np: OU Suspect Testing Round 1 - ...wait, I'm not Jumpman16!

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Evasion itself is something that needs to be tested, not the ability Inconsistent. In fact, we really need to start over from the beginning with the entire banning process to ensure we aren't just banning things because they are the next most "broken" thing.

Inconsistent, if banned, should also not be a banned ability for a pokemon. All pokemon with the ability should be banned. The ability is the problem, sure, but essentially we are not able to use that pokemon in its best or most broken form, so why bother? There is not a single pokemon that has 2 abilities that are both broken enough to classify them as uber regardless of the pokemon that uses it.

Sure, Octillery is useful as a baton pass receiver, but Inconsistent allows it to be self-sufficient in sweeping the opposing team. Why even use it at all if you can't use it at its best?

The best that you speak of should then be sent to uber. Inconsistent pokemon should be put into uber tier while their non inconsistent forms should remain in OU or lower. You have to dissect what about a pokemon is making them amazing or bad and judge them accordingly. If Mewtwo had pressure/slow start i bet his slow start form wouldn't be banned, why? regigigas has similar stats and is UU for it. Slow start is such a bad ability that regigigas amazing stats means nothing and it put him in UU, and would do the same with anyone else provided they didn't have an ability to get rid of it. Inconsistent works in the opposite way, rather than putting someone into UU it would instead put them into Ubers, simply for how powerful it is

"Why Even use it at all if you can't use it at its best?"
Because it's best is far to much for a stable metagame. We've used it before it had inconsistent what's wrong with using it again when we ban it. You know the entire reason people are shouting for a ban in the first place is because Of Inconsistent. I used to think like that too. However, Not 1 thing, be it move, ability, type, etc has ever been so broken before. The only thing I think can't be broken with something like this is literally a caterpie, it's wormy friends, and Magikarp. In order to make a stable and friendly game we need to do stuff like this for the really broken stuff. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it.

"Evasion itself is something that needs to be tested, not the ability Inconsistent." While I agree with this statement that we need to test Evasion in general, what your basically saying is that, if Evasion is proven to be broken, we change the ability so that it doesnt increase Evasion which is basically a step towards anarchy. A minor reason being that this would be impossible to do on wifi without changing the coding. (There is a very spoken rule against that.) A major reason being that you could basically change any move or ability you wanted to benifit the metagame until the competitive aspect is taken out of all the moves that are broken in even the slightest because of their abilities.

"All pokemon with the ability should be banned"
Your reasoning behind this is very flawed. You want to ban all pokemon with a broken ability because it would be useless to use them if they werent at their full capacity. As I had stated above this would lead to a horribly imbalanced metagame where many pokemon are taken out of the picture just because of the one broken ability. It'd make much more sense to ban the broken ability than the not so broken pokemon.
In the past, I would have understood, and possibly agreed with the logic behind the anti-ban against abilities philosophy.

However, the argument lies on one key fact: That an ability is inseparable from a pokemon's identity, that it is inherent to the pokemon. This simply is no longer true for abilities.

For instance, movepool is every bit as part of what makes a pokemon as its base stats, typing or ability. The only reason why we have traditionally allowed for moves to be banned (in general, not on specific pokemon) was because there are so many move options, amongst which you can only pick 4 anyway, that banning specific moves (evasion OHKO) still left options for the pokemon in question to be used.

Abilities were a different story-- there were many pokemon that had only 1 ability. During Garchomp's reign as king in early DP, many called for Sand Veil to be banned as the 'icing on the cake' that made Garchomp broken. That was simply not doable though, as Sand Veil was Garchomp's only possible ability.

Now though, things have changed drastically. Thanks to dream world, almost every pokemon in the game has multiple abilities, often times as many as 3. Each ability makes the pokemon function much differently, such that (when it is dw released) saying that "Poison Heal is what makes Breloom, Breloom." seems shaky at best. Abilities, like moves, are now something players have a lot of freedom to choose between (even if usually 1 is completely superior to the others).

Now there are still pokemon like Jirachi and Shaymin who have not received multiple abilities, but that has little bearing on this-- ALL the inconsistent users have abilities that they have had and used ever since their respective introductions to 3rd/4th gen. it's not like those pokemon cannot exist without inconsistent.

Is then, really any issue connected to generally banning Inconsistent like we ban moves?

I would say no, there's really no issue there.
Im right there with you Chou Toshio: movepool should be considered no differently from moves on a pokemon. Its just another factor contributing to a pokemon's battling potential.

While banning an ability is unprecedented, there is a first time for everything and with inconsistent we have found the right ability to ban. The ability itself takes away the competitivie/skill element of battling (to me, at least) and that should be reason enough to ban it. Combine this with the fact that these pokemon have other abilities and uses and our next move becomes even more clear.

