CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

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@ Avocado (and Keishinkae), I actually love the current color. If you do want to change a color, or try out different colors, perhaps you could just make a post with a few different color schemes. But I really do like the current color.
Different colour schemes..


Plus others..

Of the schemes here like the original the best but I didn't have an issue with it to begin with. If you are wanting to find alternate schemes though I would be really interested in one with less bright colors. Kinda like your croc ended up. I really liked the colors you left off with on him. They may not be the right ones for this happy fella but I'm still curious.
Haha, I love your beanie and cecil entry, Keishinkae.

I'm having a hard time deciding which of your colour schemes I prefer. I think I like purple as the primary colour, but not so much with the secondaries there. Would you consider a third colour there somewhere? Perhaps on the head or even its tongue or eye?
:O colour schemes are hard, I noticed..

Thanks for all the input!

Trying these two out..


With blue streaks

Or is the yellow tounge too bright? Though it -does- kind of fit..a bit.

xD hopefully Ill make it in time to do a final submission..(since Im headed off to work atm)
Awright, I think that head streak helps it a lot actually. The band on the hind legs are a nice touch too, perhaps you could try making it the same colour as its lightning designs to help pull it all together?

The yellow tongue works in the electric blue design, I find, because it really draws your attention to the head which I'm beginning to think was my only real problem with the previous colour schemes. It's up to you though, if you find too crazy or anything.
Keishinkae, I'm loving your plesiosaur! It's a great rendering overall, the face in particular. The design has the right amount of simplicity, with nice touches of flair.

Really good work. It's one of my favorites in the thread.
I like the new primary color MUCH better. If you go with the electric blue I like the tongue yellow for the same reason Cartoons! stated. Good work!!
I think I just found my dream Pokemon design in Keishinkae's submission. I can see and feel the Electric/Water elements coming from that design and if you choosing between which coloring you want for primary coloring, I would go with Electric blue stripes and yellow tongue. It's just like Cartoon said, the yellow tongue draws more attention to it's head, which is a good thing.

Supporting Material:


Description: Pokemon scientists think this pokemon started out as two, symbiotic pokemon. The lantern wandered around the deep ocean waters unable to defend itself, and the fish attacked everything that moved, which without light made it extremely difficult to find prey. They eventually formed a symbiotic bond, with the fish guiding the lantern and protecting it and the lantern doing the rest of the work. Over time they eventually became one. Others say the fish on it's head is hollow but sentient, and the lantern is the real creature. Sometimes it even bites the lantern playfully, much to the lantern's dismay.
I have come up with supporting art for my sponge CAP.

: Inkjet Printing, er, Tracing

Some CAP 10 have developed the helpful ability to generate jets of ink from their barrel arm, and a secondary ability to use their lense to scan abilities. To execute Trace, CAP 10 takes advantage of both these abilities: first it scans the enemy's ability, analyzes how it works, then proceeds to jet ink and claw it into a form that mimics the user's ability.

Here, in a more humorous application, it is shown Intimidating Gyarados through its ink-slashing technique.

: Filter Feeding/Absorbing Poison

Others, however, dedicate their abilities to better food absorption through filter feeding. Some grow so good at this that they can actually absorb toxins and use them as food.

Filter should be obvious if this thing gets it. Haven't you ever heard of Filter Feeding, the primary means through which sponges get food?

Self explanatory.

And lastly, I've noticed that when CAP10 lays eggs, they don't produce new CAP10 directly. Instead, it produces a Pokemon that slightly resembles a sponge larva. It appears to be very good at swimming quickly, though it lacks either of its evolved form's abilities.

We have a picture of one next to its parent right now.


(sorry Doug, didn't see the 640*640 rule on supporting art)

:O colour schemes are hard, I noticed..

Thanks for all the input!

Trying these two out..

WOW. I love this. About as much as I love Shrimpy. (Funny that it is also one of those three concepts I had that I kept to myself. A Boat/Battleship Whale, a Sea Turtle, and a Plesiosaur.)

The White on the feet compliments the other colors immensely. And if you change that blue base-color I will hunt you down. That face is great and "fun" (???). Cant really find much qualm with the design. Not much to complain about the art itself, either. I guess if I had to say anything... ... Maybe brightness of the light on the tongue kind of sticks out a little...? Well, that's all I can really think of.

