Smogon Fantasy Football 2010

So I have one of the top four scores (and would have a top two score if I had started someone besides Steve Smith, but I did not bother looking at my team the last couple of weeks), but you think that is grounds to "laugh off" how wrong you were? You bitterly mocked me offering you Hillis, although for all my prescience I was also wrong (I thought Marshall would heat up while Hillis would stay at the same level he was at). I had no idea I was against you today, you were just so hilariously wrong that I had to pettily gloat.

Haha you need to get over yourself. This is fantasy football. It means nothing. We're not in a money league. Yes I so "bitterly mocked" you because I "laughed" at your request, as that was my first reaction. I was so hilariously wrong! And you were just at fault for trying to trade him! How hilarious! You are "gloating" at something that doesn't even matter. Even if you start Ward I beat you by 20... ouch, considering you hysterically called me the worst team in the league.

I can laugh it off because this is fantasy football. Yes, in retrospect I should have made the trade, but there is no way, as you just admitted yourself, that I would know Hillis would go off and Marshall would get injured. What do you want me to do? Angrily curse you over fantasy football?

Anyways, my 5th straight win and I'm feeling pretty good considering Marshall is injured and I believe my 5th round pick in Smith has been a total bust. Should be an exciting final two weeks of the regular season.
Woo gotta love the feeling of losing because of an injury to Peterson and Rivers doing shit. I'm not going to even bother mentioning Wayne, he's done this shit so often that it's no longer underperforming.
Woo gotta love the feeling of losing because of an injury to Peterson and Rivers doing shit. I'm not going to even bother mentioning Wayne, he's done this shit so often that it's no longer underperforming.
You lost because DeathRo blew you out the water dude
Woo gotta love the feeling of losing because of an injury to Peterson and Rivers doing shit. I'm not going to even bother mentioning Wayne, he's done this shit so often that it's no longer underperforming.
2.7 points from CJ. 2.freaking7. At least you can feel good about your team doing decently in general, I only just barely broke 100 points. If Gore doesn't collapse tomorrow then I'll have lost to a team who didn't even start a full team (had Nicks in even though he's out for the season). Just when I thought I could make a push for first, now I have to fight for my playoff life, what with DeathRo most likely putting me in 5th after this week and Fabbles hot on my heels.
Long story short, don't complain, there are people doing worse than you believe it or not.

EDIT @Masaki: I'm playing DeathRo, dunno who you're talking about.
I managed to eek out a 5-0 record this week thanks to Tamme, but I'm worried about AP (I have him in two leagues).
2.7 points from CJ. 2.freaking7. At least you can feel good about your team doing decently in general, I only just barely broke 100 points. If Gore doesn't collapse tomorrow then I'll have lost to a team who didn't even start a full team (had Nicks in even though he's out for the season). Just when I thought I could make a push for first, now I have to fight for my playoff life, what with DeathRo most likely putting me in 5th after this week and Fabbles hot on my heels.
Long story short, don't complain, there are people doing worse than you believe it or not.

EDIT @Masaki: I'm playing DeathRo, dunno who you're talking about.
Yeah I meant Das som bs

and WaterBomb, AP did say we would be fine/he'll play the next game but we'll just have to see. I have him in one of my leagues as well
AP is tough and rarely gets injured, so I suspect he'll be ok. Luckily I have Peyton Hillis in 4/5 of my leagues so even without AP I should be able to play a half decent back and still compete. I just hope it doesn't limit his production in the long run because I will definitely need him in the playoffs.
Woo gotta love the feeling of losing because of an injury to Peterson and Rivers doing shit. I'm not going to even bother mentioning Wayne, he's done this shit so often that it's no longer underperforming.
lol wut, Rivers could've put up 30 and youd still have to rely on Breaston dropping 20 and thats not happening.

Also, this is what happens when nigs run into my team, they get tossed and lose all confidence
lol wut, Rivers could've put up 30 and youd still have to rely on Breaston dropping 20 and thats not happening.