The B/W metagame was flourishing and thriving until inconsistent came along. Why use any other strategy if simply having a pokemon with inconsistent (in most, not all cases) will win the game for you?
I think that Smogon's hurting itself by not outright banning the "big four" -- that is, Deoxys (Attack, Normal, Speed, possibly Defense, but we'll have to see about that once the smoke has cleared a bit), Shaymin-s, Darkrai, and Inconsistent. I've heard things that have said that it is being discussed, but honestly we need some action now. Why are we letting these broken things just sit here and ruin our metagame when we specifically made it so that Phil could make these quick decisions in case of something like this? He ruled on in-game mechanics, so I see no issue with banning them here. Shaymin-s is just awful; even stuff like Nattorei outright loses to Seed Flare + Air Slash, and sometimes it can even be taken down / weakened to the point where next time Shaymin-s comes in Nattorei will lose. Scizor takes a 3hko. You basically need Bronzong, who takes a 5HKO from a Seed Flare + Air Slash. While that sounds awful, remember that Bronzong has to not get flinched three times; one to break a sub, one to weaken it, one to knock it out. Or two, if Shaymin-s lacks a Substitute. But keep in mind that a lot of Shaymin-s carry Hidden Power Fire to knock out those steel types that are being used solely for it, and some are even Life Orb, which make the process even quicker. Shaymin-s also has a ton of opportunities to come in. Roobushin Mach Punch, Gliscor, Hippowdon, Burungeru, etc. While the stats don't suggest it, Shaymin-s is also pretty bulky for a Pokemon with the massive Special Attack and Speed it possesses. It can take stuff like ScarfChomp Outrage in a pinch and throw back Seed Flare to knock it out. Roobushin Mach Punch barely scratches it, and the same goes for Hitmontop Sucker Punch or Fake Out. When you combine this with the ridiculous sweeping capabilities, you definitely have something that is broken.

Next is Darkrai, which, though not as bad as Shaymin-s, is still awful in its own right. With the new sleep mechanic, Darkrai is nigh guaranteed to net one "kill" per game. And that's not even the bad part. STAB Dark Pulse off of 135 base Special Attack, often boosted by a Life Orb? Are you kidding me? How has this thing lasted a week? Fighting priority is the sole thing keeping it from being Kyogre-level broken, since with its blazing 125 base speed, the only things that beat it naturally are Jolteon, Crobat, Shaymin-s, and ability speed doublers. Focus Blast + Dark Pulse offer insane coverage. Dark Pulse boosted by Nasty Plot and Life Orb basically say "Fuck you" to anything that doesn't resist it, and some things that do. Focus Blast nails Roobushin and friends hard. Good luck switching in if you take 70% on the switch. If you make it, good luck doing it again. And again, Darkrai has some decent bulk. Most Mach Punches won't OHKO it. Technician Hitmontop with max Attack can't OHKO without prior damage / Stealth Rock, and can't guarantee the OHKO without 20% prior damage. I'm not sure if Roobushin OHKOs -- probably not, but don't take my word on that. I know from experience that LO Infernape averages around 63% on it. "Weak" attacks like Gliscor Earthquake manage to do around 35%, not enough to stop it from using Nasty Plot and getting that kill.

Deoxys is interesting. Too much of a pussy to take on any priority, but jesus can this thing hit hard. Life Orb Psycho Boost, something that I've seen people use a lot, hits like a goddamn truck. Nothing can survive two hits from this bad boy. With minimal prediction, Deoxys-A can rip through a defensive core without a second thought. Something like Psycho Boost / Superpower (note: this is enough to get three kills per game) / Extremespeed / Hidden Power Fire is beastly. Superpower or Hidden Power Fire cuts through Steel-types like a hot knife through butter. Maybe Specially Defensive Bronzong could survive two Hidden Power Fires, but definitely not three. Superpower is ridiculously strong, and offers some great coverage. The only way to beat Deoxys-A is priority or outspeeding it, really. Psycho Boost is enough to slice up most of the offensive teams. Extremespeed makes it a revenge-killing juggernaut. Kingdra rampaging at 45%? Extremespeed. Scarf Shaymin-s Air Slashing you? Extremespeed. ScarfChomp at 35%? Knocked out. Deoxys-s is another story. It is more for the "REVENGE-killing", since it sacrifices power for the ability to take on Scizor and opposing Deoxys-A and -N. Ice Beam / Superpower / Hidden Power Fire / Extremespeed cuts up a lot of stuff. Save it for the end game and watch it go. Ice Beam is replaceable, I guess, for something to beat Burungeru or other waters, but while Deoxys-A focuses on beating the living shit out of anything with sub-150 speed, Deoxys-S is more about picking off the frail threats that plague offensive teams. Plus it can clean up like nothing I've ever seen before. Deoxys-N is a watered-down Deoxys-A. And i haven't seen too many -D, so I can't comment.

