shithead
I went too far away from my router, and it disconnected. Don't assume, jackass.
I use legit hacks.

FC: 2663 9471 0926

please in black list of wifi.
I’m reporting Clear for the blacklist.
As most of us know, Clear has recently found two amazing shiny spreads. On August 13, 2009 Clear found his Flawless Calm spread. Located in THIS POST: http://www.smogon.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2143327
Since the thirteenth he has gotten all of the following pokemon:
(Flawless Spread) Regice, Pachirisu (x2), Umbreon (x2), Ditto (x2), Luvdisc (x4)Chansey (x2) Cresselia , Lantern, Mr. Mime, Mantine, Gardevoir, Articuno, Zapdos, Castform (x4) Dialga , Giratina, Manaphy (2)(Ice Spread) Jolteon , Gardevoir ,Houndoom, Zapdos, Darkrai

In this post he claims that the Delay of his spread is 2000+
I’m not a master of this stuff, but hitting delays outside of your range is somewhat hard. Generally that doesn’t seem too easy. From personal experience in Emerald, hitting spreads is similar to hitting delays and I can guarantee that I can get backup from many people that hitting a spread every time.
Also in the next post he says that he doesn’t use save states
Having a good memory and sense doesn’t seem to have anything to do with timing of delay, I mean I have a great memory, I abused Emerald for around 50 pokemon in the days BEFORE I used VBA when I just used a regular cart and I know by experience again that it is very difficult to hit the exact 1/60th of a second. Im not exactly sure how delays work but I thought that they also go 60 fps or something similar. I will withdraw this accusation if another person can tell me if they can hit a delay that high every time as I pretty much doubt that Clear is some kind of statistical anomaly and has some amazing talent at hitting a delay that high almost every time.

Also the reason for the Zapdos in the list of the Pokemon he caught being bolded is that he has caught two Zapdos on one game In platinum. To my knowledge and MANY people that I asked, there are not any rebottle codes for platinum at this time. Also it isn’t possible that they are from different games unless he hacked his SID on two games and lied about it because he says that both spreads are on the same game in the next post:

Another reason for my suspicion of Clear is that he has TWO Shiny Pokemon Ranger Manaphy. To get two Ranger Manaphy that would mean you have to beat Ranger TWICE. Between the time that he got the two manaphy on the same day, or even got them in the 2 days that he had the shiny spread WHILE catching other pokemon in the meantime it is hard to believe that he could have beaten Ranger two times.

In the past Clear has been blacklisted for being caught hacking by Tangerine. Earlier today an anonymous user showed me a post where clear admitted to being caught hacking and a post by Tangerine saying that he caught Clear hacking.
Also the fact that he got 31 Pokemon (iirc) in 3 days raises my suspicion because on average of 30 seconds per trying to hit delay and then resetting DS time and Computer time while also doing Journal Flips and catching all of the Pokemon (In multiple balls and not) Even with tons of time on your hands it does not seem likely that someone can get this many pokemon in 3 days without frame advance or save states while also having to re do everything when you make one mistake.

He recently PMd me that he does use Back up files with Pokesav to get multiple legends etc. This obviously clears my claim about the Zapdos previously, but I still have the other suspicions as well..

While my report doesn’t have too much hard evidence but just evidence that somewhat can lead the point that the pokemon are hacked. I just want to get in that it doesn’t seem likely that the pokemon are all legit. Another possibility but which I have a lot less back up is that he hacked his SID. His SID/ID/OT combo has been looked at and it does work together, but it is still a possibility all though it does not seem like I have the grounds to accuse him of that.

I’m not directly saying that Clear IS a hacker, I’m just saying that it REALLY does not seem likely for all of this to have taken place in the last three days. Also Clear if you read this it isn’t anything personal I think you are a nice and cool guy. I’m just very suspicious and it doesn’t seem likely for this to happen and I don’t want the community being scammed at all. If these Pokemon are not hacked I would at least like to be ensured that I am not being ripped off, I will completely apologize for everything and I just want an explanation to all of my suspicions.

And no offense or anything, because if I had a hex shiny spread that was modest and calm and got that many pokemon that fast I would be expected to be accused of hacking as well. Like I said, nothing personal.
If I put out my PID and ID, would it clear anything at all?

Yes, I had been caught before. That was before any of this thing about PID and ID thing. I even PMed people to say if it is okay to trade again. I waited, a long, long time. No response from anyone.

I think I also need to clear up something too, I do use Save States, I just didn't want anyone knowing about it. I didn't think anyone would believe me. That was a mistake.

That spread with Skymin is SRed, only after it was caught and a week or so later I found the flawless spreads.

ONE more thing, I did think about ID/SID hacking, but then I would be hacking now am I? I didn't, I went back and I just SRed over and over while watching TV and stuff. I load up my Flash Card with nothing but Pokemon games just for the purpose of SRing ID/SIDs on the go.

And the reason for that rush I had was, school is starting very soon. A month from now, I can't do this again, ever. So I want to do what I can do, right here, right now.
Another reason for my suspicion of Clear is that he has TWO Shiny Pokemon Ranger Manaphy. To get two Ranger Manaphy that would mean you have to beat Ranger TWICE. Between the time that he got the two manaphy on the same day, or even got them in the 2 days that he had the shiny spread WHILE catching other pokemon in the meantime it is hard to believe that he could have beaten Ranger two times.
He could've had two copies of Ranger, or maybe made a Ranger save state from before he transferred the Manaphy egg.

Or maybe he just hacked the Manaphy eggs.

In fact, he would've had to do one of these, there's no way one copy of Ranger can give more than one egg.
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