Also, this is what happens when nigs run into my team, they get tossed and lose all confidence

sounds like what happened to pookar when he played me last week :D
Well, the fantasy gods shined upon me this week, with Gore getting injured early and turning what was most likely a sure loss into a win. Now then, because I feel like summarizing the situation points-wise heading into the last two weeks of the regular season:

-Masaki has clinched a playoff spot, but could still fall as far as 4th.
-Lakers, CK, and whoever Gensokyo is are mathematically eliminated.
-Whoever Kolb's Killers is needs to win out just to tie for 4th, assuming I lose out.
-MS and rem need just one win each to clinch, or for both Fabbles and whoever DeathRo is to lose at least one of their last 2 games. At worst it ends up going to tiebreaker.
-I have a one-game lead over Fabbles/DeathRo for the last playoff spot.
-Fabbles has to continue his upward climb, playing Masaki and MS in the last two weeks, and all but needing to win both games.
-DeathRo plays rem and Lakers, neither of which is an easy matchup either.
-I get Gensokyo and Kolb, arguably the easiest schedule of the top six, but we've learned the hard way that Gensokyo's team loves to play spoiler.
-rem gets DeathRo as mentioned, as well as Masaki. The game against Masaki gives rem an awesome chance to potentially get 1st, but it'll be tough and a loss could send him backwards instead.
-MS gets Fabbles and CK, Fabbles is tough to beat despite his slow start and CK's team is no slouch either, though arguably a better matchup than what many of the other top 6 get to deal with.
-Finally, Masaki gets Fabbles and rem, two tough matchups, but at least he doesn't have to worry about losing his playoff spot.

tl;dr: Should be an interesting two weeks.
Thoughts, opinions, comments?
that I would know Hillis would go off

The original point of contention was that you were treating me like "a moron" because I thought Hillis was legitimate. I wanted the trade because I needed a WR worse than a RB, and believed Marshall would increase in production.

I cannot believe you just went on a rant about how hung up on shit I am, then responded to our matchup...the point was that you mocked that as if it meant anything in the first place (taking fantasy seriously, making yourself a hypocrite) when I was in the top half of points for the week, and with any wide receiver change would have been fourth. It would make sense to mock me if my ass was being handed to me.
@ Flamestrike, the final two weeks look really exciting. All 6 of the top teams are really competitive so it sucks two won't make the playoffs, one of them probably being me as I face #1 and #2 the final two weeks. I think the current top 4 make it. Not sure position in the playoffs would matter (I'd just be happy to get in), but I think rem is on fire right now.
Yeah I don't give a shit about seeding at this point, I'm just glad I clinched. Now I can just focus on who to keep on my roster going forward.
yeah i dont care about seeding i just want to get in. I should make the playoffs in both smogon leagues so I am happy about that. My money league went to shit with all my players being injured all season but whatever.

Now I just need for my players to stay healthy and actually playing during the last few weeks of the seasons. Andre Johnson had me scared of being suspended but I guess its not gonna happen. I also need ronnie brown to do something, he was suppose to be my sleeper pick but he hasnt done anything all season. I think my playoffs are gonna come down to ronnie brown doing something and visanthe shiancoe getting some passes. also my team has been lighting it up ever since i picked up steve johnson from waivers
hey waterbomb my team rebounded quite nicely even after losing gore this week

i always think ahead

I saw that, nicely done. I predict it'll be you and me in the finals (assuming my team doesn't crash, which is always a possibility). Funny thing is I had an absolutely terrible draft, and I'm pretty sure all but like two people on my current roster were waiver pickups. ILU Hillis :D
@ Flamestrike, the final two weeks look really exciting. All 6 of the top teams are really competitive so it sucks two won't make the playoffs, one of them probably being me as I face #1 and #2 the final two weeks. I think the current top 4 make it. Not sure position in the playoffs would matter (I'd just be happy to get in), but I think rem is on fire right now.
You think I have a better chance of getting in than you? I find that surprising, even though I have the easier schedule my team has been horribly inconsistent and I can see myself losing out, even against two essentially non-playoff teams, whereas if any team can beat Masaki and MS right now that isn't in the top 4 it's you (and Lakers, as he's already proven XD).
You think I have a better chance of getting in than you? I find that surprising, even though I have the easier schedule my team has been horribly inconsistent and I can see myself losing out, even against two essentially non-playoff teams, whereas if any team can beat Masaki and MS right now that isn't in the top 4 it's you (and Lakers, as he's already proven XD).

Lmao that was my personal championship right there beating the top 2 teams to get me closer to a conselation spot and this leagues not for money anyway so ill count the conselation as the real ship
nothing shittier than being first in your league and getting beaten by the 3-9 afk guy who just happened to have AJ80 and sidney rice :(. Gotta be karma right there.

EDIT: Of course, benching AP was my own damn fault, but Hillis having a shitty game wasnt
Facing my (much) younger bro for the final playoff spot in our Fantasy league, tied up atm and he's got Mike Wallace, the Steelers, and Shayne Graham while I'm down to the Patriots tomorrow night. I benched Brandon Jacobs and Pierre Garcon for Mike Goodson and Johnny Knox... x_x
five points from folk tomorrow and i essentially clinch second...let's go jets.

got three...the jets trolled me like a fuckin' pookar.