And we arrive at the most broken thing to ever grace this god-forsaken game that we call Pokemon. Inconsistent. Jesus christ, this thing is the stupidest ability ever. You could be up 6-1, and the opponent gets just a little lucky, and bam, you lose. This is terrible players beating skilled players because of luck. Isn't that something that we try to avoid? I've been up 4-1, and had Octillery sweep me. Once it gets the elusive speed / evasion boost, you have virtually lost unless the other player gets insanely unlucky. And the worst part is that he only loses 12% per Substitute with Leftovers and Protect. So if you force it out once, it can come back in later with minimal damage on it. Rinse and repeat until you lose. This is a no skill strategy. It also breaks Evasion Clause, which, now please correct me if I'm wrong here, was voted a clause by a super majority in PR. OH yeah, I'm not wrong. We're letting something out that has a very real, very good chance to be doubling its evasion in one turn. Moves that always hit? Good luck with those. Seed Flare? Have fun while I sweep you. Plus it's inevitable that Octillery gets to +6 in every stat, or enough stats to where it can sweep (+6 speed/special attack comes to mind here). And what resists Toxic / Surf? RestTalk Water-types will eventually get killed by +6 Surf, and are forced to Rest and Octillery's boosts mount. Burungeru can't break Octillery's Substitutes after one Special Defense boost. Even if it goes -1 -> +2, Burungeru is out of luck. Octillery can sweep any team, no matter how prepared. Let's be honest, though, if every Pokemon on your team is built to specifically handle Octillery, what are you doing against the 75+ other major threats that lurk in the shadows...
Long block of text

Again we can't know if the removal of weather will improve this metagame or not. It's your personal opinion that it's not enjoyable as of this moment, but you can't assume that this is not the best metagame or worst metagame possible. There is simply no way you can argue that.

I already see we aren't going to agree about abilities, our viewpoints are fundamentally different. So I'm not going to continue.
Im right there with you Chou Toshio: movepool should be considered no differently from moves on a pokemon. Its just another factor contributing to a pokemon's battling potential.

While banning an ability is unprecedented, there is a first time for everything and with inconsistent we have found the right ability to ban. The ability itself takes away the competitivie/skill element of battling (to me, at least) and that should be reason enough to ban it. Combine this with the fact that these pokemon have other abilities and uses and our next move becomes even more clear.

The B/W metagame was flourishing and thriving until inconsistent came along. Why use any other strategy if simply having a pokemon with inconsistent (in most, not all cases) will win the game for you?

Move pool as well as abilities are inseparable from Pokémons; they are a part of them. Banning an ability would therefore be the equivalent of banning a Pokémon. Sure many Pokémons now have 3 abilities (including those who have the inconsistent ability), but all of them are part of this Pokémon much like all moves of a Pokémon are part of him. For instance, we didn't ban x moves on Salamence to weaken him, we fully banned Salamence. Plus, it would be ridiculous to create rules that would weaken some of the broken parts of a Pokémon in order to make him usable for we want to use it.

On another note, the ability Inconsistent sure is good, I won't deny that fact, but it does not procure an automatic win for it's user: it boosts a random stat and lowers a random one; it's all based on luck. Therefore, you might get a useless boost and a bad drop. This ability never guarantees a sweep much like the use of acupressure doesn't guarantee one. Plus, we did not ban acupressure even though it could raise evasiveness and such. Finally, the Pokémons who actually get this ability -- Smeargle, Bibarel, Octillery-- wouldn't be broken if they use it; Smeargle is too slow in this fast-paced metagame to fully use this ability and Baton Pass it to a sweeper (also, he might pass relatively bad drops), and Bibarel & Octillery also wouldn't be able to pull off a sweep using this ability unless, of course, your facing a really bad player who voluntarily wastes turns or if you get really lucky which can happen in any game regardless of thus ability.

you forgot manaphy but i think only one person thinks he is fine, so no need to go over him


Move pool as well as abilities are inseparable from Pokémons; they are a part of them. Banning an ability would therefore be the equivalent of banning a Pokémon. Sure many Pokémons now have 3 abilities (including those who have the inconsistent ability), but all of them are part of this Pokémon much like all moves of a Pokémon are part of him. For instance, we didn't ban x moves on Salamence to weaken him, we fully banned Salamence. Plus, it would be ridiculous to create rules that would weaken some of the broken parts of a Pokémon in order to make him usable for we want to use it.