Great work- looking forward to seeing any additional supporting material, if it's made!
I'm kind of hoping that we can keep this open until at least late Thursday. If I'm asking too much then never mind, but I've been busy with work and I'm also assisting with two other designs. All three are near completion, but i wanted to give the people I''m helping at least an afternoon to get me to correct some things.
It won't end until the secondary ability, at the minimum, is decided. Therefore, since the first poll of the secondary ability decision ends tonight and the second one will (likely) end tomorrow night, the art poll should be open until at least Wednesday night.
Cyzir_Visheen said:
I like it a lot, my only strife is that I think the fish itself is way too huge now, especially since it's in the background of the picture (so perspective makes it look even bigger).
Final Submission


[ Main Design ]



[ Link To Shiny Version ]

[ Supporting Material ]

First very rough sketch.

A video of a real life basilisk lizard. Inspiration for the design and pose.

Jetsamp Thunderpunching a Gyarados.

Jetsamp Earthquaking/ Earth Powering a Jirachi.

A Pre-evolution... Nicknamed Flotsamp.

[ Additional Information ]

The electric basilisk. Jetsamp are capable of running on water, or can swim at blistering speeds. When threatened it stands on its hind legs and arches its back into a more intimidating stance. This same stance conducts lightning during thunderstorms easily which can empower Jetsamp. Its eyes, webbing, and bolt-like markings are bio-luminescent. That in turn provides Jetsamp a means of communication, capturing prey, or scaring off potential attackers. Jetsamp have also been known to develop fierce rivalries with Charizard and Sceptile when amongst one another.

(...I know, the name is technically polljumping, but this is more of a flavor thing I like to do)
@Keishinkae: Lovin' the Plesiosaur. Black is better, IMO, and otherwise I think you have everything else correct. Good job!

@Tortferngatr: Liking the concept. Reminds me of Porygon Z in a way, what with the tail and arms positioning. I'd reccomend trimming a few of the arm spikes, since those clutter it up a bit too much. Maybe just make it to where they just run across the top and bottom? And not the sides? Might also look good if you made them larger. Just my two cents.

@Togekiss: Looks a little fat in the front IMO. I feel like the chest is pushed too far forward, making it look somewhat like a dachshund. Trim off a bit at the end and I feel like it would look allot better.

On my front; yes, I have been gone for awhile. Mainly do to Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and Pokemon SS. I also learned that I will have to finish my own concept, so yay on that front...

Anyways, here's the piece of art that my Final Submission will be based on. Any recommended color schemes would be much appreciated. +)


I plan on finishing up my FS sometime tomorrow or the following day, so expect it then. Also expect some unique supporting material coming along with it. +)
Um ... how come all of the poses have different colour schemes? He changes to yellow when he opens his mouth and changes again to a brightish blue when he closes his mouth and then becomes dark blue/purple in places when his claws come out. I'm confused.

they are 2 different pokemon and all are just different color schemes.


Main Design


Supporting Material:




Additional Information: PLEZAPSAR tend to roam the deep oceans, far far away from civilization. Rarely do they venture onto land, though a few have been... and they are quiet attracted to sea side power stations..and even hand held devices. Their signature attack is the THUNDER FANG, using it to electrocute, therby, rendering their fishy dinner immobile, allowing them to eat at their leisure. Their favorite being MAGIKARP.

((Name subject to change, of course. : P))
Final Submission




This Pokemon, usually found in ocean currents, has an unusual capacity for controlling water. Using it's pseudo-nervous system, it can collect water, either from a water source or directly from the air, and form its body. It's abilities with water are not limited to simply forming a body, this Pokemon is well know for its ability to manipulate water to serve several purposes. From creating water shields to engulfing an opponent and sending an electric shock through them to manipulating its body to dodge attacks or even using its body to attack. Its abilities with water are only restricted by the creativity of its trainer.
@Tortferngatr: Liking the concept. Reminds me of Porygon Z in a way, what with the tail and arms positioning. I'd reccomend trimming a few of the arm spikes, since those clutter it up a bit too much. Maybe just make it to where they just run across the top and bottom? And not the sides? Might also look good if you made them larger. Just my two cents.

I plan on finishing up my FS sometime tomorrow or the following day, so expect it then. Also expect some unique supporting material coming along with it. +)

Feedback, sweet feedback!

I've made a version with your suggestions.



Anyways, great entry yourself, Xandzero2. I like the headdress-esque fins on the head. If that's a basilisk lizard, I love it. You gave it a nice, almost Native American, tone, and I like it.

You might want to sharpen the edges (as in the corners) of the design around the torso, though.
Final Submission


This Pokemon lives in the cold, dark depths of the ocean. It uses the glowing lights and patterns all over its body to attract prey, scare off predators, and communicate with others. These lights can also change into a variety of colors depending on what elemental attack it is using. Special attacks are charged and fired from its antennae. It also has sharp claws capable of dealing physical damage.
Its hard shell can ward off some attacks, but for more threatening foes, it also uses its speed and nimble legs to dodge attacks and strike back.

Supporting Material:

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