Smogon Fantasy Football - 2011 NFL season


Two kids no brane
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Well folks, we're creeping toward that time of year again. Now, I realize we are in the midst of a lockout at the moment, and we aren't positive there is even going to BE a football season this year, but I'd rather be prepared for it either way. This thread, for the time being, will be used to determine interest in participation, organizing leagues, and during the season will be used for discussion. Last year we had 3 leagues that ran, but we had an issue in some of them with inactive people. I'd like to avoid that issue this season, but still allow everyone who wants to play a chance to participate. For the time being I will designate space for two leagues of 12, and possibly expand to three if there is overwhelming interest. Also, it needs to be determined whether League A will continue to be the usuals, or whether they're willing to mix it up this year. Personally, my opinion is that things should be mixed up and no league should be seen as inferior to the other. We should discuss this now so we can have the proper setup in place when it comes time for the drafts. Firstly, I'd like to set a couple of ground rules:

1) You must have at least 25 posts on Smogon. This is not difficult to achieve, trust me.
2) No gimmicks. Being a beginner is acceptable. Asking for advice occasionally and in private is acceptable. Being completely dependent on everyone else without doing your own research is not. Most major Fantasy hosting websites have written tutorials on how to play, and I suggest you check them out if you've never done this before.
3) Lists always need at least 3 options.

Also, it hardly needs to be mentioned as a ground rule, but please be active and remain active. Don't sign up for this and just leave your team to do whatever. As previously mentioned this was an issue last year, and as a result we have had to ban a couple users from participating in future seasons because of it. If you pull a stunt like this, you WILL be barred from participating in the future.


Alright. Now that I have all that out of the way, I'll start the lists. For now, as I said, I'll have two leagues open, titled League A and League B. Until we discuss and vote on how it should be handled, League A will remain exclusive to certain members. If you are interested in playing fantasy football, indicate so in this thread and I will add you to League B for starters. Please do not say you are interested if you are a 'maybe', only if you are definitely going to play. Once we hash out the League A question, I can move people around. Spots for the leagues are a first come, first serve basis.

League [A] Commissioner: Justin8649
1) moot
2) zerowing
3) Huy
4) MrE
5) Justin8649
6) goofball
7) Loki
8) MoP
9) tad38
10) Dubulous
11) Synre
12) Aldaron

League Commissioner: Lakers
League ID: ID# 62240
Password: Lakers
1) Lakers
2) Stallion
3) CaptKirby
4) Flamestrike
5) Remlabmez
6) Yondie
7) Fabbles (Baltimore Bullets)
8) (Spot for Hero Masaki is he accepts)
9) Huntofthelion
10) ballabrown24 (Flying Dodrios)

League [C] Commissioner: WaterBomb
League ID#: 77575
League Password: leaguec
1) WaterBomb (Exploding Camels)
2) pookar (pookar)
3) BiGGiE (The Step Dads)
4) Zoro (Talking Heads)
5) jrrrrrrr (jrrrrrrr's jeniuses)
6) smashlloyd20 (smashs HEAD SMUSHERS)
7) Polis4rule (Polis4win)
8) coolking49 (coolking49)
9) Killah (Ten Seconds Frat)
10) DarkSlay (The Flint Tropius)
11) Steeler (dicknibblers)
12) dloosh13 (D Loosh Denominators)


BANNED FOR NEXT YEAR: Polis4Rule, jrrrrrrr, Zoro, smashlloyd20

Current topic of discussion: Rule change and draft time suggestions
As a participant in both the Smogon basketball league and the Smogon baseball league, best believe I'm interested in this. I've been doing fantasy sports for years now. Just a question, is it roto or head-to-head?
As a participant in both the Smogon basketball league and the Smogon baseball league, best believe I'm interested in this. I've been doing fantasy sports for years now. Just a question, is it roto or head-to-head?

To address your question, this league will be the usual head-to-head, with top 4 teams making the playoffs in weeks 15-16. I won't be splitting us into "divisions" in League B, but League A's commissioner can do as he/she likes. If there is a good deal of interest in switching up some rules though, it can certainly be customized for what people want. For example, last year in League C we gave some points for return yardage, which of course is not standard. Long story short--we stick close to the standard, but tweaks to the rules are typical.

I've added Hunt, balla and biggie to the list.
I was probably going to renew league B from last year if anyone from that was interested, and well definitely have some room for new people as well
I just renewed the league from last year and had automatic invites sent out to all of the same people.

If anybody does not wish to play this year, just let me know so I can find a replacement.

If anybody has any rule suggestions, post them as soon as possible so we can agree.

If anybody wants to suggest a draft time, etc.
I'm thinking a good draft time we can set as a placeholder is Monday, August 22nd at 7PM EST. Obviously few of us know exactly what we'll be doing that evening, but I think a Monday evening is as good a time as any.

Lakers I'll go ahead and make you Commish of League B, and I'll join it this time around. Also, I think the winners of last year's League B and C should be given first dibs on any open spots in League A, if that's ok with Justin.

Also Lakers when you have renewed League B please PM me the details (League ID, password, etc) so that I may edit them into the intro post.
Well I would join but I might be discriminated against as a "gimmick"...

I will play if we have a season I guess. I will also be hosting my wacky league (2+ at every position) again if anyone besides zerowing or pookar is interested this time. It was really fun last time and except for probably making RBs too powerful I thought it went really well.
I'm thinking a good draft time we can set as a placeholder is Monday, August 22nd at 7PM EST. Obviously few of us know exactly what we'll be doing that evening, but I think a Monday evening is as good a time as any.

Lakers I'll go ahead and make you Commish of League B, and I'll join it this time around. Also, I think the winners of last year's League B and C should be given first dibs on any open spots in League A, if that's ok with Justin.

Also Lakers when you have renewed League B please PM me the details (League ID, password, etc) so that I may edit them into the intro post.
I'll post the ID/pass tomorrow. Im gonna pm everyone just in case they dont check the renew invite but there are at least two open spots as I booted the two inactives from last season
Alright perfect Lakers, please let me know who the inactives were so I can add them to the banlist in case they try to join again.

Also CK I might be interested in that league, let me know details!
I will wait another month and see if we are going to have a season...if we are then I will make the league some time around August 1st. Unless there is tons of interest I will just keep it at 8 teams again, it seemed like a good balance last team with 24 players to a team :@