On another note, the ability Inconsistent sure is good, I won't deny that fact, but it does not procure an automatic win for it's user: it boosts a random stat and lowers a random one; it's all based on luck. Therefore, you might get a useless boost and a bad drop. This ability never guarantees a sweep much like the use of acupressure doesn't guarantee one. Plus, we did not ban acupressure even though it could raise evasiveness and such. Finally, the Pokémons who actually get this ability -- Smeargle, Bibarel, Octillery-- wouldn't be broken if they use it; Smeargle is too slow in this fast-paced metagame to fully use this ability and Baton Pass it to a sweeper (also, he might pass relatively bad drops), and Bibarel & Octillery also wouldn't be able to pull off a sweep using this ability unless, of course, your facing a really bad player who voluntarily wastes turns or if you get really lucky which can happen in any game regardless of thus ability.

Protect + sub + leftovers explain to me how you would handle octillery as the last pokemon on your opponent's team while you only have three pokemon remaining, choose who you like and i promise you with protect + sub +surf+ toxic you can be swept. No matter how intelligent you are, you can't immediately breakthrough protect and unless you have a phazer you won't immediately break through a sub, and if he is the last pokemon phazing won't work either so what next
@ amazingFlygon
In this case however Inconsistent is a Dream World ability and thus could potentially never exist if nobody chose to obtain it. While for something like Poisen Heal on Breloom I would agree with you about it being part of the pokemon, since 50% of all Breloom will have it, in the case of Dream World abilities I say they are not part of the pokemon since theoretically they could never exist inside the range of probabilities (e.g. what if no-one ever used High Link).
Not so sure about your analogy of ability to movepool TheAmazingFlygon.
You state that moves are a part of a pokemon, like abilities, and use that as an argument that we shouldn't ban the move/ability but rather the pokemon, but why not just ban the ability like we have for double team, minimize, and ohko moves?

We don't allow Dewgong to run a sleeptalk rest sheer cold horn drill set that relies
on the same type of open ended luck as inconsistent might, so I don't see why
we wouldnt make some sort of inconsistent clause, or the like.
Deoxys-D needs to get the fuck out of OU too. I faced someone the other day who ran a set of Taunt/Substitute/Cosmic Power/Recover. You're basically forced to attack it, and with Pressure you're losing PP really really fast. Even though I won and only faced Deoxys-D once I'm convinced it doesn't belong in OU. That battle lasted 140 turns, I'm sure at times we all feel we could be doing better things than playing Pokemon, but that battle was by far the most frustrating experience I've ever had. With that set, Deoxys-D just reduces Pokemon to a game of "who cares the most about their rating and is willing to put up with this mindless shit." What an un-competitve Pokemon.
Deoxys-D needs to get the fuck out of OU too. I faced someone the other day who ran a set of Taunt/Substitute/Cosmic Power/Recover. You're basically forced to attack it, and with Pressure you're losing PP really really fast. Even though I won and only faced Deoxys-D once I'm convinced it doesn't belong in OU. That battle lasted 140 turns, I'm sure at times we all feel we could be doing better things than playing Pokemon, but that battle was by far the most frustrating experience I've ever had. With that set, Deoxys-D just reduces Pokemon to a game of "who cares the most about their rating and is willing to put up with this mindless shit." What an un-competitve Pokemon.

Yeah Deoxys-D is a bastard, Agility is probably a better move than Sub so people don't even up Taunting you. With Toxic Spikes, that thing can potentially be even more annoying than Stall Mewtwo if played correctly. You might say "walled by Steels", but most Steels can't do anything back and gets PP stalled to oblivion anyway, hehe.

Anyway, Birijion is a really underrated Pokemon in my opinion. It can single-handly tear apart a rain team quite easily (Nothing on a Rain-team can really OHKO it without boosting), as you can either Swords Dance or Calm Mind up and pretty much take advantage of the fact that Rain teams have virtually no Grass-resists (Apart from Nattorei, who you just Close Combat/Focus Blast to death anyway). You can also run Holy Sword and take on Inconsistent better as long as they don't get evasion boosts. Birijion can check a Sandstorm team pretty well as well, if you make it bulky, it can survive a +2 attack from Dory and OHKO back with Close Combat, while eating Tyranitar and friends for breakfast.
Deoxys-D needs to get the fuck out of OU too. I faced someone the other day who ran a set of Taunt/Substitute/Cosmic Power/Recover. You're basically forced to attack it, and with Pressure you're losing PP really really fast. Even though I won and only faced Deoxys-D once I'm convinced it doesn't belong in OU. That battle lasted 140 turns, I'm sure at times we all feel we could be doing better things than playing Pokemon, but that battle was by far the most frustrating experience I've ever had. With that set, Deoxys-D just reduces Pokemon to a game of "who cares the most about their rating and is willing to put up with this mindless shit." What an un-competitve Pokemon.
Deoxys-D only has 90 Speed. Inflict Sleep or Toxic on it. Darkrai can inflict sleep. And guess what? Breloom can outspeed if Deoxys-D doesn't invest in speed, and you know what happens when you see a Breloom. Spore! As for Toxic, a whole crapload of people get Toxic. Erufuun also gets a special mention for a ridiculous Taunt, AND Stun Spore AND Leech Seed. Not only that, Shaymin-S easily removes -D's Sp.D boosts with Seed Flare. There are so many ways to obstruct Deoxys-D. Just look for them.

EDIT: With everything shrang mentioned above me, -D would probably be a nuisance, but I maintain you can manage it.
Move pool as well as abilities are inseparable from Pokémons; they are a part of them. Banning an ability would therefore be the equivalent of banning a Pokémon. Sure many Pokémons now have 3 abilities (including those who have the inconsistent ability), but all of them are part of this Pokémon much like all moves of a Pokémon are part of him. For instance, we didn't ban x moves on Salamence to weaken him, we fully banned Salamence. Plus, it would be ridiculous to create rules that would weaken some of the broken parts of a Pokémon in order to make him usable for we want to use it.

In most cases I'm willing to agree with you on this fact. However, the fact is that Inconsistent is an incredebly broken ability and the pokemon that have it arent. (I'll get to your response that Inconsistent isn't broken in a sec.) If you have this train of thought for everything with a potential broken ability, move, type (etc) then you'll ban a vast majority of pokemon that shouldn't have been banned in the first place which makes for a bad metagame.

On another note, the ability Inconsistent sure is good, I won't deny that fact, but it does not procure an automatic win for it's user: it boosts a random stat and lowers a random one; it's all based on luck. Therefore, you might get a useless boost and a bad drop. This ability never guarantees a sweep much like the use of acupressure doesn't guarantee one. Plus, we did not ban acupressure even though it could raise evasiveness and such. Finally, the Pokémons who actually get this ability -- Smeargle, Bibarel, Octillery-- wouldn't be broken if they use it; Smeargle is too slow in this fast-paced metagame to fully use this ability and Baton Pass it to a sweeper (also, he might pass relatively bad drops), and Bibarel & Octillery also wouldn't be able to pull off a sweep using this ability unless, of course, your facing a really bad player who voluntarily wastes turns or if you get really lucky which can happen in any game regardless of thus ability.

You are HIGHLY underestimating Inconsistent my friend. +2 evasion at the cost of -1 other stat is WELL worth it. If you stall it out long enough you'll have many more + vs -. Inconsistent itself is very broken on *Almost* any pokemon. (I.E not things like caterpie and magikarp) Anything that can stall long enough to get the boosts it wants will be very broken with Inconsistent.

You compare Accupressure to inconsistent but there's a major difference between the two. Accupressure is a move that wastes a turn. Inconsistent is an ability that activates at the end of the turn automatically. You can do whatever you want while waiting for inconsistents effect but there's only one thing you can do with Accupressure and that's use it hoping for an evasion boost. Accupressure isn't viable because of these reasons and Inconsistent is broken because of these reasons.

Finally, you keep saying that the chances are against an Inconsistent user of getting the boosts they want. That's just it though. The chances of Inconsistent working against you are small compared to other things like CSjirachi flinch haxing you to death. 1/7 Makes it very easy to get the boosts you want by stall tactics. The only real counter (bad luck) to Inconsistent can be defeated with a few turns of stall. Then it's gg to anything that's on the wrong side of inconsistent. (Even High ranks) Inconsistent turns your battle into a stallish luck fest that's not on the side of the inconsistent's opponent in the slightest.

TL;DR: I'm not your slave boy and I typed for quite a bit. The least you can do is read it.
Magic Coat is probably even more useful than Agility since not only can you stop taunts but you can reflect them as well.
Not the Pokemon world championships, but the fact that standard is wifi rules. If you can't get it legally in game you can't use it.

lol nice job quoting page 1. Read the rest of the thread how about.

And also, I was having a herp-derp type of moment. Like when I read the word "together" and I think it means to-get-her. I forgot what we were simulating for a second there.
Magic coat is probably needed thanks to mischevious heart.

A spinner beats that deoxys-D however so long as you have two pokemon who are not damaged by the weather or have leftovers. Just pp stall it by switching after you spin away any hazards.
What is so special and godly about the idea of banning a Pokémon that it never gets any criticism while other methods of banning frequently do? That's what I want to know. Slippery slope only happens when you go beyond a ban that you can say in one sentence.
@ amazingFlygon
In this case however Inconsistent is a Dream World ability and thus could potentially never exist if nobody chose to obtain it. While for something like Poisen Heal on Breloom I would agree with you about it being part of the pokemon, since 50% of all Breloom will have it, in the case of Dream World abilities I say they are not part of the pokemon since theoretically they could never exist inside the range of probabilities (e.g. what if no-one ever used High Link).

Again a comparison with moves: what if nobody chose to use move tutors? Everything a Pokémon can potentially legitally get is part of him; how he acquires his moves or abilities does not matter.

0HKO moves, Minimize and Double are the exceptions that confirm the rule; the first one is obviously banned to make a ''metagame'' possible -- hell even having fun in the game -- and the last ones for they increase considerably your luck WHILE being reliable moves (they aren't based on luck like acupressure).

About the Octillery set of Sub/Protect/Surf/Toxic (What?) with Inconsistent it's not a huge threat; you have 3ish/7 chance of getting the desired boots while the opponent has more than 50% of chances to get the drop he wants (-Def, -SpDef, - SpA, -Evasiveness, - Accuracy, + Speed [It will make you unable sometimes to resub continuously]) which means luck is on your side. But my point isn't that Inconsistent is not broken enough to be banned, it's that you can't ban an ability, you must ban the Pokémon with it.

True it might be good, but like I mentioned earlier my point isn't to prove or disprove whether Inconsistent is good or not (although, yes, I did mention as an argument that it isn't broken enough combined with the Pokémon that gets it to ban anything), but my point is that you either ban the pokémon as a whole or you don't ban anything. You simply cannot ban an ability.
But couldn't we argue Inconsistent is as "anti-competitive" as Double Team/OHKOs then? Double Team Diglett isn't "broken" per se, but the notion of increasing luck out of the blue isn't accepted by Smogon. Same thing would apply to Inc. Bidoof, Sheer Cold Spheal, Shadow Tag Hitomoshi (switching being such a fundamental battle mechanic any ability that strips off every pokémon of it should be banned/Clause'd).

I'm not 100% for an Inconsistent ban btw, I'm just curious.

That's true for most of everything. It'll be really hard for you to ban anything on a pokemon because, in the end, there's barely anything that's really broken enough to warrent such an extreme option. It breaks pokemon into fractions seperated into tiers and makes things to messy. I also see that it is unfair not to use a pokemon to it's fullest potential. Weakening it to fit into the metagame you so desire. However, inconsistent should rightfully be an exeption to that. Inconsistent in itself is an ability that twists the metagame into one of chance. It's not that hard to fit onto a team, once you switch it in, it changes the entire match to that of chance, and it's centralizing in that nothing in the current metagame can really beat it without some unorthodox and otherwise useless move. Inconsistent makes the metagame very unhealthy. I needs to be an exeption.

That's true for most of everything. It'll be really hard for you to ban anything on a pokemon because, in the end, there's barely anything that's really broken enough to warrent such an extreme option. It breaks pokemon into fractions seperated into tiers and makes things to messy. I also see that it is unfair not to use a pokemon to it's fullest potential. Weakening it to fit into the metagame you so desire. However, inconsistent should rightfully be an exeption to that. Inconsistent in itself is an ability that twists the metagame into one of chance. It's not that hard to fit onto a team, once you switch it in, it changes the entire match to that of chance, and it's centralizing in that nothing in the current metagame can really beat it without some unorthodox and otherwise useless move. Inconsistent makes the metagame very unhealthy. I needs to be an exeption.

As much as I am against bans and whatnot, inconsistent is quite ridiculous. It shames me to say it, but I agree with getting rid of this.
I have actual proof of a player 6-0ing a team with octillery. the same player did the same to me earlier
Battle between Snype and Focus is underway!
Tier: Standard OU
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle
lashae is watching the battle.

Start of turn 2
Focus's Erufuun used Leech Seed!
Snype's Metagross was seeded!

Snype's Metagross used Meteor Mash!
Focus's Erufuun lost 42% of its health!
Snype's Metagross's Attack rose!
Focus's Erufuun fainted!

Focus sent out Octillery!

Start of turn 3
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Metagross used Meteor Mash!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Snype's Metagross's health is sapped by leech seed.

Start of turn 4
Focus called Octillery back!
Focus sent out Forretress!

Snype's Metagross used Rock Slide!
Focus's Forretress lost 29% of its health!

Snype's Metagross's health is sapped by leech seed.
Focus's Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5
Snype's Metagross used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Focus's team!

Focus's Forretress used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Snype's Metagross lost 31% of its health!

Snype's Metagross's health is sapped by leech seed.

Start of turn 6
Snype called Metagross back!
Snype sent out Shaymin-S!

Focus's Forretress used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

Start of turn 7
Focus called Forretress back!
Focus sent out Tentacruel!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Tentacruel!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Tentacruel lost 30% of its health!

Focus's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8
Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
A critical hit!
Focus's Tentacruel lost 61% of its health!

Focus's Tentacruel flinched!

Focus's Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9
Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Tentacruel lost 7% of its health!
Focus's Tentacruel fainted!

Focus sent out Octillery!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Octillery!

Start of turn 10
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Seed Flare!
The attack of Snype's Shaymin-S missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11
Focus called Octillery back!
Focus sent out Forretress!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Forretress!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Leech Seed!
Focus's Forretress was seeded!

Focus's Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus's Forretress's health is sapped by leech seed.

Start of turn 12
Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Forretress lost 36% of its health!

Focus's Forretress flinched!

Focus's Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus's Forretress's health is sapped by leech seed.

Start of turn 13
Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Forretress lost 38% of its health!
Focus's Forretress fainted!

Focus sent out Octillery!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Octillery!

Start of turn 14
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Seed Flare!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 15
Focus called Octillery back!
Focus sent out Roobushin!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Roobushin!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Leech Seed!
Focus's Roobushin was seeded!

Focus's Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus's Roobushin's health is sapped by leech seed.

Start of turn 16
Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
It's super effective!
Focus's Roobushin lost 77% of its health!

Focus's Roobushin flinched!

Focus's Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus's Roobushin's health is sapped by leech seed.

Start of turn 17
Focus's Roobushin used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
Snype's Shaymin-S lost 14% of its health!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Hidden Power!
Focus's Roobushin lost 4% of its health!
Focus's Roobushin fainted!

Snype's Shaymin-S restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus sent out Octillery!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Octillery!

Start of turn 18
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Seed Flare!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Shaymin-S restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19
Focus called Octillery back!
Focus sent out Urugamosu!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Urugamosu!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Leech Seed!
The attack of Snype's Shaymin-S missed!

Snype's Shaymin-S restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20
Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
It's super effective!
Focus's Urugamosu lost 50% of its health!
Focus's Urugamosu fainted!

Focus sent out Octillery!
Pointed stones dug into Focus's Octillery!

Start of turn 21
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Leech Seed!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22
Snype's Shaymin-S used Seed Flare!
The attack of Snype's Shaymin-S missed!

Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery made a substitute!
lashae: dang

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus: that was close

Start of turn 23
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
lashae: go shaymin-s with your OP self don't let inconsistency win

Start of turn 24
Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery already has a substitute.

Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Octillery's substitute faded!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 25
Snype called Shaymin-S back!
Snype sent out Hihidaruma!

Focus's Octillery used Protect!
But it failed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Focus: Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
lashae: your evasion went up
Focus: you wouldv'e outsped!
Focus: *would've
lashae: he would have missed
Snype: ^
Focus: we will never know
lashae: you have+6 evasion
symphonyx64 is watching the battle.
Focus: roughly 30% chance of hitting

Start of turn 26
Snype's Hihidaruma used Brick Break!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery made a substitute!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
lashae: well lets get this thing moving
Focus: okay

Start of turn 27
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Hihidaruma used Brick Break!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 28
Snype's Hihidaruma used Brick Break!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery already has a substitute.

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 29
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Hihidaruma used Brick Break!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 30
Snype's Hihidaruma used Brick Break!
Focus's Octillery's substitute faded!
Snype's Hihidaruma is hurt by its Life Orb!

Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery made a substitute!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Hihidaruma used Brick Break!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 32
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
It's super effective!
Snype's Hihidaruma lost 70% of its health!

Snype's Hihidaruma used Flare Blitz!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 33
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Hihidaruma used Flare Blitz!
The attack of Snype's Hihidaruma missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Daniel Negreanu is watching the battle.
Gordon Bombay is watching the battle.
lashae: i really want to see if focus can come back in this match
lashae: at +6 evasion i believe it can happen
Focus: +3 speed +6 evasion
lotuspirate is watching the battle.

Start of turn 34
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
It's super effective!
Snype's Hihidaruma lost 19% of its health!
Snype's Hihidaruma fainted!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype sent out Darkrai!

Start of turn 35
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Darkrai used Dark Pulse!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 36
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Darkrai avoided the attack!

Snype's Darkrai used Dark Pulse!
The attack of Snype's Darkrai missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 37
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Darkrai used Dark Pulse!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 38
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Darkrai lost 41% of its health!

Snype's Darkrai used Dark Pulse!
Focus's Octillery's substitute took the damage!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Snype's Darkrai restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 39
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Darkrai lost 30% of its health!

Snype's Darkrai used Dark Pulse!
The attack of Snype's Darkrai missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Snype's Darkrai restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 40
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Darkrai lost 23% of its health!

Snype's Darkrai used Dark Pulse!
The attack of Snype's Darkrai missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
Snype's Darkrai restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 41
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Daniel Negreanu: no skill trash doing work
Snype's Darkrai lost 22% of its health!
Snype's Darkrai fainted!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Gordon Bombay: this is quite amusing
Gordon Bombay: to me
Snype sent out Gliscor!

lashae: this will be posted on the forums

Start of turn 42
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery avoided the attack!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
Snype's Gliscor's Toxic Orb activated!
Snype's Gliscor was poisoned!
lashae: i will be saving this log
Focus: confirmation bias
lotuspirate: its gonna run out of surf
Focus: :P

Start of turn 43
Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 44
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
It's super effective!
Snype's Gliscor lost 42% of its health!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery's substitute faded!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Def.!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 45
Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery made a substitute!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery avoided the attack!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 46
Focus's Octillery used Protect!
Focus's Octillery protected itself!

Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
But it failed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 47
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
symphonyx64: uh oh
Snype's Gliscor lost 27% of its health!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery avoided the attack!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 48
Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 49
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
The attack of Focus's Octillery missed!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery avoided the attack!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Gordon Bombay: wait
Gordon Bombay: i got it

Start of turn 50
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
The attack of Focus's Octillery missed!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery's substitute took the damage!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Attack!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Gordon Bombay: snype
Gordon Bombay: switch in tyranitar
Snype: no ttar on this team
Gordon Bombay: i did it my work here is done
lashae: i don't think he has it
Gordon Bombay stopped watching the battle.
Gordon Bombay is watching the battle.
lotuspirate: its ok gliscor got this
Gordon Bombay: why is this still going on
symphonyx64: Is he all out of surfs?
lashae: focus has -1 Spatk so thats why gliscor is still alive

Start of turn 51
Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Attack!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 52
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Gliscor lost 16% of its health!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery avoided the attack!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 53
Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
symphonyx64: lol
Gordon Bombay: no spa boosts
Gordon Bombay: none of them
lotuspirate: -2 SpA

Start of turn 54
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
lashae: the sad part he will be using +6 struggle soon
Snype's Gliscor lost 13% of its health!

Snype's Gliscor used U-turn!
The attack of Snype's Gliscor missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 55
Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Evasion!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Daniel Negreanu: lol +6 struggle
symphonyx64: o

Start of turn 56
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Gliscor lost 25% of its health!

Snype's Gliscor used Earthquake!
Focus's Octillery's substitute took the damage!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Evasion!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Gordon Bombay: how much pp did he use
Gordon Bombay: who is counting
lashae: yea running out of moves just means all or nothing for octiller
Snype: fuck counting
Focus: I have 42 PP left
Snype: that's overrated.

Start of turn 57
Snype's Gliscor used Protect!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Gliscor protected itself!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Snype's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
symphonyx64: Uh oh
Daniel Negreanu: what did he waste his surfs on

Start of turn 58
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
It's super effective!
Daniel Negreanu: lol
Snype's Gliscor lost 98% of its health!
Snype's Gliscor fainted!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Defense!
Daniel Negreanu: nevermind
Focus: not really
Snype sent out Shaymin-S!

lashae: 3 down
Daniel Negreanu: no skill trash doin work
lashae: you can't touch his oct with seed flare
lashae: it is at +6 evasion

Start of turn 59
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Shaymin-S lost 52% of its health!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
Focus's Octillery's substitute faded!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Defense!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Accuracy!
Snype's Shaymin-S restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 60
Focus's Octillery used Substitute!
Focus's Octillery made a substitute!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Seed Flare!
The attack of Snype's Shaymin-S missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Def.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype's Shaymin-S restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Gordon Bombay: whoa

Start of turn 61
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Shaymin-S lost 43% of its health!

Snype's Shaymin-S used Air Slash!
The attack of Snype's Shaymin-S missed!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Speed!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Snype's Shaymin-S restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Gordon Bombay: that boost line is insane

Start of turn 62
Focus's Octillery used Psychic!
Snype's Shaymin-S lost 23% of its health!
Snype's Shaymin-S fainted!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Speed!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Evasion!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Gordon Bombay: the only thing you don't have past +4 in is special attack lol
Snype sent out Randorosu!

symphonyx64: Show this log to phil

Start of turn 63
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
It's super effective!
Snype's Randorosu lost 100% of its health!
Snype's Randorosu fainted!

Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent sharply raises its Sp. Att.!
Focus's Octillery's Inconsistent lowers its Accuracy!
Focus's Octillery restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Gordon Bombay: gg
lashae: this will be posted in the forums
Snype sent out Metagross!

Gordon Bombay: well played focus
Daniel Negreanu: LOL
Focus: gg
Daniel Negreanu: well played
Focus: lady luck smiles on me for now
lashae: don't worry snype i lost the same way 30 minutes ago
lashae: to focus
symphonyx64: yeah same for me eariler today to a biberal
Focus: sorry about that game

Start of turn 64
Focus's Octillery used Surf!
Snype's Metagross lost 31% of its health!
Snype's Metagross fainted!

Focus won the battle!
Focus: Good game!
Snype: gg
symphonyx64 stopped watching the battle.
Daniel Negreanu stopped watching the battle.
lotuspirate stopped watching the battle.

now this is one of many examples on how horrible inconsistent is. He isn't unbeatable he just lost to someone else right before this match, however this is a prime example of what everyone means by it coming back and taking out everyone.
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